Fortune Teller.

Chapter 283 One place of restraint, nothing to do

Chapter 283
But in fact, one is that Yuan Yuan may not be willing to recognize Liu Luoluo, and the other is that even if Yuan Yuan and Liu Luoluo recognize each other, it may not be a good thing for Yuan Yuan and Liu Luoluo.After all, Yuan Yuan is Bi Wentian's closed disciple now, who knows if Bi Wentian will use Liu Luoluo to achieve his purpose after knowing Liu Luoluo's existence?

Shi De is not yet a master of fortune, and his realm is not enough. Naturally, in the eyes of a master of fortune, Yuan Yuan, who is innately perfect, has a sister who is exactly the same. But he can vaguely guess that Liu Luoluo's Existence, for Bi Wentian, must be a fulcrum that can be used.

If Bi Wentian takes advantage of it, don't think about it, Liu Luoluo's already ordinary fate will become extremely miserable. She has been adopted since she was a child, and she is already a vagabond fate. If she is used as a pawn by Bi Wentian, she may lose her current life. Have a peaceful and stable life.What's more, the master of fortune uses people and directly targets people's hearts, which will make Liu Luoluo jump into the trap willingly. Even if he loses all his life in the end, he is completely voluntary. No matter it is law or morality, there is nothing he can do about it.

It was for Liu Luoluo's sake that Shi De didn't want Liu Luoluo and Yuan Yuan to recognize each other.But after hesitating for a while, he finally didn't throw away Liu Luoluo's business card, and quietly put it in his pocket.

"Who is that man?" Just as Shi De left, a boy came out from the KFC on the side of the road. He was wearing a KFC outfit, and he looked like a KFC staff member, "Luoluo, why did you talk to him for a long time? Did he fall in love with you? Did you fall in love with him too? "

"What, Huang Wenxu, don't think nonsense, don't talk nonsense, he is a stranger, and he has admitted the wrong person. Can you stop being so narrow-minded in the future? I just need to say a few words to the opposite sex, whether it is a child or an old man, you will be jealous, You are too unprofessional and unrefined." Liu Luoluo stared at Shi De's back, for some reason, she always felt that Shi De seemed to be very familiar with her, although it was the first time they met, they seemed to have known each other for a long time.

"What did you admit to the wrong person? Huh, this is a common trick used by men to pick up girls. He probably has a crush on you. No, I'll tell him to stop harassing you in the future. If he doesn't listen, I want him to look good. "Huang Wenxu took off his KFC uniform while preparing to chase Shide.

"Okay, don't embarrass me." Liu Luoluo grabbed Huang Wenxu, "He really admitted the wrong person. According to him, I seem to have a twin sister, and he regarded me as her. You forgot, I was adopted by my parents..."

"Did you really admit the wrong person?" Huang Wenxu was still dubious.

"Of course it's true." Liu Luoluo's heart was fluctuating, and a thought suddenly popped up, "Huang Wenxu, follow up with that person and secretly write down his license plate number, okay?"

"What are you doing?" Huang Wenxu looked nervous, "You want to throw yourself into your arms?"

"Fuck you, bastard." Liu Luo got angry and kicked Huang Wenxu, "Your thinking height can't exceed the lower body? No wonder you've been working as a waiter in KFC! I think that if I have a chance in the future, maybe I can check it through the license plate number." Find out who he is, and through him, find my twin sister—well, I don't know if she is a sister or a sister."

"Okay." Huang Wenxu saw Liu Luoluo's sad face, and his heart softened. Although Liu Luoluo was loved by her parents, she didn't know who her biological parents were after all. Now that she suddenly heard that she had a twin sister, she felt that she was not alone in the world. It is only natural to want to find out the whereabouts of the twin sisters.

When Shi De returned to the car, Quanyou had finished the conversation with Luo Xiaoyi and started the car.After getting in the car, Xia Hua didn't pursue Shi De's pervert's ugliness when she saw a beautiful woman. She pretended to talk to herself and said, "Do twins have the same fate? After all, they look so much alike that they are just one carved out of a mould."

"What twins?" Quan didn't notice the scene where Shi De admitted the wrong person just now, he was still immersed in the joy of reaching a new agreement with Luo Xiaoyi.

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Xia Hua blocked Quanyou directly, and asked Shi De, "Master Shi, what do you think?"

Shi De chuckled, and didn't answer Xia Hua's question directly, but asked Quanyou: "Have you thought of any way to turn defeat into victory?"

"Master Shi is wise, guess right." Quan You started the car, and neither he nor Shi De noticed that there was a young man in KFC overalls behind the car, secretly writing down the license plate number with a pen and paper.

