Fortune Teller.

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Xiao Zuo's first sentence was not to ask Shi De for advice, nor to ask Shi De to get Tianyou Group to guide him, but to tell Shi De that something had happened to Zhang Yang.

Shi Decai was surprised and asked a question.

"Yeah, I was disabled by the fall, lost my fertility, and became a eunuch." Xiao Zuo sighed, "Zhang Yang has always been too flamboyant, I didn't expect that it would be fine to just cuckold someone in someone else's house, and dare to continue to pretend , There is a saying that is not to say, don't pretend to be coercive, pretend to be struck by lightning, and in the end, no matter how cowardly a man can't stand his insult, he threw Zhang Yang down from the second floor in a fit of rage."

Shi De also sighed: "Being a man can't be too much, a donkey kicks someone to death, and honest people sometimes have seizures."

"I just received news that BMW Zhang hated Wan Huhou to death and wanted to kill Wan Huhou. He bribed a prisoner who was locked up with Wan Huhou, and was ready to attack him. Poor Wan Huhou, the identity of the provincial party committee security guard, can't protect him. I'm going to die." Xiao Zuo had met Wan Huhou a few times, even though they were not familiar with each other, he still knew him, and every time he went to the provincial party committee, Wan Huhou would greet him, so he expressed deep sympathy for Wan Huhou's current situation.

"Provincial Party Committee Security Guard?" Shi De's mind flashed, and he suddenly realized something, "Wan Huhou is the one who fell Zhang Yang? Is he the Provincial Committee Security Guard?"

"Yeah, why, you've seen him too? He's a nice guy, it's a pity." Xiao Zuo called. He originally wanted to discuss with Shi De, and asked Shi De to visit Tianyou Group to solve the problem he was facing. A difficult problem, unexpectedly, as soon as the phone was connected, I suddenly remembered the matter of Wan Huhou, and said it casually.

Shi De was taken aback for a moment, thinking of the security guard smiling at him from the Provincial Party Committee, his heart skipped a beat, and he immediately understood something. At that time, he saw Wan Huhou—the security guard was called Wan Huhou, no wonder he had a noble face and a low status, It turned out that the name was not chosen well, and the name consumed too much of his blessings - he might have an unfaithful wife, but he didn't realize that the adulterer of Wan Huhou's wife was actually Zhang Yang!

In other words, his unintentional actions returned Wan Huhou's dignity as a man, and at the same time turned Zhang Yang into a eunuch, but the chain reaction caused by this was that Wan Huhou got killed?
"Wan Huhou?" Shi De wanted to make sure what three characters Wan Huhou's name was, "Wan Huhou who was Wan Huhou back then?"

"That's right, it's Wan Huhou. By the way, Mr. Shi, Wan Huhou's name is very good. Why is his life so bad?" Xiao Zuo was curious for a while, and put aside his own business, and asked about Wan Huhou's life. Things, "Didn't you say that choosing a good name will help improve your luck?"

"The truth is good, but when it comes to individuals, if a person's own fortune is not enough to support an overly majestic or rich name, then his personal fortune will be consumed by the majestic or rich name little by little. As the old saying goes, it is easy to feed a child with a humble name and a nickname, such as dog leftovers, bastards, etc., which contains simple dialectical ideas. Throughout the ages, the rich and powerful There are too few people. And Wan Huhou's fortune was ordinary, and he was just a small security guard, but he was called Wan Huhou every day, especially because he was a security guard of the provincial party committee. Even many heavyweight leaders called him Wan Huhou. It’s no wonder that your fortune will improve.” Shi De patiently explained to Xiao Zuo, then suddenly remembered something, and said, “By the way, Director Xiao, do you have any relationship, can you save thousands of households?”

Of course Xiao Zuo has something to do with it, otherwise he would not have known the news that Wan Huhou might lose his life, but he has no friendship with Wan Huhou, so there is no reason to offend Baoba Zhang in order to save Wan Huhou, even though he is not ashamed of Bao Zhang's character, listen to Shi When I had to say it, I couldn't help being stunned: "It's related, but I don't understand, why should I save him? Is he important to Mr. Shi?"

"It's not very important to me, but to Director Xiao, it may be of great use in the future." Shi De believes that his judgment on Wan Huhou is correct, "If you save him, he will not only be grateful to you, but also become your best friend." A capable general. One more thing, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Xiao Dong, do you know why you still can’t control the Tianyou Group and are at the mercy of several veterans? It’s because you are not as lucky as Wu Guoxue and Liu Rijian. But If you have Wanhuhou, maybe your problem will be solved."

Wu Guoxue and Liu Rijian are the two elders of the Tianyou Group. They founded the Tianyou Group together with Xiao Zuo's father Xiao You. Now they have always had opinions on Xiao Zuo taking over the Tianyou Group. They think that Xiao Zuo is not enough to take on the big responsibility.

