Fortune Teller.

Chapter 233 You have me and I have everything

Chapter 233 You have me and I have everything

"Your name is not bad either. You have everything I have, and you have the essence of business. Only when you benefit others, will they cooperate with you, and in this way, you will also benefit." Shi admired it very much. Quanyou has an interpretation of his own name, you have everything, I have everything, compared to me, you have everything, don’t look at just changing the next order, the realm is much higher.Almighty, you, me, all have the height, which proves that he has a broad space for growth in the future.

The amount of heart determines a person's achievement.

When Shi De said goodbye to Quanyou, Lan Guocheng, who was still in the room, stayed alone for a while, until someone came up to him and patted him on the shoulder, and he woke up like a dream.Taking a closer look, it turned out to be his little Ji Du.

"Ji Du, didn't you go back to the capital?" Lan Guocheng had spontaneous enthusiasm for Ji Du, he stood up, and punched Ji Du in the chest, "It's strong again, all right, hurry up!" On to Stallone."

Ji Du smiled, hugged Lan Guocheng's shoulders, and walked towards the corner where no one was around: "Guocheng, there is something I want to tell you, you must take care of it."

"What's the matter? My brother has something to say, don't hesitate." Lan Guocheng thought it was another trivial matter. He and Ji Du grew up together, and there was no conflict of interest, so he didn't think about it.

"Could you tell Uncle Lan later on, don't let the Bitian Group take over the Zhuo Group's business?" Ji Du is straightforward, and he won't go around when he says something.

"..." Lan Guocheng stopped suddenly, with a look of astonishment on his face, "Ji Du, your base isn't in the capital, so why are you meddling in Shimen business affairs? Do you have business dealings with Bitian Group?"

Ji Du's public identity is the vice president of Jingcheng Ronghua Group.Ronghua Group is not well-known in Beijing, where there are many large group companies, state-owned enterprises, and the world's top 500 companies. Most of the shares and properties under the Ronghua Group are taken over or disposed of by Ronghua Group.

Ji Du has never told Lan Guocheng that in addition to his identity as the vice president of Ronghua Group, he also has the identity of Bi Wentian's closed disciple. Lan Minxin is very disgusted with "feudal superstitions" such as face-to-face and feng shui. Let alone trying to persuade Lan Minxin, as long as he hears the relevant words, he will fly into a rage and coax people away.

It is precisely because of this that, in order not to make it difficult for Lan Guocheng, and to maintain a good image in front of Lan Minxin, Ji Du has been hiding his true identity.

"There was a cooperation with Bitian Group before, but the result was very unpleasant. Bitian Group has no reputation and is double-faced, so I don't want Bitian Group to take advantage of the mess of Zhuo Group to make a comeback... How about it, brother Cheng, can you help brother? " Ji Du casually made up a lie, he believed that with his friendship with Lan Guocheng for many years, Lan Guocheng would definitely agree to such a trivial matter.

"That's it..." Lan Guocheng really couldn't refute Ji Du's face. After all, he and Ji Du were young, and they had been friends for decades, and Ji Du rarely asked him for help. Besides, he has nothing to do with the Bitian Group, but... just as he was about to agree, Quanyou's warning to him to beware of villains recently popped up in his mind. Don't listen to the warning, he suddenly felt that Ji Du's face, which was very kind and familiar before, suddenly became strange and had more meaningful content, so he immediately said casually, "Okay, I will tell my dad later. Let me tell you, this little thing is probably not a big problem."

In fact, Lan Guocheng's real thought was that it was evil. Just after the master reminded him to beware of villains, Ji Du unexpectedly appeared and made a request to him that he had never asked before. The master is really amazing.However, it is not justified to say that Ji Du is a villain, he will never believe that Ji Du will harm him.However, for the sake of safety, he decided to wait for a while, and when Ji Du asked him later, he said he would forget it when he was busy, and I believe Ji Du would not blame him.

Ji Du thought it was done, and was very happy. He was eager to go back and show off to Yuan Yuan, so he chatted with Lan Guocheng casually, then turned and left.

Shi De didn't know about the meeting between Ji Du and Lan Guocheng, he didn't know who he was going to see when he left in a hurry.But if Shi De saw the conversation between Ji Du and Lan Guocheng just now, he would laugh it off and feel better.But if he knew that Quanyou had received Huahua's call and hurried to meet Luo Xiaoyi, I don't know how he would feel.

