Fortune Teller.

Chapter 262

Chapter 262
In the beautiful picture painted by Shi De, Xia You became more and more excited, but after being excited, he felt a great regret: "It's a pity, it's a pity, what an exciting blueprint, but because of people, it was useless. I am not familiar with the current leadership team in An County, and it is too difficult and almost impossible to take down the 10-square-kilometer mountain." As he spoke, he shook his head again and again, expressing his regret.

"After the completion of the Xishan Evergreen Project, it will not only improve the ecological environment of the city, but also enhance the image of the city, and provide more than [-] jobs for the local people, which will have an immeasurable impact on the social and economic development of Shimen, the provincial capital, and An County. Many The poor and backward mountain village will become a new type of small town with prosperous economy, perfect facilities, beautiful environment and harmonious civilization. The scene of Zhongzhu, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers is like a paradise.” Shi De continued to increase his offensive and strengthened his confidence and yearning for summer tours, “The construction of Xishan Evergreen Scenic Spot is a career that will benefit the present and benefit the future!”

"Yes, yes." Xia You sighed infinitely, with a strange brilliance in his eyes, "Just listening to you, I can imagine the bright future of Xishan Evergreen, but the problem now is how to win 10 What about the mountain tops of square kilometers?”

"How about, let me try..." Seeing that Xia You's emotions were fully mobilized by him, Shi De began to slowly close the net.

"You try? How do you try? Master Shi, you are a foreigner, you have only been in Shimen for a few days, how could you know the county party committee leader of An County? Even my father has nothing to do with it. How can you do it? This is not a trivial matter, Don't make any more trouble, can you?" Xia Hua deliberately called Shi De Master Shi, and also deliberately lowered Shi De's status. On the surface, she was belittling Shi De, but in fact, she wanted to suppress Shi De first, and deliberately elevate Shi De in Xia You's mind. portion.

Xia Hua knows Shi De too well, knows that Shi De is a calm person, and never talks about things that are not sure. Since Shi De said that he would try, it is certain that Shi De has an [-]% chance of winning.However, she still doesn't quite believe that Shi De also has a network in An County. Obviously, Shi De's eyes are blackened in Shimen. The biggest gain after he came to Shimen was to participate in Gao Yue's party, and then met Quanyou. He had never heard of him. Do you know other people, especially friends in the political circle?

Xia You was first whetted by Shi De, and then mobilized by Xia Hua, and said: "Yes, Shi De, how long have you been in Shimen, how did you know the county party committee leader in An County? This matter is not a small matter, it is related to The long-term plan for the economic development of An County is also related to the long-term future of you and Xia Hua, and even related to whether you can gain a firm foothold in Shimen, must treat it with caution."

The implication is to warn Shi De not to eat indiscriminately and not to talk indiscriminately.

Although Xiayou raised whether the green eco-tourism project can be implemented as a long-term plan related to the economic development of An County, the real foothold is still on him and Xiahua. It is understandable that he wants him and Xiahua to benefit from it. No matter how high-ranking officials Xia You is, he is also a human being, and everyone wants to benefit their relatives.

Seeing Xia You's solemn face, Shi De knew that Xia You's concern was chaotic, and his mind was agitated, so he stopped being reserved, quietly glanced at Xia Hua, and then deliberately said not so confidently: "How about I call you?" Try calling?"

"Okay, fight quickly." Xia You couldn't wait to find out if Shi De had anything to do with An County, and if so, who it would be.This matter is of great importance, even if he is in a high position, it is inevitable that he will worry about gains and losses.

Shi De nodded, took out his phone, and dialed Xia Xiang's number. After three rings, the phone was connected, and Xia Xiang's voice came over: "Brother Shi, I finally got your call, I thought You turned around and forgot about my friend, haha."

Infected by Xia Xiang's enthusiasm, Shi De also laughed: "How come? I'm afraid of disturbing your work. Your new official has been promoted three times, so there must be many important things to be busy."

"No matter how busy things are, the friendship of friends can't be broken." Xia Xiang guessed that Shi De must have something to call, so he stopped gossiping and got back to business, "Brother Shi, if you have anything, just say it."

"When will you take office in An County?"

"As for the past few days, what's the matter? Do you want to implement the green eco-tourism we talked about last time? I researched the geography and tourism resources of An County. In a mountainous area more than 20 kilometers away from Shimen, there are The mountainous area of ​​15 square kilometers is very suitable for the development of tourism, how about it? I will give you 15 square kilometers of mountain tops, and you can point out the mountains and rivers to your heart's content, and draw picturesque pictures of thousands of miles. Do you dare to take it?"

"Pick it up, pick it up quickly." No matter how hard it is for Xia You to maintain his proper demeanor, when he heard that Shi De is a brother and brother, Xia Xiang, the newly appointed deputy magistrate of An County, all worries and anxieties disappeared, replaced by an overjoyed surprise And excited, seeing that Shi De was still hesitating, he couldn't help reminding Shi De in a low voice, don't miss the opportunity.

