Fortune Teller.

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

I don't know when Shi De became the backbone of Yue Qingying. In her mind, he even surpassed the existence of Yue Guoliang. In other words, Shi De's fate depends on Yue Guoliang. push in the dark.Shi De is like a big tree that can shelter from wind and rain, and it is the most lush green shade in her life.

Yue Qingying couldn't believe how she would face the unmanageable situation if Shi De was defeated.Now she also sees the situation clearly, Shi De and He Zitian are using Yue Guoliang as the fulcrum, and they are launching a shocking contest with Bi Wentian.Shi Desheng, she and her father are also winners in life.If Shi De loses, her father's official career may be bleak, and her business will also face a complete retreat.

Naturally, Shi De didn't know what kind of results his victory or defeat represented in the minds of Xia Hua, Biyou and Yue Qingying. Now he was standing behind He Ye, his slightly hostile gaze fell on a step On Bi Wentian who stepped out of the car door.

Undoubtedly, what happened just now was carefully arranged by Bi Wentian, aiming to make him suffer a crushing defeat in front of He Ye, so as to greatly weaken his morale and cut He Ye's luck.Bi Wentian walked with He Ye, and dared to be so provocative, so it was difficult for Shi De to feel a little respect for Bi Wentian, even though he was mentally prepared and knew clearly that Bi Wentian would come to Shancheng again this time. It was time to meet him in battle.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven. Bi Wentian thought that with Ji Du's physical strength, he could take him down in one fell swoop, but he didn't know that he had already practiced the combination of Taijiquan and the method of breathing and breathing to the point of being free and easy degree.

As soon as Bi Wentian made his appearance, everyone present secretly cheered for him.

It must also be admitted that no matter how cunning and insidious Bi Wentian is, his appearance is a high-end atmosphere that can be placed in the hall of elegance.Wearing a Chinese tunic suit, Bi Wentian stood indifferently, holding a bracelet in his right hand and a pipe in his left hand. His white hair was dazzling in the autumn sun, and his benevolent face and profound expression At first glance, most people will be confused by Bi Wentian's sanctimonious appearance.

The so-called big treachery looks like evil, big evil looks like good, this is exactly the solution.Many things in the world, under the brilliance of the outside, always hide a lot of ugliness that is completely opposite to the outside.Think back to when qigong was hot in the past, how many so-called masters deceived the world, and they made a lot of money even for fame and fame.

"It's lively, it's really lively." Bi Wentian is well aware of the importance of aura, and he has experienced many storms and seen many big scenes. Just now, Yuan Yuan and Ji Du's successive shots not only failed to win Shi De, but made him Shi De took the opportunity to become famous, and the annoyance and resentment in his heart can be imagined, but after getting off the car, he instantly regained his image of a calm and breezy expert, and he waved to everyone, "Working everyone lined up to welcome me and Zi." God, what an honor. Everyone has worked hard, thank you, thank you!"

Clasping his fists slightly, Bi Wentian's eyes swept over everyone, and finally stayed on Xia Hua's body for a few seconds.

Just now, Yuan Yuan intentionally used psychological warfare to confuse Shi De's mind, making Shi De's emotions so chaotic that he could not practice Taijiquan calmly. If there is chaos in the world, it is impossible to achieve the realm of harmony between man and nature, but unexpectedly, Yuan Yuan's well-arranged tactics were inadvertently broken by Xia Hua's words, and Bi Wentian couldn't help but feel very annoyed.

He naturally knows who Xia Hua is, but he has never seen Xia Hua.When I saw him today, he was annoyed that Xia Hua ruined his plan, and second, he wanted to save Xia Hua's fate, so he ignored everyone and looked at Xia Hua's face.

It was okay at first glance, but Bi Wentian was immediately shocked!
Based on Bi Wentian's experience of meeting countless people over the years, it is said that he has seen many people of all kinds, from high-ranking officials and dignitaries to strange people in the market. , even if it is a perfect innate appearance, there is a Yuan Yuan beside him, so when he glanced at Xia Hua's face with the mentality of looking casually... Just one glance made him almost suspicious of her Dazzled.

Xia Hua's actually bottomless!

Bottomless appearance means that a person's appearance does not determine the fate of a lifetime-of course, for most people, appearance is not a [-]% factor in determining fate. Fate is made by the heart. As long as you change your fate with one heart, you can change your fate - or more generally speaking, the fate of a person without a bottomless face cannot be deduced from his appearance. No longer limited by appearance.

