Fortune Teller.

Chapter 210 The Realm of the High School

Chapter 210 The Realm of the High School
Mu Jinnian pointed to the expansion project in the distance with his finger: "Brother Shi, the second phase of the botanical garden has started construction, and in half a year, the size of the botanical garden will double... Now the botanical garden is much better than expected, not only Ticket revenue far exceeded expectations, and other amusement equipment in the park also brought a considerable amount of revenue, all of which are thanks to you."

Shi De was about to say a few polite words when Feng Hualun said: "Shi De, I didn't think so at first, but now I realize that you are still a genius in business. I heard that you went to Shimen to develop. Well, what good projects do you have? Even if you come to me, the problem of funding is not a problem, as long as you have a good project and good ideas, [-] to [-] million, it’s a matter of one sentence. In a word, don’t worry about money, problems that money can solve are not problems. "

In other words, the two major projects of the orphanage and the botanical garden have been implemented, and he has not wasted all his efforts?When Shi Decai thought about it, boundless joy suddenly rose in his heart.

Yes, it is boundless joy that permeates the whole body. In fact, it is not appropriate to describe this feeling with joy. It should be said that it is a feeling of spiritual joy and a sense of freedom. Suddenly, Shi De was surprised to find that , He flew up, his feet left the ground, he rose higher and higher, and in a blink of an eye he rose above the clouds.

Above the clouds, the sun is rising and the morning glow is all over the sky. Looking around, the sea of ​​clouds is vast, like a sea of ​​flames. It is indescribably red, indescribably relaxing, and incomparably refreshing.

Physician master!

A sudden thought flashed through Shi De's mind, and then he opened his eyes, only to find that he was sitting on a chair and fell asleep.The sky is bright in front of me, and on the far horizon, a round of red sun is breaking through the encirclement of the reinforced concrete forest and slowly rising into the sky.

Finally, after Shi De experienced the accident of falling off the cliff, he improved his character. When the two major projects of the orphanage and the botanical garden were fully implemented, his blessings increased greatly. In just a few months, he has reached a high level that many physicists can't reach in their entire lives!

In other words, it is the state of great success of a physiognomist!
Shi De felt boundless joy in his heart, and he knew better that besides his own efforts, Master He's teaching contributed a lot.Without He Ye's guidance, he would not have accumulated blessings quickly.Without He Ye's guidance, he would not have made rapid progress in physiognomy.And if there is no Taijiquan and breathing method taught by Master He, he will not be much more mature than his peers in terms of character.

Shi De, who has reached the master of physiognomy, the world in his eyes is much clearer and brighter than before, as if everything in the world is shining with the joy of life in the sun.

In addition to being in a good mood, Shi De felt much more energetic. He suddenly remembered that since he came to Shimen, he should fight with Yang Chang again, and he didn't disturb Biyou, so he went downstairs alone. Facing the rising sun, head straight to Shiying Park.

As before, Shi got the Stone Shadow Park, walked on foot, and soon came to the place where he and Yang Chang met for the first time.However, unlike what he imagined Yang Changzai was doing Tai Chi all by himself, Yang Changzai was surrounded by a group of people.

A group of people, there are as many as three or 40 people.

Something going on?Shi De was surprised for a moment, and hurried forward to see what happened.

A group of people surrounded Yang Changzai and three men.Three men, all wearing Tai Chi suits, each about 30 years old, with flat hair, triangular eyes, and fierce eyes.One is in his early 40s, with a bald head, kind eyebrows and kind eyes, as if he has a kind face.There is another person who should be 50 years old, with gray hair, and the most striking thing is a pair of long longevity eyebrows. At first glance, he looks like a birthday star.

Longevity eyebrows refer to the phenomenon that with age, especially in men, the eyebrows, especially the eyebrows at the corners of the eyebrows and the eyebrows, grow.In fact, in terms of physiognomy, the longevity eyebrow does not necessarily mean longevity, it depends on when it grows.Generally speaking, at forty years old, fifty years old will die, and at fifty years old, sixty years old will die.If you want to have a long eyebrow after the age of 60, it means that the person may live a long life.The old man in front of him is only about fifty, so it may not be a good thing for him to grow longevity eyebrows early.

Of course, everything cannot be generalized, Shi De is neither interested nor in the mood to meet a man with a long-lived eyebrow, but it can be seen from the slender eyebrows of the old man that he should be indecisive.People with thick eyebrows are more masculine, active and impulsive.People with thin eyebrows are more feminine, negative and indecisive.Crescent eyebrows look beautiful, but if a man has this kind of eyebrows, his character must be weak.In addition, people with thick eyebrows are often protected by their parents.

The three of them formed a triangle, surrounded Yang Changzai in the middle, and the stance they put on was obviously to be disadvantageous to Yang Changzai.

