Fortune Teller.

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Xiao Zuo was slightly astonished for a moment, and then a trace of imperceptible regret flashed in his eyes. He smiled at Shi and nodded: "Congratulations to Master Shi for embracing the beauty! Xia Hua is the famous jasmine flower in Shimen. All kinds of luxury cars were waiting at the door where she got off work, and she hummed a song "What a Beautiful Jasmine" affectionately, but Xia Hua turned a blind eye to it. It was a good story for a while. Back then, there were many people who bet that only the noble son of the capital could win Xia Hua's heart. Unexpectedly, they all lost. It was not the noble son of the capital who picked a flower in Shimen, but Master Shi .”

Quanyou smiled disapprovingly, and did not answer. He could tell that Xiao Zuoming was a compliment, but in fact, his tone contained disrespect and suspicion towards Shi De, who was neither the second generation of rich nor the second generation of officials. , Doubting how much Master Shi Deshi's name is worth, whether it is difficult to live up to the reputation.

"From what you mean, do you doubt Master Shi's ability?" Xia Hua might as well have been reserved, and asked straightforwardly, "Xiao Zuo, I will make a bet with you that if Shi has real abilities, you can speak up." You don’t need to talk about any conditions, masters who are straightforward and point out people’s futures. How about directly lending [-] million yuan to Binsheng? Dare you take a gamble?”

"Well..." Xiao Zuo flinched again, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "I don't like gambling the most in my life."

"No wonder Qingying doesn't want to take another look at you. In her life, she admires the man who can afford it and makes a quick decision, and the man who dislikes ink stains the most." Seeing Xiao Zuo's refusal to jump into the pit, Xia Hua carried Yue Qingying out. .

Hearing Yue Qingying's name, Xiao Zuo's eyes lit up immediately: "By the way, I forgot if you didn't tell me, why didn't Director Yue come today?"

"She doesn't want to see you." Xia Hua's cleverness is that she didn't mention Yue Qingying's support for gambling at all, but kept hinting, making Xiao Zuo mistakenly think that Yue Qingying likes gambling, "It should be that she has a date today, It seems that a man surnamed Niu asked her out, saying that he wanted to show her the excitement of spending a lot of money, and I heard that he went to Duzhuang..."

In Xia Hua's words, there are traps and plausible hints everywhere, and a large number of uncertain adverbs are used, such as "should", "like", etc. If you listen roughly, it is easy to make people mistakenly think that Yue Qingying is She dated Niu Tianzi and went to Duzhuang to participate in an underground casino to gamble, but if she listened carefully, she didn't say a word that clearly pointed out that Yue Qingying was dating Niu Tianzi and went to gamble.

However, according to Xiao Zuo's ears, the effect was exactly what Xia Hua wanted. The reason was that firstly, the person with the surname Niu in the Shimen circle was the Emperor Niu. Secondly, the Emperor Niu was really good at gambling. Duzhuang is a well-known underground casino in the Shimen circle. Although he has never been there, he has heard about it hundreds of times.

How could Yue Qingying like that bitch Niu Tianzi?Xiao Zuo is in a hurry, now that Xia Hua has become Shi De's fiancé, Yue Qingying is the only one in his line of sight who is as beautiful as a flower. With his wealth and appearance, he is not much better than Niu Tianzi?Could it be that a stalwart man like him is not as powerful as a fake mother like Niu Tianzi?Thinking about it this way, he, who dislikes fighting uncertain battles the most in his life, instantly made up his mind: "Okay, just bet, it's no big deal, with the strength of Tianyou Group, it's not difficult to come up with a liquidity of [-] million. But since you want to gamble, since I bet [-] million, then how to bet and what to bet is up to me."

"Okay, you have the final say." Xia Hua smiled happily, as long as Xiao Zuo got on the pirate ship, with Shide's ability, he would definitely be able to get up and down, so Xiao Zuo set up rules casually.

"Since Shi De has the title of Master Shi, and just now he commented on Han Yu's appearance, and told the story of Han Yu and Han Xiangzi, can I understand that Master Shi is a master of physiognomy who respects Buddha and Lao?" Xiao Zuo received Influenced by his parents, he has read a lot of books and thinks he is very knowledgeable, so he wants to compete with Shi De.As a man, everyone has a competitive heart, let alone a beautiful woman by his side?
In front of beautiful women, the aggressive side of a man is always directly proportional to the beauty of the beautiful woman.It is estimated that it is also a common feature of male animals, and they want to win the attention of the opposite sex.

Another point is that although Xiao Zuo is a businessman, he considers himself a Confucian businessman, not a vulgar businessman who only knows how to make money but has no culture.Usually, when interacting with friends in the circle, they are all talking about money and beautiful women. It is a rare opportunity to sit and discuss with a master. If you don’t talk about some profound topics, wouldn’t it be a missed opportunity?And it doesn't show his knowledgeable side.

