Fortune Teller.

Chapter 208

Chapter 208
What's the big deal, since I took over the Bitian Group, I'm really sorry for the special care my parents gave her if I didn't work hard. Fighting, she is not a weak and helpless little girl, "Shi De, if you don't mind, I will give you [-]% of the shares of Bitian Group as a gift in addition to buying the individual shares of Bitian Group. In this way, you Then you can become the second largest shareholder of Bitian Group."

If Biyou gave Shi De the shares of a prosperous company, Shi De would not take it, but now the gift is junk stock, and Shi De must enter the Bitian Group to realize his big plan, so he accepted it without hesitation : "Okay, I accept it."

Biyou smiled gratifiedly, regaining her calm and calm attitude before, and smiled lightly: "Thank you Shide, if He Ye was the first turning point in my life, you are the one who changed my life." A second birth."

"By the way, Master He is going to disappear for a while..." Shi De nodded, and then remembered Su Zhenzhen's phone call. Jia Chenmo's unexpected appearance just now made him forget to tell Biyou about Master He first. .

Biyou didn't think too much about why Master He disappeared, but said: "Since you appeared, Master He has become more mysterious than before. Alas, it's all my fault, and I must have disappointed the old man. Maybe he doesn't want to see me The way he looks now, he hid on purpose."

"Don't think about it, Mr. He didn't leave us because he didn't want to see you. He must have something important." Shi De comforted Biyou. Although he didn't know the real reason why Mr. He left, he believed Mr. He She didn't feel any dislike for him or Biyou.

"I hope." Biyou said faintly, "If I can revive the Bitian Group and bring the Bitian Group back to life, maybe I can also reassure Master He."

"No, you're wrong, Biyou, Master He's expectation of you is not success and fame, not sitting on billions of dollars of wealth, but your inner peace and abundance." Shi De knew where Biyou's crux was, she and her The grievances and grievances of her parents are the hardships of her life. When she forgives her parents, it will be the happiest moment in her life.

"When will I get back what should belong to me, and when they realize that what they did to me is the biggest mistake, my heart will be peaceful and rich." If it is only abandoned when I was a child However, Biyou's hatred for her parents may still be resolved, but her parents designed to frame her and let her pay the price of her whole life to bear the fate of Bitian Group's bankruptcy. Her utter hatred for her parents has penetrated into her bones.

Shi De thought for a while, but he still didn't try to persuade Biyou. He also wanted Biyou's parents to pay the corresponding price. After all, Bitian and You Hong went too far, and the poison of a tiger does not eat its children, and the heart of the two is more vicious than a tiger. .However, he didn't deal with Bitian and You Hong with hatred, but wanted to defeat them from the perspective of business rivals.

Not only to defeat them, but also to make it impossible for them to stand up forever.In Shi De's eyes, character is more important than ability, and ability is more important than money.Those who have money but no ability will lose their wealth sooner or later.A person with ability but no moral character, the greater his ability, the more likely he is to be a hazard to society.For example, a doctor who uses extremely rare chemical drugs to kill his classmates, or a scientific researcher who uses radioactive substances to deal with his immediate boss, etc., are all extreme examples of no moral restraint on personal conduct.

Morality is always the cornerstone of human society.Without morality, human society is the animal world.

Suddenly, Shi De's cell phone rang.His mobile phone is still the one given by Li Sanjiang, and he has not changed it.Seeing that Shi De's cell phone is getting old, Bi You has the idea of ​​buying a new one for him, and she has also figured out which cell phone is best for Shi De, it is the Ericsson T28, and Andy Lau is the spokesperson.

"Hello, who is it?" The calling number is Shimen's, which is an unfamiliar number.

"Brother Shi, it's me, Yuan Yuan..." Yuan Yuan's voice was somewhat lonely, "I'm going back to the capital, and I want to bid farewell to you. I don't know when I can go back to Shimen and Dancheng again, and meet Shimen again." See you, brother. Goodbye, brother Shi, I will miss you..."

Bi Wentian wanted to go back to the capital, and Yuan Yuan and Ji Du went back together, which is also the meaning in the question, but Shi De didn't think Yuan Yuan would really go back to Beijing with Bi Wentian, and Bi Wentian would not leave a single day behind. Two people are by his side, always watching his every move, which is not in line with Bi Wentian's personality.Now that Du Qingxuan is defeated in Shancheng, the common ground between Bi Wentian and He Ye no longer exists. Don't think about it, Bi Wentian and He Ye will return to the previous state of confrontation.

In this case, it doesn't matter whether Yuan Yuan and him see each other or not.

But Shi De still chuckled: "There will always be a chance to meet in the future, goodbye, Yuan Yuan. If one day you encounter any unsolvable problems in Shimen, you can call me and I will help you."

"I will. But... I may not have a chance to come to Shimen for a long time."

