Fortune Teller.

Chapter 304 Standards

Chapter 304 Standards
The last time Liu Luoluo asked her boyfriend Huang Wenxu to write down Shi De’s license plate number—actually, they had all the license plates—and then asked someone to check the number, but it turned out that Shi De still couldn’t be found. Of course, Liu Luoluo didn’t know Shi De’s. name, but she knew it all, so she was disappointed.

Since Shi De told her that she had a twin sister, her life could never return to the previous peace, and she always thought about when she could reunite with her relatives.

But neither she nor Huang Wenxu had any network of connections, and it was impossible to find out who Shi was. The clues were cut off when all the clues were found, which made her very helpless and regretful.

Unexpectedly, Liu Luoluo was overjoyed when he ran into Shi De again on the bus today. He thought that he could establish a relationship with Shi De, but after Shi De helped her, he only left her with an extremely free and easy back. Just leave, let her lose again.

No, we must not let go of this great opportunity, not to mention the verbal confrontation between Shi De and the old man just now, Liu Luoluo believes even more that Shi De is absolutely extraordinary, and whether he can reunite with the twin sisters is entirely up to Shi De gotta body.So, when she saw Shi De got off the bus, she also jumped out of the bus when the back door was about to close, and followed Shi De quietly.

Shi De just walked with his head down, not noticing that there was a person following behind him.

After walking a dozen steps, Shi De stopped, turned back to the old man behind him and said, "Old man, you followed me all the way, did you get lost, or do you have something to say to me?"

The old man laughed, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face: "Young man, can you tell me, what is your name?"

"Shi De." Shi De honestly told the old man his name, and he recognized it. The old man was exactly the old man with a good-natured face who sat in the last row with him on the bus. A person with a thick face is usually not a bad person.

Shi De only noticed the honest-looking old man who was following all the way behind him, but he didn't notice that there was a girl not far behind the old man—it was Liu Luoluo.

It turns out that his name is Shi De... Liu Luoluo was secretly happy when he heard Shi De's self-reported family name. He finally had a breakthrough. Knowing Shi De's name, the next step will be much easier, and he will definitely be able to find out who Shi De is. who.She looked up and saw the Bitian Building of the Bitian Group standing not far away, and she became even more concerned.

"I don't want to give back, I have my own gains and losses? Give first and then gain, a good name, a good name." The old man nodded again and again. He stood three meters in front of Shi De, with calm eyes and a calm expression, and looked up and down. Shi De took a few glances, "Shi De, you are very similar to a young man I know, no, it should be said that you have more insight and ability than him... I'm curious, how did you see through that person's life just now? The joys and sorrows of fate? Of course, if it involves personal privacy, you don’t have to say it, I’m rude.”

Although the old man looked sincere, Shi De still had to say that the old man was indeed abrupt. He shook his head and smiled: "Sorry, old man, I really can't say. By the way, you said that I am very similar to a young man you know , who is he?"

"Oh, his name is Xia Xiang." The old man smiled lightly, showing a slight regret, "I thought you knew the legendary magic arithmetic, and I would like to ask you some questions..."

Xia thinks?Shi De was slightly startled, and hurriedly asked, "Who are you Xia Xiang?"

"I'm his father-in-law." The old man was taken aback, and he saw something from Shi De's expression, "Why, do you know Xia Xiang?"

"So you are Uncle Cao." Shi De was overjoyed when he heard the words. It turned out that the person in front of him was Cao Yongguo, Xia Xiang's father-in-law, the next member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, and the deputy mayor. He was very surprised, "Not only do I know Xia Xiang, He is also a very good friend."

"Really?" Cao Yongguo was also pleasantly surprised, "I didn't hear that Xia Xiang said that he knew you. By the way, he was too busy recently, so he didn't have time to sit with me and talk. Since you and Xia Xiang are Good friend, Shi De, it's just noon, you don't have time to have a meal with me?"

Just kidding, don't mention Cao Yongguo's status as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor, just because he is Xia Xiang's father-in-law, he is Shi De's elder. The reason why he was so interested in him, and even offered to have dinner with him, was because of his great curiosity about the joys and sorrows of the life of the old man with broken eyebrows.

There is no more shocking thing in the world than a person who can see through the joys and sorrows of another person's life at a glance. Everyone wants to firmly control their own destiny, but there is no one who can really control their own destiny. .Whether you are in the officialdom or in the business world, you all want to discover the mysteries of life and destiny, and you all want to know an expert who can help you avoid bad luck and guide your future.

No matter how much Cao Yongguo is Xia Xiang's father-in-law, he is also a member of the officialdom, and in the officialdom, everyone is obsessed with promotion and cares about whether the official fortune is prosperous without exception.

