Fortune Teller.

Chapter 29 A New Opportunity

Chapter 29 A New Opportunity

"Director Li is too small, not enough weight, and can't hold back the scene." Bi You took a few glances, thought for a while, and then smiled and said, "You and Yue Qingying have a good relationship. Can you ask her to come forward and let Mayor Yue attend the ribbon-cutting?"

"You really dare to think." Shi De put down his chopsticks and tapped Biyou's forehead lightly, "Let a deputy mayor attend the opening ceremony of a small restaurant, what do you think the deputy mayor is? I can ask you to move about the little things? Also, Yue Qingying and I are just ordinary colleagues, and I don’t have such a big face to ask her to ask Deputy Mayor Yue to come forward.”

"Aiya, the relationship between ordinary colleagues? Why are you emphasizing so much, is it a guilty conscience? Don't think I didn't see it, Yue Qingying drove you a bowl of incense." Bi You smiled and avoided Shi De, then again He took the chopsticks and returned it, "It's said that having dinner with a woman is not a skill, but having breakfast with her is a skill. How long have you known Yue Qingying? Less than a month? It's progressing fast enough."

"But, I'm having breakfast with you now?" Shi De cheated, thinking about eating breakfast with a woman, how could even Biyou know?

"You're just trying to make me happy. I know you've had breakfast, and God knows what you did last night. I think when you were down and out, you wanted to die. Now in a blink of an eye, there are all beauties and fragrant cars. Man Ah, your name is called, the scar forgets the pain..."

"Hey..." Shi De almost vomited out his breakfast, but he didn't expect Bi You to have a bad side too. She was obviously very angry with him, but she was still talking to him in a calm manner. Pulling him on, he really has a hand, "Okay, don't be poor. Yue Qingying and I really have nothing to do. She has an emotional entanglement and wants me to do the math for her."

"Hmph, I don't believe it." Bi You said she didn't believe it, but she still believed it. Maybe she thought that Yue Qingying's status was too high to like Shi De, or maybe she had other ideas. In short, in her opinion , there will be no love-hate story between Yue Qingying and Shi De.

Finally, Biyou was relieved, and Shi De Anbu returned to Fangwaiju in the car, and cleaned it carefully from the inside to the outside, until he was so tired that he was sweating profusely before he was satisfied.After living in Fangwai for more than a month, he also developed feelings for Fangwai. Now that Master He is coming back, he needs to be cleaned up to be worthy of Master He's trust.

It was already late spring at this time, the peach blossoms in the courtyard were already in bloom, the apricot blossoms were in full bloom, and the pear blossoms were like snow. The air was filled with the slightly drunken breath of late spring and early summer, and Shi De felt that there was vitality in his body.Perhaps, Master He's return will be another brand new opportunity.

At noon, Shi De received a call from Li Sanjiang.Ashamed to say, since Li Sanjiang sent him the phone, he has rarely switched on the phone, and today is the first call.

"Xiao Shi, it's really not easy to get through to your phone. Why do you turn off the phone every day? Don't worry about the call charges, I'll reimburse the call charges." Li Sanjiang's words were half dissatisfaction and half complaining.That's right, he gave Shi De his mobile phone. His original intention was that he could contact Shi De at any time if something happened, but the result was good. Shi De also turned off the phone every day and dressed mysteriously.

Where is the implementation of the mystery, it is true that he is so busy every day that he always forgets to turn it on.

"Director Li, hehe, I'm sorry, the main reason is that I always forget that I still have a mobile phone, and I'm not used to it." Shi De laughed, the relationship between him and Li Sanjiang was a bit unclear, and he didn't think how old Li Sanjiang was. Guan'er, Li Sanjiang didn't think he was a very powerful person. He wanted to communicate on an equal footing, but Li Sanjiang didn't want to lower his status in front of him.

"There are new trends in the city recently, Xiao Shi, can you arrange for me to meet with Lord He?"

Is there a new trend in the city?Shi De's heart skipped a beat, could there be some personnel changes?He is not a member of the officialdom, and of course he is not as prophetic of the troubles in the officialdom as Li Sanjiang.Li Sanjiang was eager to see Mr. He, so he definitely wanted to move up again. The eyes of people in the officialdom were always fixed on the upper seat, and the pursuit of his life was to move up again and again, understandable, understandable.

But Li Sanjiang only mentioned the director soon, and if he goes further, can he still be the deputy head of the district?It won't go up so fast, will it?He didn't know how to promote the officialdom, and he didn't want to know it. However, after thinking about it for a while, he suddenly realized something from Li Sanjiang's words!
Lord He's sudden return at this time, could it have something to do with the new trends in the city?
It is not known what the rules and inside stories of promotion in the officialdom are. He is far away from the officialdom, and he does not know much about the way of promotion, but he is clear that behind every adjustment of leading cadres, there are countless high-ranking officials. People help.

Experts do not refer to higher-level leading cadres, but to seniors like Mr. He who never make public appearances but are always ubiquitous.I dare not say absolutely, but it is said that basically behind every significant leader, there is a guiding light to guide the maze.

People have luck, heaven has heaven, officials have official luck, businessmen ask for wealth for the God of Wealth, officials ask officials to ask high-ranking people.

