Fortune Teller.

Chapter 3 Change of life

Chapter 3 Change of life (please collect recommendation tickets!)

Huang Susu's words lit up the first light for Shi De's life - fighting for love, working hard to stay in Xiajiang - became Shi De's most direct life motivation when he was not sad and disappointed in finding his mother.

In 1998, Shi De graduated from University. Although his academic performance was very good, even though he held a recommendation letter from the school, his dream of staying in Xiajiang was met with a ruthless reality again and again!A Xiajiang account is like an unattainable mountain, blocking him from the gate of Xiajiang.

In the era before the hukou was opened, in the period of only hukou theory, without hukou, it was equivalent to being outside the gate of the river.If you can't be a real Xiajiang person, you can't be accepted by Huang Susu's parents.

Shi De refuses to admit defeat. He has gone through too many hardships in life, and he will not let go when he has identified his goals.Therefore, although he did not obtain the Xiajiang account, he still stayed in Xiajiang and decided to find a suitable opportunity while working part-time. He did not believe that with his ability as a top student of Xiajiang Fudan University, he could not obtain a Xiajiang account through hard work.

Xiajiang account is not only a status symbol, but also means that his love can be settled in Xiajiang. Huang Susu said that her parents' attitude is very clear. When will he wait for him to have Xiajiang account? his thing.

In the two years after graduating from university, Shi De only went home to visit his stepmother twice, once when his stepmother was transferred from a small county to Shancheng due to work transfer, and once when his stepmother fell ill and was hospitalized, and he rushed back to visit.Both times, he came and went in a hurry. He only accompanied his stepmother and returned to Xiajiang in less than three days. He was so busy with work that he couldn't afford the time.The conditions of Huang Susu's parents are time-limited and not valid indefinitely. If he can't knock on the door of Xiajiang within three years, then the door of Huang's family will also be closed to him forever.

Also, the youth of flavin can't wait.

Shi De worked hard day and night, starting from a salesman selling olive oil. With diligence and talent, coupled with the spirit of unyielding, he had the determination and courage to change his fate, starting from the bottom, step by step. He became a middle-level company, and in just two years, he earned nearly one million yuan!
In Xiajiang in 2000, 100 million can buy a house in a good location, and you can also bring a blue-printed hukou. As long as a few years later, it can be converted into an official Xiajiang hukou. That is to say, at this time Shi Yes, he has successfully opened the gate of Xiajiang, and he will soon have everything that is enviable - a well-paid job, a very rare Xiaedokou, and a beautiful wife.

But the misfortune of fate did not seem to let him go because of Shi De's hard work. All the twists and turns and hardships of life in the past left Shi De with too many painful memories. Just when he thought that all the troubles before were over, his life When a new turning point could be ushered in and a beautiful chapter of life could be opened, fate made another joke with him.

A cruel, almost ruthless joke!
The stepmother was hospitalized in critical condition and was terminally ill, requiring up to 150 million medical expenses.

On one side is love and the future, on the other side is family affection and maternal love.At dawn, he made a difficult but daring decision - take a gamble.Although the doctor said that the stepmother's terminal illness was incurable, even though the stepmother also asked Shi De to give up the treatment for her, because the treatment had no meaning, even though the money Shi received was not enough, he decided to fight for all the happiness of his life. .

Shi De didn't, he didn't believe that he would be crushed by the misfortune of fate, he wanted to resist, he wanted to hold love and future, family affection and maternal love in his hands.People always want to have all the happiness, and so does he.

To save the stepmother without letting go of love, there is only one way to go - to make more money.

Money is not enough to save lives, you must make quick money.If you want to make money quickly, unless you gamble, Shi De will not gamble. He has the bottom line of being a man, but what he does is no different from gambling-speculating in futures.

The risk of futures is extremely high, but the profit is extremely high. Shi De just wants to invest 100 million in it, take out 150 million or more, and then save his stepmother, and leave a part of it as the initial capital...

The wish is very beautiful, but the reality is cruel. In other words, fate is very ruthless. If Shi De loses, the higher the profit, the greater the risk, and the worse the outcome of failure. Clear the debt!
What's even more tragic is that the stepmother's treatment was delayed. The stepmother died desolately in the hospital, and she didn't see the last side of Shi De before her death.

Shi was so painful!

The blows came one after another—Huang Susu cut off contact with Shi De, didn’t answer calls, didn’t reply to text messages, came to the door to ask for an appointment, Huang’s father and Huang’s mother were not seen behind closed doors, and just threw a cold bang through the crack of the door The words: "Shi De, you should die, Susu will not be with you."

From the peak of life to the bottomless abyss, Shi De went from unbearable pain to despair, and what kind of unforgettable mental journey he experienced is unknown to outsiders.He returned to Shancheng from Xiajiang, did everything for his stepmother's funeral, and then poured his stepmother's ashes into the Fuyang River, looking up at the hopeful sky in spring, his heart was as cold as ice.

