Fortune Teller.

Chapter 316 Do your best, listen to destiny

Chapter 316 Do your best, listen to destiny

Li Linfu was a well-known traitor during Tang Xuanzong's time. He liked to play tricks and talked sweetly on the surface, but he conspired to frame him behind his back.A word was created from him - mouth honey belly sword.When he was not a prime minister, he would always try to make friends with anyone who was trusted by Xuanzong or who opposed him, and when he became a prime minister and was in power, he would design to get rid of this person.

At that time, even some old and cunning people were often defeated by Li Linfu.Li Linfu is good at rhythm, has no talent to learn, changes when opportunities arise, is good at drilling, and is extremely talented. He has been in the prime of life for 19 years and has never been second in the limelight.

"When you compare Shang Jianchao to Li Linfu, do you want to say that although Shang Jianchao is hypocritical and treacherous, he also has merits, which is why he has a successful official career?" Xia You is very clear about Li Linfu's personality. A sycophant, agreeing with the emperor, making friends with eunuchs and concubines, and following the order with the wind, but Li Linfu was a traitor, because he insisted on favoring and monopolizing power without accepting bribes and interfering with imperial power. The problem of food is a long-standing problem, so Li Linfu has been a prime minister for more than ten years and maintained the stability of Tianbao period for more than ten years, which can be regarded as a contribution to the country.

"Yes, some people are good at playing tricks and deceiving superiors and subordinates, but they also have advantages in maintaining political balance, so they will also be appreciated by the higher-ups. But ancient times are different from the present. Being responsible to the emperor and not caring about the life and death of the people can also be promoted. Now is a new era, when an official does not consider the interests of the people, but only for his own selfishness, flattering the superior and bullying the inferior, such an official is not worthy of being an official, let alone a person Occupy a high position. Once in a high position, not only will it affect the image of officials in the eyes of the people, but it may also bring disaster to the country and the people.” Shi De has read many biographies of historical figures, and knows what the bad roots of human nature are. , How much harm it will cause to the country and society, "It was Li Linfu's manipulation of power that made Tang Xuanzong stop dealing with the government and planted the root of the Anshi Rebellion."

"The Anshi Rebellion cannot be entirely blamed on Li Linfu, Tang Xuanzong is also responsible." Xia Hua brought out a plate of steaming dumplings, and just heard Shi De's words. If you can recognize that Li Bai, a poet, has no political talent, you can also see that Li Linfu has merits. He reuses Li Linfu, which also shows that he values ​​Li Linfu's character. Li Linfu's 19-year dictatorship is the result of Tang Minghuang's delegation of power. It doesn't matter whether he speaks sweetly, or deceives others, but in fact, his actions are the reflection of Tang Minghuang himself."

Shi De opened his eyes wide, and looked at Xia Hua as if he didn't know him. Xia Hua smiled triumphantly: "Is it not acceptable? You are only allowed to be eloquent, but I am not allowed to be eloquent? Hmph, tell you Shi De, I have a lot of skills .”

Shi was convinced, he smiled, and stretched his thumb: "Xia Hua, I didn't expect you to be very politically savvy. You know that the crooked lower beam must be the cause of the upper beam being wrong. That's right, that's why I asked Uncle Xia to try to stop Shang Jianchao. The rise of Shang Jianchao will prevent Shang Jianchao from becoming a treacherous and evil person like Li Linfu. It can be assumed that history will be like this. If someone knows that Li Linfu will become a traitor sooner or later, and prevent Li Linfu's rise in advance, if there is no Li Linfu, Li Longji may not fall. An end of being forced to abdicate during the Anshi Rebellion may even prevent the Anshi Rebellion from happening."

"You are idealistic. History is history. The past cannot be changed, even if it is assumed." Xia Hua scoffed at Shi De's assumption.

Shi De smiled slightly: "A person who doesn't know the hypothetical history will never make progress. History is a mirror, from which we can see the reasons for rise and fall, and learn lessons from it, so that we can avoid the repetition of historical tragedies. Xia Hua, if you have studied history carefully, you will find that every dynasty is surrounded by treacherous officials. What is the soil for the overgrown officials? The emperor is stupid. But if the emperor is surrounded by loyal officials Official, will there be a chance to save the building from falling?"

"Shi De's thinking is correct. Many political disasters are caused because there are too many villains and treacherous officials around the leaders. If villains and treacherous officials are discovered in advance, and the path of the villain's ascent is blocked, it will be a good thing. Good thing." Xia You stopped talking about Shang Jianchao and waved his hand, "Eat, eat. The dumplings stuffed with wild vegetables must be delicious."

Seeing that Xia You avoided answering his question, but affirmed his assumption, Shi De knew that Xia You was moved by him, and hoped that Xia You would have a chance to stop Shang Jianchao's rise, otherwise if he If Shang Jianchao's observation is correct, Shang Jianchao will definitely be a villainous villain in the future.

