Fortune Teller.

Chapter 196 The sea of ​​stars

Chapter 196 The sea of ​​stars
"Besides, Ye Weichen was not decisive enough. I told him that I was not suitable with him. He still thought that I was testing him. He sent me plush toys and flowers for two years in a row, and the flowers were all resent by me. I’m sorry, some of the plush toys were given to Su Moyu and some to Tai Xiaoyu, and there were still many that couldn’t be given away. I finally returned them to him today, and it’s all over. Shi De, use you as a shield, actually I think you and I'm so familiar, it's not easy to make mistakes if you cooperate with acting. Don't think too much, don't think that I'm really interested in you. Also, even though I deliberately created the illusion of our intimacy just now, you are not allowed to have sex. Do you hear that?" Xia Hua stood in front of Shi De with her hands on her hips, looking down at Shi De condescendingly, "We are not in the same dimension, we are not the same kind of creatures, so it is impossible to have a chemical reaction of love, do you understand?"

"It's really long-winded. Just say that you will never fall in love with me now and from now on." Shi De saw that Xia Hua's words became more and more complicated, so he simply explained it for her, "Don't worry, my ambition is the stars and the ocean, I will definitely not stay for a moment for you, a little flower on the roadside."

"Okay, what you said, you remember, don't go back on your word, you're a puppy!" Xia Hua giggled, as if she was satisfied with Shi De's answer, then remembered something, blinked her eyes, "By the way, You really don't know who Ye Weichen is?"

"I really don't know, I'm not from Shimen."

"Well, it seems that you really didn't intend to get close to Ye Weichen. Could it be that you really hit it off?" Xia Hua tilted her head and looked at Shi De, then asked, "Have you met him? Have you seen him?" Come out of his rich and powerful appearance?"

"No." The incident happened in a hurry just now, Shi He couldn't care less about meeting Ye Weichen, and besides, he seldom meets strangers, which is meaningless and energy-consuming.But judging from Ye Weichen's decent behavior and conversation, he is definitely not a poor and lower-middle peasant.Besides, even if the poor and lower-middle peasants like summer flowers, they probably wouldn't dare to put them into action.

"I've convinced you. You've been crowned a master for nothing. You didn't even realize that Ye Weichen was Ye Dacheng's son. Are you a master? Are you really capable?" Xia Hua shook her head again and again, as if Shi It's as if he didn't see what a major mistake Ye Weichen's identity was.

Please, Physiognomy is not the art of knowing people. You can't tell who a person's parents are from his face. If you can tell, Shi De can just be a paternity test master and he can make a fortune.

Shi De didn't explain it to Xia Hua, because Ye Dacheng's name shocked him on the spot!
Who is Ye Dacheng?Ye Chengcheng is the most famous entrepreneur in Yan Province. Compared with Li Changfeng and Feng Zhengmao's influence, it is even more amazing. Not only is the market value of the Ye Group under Ye Dacheng's name equivalent to Li Changfeng's Sian Chay Group and Feng Zhengmao's Fenghua The sum of the groups is even more, and it is also because Ye Dacheng is the No. 1 in Yan Province who abandoned his official position to start a business and established a huge business empire.

If Li Changfeng and Feng Zhengmao's influence is limited to the business world, or even if they have a certain influence in the political circle, it is negligible, then Ye Dacheng's influence runs through both the political and business circles, and no matter in the political or business circles, he is Have a pivotal position!

To use an inappropriate analogy, Ye Dacheng's influence in Yan Province is even stronger than that of Li Changfeng and Feng Zhengmao working together.

In the early years, Ye Dacheng used to be the head of the reporter station of a national newspaper in Yan Province. Later, Ye Dacheng was appreciated by a leader, and he transformed from a media person to become the magistrate of a county under the jurisdiction of Shimen.After that, Ye Damin's official career was prosperous, from the county magistrate to the senior county official, and then to the deputy mayor of Shimen, he was in the limelight for a while, and many people believed that he must be a rising political star.

Unexpectedly, on the throne of deputy mayor, seeing that Ye Dacheng was expected to become the youngest mayor in the history of Shimen in a few years, Ye Dacheng suddenly resigned and went into business!This incident caused a great sensation in Yan Province. In the early 90s, going to the sea was no longer a new thing, but it was the first time for an inland city, Shimen, to abandon an official and go to the sea.Moreover, judging from Ye Dacheng's age and rank at the time, under the general trend that the central government is emphasizing the rejuvenation of cadres, everyone can see that Ye Dacheng must have a bright future.

However, Ye Dacheng, who had a bright future in the political world, abandoned his official position and went into business, which made many people wonder if there was something unspeakable about Ye Dacheng's resignation.Of course, some people think that Ye Dacheng is a smart person. He has accumulated countless contacts in politics for many years. Now that he is abandoning his official position and going into business, he can use his existing contacts to pave the way for his business.

It’s just that Ye Dacheng once again made a move that everyone couldn’t understand—he stayed away from Shimen, went south to Guangzhou, left his hometown alone, and started his entrepreneurial journey in an unfamiliar place in Guangzhou.

