Fortune Teller.

Chapter 259

Chapter 259
Yang Changzai's words were half joking and half serious, but Xia Hua's mind was moved. Also, if Shi De and Bi You got back together, or married Yue Qingying, wouldn't she be the final loser? ?However, she was unwilling to let Shi De know that she liked him, and Shi De was the same, just like a piece of wood, he couldn't tell her directly, Xia Hua, I like you, and you like me too, okay?She will immediately nod and say, ok, I like you too.

"By the way, Xiaoyou Shi, please tell me about the method of breathing later on. This method of breathing is very good. Now I understand that the human body can understand everything when the Qi is ventilated. Don't look at the little one. Breathe, but there are university questions in it. Also, last time you talked about making a documentary, why didn’t you follow it?”

After Yang Changcheng left, Xia Hua grabbed Shi De's sleeve: "Make a documentary? What documentary? Why don't I know?"

"Didn't I tell you?" Shi De thought for a while, but couldn't remember whether he had told Xia Hua, so he simply said, and then added, "When the time comes to film, you have to play, How about being the host?"

"This idea is good, I support it." While talking, the two came to Xia's house, Xia Hua took out the key, and then knocked on the door with the key, "Open the door, dear parents, your dear daughter is back."

Take out the key and don't open the door, sincerely tormenting people, isn't it?Shi De was speechless to Xia Hua.

The door opened, and it was actually Xia You who opened the door himself.

It's past seven in the morning, Xia You is wearing home clothes, he looks very casual and peaceful, today is Sunday, he doesn't have to go to work, he has a relaxed expression.

"Shi De is here." Xia You greeted lightly, then glanced at Xia Hua again, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Eat." Xia Hua boldly responded to the doubts in Xia You's gaze, and said generously, "Dad, you guessed it right, Shi De and I had breakfast together."

Shi was embarrassed, Xia Hua was too direct, it was clearly to put him at a disadvantage, to tell Xia You that he and Xia Xiang had spent the night together, must he face Xia You's inquiries and dissatisfaction?
Unexpectedly, Xia You just smiled faintly: "Don't eat breakfast at the street stall outside, it's unhygienic."

Taking advantage of Xia You's inattention, Xia Hua stuck out her tongue at Shi De, and then she hugged Xia You's arm again: "Father still understands me, after all, it's my real father. It's Shi De who has to eat outside, I couldn't do anything about him, so I took a simple bite."

Xia Hua really has a way of deceiving Xia You, she is very good at it.It is said that there is no better way to know a daughter than a father, but in fact, it is true that there is no better way to know a father than a daughter.

While changing shoes, Shi De noticed that Xia Hua brought him a brand new pair of slippers from the top of the shoe cabinet, and he was puzzled: "I remember wearing blue slippers last time..."

In the middle of the conversation, Zheng Wenting came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, with white flour on her hands: "Shi Delai... Hey, Xiaohua, didn't you say you bought the new shoes for your dad last time, dare you use your dad's cover If you bought it for Shide, you should have said no, and you lied on purpose."

"Hehe, I could see that she didn't buy slippers for me. I don't like black slippers. It's not like she didn't know, but she bought black ones on purpose. She just wanted to prevent me from wearing them." Xia You laughed and sat down. On the sofa, command Xia Hua, "Xia Hua, go pour tea."

"Dad, what tea do you want?" Xia Hua was not at all ashamed when Zheng Wenting and Xia You exposed her little trick in person, as if she was talking about someone else.

"Drink..." Xia You originally wanted to talk about drinking Tieguanyin, but seeing Xiahua's sly smile, he knew that his eccentric daughter was testing him again. Usually he has three kinds of tea, and Tieguanyin entertains ordinary guests , Jin Junmei entertained important guests, Dahongpao entertained distinguished guests, he thought for a while, "Jin Junmei is well."

"Okay, I'll be here soon." Xia Hua immediately beamed with joy. Although Shi De had not risen to the status of drinking Dahongpao in Xia You's mind, at least he was no longer at the level of ordinary guests. Dad has been friends for so many years, so he only invited him to drink Jinjunmei. There are not many people in Shimen, no, it should be said in Yan Province, who can drink Dahongpao.

Even when the deputy mayor of Shimen came to visit sometimes, Dad only entertained Jin Junmei. Thinking about it this way, Xia Hua was even happier.

"Master Shi, my left eye has been twitching recently. I don't know what's going on? By the way, is it the left eye twitching and the right eye twitching, or the left eye twitching and the right eye twitching? I'm confused." Xia Xia Hua went to make tea, when Zheng Wenting saw Shi De, she didn't even bother to wipe the white noodles on her hands, so she sat opposite Shi De, and instead of calling Shi De, she called Master Shi directly.

From a medical point of view, saccade is a sign of eye fatigue and fatigue, which is caused by the abnormal excitement of the nerves that control the eyelid muscles, that is, part of the orbicularis oculi muscle fibers cannot continue to contract spontaneously in a short period of time, so that it affects the nerves on the eyelid muscles. skin.It is normal to jump up once or twice occasionally, and it will usually recover after a period of time.

