Fortune Teller.

Chapter 131 The Bottom Line of Being a Man

Chapter 131 The Bottom Line of Being a Man

Originally, Mu Jinnian switched from the jade business to the tourism business, and it was already a last-ditch battle. Fortunately, the tourism business was doing well, and he made a lot of money in the open and secret, but Mu Jinnian was not satisfied. Compared with the real estate industry, he China's tourism business is still small.But the travel business can cultivate contacts, and his guests are all famous people.Just when he took over a business, the customer was very satisfied with his service and introduced Feng Hualun to him.

Feng Hualun, as the prince of the Fenghua Group, wants to make a career so that his father Feng Zhengmao and a group of old people in the Fenghua Group will look at him highly. No suitable partner was found.Although he had contact with Fu Weiqiang before, he was not very optimistic about Fu Weiqiang's personality. Mu Jinnian's unexpected appearance made his eyes shine, and his intuition told him that his opportunity had come.

Who is Mu Jinnian?Seeing that Feng Hualun intends to cooperate with him in the old city renovation project of Fuyang District in Shancheng, and he is planning to enter the real estate industry, he is overjoyed. Who is Feng Hualun?He is the prince of the majestic Fenghua Group and the future successor of the most influential and powerful Fenghua Group in the province. If he and Feng Hualun can join forces, his career will definitely go straight to the sky in the future.

Could it be that a major turning point in his life has come?It should be, Shi De can quickly grow from a down-and-out kid who owes millions of debts to a successful person, isn't it because of He Ye's help that he changed his life and succeeded?With the help of Master Bi, he, Mu Jinnian, can rise as quickly as Shi De, and become a man of the hour in a short period of time.

It is precisely based on the idea of ​​not being behind Shi De that Mu Jinnian hastily reciprocated Feng Hualun's friendly and cooperative hand, showing just the right enthusiasm for Feng Hualun.Seeing that Mu Jinnian responded positively to his ideas, Feng Hualun was also very happy, so he arranged a meeting with Mu Jinnian.

At the meeting, the two chatted happily and reached a preliminary consensus that Mu Jinnian would open up connections in Shancheng to win the land.Then Feng Hualun provided funds and development plans, and the final profit was divided into four or six, Mu Jinnian four, Feng Hualun six.

Although the foundation of real estate development lies in the land, without land, everything is negligible, so the [-]-[-] split has the meaning of bullying Mu Jinnian, but Mu Jinnian didn't care too much whether it was [-] or [-], he showed enough sincerity , did not bargain with Feng Hualun, what he wanted was not short-term gain or loss, but the long-term.I hope that through the first cooperation with Feng Hualun, Feng Hualun will establish a good impression of him as a long-term cooperation, so that he will be able to climb the high branch of Feng Hualun in the future.

However, Mu Jinnian is still not proficient in physiognomy, otherwise, when he meets Feng Hualun, if he speaks appropriately, Feng Hualun will value his ability even more.Of course, when Mu Jinnian met Feng Hualun, he did not forget to use his basic physiognomy to make a picture of Feng Hualun. .

Mu Jinnian made up his mind to cooperate with Feng Hualun to start his first battle in real estate, and use the old city renovation project in Fuyang District as a springboard to achieve a high starting point for him to open the door to his career.Although his relationship in the Dancheng Committee is not very extensive, in addition to Fu Rui and Fu Weiqiang and his son, he can also rely on Zhao Subo's father, Zhao Haiyang.After all, Zhao Haiyang is the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and a powerful leader of the municipal party committee.In addition to Zhao Haiyang, he also has a very good contact, which has been unknown to the outside world-Zheng Jingwei, secretary general of the municipal party committee.

Mu Jinnian also knows that many people know the fact that he and Zheng Jingwei have a close relationship, but many people only know one thing and don't know the other is that he and Zheng Jingwei are still classmates—even though they were classmates in junior high school for a long time, But from junior high school to the present, the friendship of more than 20 years has been maintained, which shows the depth of his friendship with Zheng Jingwei - and there is an unknown secret between him and Zheng Jingwei, which makes Zheng Jingwei always grateful to him , unforgettable.

When he was a child, Zheng Jingwei's family was poor and couldn't afford to go to school. When he was in the first grade of junior high school, his family couldn't afford him to go to school. able to complete their studies.

Then from high school to university, although Zheng Jingwei and Mu Jinnian separated, Mu Jinnian never forgot his promise to Zheng Jingwei - he once promised Zheng Jingwei that as long as he was studying, he would let Zheng Jingwei have Academically——always supported Zheng Jingwei's studies until Zheng Jingwei graduated from university.During this period, Mu Jinnian's family also experienced changes, which made his life very difficult, but he lived frugally and never lost a penny less than Zheng Jingwei.

It is Mu Jinnian's friendship with Zheng Jingwei that Zheng Jingwei has always regarded Mu Jinnian as a benefactor of Entong's reinvention. It is not an exaggeration to say that Mu Jinnian is Zheng Jingwei's reinvention. In addition to funding Zheng Jingwei's studies, During one summer vacation, Zheng Jingwei almost drowned while swimming, but Mu Jinnian stepped forward to save his life despite the turbulent water.

