Fortune Teller.

Chapter 159

Chapter 159
Bi Wentian didn't speak, but He Zitian enlightened Mu Jinnian: "You don't have to blame yourself too much, it's a blessing or a curse, if it's a disaster, you can't avoid it, Shi De's hit must be difficult, even if you remind him, it's useless. "

"Fu Weiqiang, you and I cannot live together!" Mu Jinnian gritted his teeth in hatred. If Shi De really died because of this, his plan to enter the real estate industry with the land of Sanxing Village might be stranded because of this.Fu Weiqiang is really a villain. He didn't say anything about the schemes behind his back, but he wanted to kill Shi De. He was too arrogant and lawless.

While speaking, the crowd suddenly became restless. They thought they had found Shi De, but when they took a closer look, they found that it was Zhao Subo and Zhao Haiyang who had arrived.

It was nothing if Zhao Subo showed up, but Zhao Haiyang also appeared at the same time, which made Mu Jinnian secretly shocked. Could it be that Shi De's influence has really reached the point of calling the wind and rain in a single city?Even Zhao Haiyang, who is most adept at adapting to the wind, had to come forward to cheer?
He Zitian and Bi Wentian looked at Zhao Haiyang at the same time, and after a while they withdrew their gazes and looked at each other, but it was Bi Wentian who spoke first: "Zhao Haiyang is a person who can only befriend each other with benefits, not with hearts. "

He Zitian nodded: "That's right, this person's scheming is unfathomable, and he only cares about interests and not human relations in his actions, so he is not a kind person."

It was rare for two experts to comment on one person at the same time, and Mu Jinnian immediately remembered it firmly in his heart. Afterwards, he passed on these remarks to Zheng Jingwei.Zheng Jingwei was still skeptical at the beginning, but after he was almost swayed by Zhao Haiyang once, he became convinced and stayed away from Zhao Haiyang ever since. One difficulty.

The arrival of Zhao Haiyang caused another wave of confusion. After all, as the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, he held a high position and authority. There were many staff members of the municipal party committee at the scene. When they saw him coming, they all respected him.Fortunately, Zhao Haiyang also knew that the occasion was wrong, and repeatedly emphasized that he was only coming with Zhao Subo. The implication was that he was in a private capacity, which calmed down other people's speculation.

The search and rescue work started at 8:11 pm and continued until [-]:[-] pm, but nothing was found.As time passed, everyone's hearts sank little by little. If it weren't for the crowds around them, Yue Qingying, Biyou, Huang Susu, etc. would have all cried together.

Where is Shi De at this time?

In fact, Shi De neither fell to the bottom of the valley, nor was he caught by the protruding stones on the cliff. He is now hanging in mid-air, unable to reach the sky or the ground. When hundreds of people are frantically searching for him, he is leisurely Dreaming of spring and autumn dreams.

Of course, it is not accurate to say that he is dreaming leisurely and contentedly. To be precise, Shi De is dreaming in a deep coma, and what he dreams is also a strange spring and autumn dream.

At the moment when he was knocked off the cliff by a middle-aged woman, Shi De turned over and fell from under the railing.Shi De's immediate reaction was neither panic nor dismayed, on the contrary, he felt very relaxed, feeling that his body was like an unrestrained breeze floating between the heaven and the earth, free to do whatever he wanted, freed from the shackles and fetters of the world, and extremely at ease.

At the same time, like a movie, Shi De flashed all his 20 years of life in front of his eyes one by one, no matter it was the trivial matter of stealing an apple when he was a child, or the major event when he failed in business, one by one, one by one, one scene at a time The scene was extremely clear and real, without missing any details, and replayed his life exactly like rewinding it.

Could it be that he was really going to die?
Shi De has heard people say before that before a person dies, he will replay everything in his life. It may be a few seconds, or it may be as long as decades, anyway, as long as it is a lifetime When it reappears, it is when a person dies.

However, he still has a lot of things to do, and many promises that he hasn't fulfilled. The transformation of his destiny has only just begun, so why is he about to die again?Didn't Master He say that he still has broad prospects in the future, and he will become a transporter and an invisible master who can call the wind and rain?Could it be that Lord He misread it and didn't see that he was short-lived?

Or maybe he had the idea of ​​suicide before, but he didn't die, and the heaven and the earth would not tolerate him, so he must let him die again?Yes, Shi De didn't know it before, but now he knows a truth, suicide and killing are the same truth, which violates the laws of heaven and earth.God has the virtue of good life, whether it is killing others or killing oneself, it is against the law of heaven and is a sin.

