Fortune Teller.

Chapter 318 The Poor in Character

Chapter 318 The Poor in Character
The senior city officials in the provincial capital have always been highly assigned to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. They are serious deputy provincial cadres and leaders of the Provincial Party Committee.

Shi De once again recalled that Shang Jianchao was in Xiayou's office at that time, and when he talked about Liu Bao's family being the mayor of Shimen, he remembered another detail - Shang Jianchao raised his eyebrows, and his eyes showed the confidence that everything was under control ——He was even more convinced of his judgment. Shang Jianchao is a treacherous and evil person. If Shang Jianchao is allowed to grow step by step, sooner or later, Shang Jianchao will bring disaster to the country and the people.

On the surface, after the reshuffle, Shancheng and Shimen are about to usher in a new page, but in fact, after the new and old changes, the old forces that refuse to withdraw from the stage of history will rebel against the new order of the new forces, and the new forces will fight for the new order. Rebuilding your own order will also strike at the old trend of being unwilling to obey and cooperate, and even do not hesitate to overthrow it and start over.

The same is true of things in officialdom, and the same is true of things in business.Because of Binsheng's joining in Shimen, the entire real estate industry has gradually experienced slight changes. Who knows, maybe one day, the slight changes will not trigger a revolution that changes the sky?

Originally, after Binsheng came to Shimen, he only undertook one project of the provincial TV station family courtyard project. Although the provincial TV station family courtyard project was not a small project and the cost was not low, it was not a commercial residence, and its impact on the real estate market in Shimen was extremely limited, so many The real estate company didn't know the existence of Binsheng, and didn't regard Binsheng as a competitor, but the announcement of the contractor of Yucheng District, a residential community of the provincial party committee, immediately made Binsheng famous overnight!
The General Office of the Provincial Party Committee officially announced to the public that the residential area of ​​the Provincial Party Committee was named Yucheng Community, and the construction was undertaken by Binsheng Real Estate Company.

The provincial party committee residential complex has high requirements, small budget, short construction period, and low profit, but there are still countless real estate developers rushing to it. The reason is that the undertaking of the provincial party committee housing can open up a network of relationships and have more opportunities to contact high-level officials. The opportunity is Business opportunities, business opportunities are wealth, so many developers in Shimen do everything possible to open up relationships, and would rather not make money, but also take over the provincial party committee residential complex.

But what no one expected was that the Provincial Party Committee’s residential complex was not undertaken by Baisha Group, the earliest real estate developer in the industry, nor was it undertaken by the most powerful Yip Group and Sian Chay Group, let alone let the big words be released early on. The Provincial Party Committee Residential District must have been taken over by the Reputable Group, which must be in his pocket, but a little-known small developer from other places, Bin Sheng. sensation.

Where is Binsheng sacred?How strong is it?
What brilliant achievements has Binsheng had?
What is Hamamori's background?
Everyone's focus is on the above three aspects. After the investigation, it is even more shocking. Binsheng is a small real estate developer that can't be smaller. It has been established for less than a year. It is not only unknown, but also extremely powerful Weak and small, not to mention any brilliant achievements, only two government projects, no experience in successfully developing large communities, and no background.

But... everyone was puzzled, but why did Binsheng undertake the project of the provincial party committee's residential complex?Why?Is there something tricky behind it?
Regardless of whether there is any trick behind it, Binsheng became famous in one fell swoop anyway, and spread throughout Shimen overnight, becoming the hottest topic in the real estate industry in Shimen.

When many people mention Binsheng, they often compare it with another well-known real estate developer. It is none other than Reputation Group!
Different from other groups that want to take down the residential complex of the Provincial Party Committee, other groups do things in the dark, work hard behind the scenes, and don't speak big words. Unlike the Credit Group, they let out rumors early on, saying that the Credit Group is against the Provincial Party Committee. The residential community is determined to win, and no one is allowed to compete with the credit group.

The major groups who do not have the same knowledge as the Credit Group laugh at the boast of the Credit Group, because after a long time, they all know the temper of the founder of the Credit Group, Bao Baozhang, know his outspoken character, and even more know the arrogant behavior of BMW Zhang And the incomparable virtue, so no one took BMW Zhang's wild words seriously.

Unexpectedly, when the final result came out, many people couldn't help laughing. BMW went crazy for a long time, and it never defeated Yip Group and Sian Chay Group, nor Baisha Group and Jia Group, but lost to the little-known Binsheng Real Estate, in other words, boasted for a long time, bluffed for a long time, but was slapped in the face by a young junior in public. Where should the credit group's face be put?

Therefore, many people want to wait to see the jokes of the Credit Group - it can be seen that when jumping high, there are always people staring at them, and when they fall, more people will watch the jokes - want to know, What method will BMW Zhang use to save face? Who doesn't know that BMW Zhang has the best face?
The more arrogant a person is, the better he will save face.Good face is a manifestation of excessive self-esteem, and the essence of excessive self-esteem is actually excessive low self-esteem.

