Fortune Teller.

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
After a while, Yue Guoliang regained his composure. He heard the implied meaning in Li Sanjiang's words, and said, "Sanjiang, you go there first, and I'll be there right away. Secretary Huang's place... Let me tell you."

Putting down the phone, Yue Guoliang was in a trance for a moment. He didn't even have the memory of how to return to the meeting room or announce the suspension of the meeting. It wasn't until he pushed open the door of Huang Zixuan's office and saw Huang Zixuan's majestic yet friendly face that he stopped. regained consciousness.

"Secretary Huang, I have something to report to you..." Yue Guoliang is very aware of the importance of Shi De to Huang Zixuan now, not to mention the cooperation and cooperation between Shi De and Huang Haitao through Binsheng Real Estate, it is Huang Zixuan's love for Shi De Appreciation, if something happened to Shi, it is necessary to let Huang Zixuan know, "Something happened to Shi."

Huang Zixuan was immersed in reviewing a document, and without turning a corner, he raised his head and glanced at Yue Guoliang: "What's wrong with Shi De?"

Although Yue Guoliang is unwilling to think wildly, the incident of falling off the cliff is really astonishing. According to his analysis, there is basically no reason for a person to survive after falling down the cliff. Dare to think about it...

"Shi De fell off the cliff."

"Cliff?" Huang Zixuan still didn't think about it. Suddenly, a flash flashed in his mind, and he stood up, "What, fell off the cliff? Are you hurt? Is your life in danger? What's going on?"

"It's not clear yet, the person hasn't been found yet." Yue Guoliang shook his head helplessly, with a sad face, "I also just received the news, and feel the need to report to Secretary Huang..."

"It's necessary, it's very necessary." Huang Zixuan interrupted Yue Guoliang directly, and immediately picked up the phone, "Fang Tu, get the car ready and set off immediately."

Fang Tu is Huang Zixuan's driver.

"Secretary Huang, it's getting dark, and Cong Taifeng is far away from the urban area, so there's no need for you to go there in person. Wei Mian, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, has already brought more than 50 people to search and rescue." Yue Guoliang didn't want the trouble to be known all over the city.

"I have to go." Huang Zixuan said decisively, with a very firm attitude, "Wei Mian only brought 50 people? How can 50 people be enough? Notify the armed police brigade to take 200 people to search the mountain. By the way, Shi De fell off the cliff, Did it fall by accident, or is there another reason?"

Well, the armed police in the garrison area were mobilized directly, and Shi De's weight in Huang Zixuan's mind was much more important than Yue Guoliang imagined. Yue Guoliang shook his head and said helplessly: "The specific situation is not clear, but preliminary Guess, I'm afraid it was a man-made accident."

"Damn it!" Huang Zixuan slapped the table suddenly, then grabbed the phone, "Jingwei, come to my office immediately, hurry up. Also, call the Municipal No. [-] Hospital, and the ambulance will immediately drive to Congtaifeng."

Zheng Jingwei, the chief steward of the municipal party committee and the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, came forward in person, which was equivalent to Huang Zixuan raising the matter of search and rescue to a political level, and it was no longer in the name of an individual.Yue Guoliang felt a little emotional in his heart, it turned out that Shi De's influence in Shancheng had become so amazing before he knew it, and it really happened that the whole Shancheng was moved after hearing the news.

"Come on, Guoliang, you and I will take the same car. Now go to Congtai Peak. On the way, tell me what happened in detail." Huang Zixuan was in a state of anxiety. No one knew that he cared more about Shi De's life than anyone else. Not only because Shi De helped Huang Haitao in his career and career, but also because Shi De was almost all the sustenance of his happiness in his later years-he had always hoped that Shi De could help him find his lost daughter.

If any accident really happened to Shi De, it would mean that all his hopes were in vain. It is precisely because of this that after hearing about Shi De's accident, he appeared to be calm and calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was in a mess, and he was furious. Burned.Search and rescue Shi De at all costs. If Shi De's accident was really a man-made accident, then he must bring the murderer to justice and be severely punished.

When going out, Zheng Jingwei arrived.Although he didn't know what happened, Zheng Jingwei didn't ask any questions, and went downstairs with Huang Zixuan.

Zheng Jingwei, who is in his early 40s, looks younger than his actual age. At first glance, he looks like he is in his 30s. Such a young secretary general of the municipal party committee is rare.As the chief steward of the municipal party committee, to act as a bridge connecting the past and the future, one must not only be slick in all directions, but also have the ability to dance well.According to Huang Zixuan's evaluation, Zheng Jingwei, the secretary general of the municipal party committee, is very competent, not only competent, but also very satisfactory.

Zheng Jingwei has a handsome appearance. If you don't look at your identity but just look at your appearance, you can be regarded as an average person.Under normal circumstances, people with good looks are likely to have good luck and good fortune.Appearance is born from the heart, and there is an inevitable internal connection between appearance and heart, and heart can often completely determine a person's fate.

