Fortune Teller.

Chapter 275

Chapter 275
Seeing that Xiao Zuo was so happy, Xia Hua, who knew that Shi De didn't like to talk about money, made an offer for Shi De without hesitation: "The annual salary is 300 million, and only one day of consulting time is provided every month."

Quan You was secretly dumbfounded. He originally wanted to offer an annual salary of 200 million and provide 8 hours of consultation time once a week. Unexpectedly, Xia Hua was much more ruthless than him, and the lion opened his mouth. Providing one day of consulting time is equivalent to saying that Shi De only needs to work for Xiao Zuo for 300 days a year, and he can get a salary of 12 million yuan, equivalent to 300 yuan per day!

Ruthless, really ruthless.However, Quanyou admires Xia Hua's spare no effort to protect Shi De, as well as her timing. He secretly sighs in his heart. He thought that having a flower is the greatest blessing for a man. Unexpectedly, Shi De has Xia Hua. It is more seamless than his perfect match with flowers.

"This condition is fine, it depends on whether Master Shi is willing to give in." Without a moment's hesitation, Xiao Zuo agreed to Xia Hua's condition, his eyes full of sincerity and anticipation.

"Master Shi is definitely fine, but I would like to add one more condition for Master Shi. If under the guidance of Master Shi, you can fully control the Tianyou Group, and at the same time, the performance of the Tianzuo Group will be improved. You Will you be happy for a while, in order to better let Master Shi guide your future, you must take the initiative to transfer a part of the shares to Master Shi's name?" Xia Hua's lion mouth reminded all of the fact that now Xiao Zuo is not only a Shi De is an omnipotent master, and he still regards Shi De as a life-saving straw. If he doesn't mention conditions now, let alone when.

Shi De didn't expect that Xia Hua and Quanyou would dare to ask for a higher price than the other. He was about to say something, but Xiao Zuo had a good impression of him for some reason. He really regarded him as the guiding light of life Yes, I saw Xiao Zuo waved his right hand, as if a great man had made the decision to overthrow all ghosts and snakes, and said firmly: "No problem, when I take full control of Tianyou Group, I will hire Master Shi as the general counsel of Tianyou Group, not only An annual salary of 500 million is not a problem, even giving Master Shi [-]% of the shares is not a big problem."

"Okay, what I want is your words." Seeing that Shi De couldn't bear it, he was afraid that Shi De and Xiao Zuo would be polite, now is not the time to be polite, now is the perfect time to take the opportunity to invest in Tianyou Group, After this village, there will be no such shop. "A man has to be masculine, and he can't be a sissy like Niu Tianzi. If a man is a sissy, life will be bad."

"I promised you on behalf of my fiancé." Xia Hua smiled happily, showing an indomitable aura, and there was something in her words, "Xiao Zuo, you have to keep what you say, otherwise Master Shi can help you or destroy you."

"Xia Hua, you don't have to like me, but please don't insult my personality! Am I not worth what I say? My father taught me since I was a child that bullying others is like bullying the sky." Xiao Zuo turned and opened the drawer. Take out the paper and pen, "Empty words have no proof, words are evidence."

Shi De had no choice but to show up, he laughed, reached out and snatched Xiao Zuo's paper and pen: "It's not appropriate, don't be light on your promises, go light on your promises, make mistakes... I believe Director Xiao is a person who keeps promises. "

Shi De used the words from the "Disciple Regulations" to warn Xiao Zuo, if you think it is inappropriate for others to do something, don't just agree to it.If you say yes, it is your fault whether you do it or not.The implication is that with Xiao Zuo's intelligence, since he promised something, he must know whether it is appropriate.

"That's right, if Master Shi is Zhang Shao, I'm Paradigm." Xiao Zuo has a profound knowledge of Confucianism, and he can recite the "Disciple Regulations" since he was a child. When Shi De mentions it, he naturally knows the meaning behind the words.

"What, what?" Xia Hua always believed that she knew astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom, and the atmosphere in the middle, but now she is finally blind. She doesn't know what Xiao Zuo meant, "What Zhang Shao, what paradigm?"

Fan Shi, courtesy name Juqing, studied at Taixue when he was young, and met Zhang Shao, a native of Runan, at first sight and became close friends.When the two asked for leave together and returned to their hometown, Fan Shi said to Zhang Shao, "I should return in two years' time, and I will visit your parents then." So they agreed on a date to meet.Later, when the agreed date was approaching, Zhang Shao reported the matter to his mother and asked her to prepare food and drink to wait for Fan Shi.My mother didn't quite believe in Fan Shi's promise, and said, "We separated two years ago, and we agreed to meet thousands of miles away. Do you believe in Fan Shi so seriously? He might not come." But Zhang Shao said, "Fan Shi is a very trustworthy person. Since he has promised me, he will definitely not break the agreement and will definitely come." Seeing Zhang Shao's firm attitude, the mother said, "If so, I should make wine for you."

On the appointed day, as expected by Zhang Shao, Fan Shi arrived from thousands of miles away as scheduled.The two of them went to the hall together to meet Zhang Shao's parents, and then drank to their heart's content, reminiscing about the old days...

