Fortune Teller.

Chapter 23 The Weird Dinner

Chapter 23 The Weird Dinner
From this point of view, even if you become a transport division, if you change your life against the sky or follow the sky, it will definitely take more energy than facing each other. Master He not only changed his life for him, but also changed his life for Li Sanjiang, and his age is not forgiving. , No matter how deep Master He's skills are, and no matter how high his Taoism is, he will also lose qi and blood.

Thinking of this, Shi De is even more worried about why Lord He, and I don't know where Lord He has gone. In case he needs someone to take care of him, and neither he nor Bi You are around, can Lord He take care of himself?
Even though he didn't know him for a long time, Shi De's feelings for him are heating up rapidly now, and he has already treated him as a relative.Although the alienation of the old man surnamed Bi planted the seeds of doubt in his heart, fortunately, Shi De was not completely swayed by the words of the old man surnamed Bi.

Suddenly I felt that my waist was stabbed a few times, and I wanted to laugh a little. Huang Suqin was indeed a very interesting person. He clearly had something to talk to him.

He grabbed Huang Suqin's hand: "If you have something to say, sit so close, do you still need small movements?"

"You..." Huang Suqin glared at Shi De and said in a low voice, "Why are you so stupid?" As she said, she winked at Shi De.Because she was too close to Shi De, the heat she exhaled when she spoke all hit Shi De's face.

Shi De knew that she wanted to exchange a few words in secret, but Che Xiao, no matter how softly he spoke, he couldn't escape Yue Qingying's ears, so he winked at Huang Suqin and said, "We'll talk about it when we get there, I'm listening to music. ."

There was a soothing guzheng song playing in the car, the fresh and brisk "Water Lotus", Shi De ignored Huang Suqin and pretended to be intoxicated to enjoy it.Out of the corner of his eyes, he found that Yue Qingying cast a suspicious look from the rearview mirror.

Yue Qingying had doubts, and Shi was even more puzzled. He didn't understand why Yue Qingying invited him to dinner.Although he told Yue Qingying very imposingly yesterday that he believed that she would take the initiative to invite him to dinner before long, but today's dinner was still much earlier than he expected.The main reason is that his situation in the hospital has not been opened yet, and the connection between him and Yue Qingying has not really been established.So can it be understood that no matter what the purpose of Yue Qingying's invitation to dinner today is, it shows that there are unknown variables in his layout in the hospital?
A fixed number is a constant, a variable is a variable, let alone him, even Mr. He can't guarantee whether there will be unknown pieces in the chess game in the hospital, and the operator can understand the number of human lives, even if it is part of the law of the general trend of heaven and earth. , and can not prevent the occurrence of variables, Shi De is a person who has experienced ups and downs and the test of life and death, and has always accepted the variables of life calmly.

Besides, he has accepted enough variables in his life, not only too many, but also chaotic. He has long been used to variables, and he can even calmly face the extreme of variables - accidents.

Just as I was thinking about it, the car stopped.

When I got off the car, it was a Lu cuisine restaurant.Shi Dao thought that because of the coldness of Yue Qingying, he would like southern cuisine, but it turned out to be the rough and heavy Shandong cuisine, and he couldn't help but smile.

When I looked up, I found a person standing at the door. Looking from a distance, she wore a pair of rimless glasses and had long hair. She was as quiet as a lily, as quiet as a serene orchid... Long hair, a girl with glasses, and Wen Jing's temperament, almost And flavin is generally no different.

Shi was almost stunned.

Taking a closer look, I couldn't help laughing dumbly. Thinking of the situation when I first saw Hua Liunian, I couldn't help laughing secretly that the shadow of flavin in my heart was too deep. Seeing everyone is like flavin, missing is also an incurable mental disease.

Now girls are popular with long hair and quietness, and wearing glasses may be just a coincidence.

Fortunately, when she got closer, Shi De realized that Huang Suqin's younger sister, Huang Susu, and his first love, Huang Susu, did not have the slightest resemblance. , much prettier than Huang Suqin, and more demure than her, bowed his head, swayed his feet, came to Shi De shyly, peeked at Shi De, and found that Shi De was looking at her, and immediately blushed.

Huang Suqin didn't notice Huang Susu's curiosity about Shi De, and introduced to Shi De and Yue Qingying: "My sister, Huang Susu, come over to eat, won't Section Chief Yue have any opinion?"

Yue Qingying waved her hand and spit out two words: "Welcome." Said it was welcome, but there was no trace of enthusiasm on her face.

Shi Dejian Huang Susu's eyes blinked, and his eyes were flushed by Yue Qingying's neglect. Tears almost flowed out, he hurriedly smiled: "Senior Yue cherishes words like gold, she says welcome, it's the same as when others say a warm welcome. Meaning." He patted Huang Susu on the back affectionately, "How old is Susu? Are you going to go to university?"

Huang Susu took back her tears and forced a smile: "I'm seventeen, and this year's college entrance examination."

"What school do you want to go to?" Seeing that her mental capacity was too poor, Shi De deliberately kept talking to her in order to resolve the embarrassment of Yue Qingying being indifferent to others.

Huang Suqin looked at Shi De a few more times with surprise, and cast a grateful glance at Shi De.Even Yue Qingying was slightly startled, as if she didn't expect Shi De to have a considerate side.