The same is true of ancient emperors. There is a poem: "When the Xuan family seeks talents to visit and chase ministers, Jia Sheng's talent adjustment is even more incoherent. It is pitiful that the front seats are empty in the middle of the night, and do not ask people to ask ghosts and gods."

If this is the case, Master He's return this time will not only solve Shi De's various doubts about Bi Wentian, but also make a breakthrough in his current impasse in the hospital.

"I will tell Master He, please rest assured Director Li." Shi De did not disclose the news of Master He's return today, but asked one more question, "What's going on in the city?"

"It's inconvenient to say on the phone, I'll find you at Yiwanxiang at night."

Things seemed to be in full swing, so when he put down the phone, Shi De let out a long sigh of relief. He felt that the sun today was particularly bright and moving, as if the footsteps of summer were getting closer and closer.

It was fine in the afternoon, Shi De practiced Tai Chi in the courtyard for a while.Yongnian County, which is under the jurisdiction of Shancheng, is the birthplace of Yang Style Taijiquan. Taijiquan is very popular in Shancheng, and Shi De also learned a few tricks.And Master He can also do authentic Yang style Taijiquan.

In the evening, the phone rang again, Shi Ying thought it was Lord He, but he picked up the phone and saw that it was Mu Jinnian calling.

"Brother Jinnian, stay safe?" Shi De laughed and took the lead.

"Brother Shi, I haven't seen you for more than a month. I miss you very much. How are you doing?" Mu Jinnian revealed a somewhat inquiring tone in his enthusiasm, "I heard that you are doing a good job in the hospital? Shi Bro, do you really plan to keep doing this in the hospital? Qu Cai, too Qu Cai."

Shi De snorted: "Whatever you do, you serve the people. Brother Jinnian, how is your sister-in-law's condition?"

Mu Jinnian naturally heard that Shi De didn't want to talk about working in the hospital, so he followed Lin Shuangfeng's condition and said, "So far, it's fine, it's under control, and I'll go back for a re-examination in half a year." After a while, he mentioned the main topic, "Master Bi wants to meet you."

Shi De thought that Mu Jinnian's call was just for a casual chat, but he didn't expect that once the chatter was over, he would immediately switch to the main topic, and the main topic came in a menacing manner, which was completely beyond his expectation.

Mu Jinnian knew that he was mentored by Master He, and he knew that behind Mu Jinnian was Bi Wentian, but his relationship with Master He was semi-public, while the relationship between Mu Jinnian and Bi Wentian was kept secret. The sudden and positive mention of Bi Wentian's desire to see him really made his mind go blank for a while.

So, everything has to be put on the surface?Bi Wentian's various mysteries, what exactly Bi Wentian intends to do, the right and wrong between Bi Wentian and He Ye, and whether Bi Wentian is right or wrong, all have to be revealed.
Shi De thought about it a lot in an instant, and all kinds of thoughts came to his mind, causing him to keep thinking about it, not knowing how to answer Mu Jinnian.

"Master Bi? What Master Bi?" His mind quickly turned around again, Shi De simply pretended to be confused, "What the hell is Brother Jinnian talking about?"

"Hehe, Brother Shi, don't speak secretly in front of Ming people. Master Bi is the old man surnamed Bi you met last time in Fuyang Park. His name is Bi Wentian, and he and Master He Zitian are brothers. He and Master He are from China. Two of the ten remaining athletes." Mu Jinnian's tone was relaxed, and he was not ashamed for his previous step-by-step test of Shi's actions, as if what he did was justified, "Don't hide it from brother Shi. , Liu Nian and I have just been accepted as disciples by Master Bi, and with the relationship between Master Bi and Master He, I and you can also be called brothers."

"Don't, I don't dare to be that." Shi De has always been deeply wary of Mu Jinnian, "I'll still call you Brother Jinnian, and you can call me Brother Shi, kind. Senior brother or something, Taijianghu gone."

"Okay, Brother Shi." Mu Jinnian stretched his voice, "It's up to you, it's up to you. Did you agree to the meeting between Master Bi and you?"

"I still have something to do at night. I want to see a very important person. I can't get away. I apologize to Master Bi for me, and I will invite him to the old man later."

"Okay, I'll just pass the word on, let's just leave it at that." Mu Jinnian was not reluctant, as if the meeting between Bi Wentian and Shi De was irrelevant, and he seemed to decide that Shi De would come to Bi Wen in person sooner or later. At the door of the sky, when he was about to hang up the phone, suddenly another sentence came out, "By the way, there is something that Master Bi won't let me tell you, but I thought about it, and if I don't say it, I always feel that I will live with you... You will be a peach blossom this year, But it's hard to say whether it's bright peach blossoms or rotten peach blossoms, you should be more careful."

Life guilty of peach blossom?Shi Dehe giggled a few times, and threw the phone on the bed. With his status as a penniless, almost destitute, would he still commit a crime to Peach Blossom?Of course, the fate of the peach blossoms only refers to the opposite sex, not necessarily all good things.But whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, the peach blossoms are all related to the opposite sex.

As for the opposite sex around him, the closest person is Biyou... Could it be Biyou?

(It's Monday, and there is an urgent need for a large number of recommended tickets to support. Brothers and sisters, please quickly fire support! Only when the recommended tickets are popular, can you have the motivation to update!)

(End of this chapter)

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