But if you keep saccades, it may be frequent eye saccades caused by chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases. Although it is not a serious problem, it will make people feel uneasy.

Regardless of whether it is the left eye jumping money and the right eye jumping disaster, or the left eye jumping disaster and the right eye jumping money, there is no relevant statement in physiognomy, but if you deny it all, Shi De believes that his answer will definitely not make you call him Master Shi's Zheng Wenting was satisfied, so she thought about it, and said with a smile: "There is an unscientific saying, Auntie just listen to it, don't take it too seriously."

"What do you say, Master Shi, tell me quickly." Zheng Wenting was very eager.

Xia You smiled helplessly, without interrupting, and simply read the newspaper aside.On the surface he didn't care about Shi De's explanation, but in fact he pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what Shi De had to say.

"If the left eye twitches on Monday, it means that something is going to happen today. If the right eye twitches, it's normal, and it doesn't matter. If it's Tuesday, the left eye twitches, and the mood will be very happy. If the right eye twitches, something unpleasant will happen. If it's Wednesday A left eye twitch means someone likes you. A right eye twitch means something will make you angry. If it’s a left eye twitch on Thursday, something unexpected happens. A right eye twitch means you can’t interfere with anything today. If it’s a left eye twitch on Friday, Someone is missing you. Twitch in the right eye, a happy thing will happen. If it is a twitch in the left eye on Saturday, your secret will be exposed in the past few days. Twitch in the right eye, you will get a gift in the near future. If it is a twitch in the left eye on Sunday, it will Something unexpected happened. The right eye twitches, good luck." Shi De finished speaking in one breath, then he laughed again, "It's normal for the eyes to twitch a few times, so don't take it to heart. But..."

But what, Shi De didn't say anything, he paused, it wasn't that he was playing tricks in front of Zheng Wenting, but that he didn't pay attention to observe just now, and now he inadvertently glanced at Zheng Wenting's face, and suddenly found that Zheng Wenting's face, I don't know when there was more decay I remember that he had seen Zheng Wenting's face before, it was a blessing, and although his face hadn't changed a lot now, there was a faint black lingering, which made him surprised.

Zheng Wenting noticed Shi De's abnormality, and was terrified: "Shi, Master Shi, what happened, did I encounter some trouble?"

As Zheng Wenting, her husband is a high-ranking official, and her daughter is successful in her career. What troubles can she encounter?It's just that in life, there are too many things that power and money can't exchange for, such as health, luck, and... life, so life, no matter when or what level you are in, you will have troubles of one kind or another.

Accumulate more blessings when you are poor, and do more good deeds when you are rich, so as to ensure that life is alive, everything goes smoothly, and physical and mental health.

Xia You also put down the newspaper, and his eyes fell on Shi De's face with three points of doubt and seven points of doubt. It seemed that once Shi De said something that was against the superstition of the scientific concept of development, he would immediately refute it Same.

However, Shi De didn't give Xia You a chance to refute. His eyes stayed on Zheng Wenting's face for a moment, and then moved away, his expression as calm as water.It happened that Xia Hua came over with tea and heard the conversation just now. In her eyes, Shi De was not a master, so she pushed Shi De with her hand and said, "Shi De, why are you scaring my mother so hard? I don't care. I warn you, if you scare my mother out of menopause, I will never end with you."

Xia Hua thought her words would ease the atmosphere and amuse Zheng Wenting, but Zheng Wenting's face was serious, without any smile, she grabbed Shi De's hand: "Master Shi, tell me the truth, don't lie to me, I can bear it. "

Shi De still didn't speak, his face was dignified, as if he was thinking about something, after about ten seconds, the atmosphere was like frozen ice, dull and cold, even Xia You couldn't help it, and said: "Shi De Well, if you have something to say, don’t pretend to be mysterious, and don’t pretend to be profound.”

It should be said that Xia You's words were very condescending and questioning, and he was also very blunt, revealing deep dissatisfaction with Shi De.

Shi De was not affected by Xia You's attitude, and after a while, he said slowly: "Does Aunt Zheng feel more tired recently, easily sleepy, and also have inexplicable irritability?"

"Yes, yes, what Master Shi said is absolutely right. I thought it was because of the dry weather in winter that I got angry. Could it be because of the weather? It's because I have memorized words?" Zheng Wenting gave Xia You a dissatisfied look. "When talking to Master Shi, be polite and don't put on your official airs. This is at home, not the provincial party committee. If you dare to attack Master Shi again, Xiaohua and I will block you."

Shi De couldn't cause Xia You's family war because of him, and he couldn't be complacent because of Zheng Wenting's high regard for him. He had to put his position in the right place. He nodded and smiled at Zheng Wenting: "Aunt Zheng, it's okay, Uncle Xia If you care about it, you will be confused, he cares too much about you, that's why he is in a hurry. In front of you, I am really not a good Master Shi, I am just a friend of Xia Hua, and also your junior."

(End of this chapter)

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