However, to everyone's surprise, BMW Zhang, who has always been vengeful, did not react at all after the sweet pastry in his hand was snatched away by Binsheng who turned out to be out of nowhere. Not only did he not jump out to point fingers or threaten Binsheng, he even He didn't say a word, and remained unexpectedly silent.

Silence is not Baomazhang's style. Is it because Baomazhang has changed his temper, or is it because Binsheng has some unknown tough backstage that scares Bauma Zhang from saying no, or is there another reason?

Many people are puzzled, why is BMW Zhang so quiet?

On Shantian Avenue in the East Development Zone, there is a low-density villa area with a green rate of 60.00%, called Shanhaijian.Between the mountains and the sea is a group of single-family villas, and the developer is Baisha Group.

As the first villa community in Shimen, the success of Mountain and Sea has established Baisha Group's position in the real estate industry in Shimen.It is also the success of Mountain and Sea that triggered the wave of villas after Shimen.However, that was ten years later.So in a sense, Baisha Group did have the foresight, and as the leading figure of Shimen real estate developers, it is not in vain.

It is precisely because of Baisha Group's success in the mountains and seas that the Reputation Group has moved its mind to enter the real estate industry. That is to say, it is not an exaggeration to say that Baisha Group is the leader of the Reputation Group.

Of course, BMW Zhang would not admit that he was a follower of the Baisha Group. He always believed that only he was qualified to lead others, and no one else was qualified to run ahead of him.

But even though he was not convinced by Baisha Group's success, he still chose a villa between the mountains and the sea, because the landscape between the mountains and the sea was so well done, with rockery, lakes and green plants, creating a garden community.

The success of any company is not accidental, there must be reasons for its success.Losers look for reasons, while winners look for methods. Only by facing up to their own shortcomings and absorbing the advantages of others can they make continuous progress.

BMW Zhang bought a villa of more than 500 square meters, equipped with three parking spaces and front and rear gardens, quiet and comfortable.But the quiet and comfortable environment couldn't make him feel better.

"Damn it, Wan Huhou must be killed, dare to throw my son, it's against the sky!" Bao Baozhang sat in the living room, angrily shouted into the microphone, "Did you hear me, I want Wan Huhou to die!"

Putting down the phone, BMW Zhang was still angry and kicked the coffee table. Unfortunately, the solid wood coffee table was thick and heavy. When he kicked it, the coffee table didn't move at all, but his foot seemed to be on the iron plate. It hurts like hell.

"Damn it, when people are unlucky, drinking cold water will stick between their teeth." He picked up the teacup and took another sip. As soon as he took a sip of the tea, he sprayed it out in one gulp, almost spraying the two people opposite him, "Mama Wu , are you confused or stupid, let me drink such hot tea, do you want to scald me to death or what do you want to do?"

Wu Ma is the nanny of the Zhang family. She is in her 50s, and she is neatly dressed. She is wiping the furniture aside, when BMW Zhang yells, she trembles in fright, and accidentally breaks one of BMW Zhang's favorite vases.

BMW Zhang was even more furious: "You, pay the bill and leave immediately, leave immediately!"

Wu Ma was also angry. She took off her apron, threw her hand in front of BMW Zhang, and said angrily: "Boss Zhang, I told you that I don't want to do it anymore. I am your nanny, but the nanny is not Servant, I am not a servant who is called around by you! I don't want this month's salary. You are sick, and the disease is not serious. Let me save it to buy medicine for you. I would like to advise you again, it hurts a lot Don’t think that having a little money is a big deal, a person who has only money but no self-cultivation is also a poor person in character!”

After Wu Ma finished speaking, she raised her head, straightened her chest, and walked away.

"Hey, you, you..." Bao Baozhang was so angry that he couldn't speak, pointing at Wu Ma's back, his fingers were trembling.

"A person who only has money but no self-cultivation is also a poor person in's not easy. I never thought that Mama Wu could say such philosophical words." The person sitting opposite BMW Zhang had a handsome, handsome face. "Mr. Zhang, the saying that being angry can hurt the body is indeed the truth. According to scientific research, most tumors are caused by anger. It is said that when people get angry, they will produce a negative effect." Emotions, and this negative emotion is a kind of energy, a favorite energy of cancer cells. The more angry people are, the more energy they provide to cancer cells, and the faster and bigger cancer cells grow..."

"Yu Shuai, I understand the truth of what you said, but when it comes to things, who can control their emotions? What do you think Wan Huhou is? Don't think that being a guard at the provincial party committee is a big deal. Even if you are a guard at the central government, you are also a The gatekeeper, who is he, dare to throw my son? Not only Zhang Yang's leg and arm were broken, but the doctor also said that Zhang Yang lost his fertility... I will let anyone who fucking wants me to cut off my children and grandchildren Fucking ashes."

(End of this chapter)

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