Fortune Teller.

Chapter 266 Unexpected Coincidence

Chapter 266 Unexpected Coincidence

"Then again, Niu Tianzi talked effeminately, and lied to Hu, saying that he was unreliable in his words, and he didn't wrong him. Zhuo Fan cut off Hu, which shows that he likes to grab love and grab other people's things. He has a problem with his character. It is true to say that he is unreliable. Jia Chen is so stupid that he can read the wrong cards and pretend to be a fake. It will be strange if anyone asks him for work in the future, so To say that he is unreliable in his work is worthy of his IQ."

"As for you, who are all powerful people, you actually bring your own cards together to make a fool of yourself. Not only are you unreliable in your words, but you are also unreliable in your actions, so if you say that you are unreliable in everything, you deserve your name, right?" Xia Hua didn't have a good impression of Quanyou, As long as she has the opportunity, she will spare no effort to attack Quanyou, "Not to mention your bad behavior of always being in love with the flowers and not giving them a name when it comes to dealing with midsummer, flowers and small poems."

"Stop, stop, sister Xia, I haven't offended you, have I? Why are you trying so hard to smear my glorious image? Well, I admit that I had the idea of ​​cheating in advance when it comes to playing mahjong, but my principle is that playing mahjong Mahjong is always fun, and you can get it if you are happy, and you don’t have to rise to the height of being a human being. I never play tricks on big issues. As for midsummer, flowers and small poems, they belong to my personal affairs, you don’t have to So enthusiastically commenting..." Quanyou curled his lips, feeling helpless at Xia Hua's fierce attack, "Besides, I can't explain clearly the emotional entanglements between Shengxia, Huahua and Xiaoshi for a while, and what happened in the middle I told a lot of stories, and you don't know the truth, and you draw random conclusions based on guesswork, which is a serious damage to my glorious image and great personality."

"Okay, Xia Hua, let's not discuss all the relationship issues. Let's talk about Xiao Zuo. Today's main task is to persuade Xiao Zuo to cooperate with us smoothly." Shi De saw that Xia Hua not only digressed, And as he ran farther and farther, he hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over and bring the topic back to the right track.

The world is colorful, and there are all kinds of people in the world. You can't force everyone to meet your own requirements. What's more, your own requirements will be limited by your own limited knowledge, which may not necessarily be correct.Making friends is all about making friends.Forming an alliance is about seeking common ground while reserving differences.Cooperation, what we pay attention to is to be in harmony with the light.

"Xiao Zuo put it aside for now, I'm here today, I promise Xiao Zuo will be able to catch him and make him obedient." Quan You smiled, with a lively smile on his face.

"Bragging doesn't pay taxes, it's all there. When you can change your habit of talking big and nonsense, you will be successful." Xia Hua couldn't help but sarcastically said something else.

"I'm unreliable in everything, and I'm unreliable in everything, including unreliable speech. Sister Xia, you made me change my habit of talking big and making up nonsense, didn't you make things difficult for me?" Quan You said with a playful smile. He smiled, "But I want to make a bet with you, if I can really make Xiao Zuo submit obediently today, how can you thank me?"

"Thank you? If I don't scold you, you will burn the incense." Xia Hua glanced at Quan Quan in vain. Different from her eyes that were happy and angry when she was in vain, her eyes were full of disdain when she was in vain. glance.

"Okay, I'm afraid of your supercilious eyes, if I can settle Xiao Zuo, sister Xia, no, sister Xia, you think you'd stop being sneering at me, being cold and icy, okay?" Hua had no other choice, she couldn't afford to offend him and couldn't avoid it, so she had to retreat, at least let Xia Hua stop making things difficult for him.

"Well, let me think about it..." Xia Hua hesitated for a moment, then patted Shi De on the shoulder, "Hey, Shi De, do you want to promise everything?"

"It's convenient for others, convenient for yourself, what do you think?" Shi De smiled.

"Okay, I agree." Xia Hua was obviously unreasonable first, but she still said confidently, "If you can't take Xiao Zuo, you have everything, then no matter how much I tease you and beat you, you will have to smash your teeth Swallow it into your belly, do you hear me?"

It's really domineering, Shi De has learned Xia Hua's level, obviously she deliberately made troubles unreasonably, but in the end, it turned out that she was all justified, and if all of them couldn't solve Xiao Zuo's problem-the problem is, Xiao Zuo Zuo's problem is not the problem of all-you have to bear Xia Hua's ridicule willingly. This is completely a trap carefully designed by Xia Hua, but all you don't know and jump into it without hesitation.

No matter how much she implements it, she can guess Xia Hua's thoughts. Xia Hua may really have some grievances for Midsummer, Huahua and Xiaoshi, but fundamentally speaking, she still hopes to suppress the aura of Quanyou, so that Quanyou can be in the right place. When interacting with him, he is in a subordinate position instead of taking the initiative and the upper hand.

It has to be said that Xia Hua spared no effort to protect him, which made him very moved. He had to feel Xia Hua's cleverness and wit, and her skills in dealing with different people were endless. She was indeed an irreplaceable best Partner.

