Fortune Teller.

Chapter 231 Broken Palm Pattern

Chapter 231 Broken Palm Pattern

"Although Huahua is not as sultry as Ma Feiyan, she always seduces people's hearts and makes people want to stop. My ideal love is to marry Huahua as a daughter-in-law and keep it at home as an ever-blossoming house flower. Let Ma Feiyan be my lover. Satisfy the freshness of a man who likes the new and dislikes the old at any time, but now that Ma Feiyan flies away and Huahua ignores me, Master Shi, what can I do to get Ma Feiyan back and let Huahua return to my embrace?" Speaking of his When embracing the dream left and right, Lan Guocheng took it for granted, as if he should occupy two women at the same time, let alone shame on his face, and even showed greed in his eyes.

Shi De knew that it was not easy to be a master. The last time he solved the family harmony problem for Teng Youli, and now he has to solve the emotional entanglement problem of a man and two women for Lan Guocheng. To be honest, he is really not about love, marriage and family. Expert, but since the matter is imminent, you can’t back down, right? Then you pondered for a while, and said slowly: “Huahua’s problem is not easy to solve. Emotional problems are the most complicated problems in the world. She doesn’t feel for you. You Not to mention asking me to come forward, even asking the gods to come forward is useless. In contrast, Ma Feiyan's problem is much easier..."

While talking, Shi De quietly glanced at Quanyou, and seeing Quanyou secretly nodding at him, he knew it, and Quanyou solemnly pushed him out, let him and Lan Guocheng fight head-on, what he wanted was to pull Lan Guocheng step by step Go into the water and let Lan Guo become his use.

"Where is Ma Feiyan now, master can you figure it out?" Compared with the itchy love of flowers, Ma Feiyan's slender waist is more affordable. Lan Guocheng couldn't wait to ask Shi De to calculate Ma Feiyan's whereabouts for him.

"Yes." Shi De answered Lan Guocheng very affirmatively, but before the joy on Lan Guocheng's face bloomed, he emphasized again, "However, you must let me know that during the relationship with you, Ma Feiyan also Do you know the fact of dating Zhuo Fan?"

"I know." Lan Guocheng replied honestly, as long as he can find Ma Feiyan now, let alone letting him reveal his privacy, it's fine to let him betray his integrity.

Yes, the topic started to deepen, Shi De nodded: "How many business secrets of the Zhuo Group do you know from Ma Feiyan?"

"..." Lan Guocheng was stunned. How did Shi De know that Ma Feiyan was in fact a double agent between him and Zhuo Fan? The group's business secrets, thinking again, a master is a master, he must have abilities that ordinary people don't have, so he no longer hides it, "I know a part, not a lot, Ma Feiyan is very shrewd, as long as I can't satisfy her appetite, she will She will hide her hand. She has always had a big appetite, and it is impossible for me to satisfy all her demands, so she only told me a small part of the Zhuo Group's business secrets."

"Hmm..." Shi De deliberately didn't ask what it was, but just elongated his tone.

Lan Guocheng's eyes twitched a few times, he hesitated to speak, seeing Shi De's expression slightly displeased, he gritted his teeth, thinking that the heirs of Immortal Valley even treat emperors and generals as honored guests, if he is not respectful enough, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get the master's advice, so I don't care about anything: "Behind the Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising, there is the shadow of the Bitian Group. Ma Feiyan said that part of the Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising went into In Bitian's pocket."

Bitian is actually one of the behind-the-scenes participants in the Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising case?The news was really shocking. Shi De and Quanyou were shocked at the same time. The two exchanged glances, and they were secretly happy for the victory in the first battle.

In the past, if Shi De didn’t hate Biyou’s parents—of course, he couldn’t even talk about liking for them—it was just that they were insignificant passers-by. The impression of Bitian and You Hong is very bad.Up to now, when he heard that Bitian was not only a guarantee for Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising, but also a participant, Bitian was directly sentenced to death in his mind.

From then on, Shi De regards Bi Tian as a scourge that cannot be eliminated for the people!

Thinking about it, if there is no stake, how could Bitian take a huge risk to guarantee the illegal fund-raising of the Zhuo Group?Bitian is not stupid, since he has been in the mall for a long time, he naturally knows that the responsibility of guarantee is heavy.Thinking about it deeply, Shi De probably guessed what Bitian was thinking. It is estimated that Bitian saw that the prospects of Bitian Group were not good, the performance declined, the responsibility rate remained high, and there was no way to recover. Illegally raising funds for personal gain, and then turning over the Bitian Group as a burden for Biyou to carry, he has made money and saved his worries, isn't it the best of both worlds?
Of course, in Bitian's shameless thoughts, he didn't think about the deceived fundraisers, let alone the happiness of his biological daughter Biyou's life. irrelevant.