Shi De's heart tightened, and when he was about to part from the crowd and stand up, he swept his eyes and found that there was an old man with white hair and a childlike face in the crowd.The old man was over sixty years old and didn't wear a Tai Chi suit. He held a pair of fitness balls in his hands and kept turning them. He paid attention to every move in the field calmly. Shi De still noticed his abnormality at a glance - he fixed his eyes on the three people in the field, and also made inadvertent eye contact with the three people in the field. Obviously, he was the mastermind behind the three people in the field.

Different from He Ye and Bi Wentian's white-haired boyish face, most of the white-haired boyish face of the old man in front of him is deliberately dressed up. If you look closely, the root of the old man's white hair actually shows black hair. Needless to say, in other places In the trend that most old people dyed their hair black to show their youth, he did the opposite and deliberately dyed his black hair into white hair, which is suspected of being mysterious.

Moreover, the old man had a pair of crescent eyebrows under his white-haired and childlike appearance.Men with crescent eyebrows are beautiful, but according to physiognomic analysis, they are weak and feminine.An old man who plays tricks but has a cowardly personality echoes with three middle-aged and elderly men in Tai Chi suits. How did Yang Changzai offend the four of them, and they will join forces to deal with him?
If He Ye’s youthful face with white hair is the precipitation of life after a long period of hardships, just like the welcoming pine in Huangshan Mountain, it is vigorous and real, while Bi Wentian’s youthful appearance with white hair also has the vicissitudes of life and the precipitation of years, but it is an artificially cultivated bonsai , although real but not vigorous, and there are signs of deliberate.Then the white-haired and childlike face of the old man in front of him is the actor singing on the stage, with makeup and costumes on his body, and his every move reveals not his real life experience, but acting skills.

In Shi De's eyes, although the old man in front of him and the other three people are much better than Zeng Dengke's five-member group in terms of appearance and appearance, they are not as good as Zeng Dengke's because of their heavy craftsmanship and ungroundedness. Merit.At least the few people who have been admitted to the imperial examination are deceiving, they are really villains, and the combination of four in front of him is immediately recognized by him as a hypocrite.

Not all the white-haired and child-like faces are gods. Liars who deceive the world and steal their names are more hateful and harmful to society than liars who make a living.

From the first impression, Shi De tentatively called the old man a hypocrite in his heart.

Since the other party had support in the crowd, Shi De did not stand out rashly, but quietly stood behind the hypocrite, watching the changes.

In the arena, Yang Changzai played one-on-three, did not show any weakness, and insisted on his own opinion. Faced with the pressure of the three, he did not back down: "My opinion will not change. , Falsely claiming to be the descendants of Yang Style Taijiquan for many generations, this is fooling the world, this is deceiving the world. It’s fine if you are entertaining yourself, but you still have to recruit students blatantly to make money. I will persist in fighting you to the end. "

The flat-headed man chuckled, and the fierce light in his eyes flashed through the laughter, but he still tried his best to keep calm, trying to persuade Yang Changzai: "Mr., you think yours is the authentic Yang style Taijiquan, and we don't object to it." We say that we are the authentic Yang-style Taijiquan, and it has nothing to do with you, right? Now that there are many schools of Yang-style Taijiquan, which are the most widely spread, who is the most authentic and who can tell? You say you are authentic. Is it right? I also said that the one who played the monkey yesterday had the most authentic boxing skills."

"Hehe..." The crowd let out a burst of laughter.

"Of course, what I said is that his monkey boxing is the most authentic, not Taijiquan." The flat-headed man laughed when he saw his words, and he was even more proud.

Yang Changzai blushed angrily: "Okay, let's not discuss with you whether it is authentic or not, just say how many generations you claim to be descendants, this is always false, right? And how many generations of Yang style Taijiquan have you practiced?" The name, recruiting disciples, each person charges 1000 yuan, 1000 yuan, you are simply stealing money by fraudulent behavior."

Shi De sighed secretly, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. Although Yang Changzai's approach is to uphold justice and he doesn't want to see Taijiquan become a tool for some deceitful people to make money, but his approach is too direct and not strategic , no wonder he was surrounded by people, it turned out that he was in the way of others, and others wanted to teach him a lesson.

In recent years, there have indeed been quite a few people or institutions recruiting students to raise money in the name of teaching authentic Taijiquan. They all claim to be heirs of several generations, Chen family, Yang family or other sects, etc. They may not have learned much at all. Taijiquan, or only one move and a half, dare to call yourself a master, put on makeup and brag about yourself, and then appear on the stage to bluff and deceive.Defrauding money is a small matter, but over time, it is a big matter to destroy the essence and reputation of Taijiquan.

The Chinese people's favorite thing is to self-destruct the Great Wall. The Chinese culture that was once glorious for thousands of years was knocked down with a stick for some reason.How many orthodox religious beliefs have been smeared as feudal superstitions.On the contrary, some clowns in history were promoted as saviors or heroes, and became props to deceive people and fool the people.History is turned upside down, and the murderous insurgents are beautified as Gao Daquan, and the way of heaven is good, sooner or later, those who turn history upside down will be ruthlessly turned upside down by history.

(End of this chapter)

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