Fortune Teller.

Chapter 250

Chapter 250
The old lady doesn’t know the scientific explanation of the ghost hitting the wall. She only knows that according to the experience of the old people, when encountering a ghost hitting the wall, don’t panic, let alone keep walking. The best way is to look at the Big Dipper in the sky, and, It is best if you can recite the Buddha's name, as soon as you recite the Buddha's name, the ghost will disappear when it hits the wall.

Fortunately, the old lady knew how to recite the Buddha's name, so she didn't go any further. She recited the Buddha's name silently in her heart: "Amitabha, Amitabha...". , many times brighter than usual, she suddenly understood something, put her hands together and said, "I didn't mean to scare you, you scared me first. Don't be angry, I didn't mean to provoke you."

It is said that when a person recites the Buddha's name, light will shine from his body, which cannot be seen by humans, but can be seen by ghosts.To the ghosts, the light on the person who recites the Buddha's name is very dazzling and bright, which frightens the ghosts.

As soon as the old lady finished speaking, the lights immediately dimmed a bit and returned to the same brightness as usual.The old lady was no longer afraid, and wanted to go home, but as soon as she took a step, the street lights suddenly went out again.

It turned out that I met a naughty ghost and insisted on teasing her, the old lady said: "Is there something I did wrong that made you angry? You can tell me and I will correct it." After a while, she suddenly remembered She came out because of something, and said again, "Is it wrong for me to be angry with the old man? I figured it out just now. I am old and have passed my whole life. Is there anything I can't see? I shouldn't be with the old man." He quarreled, and he made me suffer all my life. I have a bad temper and always get angry. He occasionally reprimands me, and it should be. He has a bad heart, and I can't control my temper. At home, it's so wrong. I'm going home now to apologize to him..."

As soon as the words were finished, the street lights turned on again at the same time. The old lady saw that not only the road when she came, but also the road at the end of the alley was clearly visible.

The old lady left Wuyou Lane in a hurry, returned home in a hurry, opened the door to look, but suddenly found that the old man had a heart attack, and died on the ground because no one was looking after him... The old lady was sad and guilty, and in a hurry, she also Sudden cerebral hemorrhage and died on the spot.

I don’t know who spread the news. Later, as long as the quarreling men and women go to Wuyou Lane at night, they will always be trapped by ghosts hitting the wall. No matter how much they shout, they will not get out of the trap unless they truly realize their mistakes. , Make sure you won't get angry or quarrel in the future, and then you can leave.Over time, legends of ghosts in Wuyou Lane spread, and it was said that the ghosts in Wuyou Lane were an old couple who had quarreled all their lives.

Shi De is not from Shimen, and he doesn't know the legend of Wuyou Lane being haunted by ghosts, and he doesn't take Xia Hua's panic-stricken yelling to be haunted. Regardless of whether he believes in ghosts or not, in his opinion, ghosts are not scary, but people are the ones who are really scary.

People are much scarier than ghosts. Ghosts harm people, they can only cause trouble, and people harm people. In addition to causing trouble like ghosts, they can also shoot openly and covertly, double-handedly, and do everything. And the means, even the ghosts sigh.

As soon as Shi De finished speaking, one person appeared from behind the car, and then another person appeared from the front and the rear respectively, making a total of three people, forming horns, surrounding Shi De in the middle.

Among the three people, Shi De didn't feel anything when the two who appeared behind the car and in front of the car appeared. , even though he was hidden from the lights of the car, hidden in the darkness, so that Shi De couldn't see his face clearly.But when his figure was more than ten meters away from Shi De, Shi De felt an almost irresistible oppressive force rushing towards his face, like a [-]-level gust of wind rising from the flat ground, which almost made Shi De stand still and retreat Count the steps!

Such a powerful and astonishing aura, Shi was shocked, this person is definitely a top master!
But just now he felt that there were four people lurking in the darkness, but now only three came out, and one person did not show up. Did he dare not face him, or did he hide behind and prepare to give him a fatal blow at a critical moment?Shi De couldn't care less about the real intention of not showing up behind the scenes, and now all his attention was on the top expert who was walking towards him step by step.

As soon as Da Jian and Er Qiang showed up, they stood aside respectively, neither stepping forward nor making a move. Obviously, the two were just a foil for the top experts.However, unlike Da Jian's resentful eyes when he looked at Shi De, Er Qiang still admires and sincerely looks up to Shi De.

As the top masters approached step by step, Shi De felt that he was facing more and more pressure, just like facing a huge wave like overwhelming mountains, his figure began to sway from side to side, like a flat boat in a storm.

Sitting in the car, Xia Hua was so shocked that she couldn't speak. Although she couldn't feel the pressure on Shi De, she could see the three figures that appeared one after another from the darkness just now.Only now did she believe in Shi De's amazing judgment. Could it be that Shi De has night eyes like a dog?No, how can you compare Shi De to a dog? It's really stupid.However, it is said that the night eyes of dogs only have two colors of gray and white at night. The night vision ability of dogs is five times that of humans, but it is not as good as that of cats, which is six times.Therefore, when seeing things at night, dogs are clearer than people, and cats are clearer than dogs.

