Fortune Teller.

Chapter 222

Chapter 222
"That makes sense." Shi De listened to Niu Tianzi's teachings honestly for a long time, always with a serious attitude, without saying a word, as if it was very useful, there is no rush, the flowers are almost in a hurry, it's okay , Shi De finally spoke, with a vague smile on his face, he was not affected by the needle hidden in Niu Tianzi's cotton, "Indeed, strength and status determine a person's height, if you want to win the respect of others, Only relying on humility and sycophancy, you can only play the role of a clown, and you have to be strong when you strike the iron. Only when you have strength can you have status, and with status, you will have a corresponding height. With height, you will win others. eyes."

Seeing that Shi De fully agreed with his words, Niu Tianzi was even more proud, thinking that Shi De had bowed his head in front of him, he almost laughed out loud.Unexpectedly, Shi De, who kicked Zhang Yang and kicked Da Jian last time, was easily defeated by his three-inch tongue. So, his ability is better than Zhang Yang's Zhang Kuang and Da Jian's kung fu?Thinking about it, Su Qin was able to convince the six countries with his three-inch tongue, and it was such an honor for the three countries to worship him as their prime minister. One person can be worth a million soldiers.

Wisdom and eloquence are a person's greatest abilities, and fist skills are just small tricks that can't be put on the stage.Just imagine, going up to the meeting of the provincial party committee and down to the board of directors of the major groups, whoever convinces others with reasoning and eloquence, not whoever can fight whoever has the final say.

"However, I would like to ask you a question, Niu Tianzi, I am an idler, what is your identity?" Shi De saw that Niu Tianzi was complacent, and knew it was time to fight back. , he doesn't need to pretend at all, because he has never been angry, and has always been calm.

He was calm because Shi De didn't care about being a Niu Tianzi at all, and he didn't take his words to heart.If you are serious, you will lose, so Shi De will not compete seriously with Niu Tianzi.

It was also because in Shi De's eyes, Niu Tianzi was not qualified enough to take him seriously.

"What is my identity?" Niu Tianzi didn't expect Shi De to ask such a naive question, and couldn't help but smile contemptuously, "I am a shareholder of Baisha Group and the future successor of Baisha say I am Who is it?"

Coming out of the arch is the corridor. There is a light on the top of the corridor. Although the light is not very bright, it is no problem for Shi De to see Niu Tianzi's face clearly.Now Shi De and Niu Tianzi are standing face to face, the distance of less than one meter is enough for Shi De to see clearly the details of Niu Tianzi's face.

Although I met Niu Tianzi last time, firstly, the incident happened suddenly, and secondly, Shi De didn't know who Niu Tianzi was. Did not use physiognomy to examine Niu Tianzi's face.No, not only did he and Niu Tianzi meet again, but the conflicts were getting deeper and deeper. It seemed that it was difficult to resolve it for a while.

Another point, since the last time Niu Tianzi and Zhang Yang blocked him, maybe Du Qingxuan was instigated behind him, then he and Niu Tianzi must be opposites.That being the case, Niu Tianzi deliberately found something to do, and sent it to his door. If he didn't do well to make a good photo for Niu Tianzi, and take the opportunity to see Niu Tianzi's current and future fate, wouldn't it be a missed opportunity?

It was also Shi De's first face-to-face meeting after entering the high school of physiognomy.If Niu Tianzi knew how fortunate he was to be the first test subject of Master Shi De's high level, I don't know whether he should be lucky or would break out in a cold sweat.

The realm of the Master Xiangshi is really extraordinary, Shi De only took a glance, and he had a panoramic view of Niu Tianzi's face, including Niu Tianzi's pattern and fortune, and he immediately felt concerned.

It must be admitted that Niu Tianzi has a good face, at least his upper and middle stops are very full, and his ears are also full of blessings, which proves that his childhood and adolescence were smooth sailing and everything went well, or more commonly, In other words, it is the fate of the rich second generation who are born rich.

But Niu Tianzi's lower stop is far less full than the upper stop and middle stop. The chin is too pointed and the mouth is too small. If you cover the upper part of Niu Tianzi's face and only look at the part below the nose, nine out of ten people will think it is A woman's cheek.

After entering the high school of physiognomy, Shi De only felt that his eyes were much brighter than before. As for other aspects of perception, he has not yet, because he has never used physiognomy to meet people.As the first shot at the high level of a physicist, he suddenly discovered that the level is different, and the direct feelings and indirect perceptions when meeting people are very different.