Seeing that Xia Hua didn't know the story of Fan Shi and Zhang Shao, Quanyou also looked puzzled, so Shi De briefly explained to the two how the ancients kept their promises with integrity. After listening to Xia Hua and Quanyou, they nodded again and again. , I also understand that Xiao Zuo compared him to Paradigm and Shi De to Zhang Shao. The implication is that he will keep his promise just like Paradigm.

"So, Master Shi agreed?" Xiao Zuo was ecstatic, and shook hands with Shi De solemnly again, "From now on, Master Shi is my personal consultant. It's not a respect, so please accept it."

While speaking, Xiao Zuo took out a check, signed it flamboyantly, and handed it to Shi De.

Shi De didn't answer it, he saw clearly that the amount of the check was 300 million.Xiao Zuo was generous and courageous enough, and he paid a year's consulting fee directly, which made him overestimate Xiao Zuo's character again.How big the heart is, how broad the world is.

Xia Hua unceremoniously reached out to accept the check, and after just one glance, she was elated: "Master Shi is an expert in the world, and his hands don't smell like money. From now on, whether it's cash, checks or equity, just hand it over to me." Yes, I'm in charge of keeping accounts for Master Shi."

"When can we drink the wedding wine between Master Shi and you?" Xiao Zuo could tell that Xia Hua now regarded himself as Shi De's executive and personal assistant.

"It's still early, it's still early." Xia Hua took the check, put it away in a hurry, and laughed like a tea, "Master Shi has to make a fortune in Shimen before he considers starting a family. For men, starting a family It's easy, but it's hard to start a career. Men who can start a career will never worry about starting a family. But there are too few men who start a family. "

"It's true." Xiao Zuo sighed slightly, and said, "But with Master Shi's ability, let alone laying down a country in Shimen, even in the capital city or in the whole country, it is no problem..."

Seeing that it was getting late, Xiao Zuo suggested: "How about having a light meal together at noon? I just happen to have a question and I want to ask Master Shi for advice."

Originally, today's arrangement was not to have dinner with Xiao Zuo, but Xiao Zuo first loaned 2000 million yuan to Binsheng, and then wrote a cash check for 300 million yuan to Shi De, Shi De knew, If you don't agree to Xiao Zuo's request to have lunch together, it will be too hypocritical, so I can only say: "Well, respect is worse than obedience, Chairman Xiao arranges it."

Half an hour later, accompanied by Xiao Zuo, Shi De and his party came to the canteen of Tianyou Group for dinner.Going to the cafeteria to eat is Shi De's suggestion. The cafeteria is a place where employees of a company gather, and from the details of a person's meals, one can simply judge a person's personality and thoughtfulness.

Although Xiao Zuo felt that eating in the cafeteria was too crude, Shi De insisted, so he didn't say anything more. He vaguely felt that Shi De's move might have a deep meaning, so he wholeheartedly looked forward to Shi De's guidance.

The canteen of Tianyou Group is very large, and it is also very neat and clean. Shi De chose a table in the middle, and many people who come and go have to pass by it.

"Why do you want to eat in Tianyou's cafeteria?" Xia Hua asked Shi De in a low voice while Xiao Zuo was buying food for them, "If you want me to say, it's serious to leave just now, leaving a big suspense Xiao Zuo, so that you can fully display your master's mystery and demeanor."

"You don't understand, Sister Xia, Brother Shi stays here on purpose, to show off again, to make Xiao Zuo feel that his money is not only well spent, but also worth it, so that in the future Xiao Zuo will not only trust Brother Shi even more The higher the expected value of Xiao Zuo, the higher the value of brother Shi." Quan You refuted Xia Hua's words and expressed his own understanding, "If you want me to say, sister Xia, you still don't I understand men too well, men see things in the long run than women, and don't only care about immediate interests."

"You mean that I'm only looking at immediate interests?" Xia Hua was furious at Quanyou for daring to point fingers at her, and put on a gesture of insisting on theory to the end, wanting to settle with Quanyou endlessly.

It happened that Xiao Zuo came back from cooking, Shi De gave Xia Hua a wink, Xia Hua had to swallow her anger, and gave Quan You a hard look, implying that Quan You must settle all debts. His character is bound to deal with Quanyou to the end.

Quanyou returned Xia Hua's indifferent look, and responded to Xia Hua's provocation, meaning, just let the horse come over, in terms of face, he is as thick as a city wall, and in terms of bickering, he has no match for Shimen.It's not that he can't fight Xia Hua, it's just that he has the lofty starting point of being a good man and not fighting a woman, so he doesn't have the same knowledge as Xia Hua.

"Who is that middle-aged man sitting by the window?" Shi De ignored Quanyou and Xia Hua's fight, and now his mind is on guarding Xiao Zuo, "It's the man in the pink shirt."

"Chen Yangshao, Deputy Director of the President's Office." Xiao Zuo didn't know, why Master Shi was interested in Chen Yangshao, and what did he mean?
"Young Master Chen Yang cannot be reused." Shi De expressed his judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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