Well, Xia Hua compared Shi De to a cat again.Does Shide have a pair of cat's eyes?Impossible, how can people have cat's eyes, the cat's pupils can be adjusted, but Shi Shi can't?She thought about it wildly, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, it was wrong, now that Shi De was in danger, but she was still struggling with the problem of cats and dogs, it was really inappropriate.

Shi is one-on-three, so he should be able to pass the test, right?Whether he can or not, call for support first, Xia Hua quietly took out her phone, put it where no one outside could see, and secretly sent a text message.She was smart enough not to make a phone call, fearing that if she made a call, people outside would find out, and maybe it would irritate the other party instead.

In other words, Xia Hua, if Yue Qingying and Bi You were replaced, perhaps they would not have Xia Hua's composure and wit.

"Shi De..." The top expert who was approaching Shi De step by step stopped three meters away from Shi De. At this time, his whole body entered Shi De's sight, but it was obvious that he did not He didn't intend to hide his real identity, but he said openly, "I'm Tian Nan, I met you last time, but unfortunately, I wanted to compete with you at the time, but I was spoiled by everything. Now The timing is just right, you can use whatever skills you have. As long as you can defeat me, I guarantee that Dajian and Erqiang will not make a move, and I will also guarantee the safety of the woman in your car. If you don’t fight me seriously and want to run, you Maybe you can escape, but the woman in your car will definitely not escape."

The implication is to warn Shi De, don't try to play tricks, if you want to fight, just fight seriously.

It turned out to be Tian Nan, but Shi De calmed down. Although the pressure from Tian Nan was still strong, he took a step forward slowly: "Uncle want to fight me, it's okay, but it's not necessary Playing tricks, making it so mysterious, it seems haunted. Also, there are four of you here, only three of you have shown up now, and there is one more, do you want to put a sniper in the back?"

Shi De believed that with Tian Nan's status as a master, he wouldn't do anything foolish, but it was necessary to say some things on the bright side. He and Tian Nan were not sure of victory in a single fight. Well, even if Da Jian and If the second strong man didn't make a move, the one who was hiding behind always told him to always guard against the plotting behind him, or if he took the opportunity to attack Xia Hua and he couldn't get out to save him, it would be troublesome.

Tian Nan heard Shi De's implication, and smiled lightly: "Don't worry, that friend is just not convenient to show up, and he won't make a move either, just hiding behind the scenes to watch the battle."

"Okay." As soon as Shi De finished speaking, he made a wrong body, stepped forward, stretched his right arm, and made a "hand waving pipa" in Taijiquan, hitting Tiannan's right shoulder.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the opponent has come prepared, and today's battle is unavoidable. It is better to fight sooner than later, and Shi De stopped talking nonsense, and took the initiative to attack with the idea of ​​​​strike first.Even though he also knew that in front of Tian Nan, the top player, his chance of winning was only one percent.

"Good time." Tian Nan looked calm, moved his shoulders but did not move his waist, dodged Shi De's blow, stretched out his right hand, turned his palm into a knife, and swept straight towards Shi De's neck.

Although Tian Nan is Da Jian's master, but it is completely different from Da Jian's strike. Tian Nan's palm technique is neither an external technique of opening and closing, nor an internal method of using softness to overcome rigidity, but a combination of hardness and softness. Dacheng realm.The wind in the palm is like a knife, and the momentum is astonishing, but there is also a clumsy and ingenious Tai Chi technique, like a dense iron net, which makes it impossible for people to break it with great strength, and there is no way to escape.

He is the first master that Wei Shi has encountered since he became a teacher!

Shi De lowered his head to avoid Tiannan's blow, turned around, and made a "high-tech horse" move. His hands turned into fists and pushed forward flatly. It seemed slow and leisurely, but it actually contained the strength of his whole body. Approaching Tiannan.

Tian Nan didn't dodge, just smiled silently, just like Shi De, he turned his fists into palms, pushed forward flatly, and met Shi De's palms.The four palms are handed over and exert force at the same time.

There was neither the lightning flash described in martial arts novels, nor the earth-shattering explosion in martial arts movies. It seemed that nothing happened, but Shi De and Tian Nan took a step back at the same time.

But in fact, Shi De suffered a small loss.

Tiannan's strength is a combination of hardness and softness, which is better than Shi De's use of softness to overcome rigidity. Shi De fought him head-to-head once, but failed to resolve Tiannan's continuous force of strength in time, while his feminine strength He was completely dissolved by Tian Nan. In this way, he was counterattacked by Tian Nan's strength, his hands hurt from the shock, and his internal organs were overwhelmed.

It was also the first time that Shi had suffered a loss in a duel since his debut.

(End of this chapter)

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