There was the sound of whistling wind in my ears, how fast the free fall was, Shi De was naturally clear, he seemed to have thought a lot just now, but in fact only a second or two passed... A branch hit Shi De's back On top of that, the burning pain instantly woke him up. No, he can’t die. He still has to support Mr. He, find his biological parents, and help the world as well as accomplish his mission of helping the country, the world, the country, and the people. The ultimate dream of being in business is dead now, isn't everything lost?
Thinking of this, Shi De suddenly regained his sobriety, not only sober, but also his brain was clear.The more a person is in a critical moment, the more he can show his extraordinary side. Everyone has great potential, and it depends on whether they can be tapped out.

What's more, Shi De is not an ordinary person. The combination of his Taijiquan and breathing method coincides with the laws of heaven and earth. At the juncture of life and death, his whole body and mind are integrated with heaven and earth. There was a branch, the tip of the branch was a little bit, and he used the technique of leveraging force in Taijiquan to the extreme. He turned over and over in mid-air, and turned his head up and down again.

However, it is useless for a person to turn over in mid-air, and the momentum of the fall remains unabated. Fortunately, at this time, Shi De can see the surrounding scenery clearly—of course, he is not in the mood to enjoy the scenery now, but is wondering whether to There are footholds that can be used.People have to help themselves, and then geniuses help them. If they just let the free fall fall to their deaths, Shi De is not Shi De who dares to fight hard and fight against fate.

Not good, Shi De glanced away and found a protruding stone more than ten meters below. The stone was as sharp as a thorn. If he didn't dodge it, it would just hit his waist. When he hit it, he didn't even think about it. , and broke in two directly... Shi Shi didn't have time to think about it, took a deep breath, and thought to himself in his heart, it would be great if he knew the lightness kung fu of the martial arts master, or the left hand kung fu of the bragging king. It would be even better to be able to fly a foot high with the tip of the toe of the right toe, but unfortunately, he doesn't know it, he only knows Tai Chi and the method of breathing.

Shi De borrowed the power of the wind—when he practiced the breathing method skillfully, he could feel the turbulence of the wind from the sky and the earth. At this time, he knew the brilliance of Master He. No wonder he was asked to practice the breathing method. It can be of great use—with a sudden lift of his breath, his body deviates a little bit, barely dodging the sharp stone and slashing in the middle. Then he tapped the sharp stone with his toes, and his body quickly ejected outwards, deviating from the falling route again.

After two deviations, Shi De's falling route was no longer vertically downward, but deviated at least a dozen meters.It was precisely because of this that Huang Ziheng and others did not find him a place to stay.

After deviating, Shi De took a closer look, and was suddenly shocked again. He was falling towards the top of a big tree at an extremely fast speed. The big tree was lush and lush, with deep roots and luxuriant leaves, and he didn't know it had grown for decades.On the top of the tree, countless branches were like swords. If he fell on it, he would probably be poked a few holes in his body.

what to do?In an instant, Shi De made a very difficult decision. The reason why he said it was difficult was that he had to make some sacrifices to escape from the difficulty. Anyway, Shi De gritted his teeth and looked at the thicker branch among the branches. As soon as the body turned, both feet landed on the branches, and then turned the falling momentum into a horizontal leaping momentum, bouncing vigorously, and at the same time opened both arms, like a big gliding bird, flying flat and obliquely for tens of meters open.

A piercing pain came from his feet. After all, the speed of the fall was too fast, and even if he borrowed force to transform his strength, he could only dissipate part of the strength. Most of the strength still fell on his feet. Shi's cold sweat immediately flowed down. Well, there should be no broken bones, otherwise he might not be able to use any strength in his feet.

It's just that if you hide from this tree, you can't hide from the other tree. After all, Shi Shi is just a mortal with a mortal body, not a fairy flying through the clouds. He flew obliquely and landed on another big tree.Fortunately, this big tree is growing gratifyingly, and there are not too many branches among the luxuriant trees. At this time, Shi no longer has the strength and time to use his strength to use his strength. He landed hard on the ground like a big falling bird. on the big tree.

With several "clicks", at least a dozen finger-thick branches were crushed, even so, Shi De's falling momentum remained unabated, and he continued to fall straight down.At this time, the valley was already pitch black, and he could only see the scenery a few meters ahead clearly. His strong will to survive made Shi dare not slack off in the slightest. He tried to open his eyes wide and saw a thick arm line in front of him. I didn’t dare to use my feet to borrow strength anymore. I reached out with my hands and put them on the branches, and then swung my body——I can’t swing, the downward force is too strong—then immediately let go of my hands, and my body The momentum of the fall decreased slightly, and it landed on two other tree trunks that were as thick as arms.

Shi De didn't have any more strength anymore, he let his body fall heavily on the tree trunk, his eyes stared at him, and he almost passed out. Fortunately, he gritted his teeth and tried his best, because the danger was not there yet. Lifted, the body is still in danger of falling.

The trunk kept shaking, showing signs of breaking. If the trunk broke, Shide would have to continue to fall, but when he looked down, there were many strange rocks below, and there was no longer a big tree that could catch his body , In other words, if you continue to fall, you will die, and there is absolutely no reason to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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