"Okay, that's the deal." Quan You smiled and accepted Xia Hua's conditions. After laughing, he turned his head and glanced at Shi De, "Brother Shi, there is Xia Hua who is as beautiful as a flower and has a sweet belly and a sword." Secretary, your career will definitely skyrocket."

Shi De also saw that Quanyou was not stupid, he accepted Xia Hua's challenge smoothly, which also showed that Quanyou was full of confidence in cooperating with him and was willing to become a supporting role.

Smiling slightly, Shi De didn't talk much about Xia Hua, but changed the subject: "What does Lan Guocheng want to say to me?"

"Lan Guocheng has news about Ma Feiyan..." Quanyou took the words and smiled mysteriously, "Lan Guocheng not only has news about Ma Feiyan, but also about Zhuo Fan, he can't wait to meet you now , I want to know if his fortune will be good next year. Also, Lan Minxin is going to serve as the mayor of Shancheng. Once Lan Minxin leaves, Lan Guocheng will have no backer in Shimen. Listen to his tone, he wants to pull you Join his company and want you to be his consultant."

"I'll talk about consultants later, let's talk about Zhuo Fan and Ma Feiyan first." Many large group companies have consultants, who are generally experts and professors in a certain field. They are only responsible for making suggestions for the company and do not participate in business management. Of course, charging a high salary is a matter of course. Shi De will not consider whether to cooperate with Lan Guocheng as his consultant in the future. Now his thoughts are mainly on Bitian Group, Binsheng, and green ecology. on top of travel.

Zhuo Fan and Ma Feiyan are the key figures to solve the crisis of Bitian Group, especially Zhuo Fan. As long as Zhuo Fan can be brought to justice, Bitian Group may not have to bear the debt.

"There was a strange incident where a vixen seduced a man to be deceived on Goodness Street. Coincidentally, it happened right in front of my Shengshi clinic. What's more, the camera I installed in front of the clinic happened to capture the vixen's deceit. In one scene, you must not guess who the vixen is?" Quanyou laughed, "Skynet is full of details, Ma Feiyan would never have thought that I would install a camera in front of the clinic, and she would never have thought of the bad things she did. , was clearly photographed by me."

While speaking, Quan You took out a video camera and handed it to Shi De: "Brother Shi, come and enjoy the coquettish vixen horse."

"Ma Feiyan...huh!" Xia Hua sneered at Ma Feiyan and let out a "hum", not knowing what emotion she wanted to express.

Shi De turned on the video recorder. Although it was night, the picture was not very clear, but he could still clearly see a woman with a willow and slender waist in black coming to a man, saying something, and then the man followed her to a Suddenly, the woman in black took out an electric baton and shocked the man. The moment the man fainted, the light flickered, illuminating the man's face—it was Huang Ziheng!
"It turned out to be Ziheng!" Shi De was shocked. After being shocked, he had to lament that the things in the world are all intrinsically connected. Who would have thought that Huang Ziheng was deceived by Ma Feiyan, and who would have thought of the scene where Ma Feiyan deceived Huang Ziheng? It was secretly recorded by Quanyou, and if it is inferred from this, his acquaintance with Quanyou is also inevitable by accident.

"Do you know this person?" Quanyou was also taken aback, he thought the person stunned by Ma Feiyan was an insignificant passerby.

"Huang Ziheng is my childhood friend. He is also in Shimen now, and is in charge of Binsheng's family courtyard project." Shi De briefly talked about Huang Ziheng's experience of being nearly hanged, "Unexpectedly, Ma Feiyan, who has been looking for, is hiding in Shimen. And he did such a bad thing behind his back. Brother Quan, who is Ma Feiyan?...Who is it to you?"

"Ma Feiyan...hehe, hehe, it's hard to say." Quanyou smiled, showing a rare embarrassment, "I'll talk about her later, let me talk about Zhuo Fan first. Lan Guocheng said that he found out that Ma Feiyan had not gone abroad , should be in Shimen. But the exact location is still unknown. As soon as his words came, I recorded Ma Feiyan's coquettishness, which showed that Lan Guocheng's news was true and Ma Feiyan was indeed in Shimen. At the same time, Lan Guocheng also It is said that according to reliable information, Zhuo Fan did not go abroad, either in Shimen or in the capital, Zhuo's father and son, in fact, only Zhuo Da went abroad and absconded."

If you go abroad, it is not easy to arrest and bring to justice. Since you have not gone abroad, it is easy to handle. As long as you are in the country, even if you are looking for a needle in a haystack, you can find Zhuo Fan's whereabouts.Even if Zhuo Fan could not be captured directly, finding Ma Feiyan was a victory, and Ma Feiyan took the initiative to provoke Shi De, insisting on participating in Huang Ziheng's affairs, Shi De firmly remembered Ma Feiyan's appearance.

Although the picture on the video tape is not very clear, Ma Feiyan's gaudy face full of peach blossoms can be vaguely seen. Shi Shi couldn't see Ma Feiyan's face from the picture, but from her pair of watery and misty almond eyes Conclusion——This woman is not only murdered, but also amorous all her life.

A good swimmer drowns, a good rider falls, and a passionate and amorous person will also die from amorous and amorous.

(End of this chapter)

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