"I admire Buddhism, but in fact, Buddhism is against things like face-to-face and divination." Shi took the time to calmly respond to Xiao Zuo's attack, "As far as I am concerned, the title of master is the recognition of others , but I don’t consider myself a master, I prefer to call myself a numerologist.”

"Numerologist? Haha, interesting, physiognomy has become scientific." Xiao Zuo was full of confidence at this time, and wanted to defeat Shi De in one fell swoop, so as to establish his extraordinary man image in front of Xia Hua, and hoped that he could borrow Xia Hua's Word of mouth spread to Yue Qingying's ears, making Yue Qingying look at him with admiration, "Whether it's called physiognomy or numerology, it's the same as a black cat and a white cat are good cats if they catch mice. You're right. You can be called a master or an expert if you are sure. Master Shi, I only have three questions. If you answer all three questions correctly, the 1 million yuan will be transferred to Binsheng before you go downstairs. account."

"Okay, may I ask Mr. Xiao." Seeing that Xiao Zuo also had a vigorous side, Shi De was overjoyed.Thousands of people have thousands of faces, and when dealing with people who are too elegant, you have to be elegant all the way to the end.When dealing with people who are both elegant and forthright, you have to adapt to the other person's changing personality.Xia Hua is the best at adapting to different personalities.

Of course, everything is unique.

Seeing that Shi De had the cooperation of Xia Hua, the two sang and harmonized seamlessly, gradually took the initiative, and led Xiao Zuo into the water step by step, but he had no use for him, so he didn't care, and just watched from the sidelines with ease. It's a good show.

"The first question, there are three lives in life, which three lives?" Xiao Zuo didn't have a good eye for physiognomy from the very beginning. What's different about ordinary people is that he can get what he wants, and his future is bright. He doesn't care about or worry about his future fate.

He wanted to beat Shi De more intellectually.

"There are three lives in life. From a sociological point of view, one is life, the other is life, and the third is mission. The three lives correspond to survival, life and responsibility. People who only live for life are mediocre. Let life rise to life To live for the meaning of life, to be excellent. Going one step further, to expand the meaning of life into a sense of mission that must be shouldered in life, and you will achieve greatness." Shi De accepted the move, and it must be said that Xiao Zuo's problem , the difficulty is not low, but if you consider that each of Xiao Zuo's questions is worth more than 3300 million, it is also very worthwhile for him to answer carefully, "From the perspective of fate, the three lives refer to heaven, fate, and yin."

Although it is necessary to test Shide, Xiao Zuo's understanding of the three lives of life is limited to life, life and mission. Unexpectedly, Shi De's understanding of the three lives of life is beyond his understanding, and his interest suddenly increased: "The destiny , fate and Yin fate? Interesting, what do they mean?"

Quanyou also raised his ears to listen. The more he got in touch with Shi De, the more he found that Shi De was an inexhaustible treasure, or in other words, it was simply an encyclopedia of knowledge. The knowledge in Shi De's mind was like the sea vast.A person with a very rich reserve of knowledge is like a treasure that can be endlessly developed, and can surprise people endlessly.

In other words, if he cooperates with Shi De, it will definitely be beneficial?Quanyou considers himself a sensible person who can clearly see his own advantages and disadvantages. His advantage is that he is quick-witted and changeable, and he is good at discovering business opportunities from the smallest details and expanding them for his own use. He can do so with little or no investment. Earn commissions from it.But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, he can deal with low-level people, and he can deal with real giants and Confucian businessmen. His lack of confidence will undoubtedly be exposed. This will stop him above his current level and make it difficult for him to move forward.

How can we go one step further?He can only find a partner who can fully make up for his own shortcomings, and Shi De is the best candidate in his sight.

What Quan You didn't know was that his choice to cooperate with Shi De was the wisest and most correct decision he had made in his life.

It was also the first time that Xia Hua heard Shi De talk about the three lives in life, and she was also very curious. She was no longer indifferent, but leaned forward slightly with interest, showing a gesture of wanting to hear what happened .

Seeing that everyone was interested in his topic, Shi De smiled slightly and continued: "Heavenly destiny, fate and yin destiny are the three aspects of mind, heart, and body. Mind and destiny are combined, heart and destiny are combined, body and yin destiny When mind and fate are united, morality is destiny. When heart is united with destiny, wisdom is destiny. Body is united with yin destiny, and nature is yin destiny.”

Shi De's explanation was a bit profound, Xiao Zuo, Xia Hua and Quanyou all showed puzzled expressions, Xiao Zuo was okay, he was too self-confident to ask the question, but Quanyou didn't hold back, and asked: "Nature and heart ,what is the difference?"

"Mind nature is a person's nature, just like what is said in the Three Character Classic. At the beginning of a person, nature is good. The nature is similar, but the habits are far away. The heart is a person's mind that is polluted by the external environment. The beginning of a person is indeed good. , but the grown-up children are both good and bad, which is why the heart dominates the mind.”

(End of this chapter)

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