"What does Uncle Cao like to eat? I'll treat you." Shi De agreed, and saw that he had arrived at the downstairs of Bitian Group. Not far away, there happened to be a Sunshine Fishing Port, so he pointed to him and said, "Why don't you go to Sunshine?" Fishing port?"

"No, Shimen is not a coastal city. It doesn't produce fish. What kind of fish do you eat? It's all fish from other places. It's not fresh. Just find a quiet small restaurant. This one is good..." Cao Yongguo shook his hand Pointing to a small restaurant called "Unique Dumpling Restaurant" owned by Bitian Group, "As long as you don't think it's shabby."

Of course Shi De doesn't think it's shabby, but he's worried that the dignified deputy mayor will lose his status if he eats in an inconspicuous small restaurant. There are ulterior motives, firstly, the "only dumpling restaurant" is just downstairs of Bitian Group, occupying the site of Bitian Group, and secondly, when Bitian Group is applying to the city to take over the messy matters of Zhuo Group, When Cao Yongguo is about to take office as the deputy mayor again, what does Cao Yongguo's move seem to be implying?
Moreover, the name of the dumpling restaurant is also called the only one...

Shi De thought too much for a while, quickly retracted his thoughts, and said with a smile: "I have always pursued the pursuit of eating without food, and I am not picky. The main reason is that I am afraid of neglecting Uncle Cao."

"Let's go, I'm alone." Cao Yongguo chuckled, "A gentleman can't get enough to eat, can't live in peace, is sensitive to things but cautious in speaking, has the way and is upright, and can be said to be eager to learn... This passage from Confucius So, as far as you understand, what does it mean?"

Shi De accompanied Cao Yongguo to the only dumpling restaurant, and replied: "Gentleman, you don't want to eat well, you don't want to live comfortably, you are hardworking and quick in your work, but you are cautious in your speech. Go to a righteous person to correct your mistakes." Myself, this can be said to be easy to learn... From my personal understanding, a learned and cultivated person will not pursue comfort in life, but will only strictly demand himself in terms of conduct."

"What is your understanding of a gentleman?" After arriving at the only dumpling restaurant, Shi De accompanied Cao Yongguo to a seat. Cao Yongguo poured a plate of vinegar on his own, and asked Shi De again, "Tell me your opinion."

It was already 1:[-] in the afternoon, and the peak meal time had passed. Shi De and Cao Yongguo, one old and one young, were sitting in a corner of the only dumpling restaurant. , the old and the young, one is the majestic deputy mayor, and the other is a real expert who hides in the city. They are two heavyweights who can affect the fate of many people with just a few gestures.

Especially Shi De, who has always regarded himself as an idler. Although he has not held any promising positions in politics and business, he is growing step by step into an invisible master who is looked up to by countless people. doorman.

"A gentleman is not a weapon, so he is great." Shi De sat at the head of Cao Yongguo, and after ordering food, he answered Cao Yongguo's question. There are many explanations about a gentleman throughout the ages, and he also knows that no matter how he explains, it is difficult to jump out The thinking of the predecessors simply said directly, "Don't regard yourself as a specific vessel with only one use, but to learn from Bona, have foresight, and finally achieve great things, and you can be called a gentleman."

"Haha..." Cao Yongguo was amused by Shi De's explanation, "According to you, only successful people can be called gentlemen, and losers don't even have the qualifications to be gentlemen?"

"Although it is cruel and unfair to say this, history is often written by the winners, and the losers are just allowed to be portrayed at will by the winners, even slandered and smeared. So who is a gentleman and who is a villain, just look at history It’s really hard to tell.” Shi De shook his head with a helpless expression, “Uncle Cao, do you think that apart from “Historical Records” and “24 Histories”, are the current history books credible?”

Cao Yongguo nodded, with a deep expression on his face: "Your words are very reasonable, but why does it sound like a strong sense of hostility? Do you think we are on the opposite side?"

Shi De waved his hand: "I don't choose a position based on ideology, nor do I choose a camp based on this or that idea."

"Oh?" Cao Yongguo was slightly surprised, "Then what standard do you use to decide your own life orientation?"

Shi De knew that Cao Yongguo was very interested in him, and even followed him for a while after getting off the bus as the deputy mayor, because his performance on the bus shocked Cao Yongguo, since Cao Yongguo As the deputy mayor, he is also very interested in physiognomy, so he can deduce that Cao Yongguo is not a biased materialist.

The biggest shortcoming of materialists is that everything presupposes material things. Since they recognize the decisive role of material on the spirit, they will naturally demand material at all costs. Therefore, materialists are born with the genes of corruption and excessive demands.

(End of this chapter)

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