Shi De just nodded and smiled at Xia You, and was not in a hurry to accept the move, but pretended to be embarrassed and said: "Brother Xia, although I also want to have the courage to swallow mountains and rivers, but the mountain top of 15 square kilometers is too big to swallow in one mouthful." Come down, even if you barely swallow it, you may not be able to digest it..."

Xia You was almost in a hurry. Just now, he was pleasantly surprised that Shi De knew Xia Xiang and the relationship between the two was irreversible, but now he was anxious because Shi De was not straightforward enough. If he hadn't relied on his status, he might have snatched it away. Shi De's cell phone, and talked to Xia Xiang himself.

Fortunately, Xia You still restrained his impulse. After all, he has been in the officialdom for many years and has seen many storms and waves, so he can still hold his breath at critical moments.However, he was somewhat dissatisfied with Shi De's sloppiness.

Xia Hua knew Shi De much better than Xia You did. She sat on Shi De's head with her hands resting on her chin. She was not in a hurry, but watched Shi De fight Xia Xiang with a faint smile.Although she was a little surprised that Shi De and Xia Xiang were so familiar with each other that they could be called brothers and sisters, but considering that Shi Delian and Quan Yi could get along with each other calmly, it was not unusual for him and Xia Xiang to hit it off at first sight.

A person with the potential to be successful will first be a person who has a wide range of contacts and is very popular, secondly, he will have the affinity to mingle with all kinds of people, and finally, coupled with a certain amount of knowledge, he can accurately judge who However, whoever is trustworthy can only be used, so it will be difficult for him to fail in the future.And Shi De not only has the above three basic qualities, but also has extraordinary self-control ability that is calm, calm and not easy to make mistakes.

A man who can strictly control his emotions and desires is definitely a remarkable man.As a collaborator, he would be a formidable ally.As an opponent, he is an enemy that is so terrifying that it is daunting!

Cooperating with Shi De will definitely make great achievements in the future. Xia Hua is now more and more optimistic about Shi De's prospects.Not long after he came to Shimen, Shi De has already initially established his own contacts. If he takes more time, he believes that Shi De can fly high and establish a world in Shimen with ease.

Xia Xiang didn't know that Shi De was talking to him at Xia's house at this time. He was packing his things and was about to take up his post in An County. He was just as ambitious as he was back then, and he hoped to do something earth-shattering as soon as he took office.He is very interested in Shi De's intention to invest in green eco-tourism in An County. Not only does he himself attach importance to green and sustainable development, he is willing to benefit the people of An County, but also because he is very optimistic about Shi De's personality and believes that Shi De is a A businessman with a conscience and a sense of social responsibility.

Shi De was a bit difficult to put it, but he didn't deny his proposal outright. Xia Xiang understood Shi De's mind and laughed: "Brother Shi, don't hide your words when you talk to me. Tell me, what do you want?" Such policy support, even if I say it directly, as long as it is within my authority to decide, there must be no other words.”

Xia wanted to speak loudly enough, his words not only reached Shi De's ears through the microphone, but also made several people present hear clearly, Xia You secretly said ashamed, he was too hasty, far less calm and peaceful than Shi De Take it easy.Sometimes, things go smoothly when things are slow. Only by restraining your inner desires a little and not letting the urgent expression be clearly written on your face, can you take more initiative in the negotiation.

Shi De... is really a calm and restrained young man. I hope that Shi De's calm and restraint is just a natural thing, not an unfathomable sinister.Xia You once personally experienced a real incident. At a banquet, a young man named Xu Dazui attacked his colleague Yin Xian after drinking. After hearing the fact that Yin Xian was cheated by cheating, everyone thought that Yin Xian would turn on him face to face and have a fight with Xu Da, but Yin Xian just smiled and said that Xu Da was the most drunk, so ignore him.

At that time, many people praised Yin Xian for being open-minded and magnanimous, but Xia You secretly observed Yin Xian's expression, and saw Yin Xian's quietness revealing a trace of undetectable viciousness, and at Yin Xian's age, it was impossible for him When facing the greatest shame in life, be calm and calm.

Afterwards, Xia You's conjecture was fulfilled. After the banquet, Xu Dazui was hit by a car on his way home after the banquet and died on the spot.Although the vehicle that caused the accident fled on the spot, the driver who caused the accident was arrested a few days later, and it was Yin Xian.

Fortunately, when Xia You secretly observed Shi De's expression, he found that Shi De's expression was calm and unhurried, and there was no trace of deliberately artificial expression. Everything was very natural. From this, it can be seen that Shi De's calmness is indeed From the heart.

"Hehe, with Brother Xia's words, I'm completely relieved." Shi De was waiting for Xia Xiang's words, he chuckled, "I'll go to An County later, and I'll talk with Brother Xia in detail, why? Sample?"

"Okay, no problem, brother Shi is always welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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