And Shi De also has a strong premonition that if Shang Jianchao is allowed to rise, maybe one day he will become a deadly rival with Xia You, and will become Xia You's strong competitor when he competes for a key position.With Shang Jianchao's character, if he and Xia You had to decide the outcome, he would do whatever it takes to defeat Xia You, even ruining Xia You's political life.

Shi De didn't want this to happen.

Of course, Shi De also knows that sometimes manpower is limited after all, and whether Shang Jianchao's rise can be prevented can only be done by the destiny, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

"Xiao Shi, come, try the dumplings stuffed with wild vegetables made by auntie. Wild vegetables are rich in nutrition and are the most beneficial to health." Zheng Wenting came out of the kitchen, wearing an apron, with a bright face, "I heard that you are going to the provincial party committee today. It's very rare to chat with Deputy Secretary Qi? It's so rare. I've always heard from Lao Xia that Deputy Secretary Qi is not easy to get close to and doesn't chat with people easily. You can hit it off with him, and even Lao Xia praised you, saying that you are too talented Popularity."

Shi De suppressed his smile and said, "To tell you the truth, Aunt Zheng, not only did I have a good chat with Deputy Secretary Qi, but on the way back, I took the bus, and guess what, I also met a key person on the bus ..."


Xia You and Xia Hua asked in unison.

In the Xia family, Shi De did not become Xia You as a senior official at the department level, although in the domestic officialdom sequence, the department level is the entry point to the high-level official sequence, which is equivalent to the ancient magistrate.

"Let me make a joke first..." Shi De chuckled, talking about what he had seen and heard on the bus and how he stood up to defend Liu Luoluo's injustice, and then he talked about his relationship with Cao Yongguo.

"Cao Yongguo?" Xia You was taken aback, thinking that Shi De is really a young man who talks endlessly, no, it should be said that he is a young man who has created miracles one after another, "I have a normal relationship with Cao Yongguo, it's nothing Friendship, I am still worried that after I leave Shimen, you and Xia Hua will have no foundation in Shimen. Now it seems that I am worrying unnecessarily. Maybe it will not be long. Shi De, you have not only created a world in Shimen, but you can also help me .”

What Xia You said was the truth, not a mockery of Shi De, but Shi De did not dare to be complacent, and hurriedly said: "I am still very weak, and I still need Uncle Xia's light to thrive."

Xia You laughed: "Shi De, I believe that with your own ability, you can build a world in Shimen... People can help themselves, and then God can help them."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, let's eat, eat." Zheng Wenting waved impatiently, "Xiao Shi has been tired all day, can't you let him rest? He must talk about big things endlessly." , besides big things, men also have small things like eating and resting."

"Okay, don't talk, don't talk." Xia You chuckled, and picked up a dumpling, "Come on, Shi De, have a taste, are the dumplings made by yourself delicious, or you and Cao Yongguo eat at the only dumpling restaurant Are the dumplings delicious?"

Xia You is in a good mood. He used to think that Shi De was not well-born. Even if he had business talent and understanding of people, he would not be able to accomplish much without official contacts. Unexpectedly, Shi De's trip to the provincial committee , opened the two doors of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee one after another, did they really answer a word-luck is coming, and it can't be stopped?
With Shi De's knowledge of people and his contacts in the officialdom, Xia You firmly believes that it is only a matter of time before Shi De becomes a figure who calls the wind and rain in Shimen.

Just when Shi De was in Xia's house, had dinner with Xia You, and further deepened his relationship, in the same community as Xia's house, on the No. 2 building not far from Xia's house, there was also a family gathered together, happily Enjoy dinner.

Xia You lived in Building 3 of the Provincial Party Committee Residence.

According to common people's thinking, Building No. 2 and Building No. 3 should be two adjacent buildings, but they are not. In the courtyard, and Buildings 1 to 2 are in another compound, which means that Buildings 3 and 5 are the courtyard within the courtyard.

You don't need to think about it to know that buildings No. 1 and No. 2 are occupied by senior officials of the provincial party committee.

Although Xia You can be regarded as a leader of the Provincial Party Committee, he is not a heavyweight leader of the Provincial Party Committee, and he is not high enough, so he can only live in Building 3.

"It's rare, it's really rare, haha, I thought you wouldn't come back this month, I didn't expect, why did you suddenly appear today?"

In a family on the second floor of Building 2, a family of three sits around the dining table. The head of the family sits at the head of the family. He is over 2 years old, with a medium build, a long and thin face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, a high and full forehead, and a nose. Tall, plump and fleshy, with sharp edges and corners, the upper and lower lips coincide, and the corners of the mouth are slightly raised. The most notable feature is his pair of ears. Not only the outline of the helix is ​​large, but the earlobes are also large.

The woman sitting next to him, about his age, was obviously his wife.She also has a thin and long face, looks very dignified, and has an elegant and calm demeanor. One can tell at a glance that she has received a good education since she was a child, and she must have come from a wealthy family.

(End of this chapter)

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