"I haven't made up my mind yet. I want to study medicine, but my sister won't let me, saying that it takes too long to study medicine..."

Huang Suqin chimed in and said, "Well, to study medicine, it takes five years for an undergraduate degree, and seven years for a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. I, a little nurse, provided her with seven years of college, but she couldn't afford it. I still want to get married and have children. , I can't dedicate my youth to her."

As soon as these words came out, Yue Qingying was also slightly moved, and she couldn't help but ask: "Suqin, have you been supporting your sister in school? Your parents are gone?"

To say that Yue Qingying can't speak, and she is not wronged, as soon as she opens her mouth, she directly says that her parents are gone.

Fortunately, Huang Suqin is a very indifferent character, she waved her hand indifferently: "My sister and I are poor children, our parents died early, and our sisters depend on each other for life, but it's nothing, it's been suffering for so many years. She didn't know where she was thinking, her thinking was jumping, and she suddenly patted Shi De's shoulder, "But I can warn you, Shi De, don't feel sorry for me and fall in love with me if you feel sorry for me, I do not accept alms love."

Shi De could not laugh or cry, so he pretended not to hear what Huang Suqin said, turned around and said to Huang Susu, "I suggest you go to Normal University, become a teacher after you come out, work is easy, and there are holidays every year, which can also relieve your sister's stress. burden……"

"Well, I'll think about it." Huang Susu took a deep look at Shi De, not knowing what to think, her face turned slightly red again.

No wonder Huang Suqin insisted on taking her sister for dinner. It turned out that she and her sister were the only ones at home. If she didn't go home to cook, Huang Susu would have nothing to eat.Shi De's impression of Huang Suqin changed a lot. He originally wanted to use physiognomy to make a face to Huang Suqin or Huang Susu, but after thinking about it, it was not suitable for the occasion. Besides, he was not the savior of the world and could not save all the sufferings of the world.

A table for four people, three women and one man, sit down and eat.

The meals should have been ordered a long time ago, and Yue Qingying invited people to dinner without giving the guests the right to order food, which is considered rare.Fortunately, including Shi De, no one cares what they eat.What Shi De eats is not a meal, but a meal.What Huang Suqin and Huang Susu ate was not a meal, but food and clothing.

From the first time she saw Shi De, Huang Susu had a great impression of Shi De. When eating, she sat on the left of Shi De, Huang Suqin sat on the right, and Yue Qingying sat opposite Shi De and was also the first.It was the first time Shi De had seen him sitting in the first place by inviting others to dinner.

This meal was boring. From the beginning to the end, Yue Qingying didn't say anything polite or off-topic. A few people sat together to eat, Shi De and Yue Qingying said less than three words, and the rest During the time, he has been listening to Fla Susu say some school anecdotes.On the other hand, Huang Suqin said something to Yue Qingying from time to time, and the atmosphere was awkward but not enthusiastic.

Seeing that the dinner was about to end, Shi De thought that if Yue Qingying didn't point any further questions, today's meal would be considered a waste.As soon as he looked up, he saw Yue Qingying standing up, holding a wine glass, obviously wanting to say something.

Shi Yiwei Yue Qingying was about to go straight to the topic, but she didn't expect Yue Qingying to just raise her glass and say, "Today's meal was boring, the reason is me, I'm not good at expressing myself. Anyway, everyone sitting together is a Fate, come, drink a glass of wine, and be friends from now on."

Shi De thought to himself, yes, Yue Qingying is really self-restrained, and she didn't say what the reason for eating was when she came. She didn't say it, and he didn't ask, so he raised a glass with Yue Qingying and was polite. Sentence: "Thank you, Section Chief Yue, I am honored."

Yue Qingying smiled slightly: "I hope your work in the hospital goes well."

The meal was over like this, and when she went outside to say goodbye, Yue Qingying obviously had no intention of sending Shi De home, and Shi De would not take the initiative to ask for trouble, so she shook hands with Yue Qingying to say goodbye.

The hand just held Yue Qingying's cold and soft little hand, and a familiar and jumping voice sounded behind him: "Oh, it turns out to be Brother Shi, I have been looking for you for a day. meet!"

Hua Liunian... Without looking back, Shi De could hear Hua Liunian's unique exaggerated tone. He frowned slightly. It was a coincidence. How did he meet Hua Liunian?
Shi De knew that Hua Liunian would definitely find him, and he didn't plan to hide from Hua Liunian, and he also hoped to meet Hua Liunian again, but he didn't want to meet her in the current situation.But since we met by chance, we had to say hello.

"Mr. Hua, you're also here? It's a coincidence." Shi De turned around, his frown turned into a bright smile, and he shook hands with Hua Liunian, "It's a pleasure meeting, a pleasure meeting."

Hua Liunian wore a long dress, and under the lighting, she looked more charming than Hua, but her coquettishness revealed coquettishness, coupled with her unique voice, it attracted many passers-by.

She held Shi De's hand tightly and held on to her, smiling both implicitly and ambiguously: "Brother Shi, I gave you your face, and you have to give me three points for my face, don't you?"

(recommended ticket, recommended ticket!)
(End of this chapter)

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