First of all, he no longer spends a lot of effort every time he meets people as before, and he doesn't have to stare at the other person for a long time. Because his eyes are much brighter than before, under normal circumstances, after one glance, the other person's face It will leave an indelible impression on his mind.

Secondly, he no longer needs to analyze the fate of the other party from the zodiac in turn, as before, but after a glance, the past, present and future fate of the other party are all clear at a glance.

Of course, determining a person's ultimate destiny only from the appearance is neither accurate nor easy to make empirical mistakes. The pattern is the most scientific and effective reference for judging the direction of a person's true destiny.

When it comes to the pattern, it is also Shi De's biggest gain after entering the master of physiognomy.A person not only has facial features and bone features, but also invisible fortune and destiny. At the same time, he also has a temperament and aura that are accumulated together by comprehensive facial features, bone features, personal cultivation and knowledge.Temperament is the external expression of a person's inner character, which is intangible but visible, and can give others the most intuitive impression.Whether it is good or bad, it can affect how others like or dislike it.

The aura is intangible and invisible, but it is real, and it is more mysterious and intimidating than the temperament.A person with a strong aura can become the center of the audience, become the focus of everyone's attention, or be able to convince everyone.

In the past, Shi De combined temperament and aura and collectively called it pattern.

Before entering the high school of physiognomy, if Shi De wanted to see a person's pattern clearly, he had to stare at the other person's face for at least ten minutes, and he also needed to have a dialogue with the other person. Of course, there were physical Contact is even better.Not only does it take too long, but it is also easy to be misunderstood or guarded against by the other party.Now after entering the high gate, in addition to being able to see the other party's face at a glance, if you want to see the other party's pattern, you don't need too long time-consuming and cumbersome communication. Stay a few more seconds on the body and the whole body, yes, just a few more seconds will be enough.

Shi De was overjoyed, the master's realm is really wonderful, he can identify a person faster and more quickly, how will he calmly deal with all kinds of people in the future, how to deal with the political and business circles with ease, much more A foresight.

In other words, there is an extra secret magic weapon.

But at this time, Shi De suddenly felt something in his heart, and felt that it was necessary to adjust his definition of pattern.He used to think that pattern is the comprehensive external expression of aura and temperament, but now he has a different view, thinking that pattern is the true external expression of whether a person is kind or broad-minded.

The face is born, usually after the age of 40, it is difficult to change the face.That is to say, even if a person with great kindness in his heart is born with a fierce face, he must go through 40 years of hard work to slowly change his appearance from the inside out.Aspects are born from the heart. If the kindness in the heart wants to improve the natural fierceness, it needs to be changed bit by bit, instead of being frozen three feet in a day.

In the same way, a person who is evil and ferocious in his heart is born with a kind face and kind eyes, and he will not show a ferocious expression until he is 40 years old.Of course, being kind in heart but evil in face or evil in heart but good in heart are special cases, which are rare.

But then again, the seemingly simple combination of facial features can form billions of people with different appearances, and human nature, which is countless times more complicated than the combination of facial features, will make a person hide his truest side. Let outsiders not see his character from his appearance and conversation.That's why throughout the ages, there have been so many treacherous people who seem loyal, big evil and good.

But a person will never pretend to cover up, even if he is the most famous performing artist or even an Oscar winner, although the evil or kindness in his heart can be concealed with false actions and words, he can deceive others, but he cannot deceive his own heart .What many people don't know is that the goodness or ugliness in the heart will be revealed in a certain form all the time, and most people can't see it, but for the expert who knows the skill of physiognomy and the knowledge of people, Just like seeing through the human body with X-rays, good or bad can be seen at a glance.

Science has also confirmed that the human body emits an invisible light wave that is invisible to the naked eye.The light waves of the good and the ugly have different colors.Of course, Shi De's eyes are also naked eyes, not instruments, and cannot capture the invisible light waves emitted by the human body, but he can synthesize a person's temperament, conversation, facial appearance and whole body aura, and see the external reality of a person's heart. reveal.

In other words, if the so-called pattern Shi Shi used to only look at a person's fortune, the pattern in his eyes now, because it is the true expression of the external nature of the heart, is equivalent to saying that the most authentic side of a person will be in his eyes. Unreserved presentation, then whether this person has a bright future in the future and whether he is handable, for him, a basically accurate judgment can be made at the first meeting.

Of course, in the long run, human nature is not static. A kind person may become a villain who commits crimes, and an evil person may turn his back on his evil ways and become a good person who helps others.But at least from the first meeting and first impression, Shi De's knowledge of people can save him a lot of detours. Whether he looks good and evil or looks good, he can see through it at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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