Fate is not fair to him, not fair at all. He has always been a good boy, a good student, and a good son. Why did his biological parents leave him one after another, and why did his stepmother die early from illness?Why did all his efforts and hard work fail to pay off, but instead let him sink deeper and deeper, struggling in the quagmire of life but never making it out!

Why?Why did God torture him so much? !Shi De let out a silent cry in his heart, and in an instant he decided that since he had lost everything, life would have no meaning to survive, and it would be better to die.

Shi De once brought Huang Susu to Shancheng, and accompanied her to visit the toddler bridge and the carriage return lane. It was also in the carriage return alley that he kissed Huang Susu for the first time.

What I didn't expect was that in the end, when I was reminiscing about the beauty in the carriage return lane and used it to pay homage to the pure love that had passed away, I accidentally met He Zitian.

He Zitian also mentioned the number of fate, although Shi De did not know exactly what the number of fate is, but recalling his 24 years of experience, he still expressed unwilling grief and anger, why does God always make fun of him?Could it be that the number of his fate is destined to be miserable?
"If there is a destiny, my destiny is a sad song, nothing but a tragedy..." Shi De reached for the liquor, but it was empty. He shook his head and smiled wryly, "Master He, thank you for giving me nothingness. hope, but my life has no way to go, I should go on the road..."

"In the fate of people, there are fixed numbers and variables. Seven points of fate and three points of luck mean that in one's life, there are three points of variables that can be completely mastered by oneself. Moreover, if you change your fate, you can go against the sky. Change your life or change your life according to the sky, it will become six points of fate and four points of luck, or even five points of fate and five points of luck!" He Zitian looked Shi De's eyes directly, and firmly said something that shocked Shi.

Shi De stammered and asked, "Change...fate? How?"

"You can indeed see part of a person's fate from a person's face, because when a person is born, he has determined the number of seven points in his life, such as birth, parents, blood relatives, appearance, male and female, these are all It's a fixed number." He Zitian did not answer Shi De's question, but continued to elaborate on the topic of fate.

"Acquired hard work can indeed change some fates. Poor children can be rich and noble. Innate deficiencies can be made up for with hard work the day after tomorrow, but the part that can be changed is limited. What most people don't know is that in fact, there are many things in the acquired efforts. Destined chance cannot be changed, just like a person can't get into a famous university no matter how hard he works, can't succeed no matter how hard he works, can't pursue his own woman no matter how hard he works, etc. In a word, it's all chance No. Chance is also part of destiny."

"Faces determine a person's innate conditions. If you look good, you have the advantage of having a high starting point, so you can talk about each other. And the birth date at birth also determines a person's inner connection with the world. If you are close and harmonious, you will have a smooth life. If you are not connected too closely and are far-fetched, you will always fail to keep up with the general trend of the world. Everything in your life will not go smoothly, and you will make a wrong step, and you will be wrong, so there is also a fortune-telling from the birth date."

"But facial features and horoscopes can't completely determine a person's life. The truth is that in addition to the seven-point fixed number, there are three-point variables, and the three-point variables are not static and can be expanded through acquired efforts. Variables. The greater the variables, the greater the ability to control their own destiny, and the success they want. Everyone wants to control their destiny in their own hands, but few people do so? Why? Because none of them can change their fate. Law!"

He Zitian's voice was not loud, and he and Shi De were sitting in the corner again, so no outsiders could hear the conversation between the two.Shi De was stunned and stunned, listening to He Zitian's unheard secrets as if he were listening to a book from heaven.

He Zitian picked up another peanut and chewed it with great taste. His love for peanuts was beyond the normal range. It seemed as he said, leaking a secret can be made up for by eating ten peanuts, no matter if it is true or not. .Anyway, after he walked into a bowl of incense, he had eaten at least one hundred peanuts.

"Before we talk about how to change one's life, it is still necessary to talk about fortune-telling and face-to-face." He Zitian chuckled, "Although fortune-telling and face-to-face can only calculate the skin of a person's fate and cannot draw conclusions, they are fate. The foundation of the study, in this way, I will tell you two stories first, do you want to hear it?"

"Think!" Shi De is now completely surrounded by He Zitian. Regardless of whether it is true or false, a raging flame is now burning in his heart, and he has changed his life... What an exciting thing, if a person can control his destiny in his own hands, Success is in the palm of your hand, how cool it should be.Then the past failures, the once unbearable past, will become the past.

He Zitian smiled slightly and said: "In the Tang Dynasty, there was a warlock who was proficient in the art of face-to-face. He recognized countless people, and the art of face-to-face has reached a level of ecstasy. One day, he passed a house and saw a man who was going out. I was stunned. The man in front of him was wearing tattered clothes, carrying a wooden stick and an axe in his hand, as if he was going to go out to collect firewood, but his face was clearly that of a prince and aristocrat!"

(End of this chapter)

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