Fortune Teller.

Chapter 245 Conversation

Chapter 245 Conversation
Compared with the rigidity when he was by Li Changfeng's side, Xia Xiang is now much more relaxed and more real. Seeing Xia Xiang's intentional approach, Shi De recalled the help Xia Xiang gave him when he first met Ye Dacheng last time, and felt in his heart. I am grateful for Xia Xiang's friendship: "How could it be? It is my honor to be friends with Brother Xia. I haven't thanked you enough for what happened last time."

"You're welcome, it's easy to do." Xia Xiang smiled sincerely and happily, "Today's dinner, I was originally the protagonist, but in order to thank Director Ye for his kindness, I turned the host into a guest, and did everything to accompany Director Ye. Director Ye likes it Vegetarian, so I came to Nadi Vegetarian. Speaking of Ye Dong, what you said last time left a deep impression on him, and he has never forgotten you since then, and hopes to have the opportunity to sit and discuss with you again."

It turned out that Xia Xiang was with Ye Dacheng, but Shi De suddenly felt moved, and secretly looked at Xia Xiang's face, and his judgment was further strengthened in his heart. Brother Xia was promoted. I always thought that Brother Xia was the assistant of Li Changfeng and Li Dong..."

Xia Xiang shook his head: "When Li Dong was still called Li Dingshan, I was indeed by Li Dong's side and was his assistant. Later, Li Dong had a chance to go into politics, and I tried my best to persuade him to do so, but unfortunately he insisted on it. To do business. Later he went into business and I went into politics. We took two completely different paths. Although the paths are different, the friendship between me and Mr. Ye, who is both a teacher and a friend, is still there. Ye Dong has always been close, often together..."

That's it, Shi De was relieved, but what he still didn't understand was that there were many uncertain factors in Xia Xiang's face. Generally speaking, few people had the same chance to choose what kind of life as Xia Xiang did. .

Perhaps, some adventure happened to Xia Xiang.

"Where is brother Xia going to study?" Shi De wanted to ask clearly.

"An County, deputy county magistrate." Xia Xiang's face was calm, and he was not complacent at all because he was the deputy county magistrate at a young age, "An County has many mountains and rivers, which is very suitable for developing tourism. Shi De, welcome to An County invest."

An County is a mountainous area under the jurisdiction of Shimen. It is 70 kilometers west of Shimen and is located in the Taihang Mountains. Although it is not a poor county, it is not considered a wealthy county either.Yes, Xia Xiang was only 27 or [-] years old, but he actually became the deputy county magistrate. It seemed that he had a bright future in the future, so Shi De accepted Xia Xiang's words: "Okay, the opportunity is right, I must go to An County to visit Xia County magistrate. "

"In front of you, I am your friend Xia Xiang, not the deputy magistrate of An County." Xia Xiang laughed heartily and sincerely, "Leave a contact information, Shi De, and I will keep in touch in the future."

"Okay." Shi was very happy to associate with Xia Xiang, so he exchanged phone numbers with Xia Xiang, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "How is the relationship between Brother Xia and Ye Weichen?"

"Ye Weichen..." Xia Xiang exchanged contact information with Shi De, and thought for a while, "How should I put it, I have some friendship with him, but we don't get along very well, mainly because we don't hit it off well. You don't I know that when people communicate with each other, sometimes they can only become friends if they share the same temper.”

Xia Xiang's words are very real, neither hypocritical nor artificial, showing that he is neither conceited nor deliberately flattering in front of Ye Weichen, which makes Shi appreciate it very much: "Don't say it, I really want to go to An County to develop Green eco-tourism, I wonder if brother Xia will be in charge of tourism after he takes office?"

"Coincidentally, I happen to be in charge of tourism, haha, brother Shi is welcome to invest in An County, and I welcome you on behalf of the people of An County." Xia Xiang stretched out his hand to shake Shi De's hand, "I'm serious, you can't take your word for it, I will use it The best tea leaves are waiting for brother Shi to visit you."

Shi De felt the passion and strength coming from Xia Xiang's hands, and then quietly swept Xia Xiang's face. Seeing that Xia Xiang not only had a big move in the official salary palace, but also a big move in his love luck, it should be his trip to An County , there will be an affair, just laugh: "Brother Xia's trip to An County, not only will the official fortune be prosperous, but there may also be unexpected gains."

"Oh?" Xia Xiang was curious for a moment, and held onto Shi De's hand, "What kind of windfall will you gain? Brother Shi, you seem to be good at reading, don't you? Come, show me my future official career and women's fate. "

In fact, he really doesn't want others to know that he has physiognomy, although in ancient times, every high-ranking official would have one or two masters of physiognomy.It’s just that now under the education of so-called materialism, people only believe in material things and not in spirit. Whether it’s physiognomy or Taoist cultivation of immortals, they will be labeled as feudal superstitions at every turn, even though many people don’t know what it is. It is the real feudal superstition, but under the indoctrination of brainwashing education, people follow what others say, as if the four words feudal superstition have become a magic weapon to cover up their ignorance.All things that are unknown, uncertain or unbelieved are all prevaricated by feudal superstition, and it seems that they are psychologically superior to others.Such ignorant and self-righteous psychological hints and Ah Q-style anesthesia have made many people sit at the bottom of the well and refuse to come out.