"So, from the very beginning, the Zhuo Group didn't intend to use the raised funds to develop the Nancun land?" Quan You finally interjected, knowing that it would be better for him to come forward than Shi De, which would help Shi De continue to maintain a high level. The image of an expert in the test, the expert has always only asked about mundane things in the world, mundane things, let him worry about it, "It's obviously a fundraising, but in fact, you just want to make a lot of money and leave?"

"It should be. I'm not familiar with Zhuo Fan. How do I know what he thinks. But it's all there. You sold the land in Nancun to the Zhuo Group. After all, the Zhuo Group has its current end, and there is also a problem." Your credit." Lan Guocheng was not so respectful to Quanyou, and curled his lips disapprovingly, "You have dealt with Zhuo Fan so many times before, didn't you see that he was going to make a fortune and run away? "

Of course, Quanyou didn't notice it. After he sold the land to Zhuo Fan, he rarely interacted with Zhuo Fan. The main reason was the division of Shengshi Pharmaceutical and Zhuo Group. He played a big role in promoting it. Let Zhuo Fan hate him deeply, and he has a close relationship with Sheng Xia, and Zhuo Fan regards Sheng Xia as his lifelong enemy. Even if he wants to get closer to Zhuo Fan, he will be kicked away by Zhuo Fan.

Shi De didn't know the right and wrong of what was going on behind the scenes, but it didn't matter if he didn't know clearly.

"Before Ma Feiyan disappeared, was there anything different about her?" Shi De didn't want to digress, so he returned to the main topic. If Ma Feiyan can follow the clues to find Zhuo's father and son, and arrest Zhuo's father and son, then Bi Tian The guarantee crisis of the group was easily solved.

"No." It's not that Lan Guocheng isn't telling the truth, because of his drunken life, even if Ma Feiyan suddenly went uncharacteristically, he probably wouldn't be able to notice it. However, in front of the master, he seems to be a little smarter than before. Thinking for a moment, she remembered something, "Yes, I remembered, her passport expired before she disappeared, and she said that she was going to change her passport, and wanted me to say hello to my acquaintances in the Public Security Bureau. I forgot when I was busy. It's over."

passport?Shi De's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of a key point that could be followed. Apparently, Quanyou also thought of it at the same time. When Shi De cast a consulting look at him, he responded with a knowing look.

It's also strange, Shi De suddenly discovered that he and Quanyou had known each other not long ago, but they cooperated very well, like best friends for many years. Could it be that he and Quanyou are really the same kind of people?
"Master, can you figure out where Ma Feiyan is now?" Lan Guocheng has not turned his head until now, and he never thought that he could use his relationship to find out where Ma Feiyan went through his passport. He is really stupid. Of course, he didn't realize that he was I am stupid, "Master, a little care is not a respect..."

While speaking, Lan Guocheng took out a few hundred-yuan bills from his wallet and presented them respectfully with both hands.

Although Lan Guocheng is very respectful to Shi De now, but so far, Shi De has not really shown his hands except for his appearance of inscrutability, which makes him doubt the true status of Shi De's master. False, I deliberately used money to test Shi De.

Shi De neither accepted the money nor declined, but reached out and grabbed Lan Guocheng's left hand, glanced at it, and said slightly surprised: "Broken palm print!"

Lan Guocheng, who was about to experience the magic of Shi De, saw that Master Shi had read his palm for him, and immediately became interested: "Yes, I am also very surprised why my palm lines are different from others, Master Shi, broken palm lines Do you have any explanations? Please give advice, Master."

Broken palm lines, where the wisdom line and the emotional line intersect, from one end of the palm to the other end, form a straight line across the phase, which is the true broken palm line.The emotional line and the wisdom line are combined into one, but some lines look like one, but are actually two lines. This is a false broken palm.

"A man's broken palm is a thousand pounds, and a woman's broken palm is raised in the house... A man who loses his palm often has the ability to create wealth and is worth a lot of gold. In fact, many men who are successful in their careers do have their palms broken. Women's broken palms represent people with a hard life. It is relatively restrained, and it will hinder the fortune of relatives around, and the chance of divorce is also high." Shi De first said according to the scriptures the assertion of broken palm lines in physiognomy, and when he saw Lan Guocheng's face beaming with joy, he He also said, "However, it is the same as saying that fat people are prone to diseases. Not all fat people are in poor health, right? There is also an example in the commonality, and it cannot be generalized. It does not mean that all men with severed palms can achieve great things , nor does it mean that all women with severed palms are hard-nosed. Everything must be analyzed rationally and dialectically based on the established consensus."

Shi De's words confused Lan Guocheng again, he looked his palm up and down a few times: "Master, what is my fate when it comes to me personally?"

(End of this chapter)

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