When Xiao Zuo called, he wanted to ask Shi De for advice on how to gradually open up the situation amid Wu Guoxue and Liu Rijian's distrust of him. Unexpectedly, he somehow thought of the matter of Wan Huhou, so he came up and talked to Shi De first. When it came to Wan Huhou's tragic experience, it was even more unexpected that Shi De would return the topic to helping him out of the siege without a trace.

Moreover, according to Shi De's suggestion, the person who finally helped him out was actually Wan Huhou... How is this possible?

Although he didn't believe that Wan Huhou would be able to help him out of the current predicament, out of blind trust in Shi De, Xiao Zuo still asked: "How could Wan Huhou help me out? It's hard to believe that he, a security guard, has this ability. I have always felt that there should be no one who can help me except Mr. Shi."

"Hehe..." Shi De smiled meaningfully, "If I help you find someone who can solve your problems directly, it is also helping you. There are many ways to solve difficulties, and it doesn't have to be solved by me personally. What do you say?"

Xiao Zuo suddenly realized, and said again and again: "Yes, yes, what Mr. Shi said is right, it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat. Mr. Shi does not necessarily have to come forward in person, just a few words of advice, and you will be able to get rid of it." Change the situation."

"Haha..." Shi De laughed when he heard Xiao Zuo's half-flattering and half-flattering words, "Mr. Xiao, don't be polite between us. Your most important task now is to rescue Wan Huhou as soon as possible. With his words, your road to power in Tianyou Group may be much smoother, and it will be much earlier. If you are one step late and Wan Huhou is killed, although your road to power will not be interrupted because of this, but It will be delayed, and it will be your great loss if he does not become your right man."

"Understood." Xiao Zuo suppressed the ecstasy in his heart. Although he could never guess how Wan Huhou would become his right-hand man and how he would help him deal with the current predicament, he believed that Shi De's vision was absolutely right, and said immediately , "I'll do it right away, and try to get results today."

Not to mention Xiao Zuo, Shi De will not know how Wan Huhou will become Xiao Zuo's right-hand man in the future, and what method he will use to help Xiao Zuo get out of trouble. It is possible to turn over.But he never knew who the fulcrum of Wan Huhou's turnaround fell on. With Wanhuhou's current situation, unless there is help from noble people, there is no possibility of turning over.

As soon as Xiao Zuo called, he mentioned Wan Huhou when he came up, and Shi De grasped the connection point sensitively. Don't think about it, the nobleman who hit Wan Huhou was Xiao Zuo.

Of course, from another point of view, it was Shi De who really hit the nobleman. What Shi De didn't want to admit or think about was that without him, Wan Huhou wouldn't have abandoned Zhang Yang. , Wan Huhou will not be arrested, and if he is not arrested, he will not be noticed by Xiao Zuo.

Shi De's deduction was basically correct. After Xiao Zuo intervened in Wan Huhou's affairs, Xiao Zuo relied on his huge network of relationships and spared no effort to get through all the links, and finally saved Wan Huhou's life with great danger. , He didn't succeed, and was arrested because of it. Afterwards, he confessed to BMW Zhang.

Hiring murder to kill was one of the triggers for BMW Zhang's rapid downfall.Although it is not the most direct reason, it is also the most critical reason among many incentives.

Later, Xiao Zuo hired Wang Chuanxian, a well-known lawyer in the industry, to defend Wan Huhou. Finally, under Wang Chuanxian's clever tongue, Baoma Zhang, who had bribed the public prosecutor's lawyer, wanted to convict Wan Huhou of intentional injury, but was defended by Wang Chuanxian as negligent injury. The final verdict was a three-year sentence with a four-year reprieve.

The difference between the crime of intentional injury and the crime of negligent injury lies in whether the subjective intention intentionally hurts the other party before or at that time.It is negligent injury if it is only during the dispute or in other circumstances that the other party is injured accidentally.

The difference between the criminal responsibilities of the two is even greater. Those who intentionally injure and cause minor injuries are generally sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance; 3 years or more, or life imprisonment, or death.Under normal circumstances, negligent injury can only be investigated for criminal responsibility if it causes serious injury or death. The serious injury is less than three years, and the death is less than seven years.

Wan Huhou was on probation, in order to repay Xiao Zuo's life-saving grace - he already knew the truth that someone tried to put him to death when he was in custody - he joined Xiao Zuo's Tianyou Group and became the head of the Tianyou Group's security force. Escort the safe work of Tianyou Group.

Later, by chance, Wan Huhou rescued a girl who committed suicide during a patrol.The girl's surname is Liu. Because of a broken relationship, she couldn't think about it for a while, so she wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the building.Wan Huhou went all the way to the top floor and hugged the girl at the critical moment.

As a result, due to the excessive force of the impact, the girl's downward force drove Wan Huhou, and he almost fell to the 30th floor, more than 100 meters high, and his body was smashed to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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