However, for Xia Xiang, Shi De didn't want to deliberately conceal the fact that he knew physiognomy, but he wouldn't admit it directly, but it was very necessary for him to remind Xia Xiang that Xia Xiang was good in every aspect, even when it came to women. , it seems easy to make mistakes: "Official luck is relatively prosperous, but people are above the officialdom, official luck and women's issues are closely related."

Xia wanted to hear Shi De's hint, and laughed: "Thank you brother Shi for reminding me, I will be more careful when it comes to women. I may make small mistakes occasionally, but I will never make big mistakes. Look at people Really, I can afford to let go of other issues, that is, on the issue of women... Alas, if you don't honor your predecessors and cherish your body, pretending to be crazy will inevitably come true. Tired beauty. In a man's life, sometimes he always wants to be free and easy, but it is difficult to be free and easy. There are only two lines of tears in his life, half of the country and half of the beauty."

If a man is entangled with too many women, it is because of adultery, which is the most detrimental to good fortune, and good fortune is the source of all luck such as official luck, wealth and luck.As blessings decrease, luck will also disappear. Therefore, if Xia Xiang wants to have a smooth sailing in the political world, he must be cautious about the issue of men and women.Out of kindness, Shi De emphasized again: "Brother Xia, some things should be done in moderation. There is a story, I wonder if you have heard it?"

One is fate, two is luck, three is geomantic omen, four is accumulating yin virtue, and five is reading. There are many things in life, which must be distinguished.One must believe in fate in life, but one cannot fully believe in fate.Fate is a definite number, luck depends on human effort, if you pay more attention to Feng Shui and accumulate Yin virtues, read more books of sages, your fate can be changed.Shi De hopes that he can influence Xia Xiang's fate invisibly, so that Xia Xiang can walk on a righteous path in the world. After all, it is easy for people to cultivate in the public, but if it is not a public heart, but a selfish thought, a person in the officialdom will make things worse. Bad karma.

"What story, let's hear it." Xia Xiang felt that he and Shi De had a special affinity and wanted to hear Shi De's opinion.Shi De can talk to Ye Dacheng fluently, which is extraordinary. He has seen too many young people like Shi De in front of Ye Dacheng. He is very talented and learned, but what he said was either out of tune or unreliable. In short, Shi De was the only person he had ever seen who could protect his composure under the pressure of Ye Dacheng's powerful aura.

"Pei Zhang is from the Hedong District of SX Province. He knows a master who is good at physiognomy. The master has seen Pei Zhang's physiognomy and said that he has a full heaven and a round earth pavilion. He will definitely achieve great fame and career in the future. Pei Zhang 20 When he was young, he married his wife, Mrs. Li, who was very honest and dull, with ordinary looks, so it was difficult to win Pei Zhang's favor..." Shi De told a story he had heard, and seeing Xia Xiang put on a posture of listening attentively , I thought that although Xia wanted to commit Taohua, at least he had the heart of self-examination and self-discipline, which might be able to make up for the lack of easy loss of blessings in his fate. "A year later, Pei Zhang went to Taiyuan to be an official, and Li Shi Stay at home. Not long after, Pei Zhang met a girl in Taiyuan. The girl was younger and more beautiful than Li. The two lived together in Taiyuan and ignored Li at home. Li was alone Living in the old house, neither received a word of comfort from Pei Zhang, nor received money from Pei Zhang. In the end, Mrs. Li became ill with grief and anger, and unfortunately passed away."

"A few years later, Pei Zhang met the master again. The master looked at his face and said in surprise, many years ago, I saw you as a dignified face, why have you changed so much now? In the past, your heaven was full, how is it now? Is there a sign of heaven falling? In the past, your ground was square and round, but now it is sharp. Looking at your palm, there is black air coiling around your palm, and you should be careful to guard against it for fear of unexpected disasters. Your appearance has changed drastically. Did he do something detrimental to his morals? Hearing this, Pei Zhang reflected on what he had done in the past few years, and felt that there was nothing wrong with his conscience. He only married a new lover and lived together in Taiyuan, which made his wife worry and angry. The death is the most wicked thing he has ever done in his life..." Shi Dewei paused, thinking of how many so-called celebrities and celebrities in the Republic of China abandoned their wives and children one after another, looking for new loves, and took this as a token of respect. The spiritual revelry of the old society's rebellion, in fact, does not know that any change of the times and the rise of waves, as long as it violates the law of heaven, it will reduce blessings and lifespan. The moral standards of the world will change because of the times, but the law of heaven will not.

No matter what kind of name, what doctrine, what kind of so-called new life or new trend is pursued, as long as it is contrary to human relations and morality, it will cut blessings, take away calculations and reduce discipline.Duosuan means shortening one's lifespan, and one calculation is one hundred days.Reduction of discipline is also a reduction of life span, and one discipline is 12 years.Throughout the ages, times have changed, and moral standards have changed, but the sky is still the original sky, and the way of heaven is still the way of heaven that upholds justice and rewards good and evil in the end!

(End of this chapter)

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