Huang Zixuan, Yue Guoliang, and Zheng Jingwei, the three heavyweight leaders of the municipal party committee hurried downstairs at the same time, and the momentum was amazing. It was time to get off work, and many people saw the three leaders of the municipal party committee headed by Huang Zixuan almost running. They avoided it one after another, surprised that they didn't know what major incident happened, and the three leaders of the municipal party committee were dispatched at the same time.

The three of them got into Huang Zixuan's special car at the same time, and Yue Guoliang and Zheng Jingwei's special car also followed behind the car. Together with several accompanying vehicles, a group of four or five cars drove out of the municipal committee compound in a mighty manner. Go straight to the security area.

Huang Zixuan wants to personally go to the security area to appoint generals, and personally lead the armed police to search and rescue Shide!

After getting in the car, Zheng Jingwei realized what had happened, and was shocked. A little Shi De actually alarmed Huang Zixuan and Yue Guoliang, two heavyweight leaders of the municipal party committee. Why is Shi De so important and worthy of mobilizing so many people?

What Zheng Jingwei didn't know was that the mobilization of teachers and people had just begun, and what happened next shocked him even more!
When Huang Zixuan and his party hurriedly left the municipal party committee, Fu Rui and Zhao Haiyang stood in front of the window and had a panoramic view of the mighty procession.Fu Rui sneered coldly: "Secretary Huang is more and more fond of Daxigong, and I don't know what happened, so motivating teachers and mobilizing people, hehe, who are you showing it to?"

Unlike Fu Rui, who is tall and powerful and has a standard Chinese character face, although Zhao Haiyang is also from the north, he has deep eye sockets and high cheekbones, much like a southerner. The most notable feature of his face is that he has a very Striking hooked nose.From the perspective of physiognomy, the nose is like an eagle's beak, pecking at the heart's marrow.It means that people with hooked noses are hypocritical and indifferent, indifferent to family, and easy to betray friends, but they are flexible in responding to situations, good at studying, and good at adapting to the wind.

"Maybe something really happened." Although Zhao Haiyang and Fu Rui have been walking around as frequently as before, he quietly kept a certain distance from Fu Rui in secret.Although Fu Rui's fortune is rising against the trend and there are signs of a promising market, he is still cautiously optimistic about Fu Rui's future.

Of course, with his personality, he will neither completely fall for Huang Zixuan nor be completely tied to Fu Rui's chariot. It is in line with his principle of maximizing his interests to have both ways.

"It's almost night, what's the big deal?" Fu Rui waved his hands disapprovingly, he didn't know the news of Shi De's accident, and behind Shi's accident, although he was also inextricably related, But he is completely kept in the dark now, but even if he knew, he would not sympathize with Shi De, and would think that Shi De deserved his own fault, "Yue Guoliang still can't see the situation clearly. How long can he support him, he doesn't know that Huang Zixuan will be transferred in half a year at most, Huang Zixuan will be transferred, can Yue Guoliang still be so active?"

Zhao Haiyang did not accept Fu Rui's words, whether Huang Zixuan was transferred, or even if Huang Zixuan was transferred, whether Fu Rui could take over as the secretary is still unknown. It is too early to draw conclusions. He cleverly changed the topic: "Should I Ask Secretary Huang for instructions to see what happened?"

Fu Rui waved his hand: "No, if he wanted us to know, he would have already spoken. Since he didn't speak, we can just pretend we don't know. Haiyang, what do you think about the upcoming adjustment of district and county cadres... ..."

Seeing that Fu Rui changed the subject, Zhao Haiyang didn't say any more. He followed Fu Rui's words, but he was worried in his heart. Huang Zixuan has never been a very happy character. Why is it so exciting this time? Could something really happen? ?If something serious happened and he didn't follow up in time, he would become more and more distant from Huang Zixuan... What should I do?
Thinking of this, Zhao Haiyang ended his conversation with Fu Rui, returned to the office, and called Zhao Subo.

"Su Bo, find out what happened. Secretary Huang, Mayor Yue, and Secretary-General Zheng were dispatched at the same time, and they appeared in a hurry. Something must have happened."

"Okay, let me inquire." Zhao Subo figured out the key point after only thinking about it, "There are not many interests that Secretary Huang and Mayor Yue can care about, and Shi De is one of them... Jinnian asks to see if he can do anything."

"If something happened to Shi, you should come forward and express it." Zhao Haiyang's heart jumped wildly. If something happened to Shi, it would not be a good thing, and it might cause Huang Zixuan and Yue Guoliang to join forces to deal with Rui again. Press again.

Yue Qingying didn't know that one of her phone calls would trigger such a series of chain reactions. After she finished making the call, she looked at Biyou: "Biyou, don't you need to tell Mr. He first, so that Mr. He won't worry about it?" ?”

Biyou thought for a while and said, "No, you have to tell Master He, Master He may be able to figure out the exact location of Shi De..." She picked up the phone and called Yiwanxiang—Master He didn't have a mobile phone, Fang Wai Ju also didn't install a telephone, so he could only convey it through a bowl of incense.

(End of this chapter)

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