Because the relationship between Mu Jinnian and Zheng Jingwei is so good, Mu Jinnian neither revealed his past with Zheng Jingwei to the outside world, nor asked Zheng Jingwei for anything.But then again, once Mu Jinnian really opens his mouth, Zheng Jingwei will do whatever it takes to help Mu Jinnian fulfill his wish.For him, without Mu Jinnian, he would not be where he is today.To be a human being, you must know how to repay your kindness.

Mu Jinnian's cleverness is that although he has great favors for Zheng Jingwei, he never asks for credit in front of Zheng Jingwei, let alone bring up the past, because he knows that when he reaches Zheng Jingwei's level, no matter how broad-minded he is, he is unwilling to Bring up past distresses.And if he took the initiative to mention it, it seemed that he was superficial and couldn't wait for Zheng Jingwei's return.As a human being, one should not be too short-sighted. He could see clearly that, judging from Zheng Jingwei's current age and rank, even if Zheng Jingwei could not be the first or second leader of the Provincial Party Committee in the end, he could serve as a heavyweight leader of the Provincial Party Committee for one or two terms. , should not be a problem.

Because of this, based on the long-term idea of ​​catching big fish for a long time, Mu Jinnian did not talk to Zheng Jingwei easily. If there is anything he can find someone else to solve, he would rather go far and trouble than bother Zheng Jingwei.In his opinion, Zheng Jingwei is his partner for many years and the last barrier in his life. When the time comes, it will be enough for Zheng Jingwei to help him save the day.

For some favors, it is enough to use them only once in a lifetime, and once, maybe it can save lives.

Mu Jinnian didn't plan to use Zheng Jingwei's influence in the matter of cooperating with Fenghualun to jointly develop the old city renovation of Fuyang District.Although Zheng Jingwei is the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee and a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, he is not in charge of specific affairs, and his influence on the government's economic affairs is extremely limited.The old city renovation project in Fuyang District involved various interests, and became the fulcrum of the contest between Huang Zixuan and Fu Rui. With such a complicated situation, it was better for Zheng Jingwei to stay out of the matter.

It was precisely for the sake of Zheng Jingwei that Mu Jinnian initially wanted to obtain the land for the renovation of the old city in Fuyang District through Zhao Haiyang's approach.

Although we already know that two real estate companies, Binsheng and Huada, have been preliminarily set up for the renovation of the old city in Fuyang District. Binsheng is mainly responsible for residential buildings and Huada is mainly responsible for commercial and residential buildings. The urban renovation involves almost the entire Fuyang District, and it will be divided into three stages, at least five or six years. One Binsheng and one Huada cannot eat such a big piece of cake. He and Feng Hualun still have enough opportunities to share. A cup of soup.

However, what Mu Jinnian did not expect was that when he tactfully proposed to Zhao Subo that he also wanted to participate in the renovation of the old city in Fuyang District, and wanted to use Zhao Haiyang's power to share a piece of the cake, Zhao Subo, who is usually very talkative, said nothing. Rejecting him made him very disappointed, and he couldn't help being very annoyed.

But then Zhao Subo gave a reasonable explanation. It turned out that it was not Zhao Subo who refused to help, but Fu Weiqiang. Qiang can let the past go—then don’t blame him for being rude, the next step, he will swallow the entire old city renovation of Fuyang District, and no one will even want to get involved in a square meter of land!

At the same time, Fu Weiqiang specially emphasized that he hoped that Zhao Subo would not cooperate with Mu Jinnian. Mu Jinnian is a man with wolfish ambitions and cannot be friends with... Hearing what Zhao Subo said, Mu Jinnian was almost out of breath. Dealing with Fu Weiqiang is not bad, he has been holding Fu Weiqiang, and he has been making peace with him, and he doesn't want Fu Weiqiang and Shi De to fight to the death. Unexpectedly, Fu Weiqiang doesn't think of him at all, and he is still behind his back Hacking him and blocking his way, how did he offend Fu Weiqiang at all?As a human being, you can't be too bottomless and shameless.

But what Mu Jinnian didn't expect was that Fu Weiqiang not only blocked his way in front of Zhao Subo, but also met Feng Hualun on purpose. After learning that Feng Hualun was going to cooperate with Mu Jinnian, He immediately showed a look of eagerness to kill Hu, and pointed out that Feng Hualun and Mu Jinnian had chosen the wrong partner for the cooperation. Ordinary passerby cooperation makes no difference.It's better to cooperate with him, he guarantees to get the land.

It is equivalent to saying that Fu Weiqiang surrounded Mu Jinnian everywhere, and wanted to put Mu Jinnian to death.

Whether Feng Hualun agreed to Fu Weiqiang is unknown to Mu Jinnian, but after he knew what Fu Weiqiang did, he was furious. He never offended Fu Weiqiang, and he never hurt Fu Weiqiang behind his back Regarding Weiqiang's matter, why did Fu Weiqiang bite people like a mad dog?It is simply unreasonable!

(End of this chapter)

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