And if Shi De further knows that Huahua and Quanyou want to join forces to help Luo Xiaoyi win the battle for family property, defeat Niu Tianzi, and help Niu to become a leader in the world, perhaps Shi De will shake his head helplessly and smile for Quanyou and Huayou. The way to make money out of the fire is noncommittal.However, Shi De has a principle. If it is a business that he cooperates with Quanyou, then Quanyou must abide by his rules. His rules are the thirteen laws of life taught by Master He. He summed up three sentences as the programmatic principles for his future selection of partners or subordinates.

The first sentence is - your responsibility is your direction, your experience is your capital, your character is your destiny.

The second sentence is - simple to do complex things, you are an expert.Do simple things repeatedly, you are an expert.Do the repetitive things with your heart, and you are the winner.

The third sentence is - beauty belongs to the confident, opportunities belong to the pioneers, and miracles belong to the persistent!

If I add a summary at the end, it would be—if you don’t want to do it, you will always find an excuse.If you want to do well, you will always find a way!

While thinking, Shi De secretly applauded his three-sentence principle, thinking slightly narcissistically, he did not expect that he was also an excellent manager by nature, so the crisis of the Bitian Group must be solved under his operation. Can it be solved smoothly?

With [-]% narcissism and [-]% yearning, Shi De took a big step to go back to find Xia Hua and Yue Qingying, it was getting late, it was time to go back, even though he said that he did not see Ye Weichen today because of regret , but at least established a brand-new cooperative relationship with Quanyou, and successfully intersected with Lan Guocheng.

Of course, it is a small pity that the funds for the Binsheng office building that Xiahua is looking forward to have not yet been settled, nor have they found a suitable partner for Xiayou's travel plan.

In the deep autumn in the courtyard of the deep house, although the lights are bright and bright, there are also corners that cannot be illuminated by the lights. Shi Er thought he was returning the same way, but when he passed through the arch and then walked through the corridor, he was caught in a twists and turns. The corridor deceived the eyes, unknowingly turned to the right, and walked into a side courtyard.

The scenery of the side courtyard is very different from the main courtyard. The main courtyard is just a wide yard without any trees—it should be cut down by later generations. There is a rockery, and there is a pond. In the pond, there are several red carp swimming leisurely.

Although it is late autumn when the branches and leaves are all gone, the trees are bare and lifeless, but the embellishment of a few poplars and willows, combined with the calmness of the rockery and flowing water, has a sense of paradise.Compared with the hustle and bustle in the main courtyard, the side courtyard is a world of its own, quiet and pleasant.

When I looked up, there was a room in front of me, and there was a pair of couplets on the pillars on both sides of the room.In the first couplet, I don’t want to be prosperous and rich for the rest of my life. In the second couplet, I hope that I can feel at ease all day long, criticize horizontally, and have five blessings.

What a couplet, Shi De secretly admired, poetry expresses aspirations, expresses one's heart, couplets are the direct expression of the owner's heart, and now there are too few people who can not seek prosperity and wealth but hope to be at ease.Of course, then again, if the poor have such a heart, it is indeed remarkable.But if you are a rich and powerful person, you will be a little bit indifferent like you used to go through the sea.

The indifference that was once too difficult for water, in some people's eyes, is hypocritical, or pretending to be noble when standing and talking without back pain.The realm of life is different, and the things pursued are also different.But no matter whether you are busy in pursuit of food and clothing or indifferent to the prosperity of the world, if you can have a heart to gain and lose your life, then life will be very different and open.

An open life is a magnificent life.

Shi De stayed for a while, and wanted to turn around and leave. Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, he heard the voice of talking from the room. It was an old and easy-going voice. The voice was not loud, but the sound caught his ears, and he stopped immediately. He stepped forward, because one sentence suddenly aroused his desire to be strong and competitive!

"In the traditional culture handed down from China, physiognomy is out-and-out dross, a feudal superstition, and useless."

Although the old man's voice was easy-going, the words he said were extremely extreme.

Although Shi De also admitted that there must be some dross in the inheritance of physiognomy, but to completely deny physiognomy because of some dross is to generalize.Just like many great figures in history, in addition to their great achievements, there are also shameful aspects of their conduct, but their monuments cannot be completely negated because of their corrupt conduct.

After the old and easy-going voice, another old and plain voice sounded.If the first old voice is easy-going and murderous, then the second old voice is simple and honest, but it is honest and open.

"Everything has two sides. It cannot be generalized, nor can it be killed with a single stick. For example, the Yuan Dynasty, which was just over 90 years old. Many historians believe that the Yuan Dynasty is one of the most tragic dynasties in Chinese history. The darkest period of ruling the Han people..."

(End of this chapter)

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