Another explanation is that a person with no bottom face has a character of following one's inclinations and being at ease with encounters. It is precisely because of this that her future fate is not limited by her face, but depends on whether the people she meets are good or bad. or bad.It is equivalent to saying that a person without a bottom, no matter whether she is born rich or poor, her fate in the future will not be changed by herself, but by others.If you meet a poor person, you will continue to be poor, and if you meet a rich and powerful person, you will become rich along with it.Just like water is impermanent, form and wind are impermanent, floating between heaven and earth, it will dry up when it flows to the desert, and it will be vast when it flows to the sea.The wind will dissipate when passing through the void, and the wind will stir up when passing through the forest.

If the appearance of innate great success is a unique good fate, then the bottomless appearance is also a unique water fate.Furthermore, if Xia Hua follows the right person, and the person she follows realizes her importance and makes full use of her bottomless appearance for his use, he will be even more powerful, and no matter what he does, he will receive it. Get twice the result with half the effort.Seeking money, wealth will flow, seeking fame, and becoming famous all over the world.Seeking power, power is pouring out for a while.

The reason is that a person without a bottom has an inestimable role in promoting everything, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, just like water, water can benefit all things without fighting, can water and nourish all things, but it can also flood and cause harm. party.Whether it is good or bad depends on who uses the bottomless person.

Shi De is really lucky, why did he just pick up a person with no bottom for his use?Bi Wentian was extremely annoyed, why didn't he discover Xia Hua's existence before Shi De?At first, he thought that he was extremely lucky to have Yuan Yuan, who had an innate great accomplishment, but unexpectedly, Shi De was a hundred times luckier than him.

Bi Wentian was shocked by Xia Hua's bottomless face for a while, but the partial wealth luck in Xia Hua's face was directly ignored by him. In his opinion, a small partial wealth luck and bottomless appearance Compared, it is not the same at all.Of course, what he didn't know was that at Shi De's level, he still didn't know that Xia Hua was a person with no bottom.

Xia Hua noticed the scrutinizing gaze Bi Wentian cast on her, she didn't take it seriously, and specially smiled at Bi Wentian, making a grimace, thinking that Shi Shi was in front of her mother and Teng Youli Master of pretense, he is still too young after all, He Zitian and Bi Wentian in front of him are the real masters. I believe that if my mother and Teng Youli see the dignity of He Zitian and Bi Wentian, it will be hard to say Will throw myself to the ground in trepidation.People, it is too easy to be confused by appearances, thinking that a person with Taoist bones must be a god, and a liar with a good face must be a master, just like a person who drives a good car must be a good person. In fact, it is a fallacy.

Bi Wentian would not have imagined that Xia Hua would be associated with a liar by his attire in an instant. If he knew, he would definitely smile helplessly. In fact, now, he almost wanted to smile bitterly. This time he returned to Dancheng with He Zitian. I thought it would be a beautiful counterattack, but unexpectedly, the attack was unfavorable. First, Yuan Yuan and Ji Du fell into the sand one after another, and now he discovered that there was a person with no bottom in Shi De's camp. Was it in vain to use Yuan Yuan's innate greatness to break the opposition between him and He Zitian's camp?

Thinking about it this way, how could Bi Wentian have the time to look at the faces of Biyou and Yue Qingying again, even though he had met Biyou and Yue Qingying before, and had a secret meeting for them, but A person's face and aura are not static, but are changing from time to time. Sometimes doing a good deed will make the originally gloomy luck better, while doing an evil deed will also make the originally smooth luck decay.

Fortunately, Bi Wentian didn't re-examine the faces of Biyou and Yue Qingying, otherwise, he would definitely be surprised.Because whether it is Biyou or Yue Qingying, the fortunes of the two have undergone considerable changes.

"Master He, Master Bi, please go upstairs." Seeing the situation so far, Shi De saw that the off-court contest had come to an end, and the next step should be a face-to-face debate.

He Zitian nodded slightly, and glanced at Bi Wentian indifferently: "Wentian, please."

Bi Wentian turned around and followed He Zitian upstairs, he still did not forget to nod to everyone present, the things on the scene were done very well, there was no lack of etiquette, not to mention, most people just ate Bi Wentian. They think that Bi Wentian is more humane and wise than He Zitian.

It can be seen from this that the image of Bi Wentian as an expert outside the world is completely a gimmick, a prop used by him to enter the world to deceive the world and steal his name.

The VIP room upstairs has been refurbished at this time.Originally, it was to welcome Mr. He alone, so there were not too many extra tables and chairs. I didn't want not only to have more Bi Wentian, but also an extra Yuan Yuan and Ji Du.They are always guests from afar, and Yuan Yuan and Ji Du cannot be turned away, so Biyou asked people to add more tables and chairs.

A total of 8 people, in fact, one Eight Immortals table can fully accommodate, but I don't know if it was He Ye's intentional arrangement, or Bi Wentian didn't want people to be noisy, so Yuan Yuan and Ji Du were arranged on another table. Qingying and Xiahua were companions, and there was a screen separating them from Shi De's table.


(End of this chapter)

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