"Not necessarily, maybe you will come to Shimen again as soon as you turn around as soon as you return to the capital." Shi De didn't want to fight with Yuan Yuan, but wanted to remind Yuan Yuan of a fact, "It is estimated that in a long period of time, I will come to Shimen again." I have always been in Shimen, Shimen, will become the starting point of my career. Of course, one day I will also go north to the capital, after all, the capital is the battleground for military strategists."

"..." Yuan Yuan heard the implication in Shi De's words, and was silent for a while before saying, "Brother Shi, if one day you find that I have turned bad, please remember that I was once kind and innocent. Pass."

"I will." Shi De's mood was inexplicably heavy. In fact, in his opinion, Yuan Yuan had always been an innocent little girl, except that she was a little more scheming.Unfortunately, she followed the wrong person.If she followed Master He, maybe she would not have more wealth than now, but she would definitely have more happiness than now.

There are many things that wealth cannot buy, such as life, family affection, and... happiness.

In the afternoon, Shi De made a phone call with Xia Hua and Yue Qingying and told them that he had something to do and couldn't leave, so what should the two of them be busy with.Yue Qingying didn't say anything, but Xia Hua joked to Shi De: "Don't be so subtle, who doesn't know that you are with Biyou? If you are with Biyou, just stay with Biyou. No one will say anything about you, but I will Just to remind you, it is okay to accompany Biyou, but it must be for the purpose of work, if you just want to have a relationship with Biyou, I'm sorry, Mr. Shi, I will propose to Chairman Yue to withhold your salary."

Shi De laughed silently, and said after laughing: "Last time I asked you to study the Bitian Group and the Jia Group, have you studied it? You must have forgotten it. If you know the Bitian Group, then you know the Zhuo Group With regard to illegal fundraising, you now know what I'm up to."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I really forgot, the main reason is that I've been too busy recently, I really can't take care of it, I'm sorry, Xiao Shizi." Xia Hua exclaimed exaggeratedly, "You mean, Is Bitian Group and Zhuo Group’s illegal fund-raising related? This is a big trouble. I heard from my dad about the case of Zhuo’s Group’s illegal fund-raising. It is said that the province also attaches great importance to it. The government may need to intervene in this matter. Oh my god, Biyou is really unlucky, how many shares of Bitian Group does she hold now?"

When she heard that Biyou had controlled the Bitian Group, Xia Hua exclaimed, and then sighed again: "Poor baby, why did you jump into such a big century-old pit? Shi De, you mean to Help Biyou turn around? Difficult, too difficult, unless there is a miracle. But... I am optimistic about you. You discuss the reorganization of the management of Bitian Group, as for the follow-up issues, such as funds, such as opening up relationships, etc., don't worry, Qingying and I are here to think of a way, everyone is burning firewood."

"But don't forget one thing. Apart from Biyou's Bitian Group, you and I still have a big travel plan waiting to be realized. Also, at six o'clock tomorrow afternoon, remember to wait for me at the gate of Shiying Park on time. You are attending a mysterious party. I am not afraid to tell you that there are many, many beauties at the party. Of course, for me, there are also a lot of handsome men."

Xia Hua's habitual nympho Shi De usually filters it directly, but he is very interested in the mysterious gatherings that Xia Hua has emphasized many times. At Xia Hua's level, the circles she contacts must be the upper class people in both political and business circles. The gathering she was very concerned about must be a grand gathering of both the political and political circles.

Afterwards, Shi De discussed with Biyou about the reorganization of Bitian Group, and Biyou, who regained her composure, showed her due business skills, and understood Bitian Group's industrial structure, personnel composition, and the mistakes made in recent years. place, well known.But the more she understands Bitian Group's past glory and current troubles, the more she lacks confidence in Bitian Group's prospects.

Back at Bitian Building, the headquarters of Bitian Group, Shi De has basically matured his thoughts on the next development direction of Bitian Group, and expressed his thoughts to Biyou: "The main trouble for Bitian Group now is the Zhuo Group. Guarantee for illegal fund-raising. Now that the Zhuo Group is insolvent, and the chairman has absconded with the money, the Zhuo Group’s illegal fund-raising of more than 20 billion yuan is all on the Bitian Group. More than 20 billion, if from the normal From the point of view, it is an unattainable mountain. It is said that [-] million in cash weighs several tons, hehe..."

"You can still laugh, I don't even have the energy to cry." Biyou wanted to laugh, but she didn't. When she came back, she changed into a set of clothes with a similar style to before, making her look easy-going and peaceful. It’s a lot more true, “Thinking about it, I have worked hard for many years before I can be considered successful in my career. The combination of several chain stores of Yiwanxiang can be considered to be worth tens of millions. Unexpectedly, it suddenly became a billionaire. Weng, in life, maybe at some point you will make a joke that people can't even imagine."

(End of this chapter)

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