What Huang Wenxu didn't know was that the license plate number he wrote down was not Shide's car that mistook Liu Luoluo, but something that had nothing to do with Liu Luoluo.

"Originally, I wanted to ask Master Shi to come forward to solve the problem, but considering firstly, Master Shi is busy with affairs, secondly, Master Shi may not be willing to intervene in other people's housework, and thirdly, I suddenly thought of a very good idea, so I stopped the conversation ahead of time. But brother Shi, don’t worry, I didn’t do this because I didn’t want to share benefits with you, but what I want to do may not be in line with your principles of life, so I don’t want brother Shi to know My plan with Luo Xiaoyi."

"Understandable." Shi De nodded, but he needed to remind Quanyou, "Brother Quan, do you think I'm capable?"

Quan was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "It's not just a bit of ability, it's simply supernatural powers."

"If I told you that the opponent you and Luo Xiaoyi are facing is infinitely more powerful than me, what would you do?"

" is it possible? How can there be someone who is more powerful than Brother Shi?" Quan didn't believe it at first, but after thinking about it, he believed it again. Shi is as powerful as Shi De, so now that he is old, isn't he even more powerful?

If there really is someone infinitely more powerful than Shi De, wouldn't it mean that his and Luo Xiaoyi's plan must have no chance of success?Thinking of this, Quanyou suddenly panicked.

But after thinking about it silently, he was afraid of being a fool. When he had nothing, he had cheated the beggars all the way to the Zhuo family and his son, and made his own career. Quan, a big deceit to the sky, he has only reached the level of a small deceit now, the next step is to rise to the height of a middle deception, one day, he will rise to the level of a big deception, and even God will be deceived by him.

"Don't be afraid, no matter how powerful he is, I'll hit him with a stick and make his head bleed." Quanyou laughed, "When friends come, they have good wine, and when enemies come, they have shotguns..."

Shi Dexin moved, let alone, maybe Quanyou's fearless spirit can make up for his shortcomings in other aspects. The so-called man is not as good as God, maybe with Quan's indomitable spirit and Luo Xiaoyi's dedication to asking for money Even if you meet a master who is as exhaustive as Du Qingxuan, you may still have a little chance of winning.

The so-called one-point mind, do everything, means that if a person puts all his energy, wisdom, determination and perseverance into a certain cause, he will be successful.This is the powerful power of the mind, and it is also another manifestation of the decisive power of the mind. In other words, attitude determines everything.

There is a public case in "Liezi". There is a man named Shangqiu Kai, a farmer. He really wanted to get rich. He heard that there was a nobleman who could make people rich, so he went there and became a servant of the nobleman.

The other courtiers of the nobleman looked down on him and often made fun of him.One day, on a four-story high platform, a man said to Shangqiu Kai: "Whoever can jump off the high platform can get 100 taels of gold."Shang Qiu didn't know it was a joke, believed it, and jumped off the four-story high platform without saying a word, but to everyone's shock, he was unharmed.

Another time when he came to a river, someone lied to him, saying that there was a box of jewels in a cave on the other side of the river, and whoever could swim through the raging river could get it.Shangqiu Kai once again believed it was true, and swam across regardless of the depth of the river, but not only did Shangqiu Kai not drown, but after a while, he swam back again. What surprised everyone was that the random nonsense that he made up was actually true. A box of jewels was found by Shangqiu Kai.

Everyone was very surprised, they lied to him twice, why did he jump off the high platform without any damage, and came down like a bird?On the other side of the river, there was clearly no gold, silver or treasure, so he just said it casually, why did he really bring the treasure?Strange, so strange, just unbelievable.

If the first two strange things hadn't made the diners understand the truth, then an even bigger strange thing happened in the third time.One day, the nobleman's house suddenly caught fire, and the fire was very big, and the diners ran for their lives. The nobleman was so anxious that he told the diners with the idea that there must be a brave man under the reward: "Who can go into the sea of ​​fire and rescue the valuables? Whoever saves them will belong to them.”

Although the nobleman's house was very rich and there were many valuable things inside, the diners looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one dared to go in. The fire was so strong that the flames soared to the sky, and the house was burnt to the ground. It would be fatal to go in.Compared with life, treasure is not important.

Suddenly, a figure separated from the crowd and plunged headlong into the sea of ​​flames. It was none other than Shangqiu Kai to move things desperately.Shangqiu went in and out, and not only took a lot of things out of the sea of ​​fire, but also did not suffer any damage on his body again.

At this moment, no one dared to underestimate him, thinking that he might be a master of Taoism, why wouldn't such a big fire burn him to death?All the people bowed their heads to Shangqiu and said respectfully: "You must be a man of Taoism! Please teach us your way!"

(End of this chapter)

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