Is Ye Dacheng crazy?It's not proper to be an official, so I have to resign and go to sea.It's fine to resign and go to the sea, leaving Shimen's ready-made great resources unused, and insisting on going to the south to develop.Who doesn't know that Ye Dacheng has never left Yan Province. He has no relatives in Guangzhou, let alone a network of connections. When he said this, was he forced by others, or did he want to prove his ability and fight to the death?
No matter how suspicious everyone was, Ye Dacheng never explained anything or defended himself. He worked hard in Guangzhou, talking about success or failure, and the courage to start all over again. Out of the public eye, he was willing to be lonely and silently endured the huge contrast of life.From a dazzling deputy mayor to a bottom-level entrepreneur with nothing, no one knows how many hardships he has paid that ordinary people cannot understand and understand.

Three years later, Ye Dacheng returned to Shimen with the first pot of gold he earned from starting a business in Guangzhou.The first pot of gold is more or less, 100 million.He started his business in Shimen with 100 million yuan as the starting capital.Three years later, Ye Chengcheng's personal assets exceeded 50 million.Three years later, the Yip Group was established with a market value of [-] billion.

Today, Yip's Group is the third largest group company in the first Yan province of Shimen, with a market value of nearly 400 billion.Ye's Group's business scope is very wide, involving real estate, building materials, hotels, tourism and cultural industries. It is not only the leading private group in Shimen, but also well-known in the whole province and even the whole country.The enterprises that cooperate with Ye's Group include not only many large state-owned enterprises, but also many foreign companies listed in the world's top 500, and they also have close contacts with Ye's Group.

It turns out that Ye Weichen is Ye Dacheng's son, Shi De has never heard of Ye Weichen's name, but if he doesn't know who Ye Dacheng is, he is not worthy to be the general manager of Binsheng Real Estate Company.

"Ye Dacheng is also one of my idols in life..." Shi De ignored Xia Hua's mockery of him, and he smiled lightly, "Li Changfeng is a Confucian businessman with strong Confucianism in his bones, and Ye Dacheng is a hero who dares to die and survive. If Li Changfeng has a character of softness overcoming rigidity, then Ye Dacheng is a person who seeks to survive. Many people do not have the courage to throw away everything they have in their hands, so many people cannot do it. Ye Dacheng's extraordinary move can only be reborn if he completely discards the past. It is no accident that Ye Dacheng has become what he is today, he has a hundred times more courage than ordinary people."

"How about it, I'm not simple, am I? Even Ye Dacheng's son Ye Weichen likes me, which proves that I'm really cute, right?" Xia Hua smiled narcissistically.

"That's right, when the car sees a car with a flat tire, the toilet sees the toilet seat and opens naturally." Shi De laughed at Xia Hua's smugness, and then stood up, "Okay, as a prop, my historical mission has been completed, let's go ?”

"Don't worry, there's something else to do." Xia Hua came to the door sneakily, opened the door to check, and made sure there was no one outside, then asked in a low voice, "Are you sure that Ye Dacheng believes in Buddhism?"

"I'm not sure, I don't know Ye Dacheng...but now most successful people believe in Buddhism, what's wrong, what do you think?"

"No, just a random question, I thought you could tell whether other people's parents believe in Buddhism." Xia Hua stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously, "After you let me release the rumor that Su Moyu is about to be transferred to CCTV , Tai Xiaoyu asked for leave the next day, and he asked for sick leave, honestly, Shi De, you let me let me go, is it because Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is aimed at Peigong? Of course, Peigong does not refer to An Qiangqiang, but to Tai Xiao Yu and Fu Weiqiang?"

Xia Hua somehow guessed something, and deliberately didn't tell her the truth, but Shi De didn't know how to hide it, so after thinking about it, he said, "Tai Xiaoyu asked for leave, has An Jianqiang made any progress?"

"Yes, of course. An Jianqiang went to the capital. If I'm not wrong, he went for Tai Xiaoyu's activities. Back then, Su Moyu, Tai Xiaoyu and I were called the Three Branches of Provincial Taiwan. Me and Mo Yu is okay, the relationship is not bad, but Xiaoyu is not. She has always felt that Mo Yu and I are not qualified to be side by side with her. The opponent is Mo Yu. I heard that Mo Yu is going to be transferred to CCTV, can she not be in a hurry? If she is in a hurry, besides being able to torment An Jianqiang and Fu Weiqiang, what other skills can she have?" Xia Hua not only He saw the situation clearly, and analyzed Tai Xiaoyu's behavior well.

"According to you, if An Jianqiang went to the capital for activities, can he help Tai Xiaoyu achieve his wish?" If An Jianqiang really had the instinct to help Tai Xiaoyu get transferred to CCTV, then he used Tai Xiaoyu as a fulcrum to push Fu and his son to take the blame. failed.

"Cut, An Jianqiang doesn't have that ability. If CCTV was so easy to enter, I would have entered early." Xia Hua snorted, "This matter has a little chance if Fu Rui comes forward, but as Fu Rui Mayor, how could it be so easy for Tai Xiaoyu to come out to make connections? It's a loss of dignity."

(End of this chapter)

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