Fortune Teller.

Chapter 329 The Demon King of Confusion

Chapter 329 The Demon King of Confusion
Lan Guocheng saw that his affairs had come to an end, so he bid farewell. He also knew that Quanyou still had something to discuss with Shi De in private. Before leaving, he patted his chest and said, "Master Shi, don't worry. Guaranteed for the Zhuo Group, I will try to figure out what role the Jia Group plays behind the scenes and other issues."

Shi De didn't answer, Quanyou said in time: "Hehe, Master Shi only asks about these mundane matters. In the future, for all mundane matters, Guocheng, you can just contact me."

Lan Guocheng nodded solemnly, then cast Shi De another look of awe and admiration, and then turned to leave.

As soon as Lan Guocheng left, only Shi De, Xia Hua, Quan You and Hua Hua were left in the room.

Hua Hua held back for a long time, and after Lan Guocheng left, she had the opportunity to ask Shi De face to face: "Master Shi, there is one question that I have never understood. Why do you say that love comes from your heart? Is it true that a person's thoughts determine his What does it look like? It sounds amazing and unbelievable."

"Actually, some things seem miraculous, but after you really know the truth, you don't feel miraculous anymore. Just like the ancients couldn't imagine the existence of TV, electric lights and mobile phones, just like people today always think they can't see The radio waves cannot be seen, the air cannot be seen, and many distant stars cannot be seen, do they not exist because we cannot see them?" Shi De also knows that flowers are Quanyou is as important as Xia Hua is to him, even more so. It seems that Huahua is Quanyou's first love. After Quanyou experienced Ma Feiyan's deception, Huahua is still inseparable from Quanyou Don't give up, she is really a rare good girl.

"Well, that's what I said, but I still don't quite understand it." Hua Hua bit her lip with a confused look on her face.

"People in the world have different appearances. Why can't you find two people with the same appearance in the whole world? Because the appearance of a person is the concrete expression of every thought that arises and dies in a person's mind." See Quanyou was not in a hurry to tell what the arrangement between him and Luo Xiaoyi was, but Hua Hua continued to ask him questions, and Shi De didn't take the initiative to ask questions, so he continued to answer Hua Hua's questions, "Some people are always greedy for petty gains, Every time you think this thought, your face shrinks once. If things go on like this, you will show a petty air. Love to be greedy for big gains, every time you think about it, you will feel dark once, and if things go on like this, you will show the evil appearance of a black tycoon. Distorted appearance. Some people often like to deceive people about money, and every time they think about it, they lose their skin. If things go on like this, they will show a thin appearance. Some people often like to gamble, and every time they think about it, they lose their minds. Weakness. Some people are always lazy, and every time they think about it, they relax once, and if things go on like this, they will show laziness..."

"Oh, I understand. The appearance is born from the heart, which means that the thoughts in the heart determine whether the appearance is good or bad, but the force of the heart does not happen overnight, but changes a little bit every time. In other words, if the bad heart is stopped in time Will the appearance of the thought improve?" Hua Hua understood it by analogy and figured it out.

"That's right." Shi De admired Hua Hua's intelligence, nodded and smiled, "Some people always love to respect others, and every time they think about it, they will be solemn, and if things go on like this, they will appear dignified. Some people always love to be diligent, and every time If you think this thought once, you will be dignified once, and if things go on like this, you will appear dignified. Some people are always frugal, and every time you think this thought, you will be cautious once, and if things go on like this, you will appear simple. , Just one time of generosity, and if things go on like this, it will show generosity. Some people often love to help others with compassion, and every time they think of this, they will accumulate goodness once, and if things go on like this, they will show compassion and kindness.”

"Haha, that's great. From the appearance of Quanyou in the future, I can know whether Quanyou is a kind-hearted and open person, or a person with a dirty heart and often has bad thoughts." shoulder, "It's a pity, it's too late to know Master Shi. If I had seen the essence of your inability to control the lower body, why did I like you back then? It would be serious to dump you early. It depends on your virtue , only Ma Feiyan is worthy of you."

"Yes, yes, let's talk about my past embarrassment. To be a person, you must look forward, and you can't just stare at the past." Quan You waved his hand pretending to be modest, "A good man doesn't mention his courage in the past, and a good man doesn't mention his ugliness in the past. Alright, let’s get down to business now, Brother Shi, Sister Xia, you will never guess what an earth-shattering event I have done.”

"What's the big deal, don't keep it up, there's everything, hurry up and explain everything clearly." Xia Huacai didn't have the patience to give it away, and immediately urged everything.

"Look what this is..." Quanyou chuckled, took out a note, shook it, and placed it in front of Xia Hua.

Xia Hua was not polite, picked it up directly, and read it out immediately: "IOU: I owe Huang Sanhao 10 billion yuan, and I will pay it off in half a month. If I don't pay it back, I am willing to repay the debt with my life. Character man, Niu Tianzi!"

"Ah!" Xia Hua was taken aback, "Everything, you are so lawless, how did you kidnap Tianzi Niu?"

"Just kidding, am I the one who will use violence to kidnap others?" Quanyou laughed complacently, "Violence has always been the patent of incompetent and brainless people. Smart people like me have endless tricks to deceive people, so I don't bother with it." Use such low-level methods as kidnapping."

"Then why did you let Tianzi Niu obediently write down the IOU?" Xia Hua couldn't figure it out.

"Gambling." Shi De finally couldn't help interjecting, with a faint smile, "Only gambling can make people lose their minds, and can make Niu Tianzi lose a huge sum of 10 billion yuan in just one week."

"A master is a master, right to the point. It's really high!" Quan Youchao Shide gave a thumbs up and laughed, "Tianzi Niu and I went to Macau with the dream of becoming a winner in life. 6 million. As a result, he never expected that life has its ups and downs, and gambling has its winners and losers. At first, it won a hundred or two hundred million, but then luck leaked out, and one lost. After losing five When it was 5 million, I advised him not to lose his eyes. Even if he invested another 5 million, he might not be able to turn the game over. Of course, he also had half the hope of winning another 10 billion at once. As a result, Niu Tianzi didn't listen to me. Persuasion, he borrowed usury at the casino and insisted on placing bets. In the end, he lost a full billion before he woke up. Unfortunately, it was too late..."

"The result?" Xia Hua only now knew that the way Quanyou and Luo Xiaoyi thought of dealing with Niu Tianzi was to drag Niu Tianzi into the water to gamble, and Quanyou and Luo Xiaoyi were ruthless enough.

"Of course, Niu Tianzi was detained. The other party saw that I was a kind and honest person, so he let me go and asked Niu Tian to ask for money with the IOU. The deadline was half a month. If he didn't pay it back, Niu Tian would Received parts of Niu Tianzi's body one after another..." Quan shook his head regretfully, and said sadly, "Gambling kills people. Even if you work hard in your life, you can't gamble. It's a pity that Niu Tianzi didn't listen to my advice. , If I knew it now, why bother at the beginning?"

Xia Hua sneered at the fake compassion of all the cats and mice: "Cut, stop putting on airs. It's not your plan that Niu Tianzi ended up like this? Tell me, who is Huang Sanhao?"

"Huang Sanhao is a gangster in Macau who specializes in loan sharks, and I don't know him. Xia Hua, it seems that you suspect that I set up a trick for Niu Tianzi to gamble? The conscience of heaven and earth, I was also dragged into the water by him, okay?" , I almost lost my life in Macau." While speaking, Quanyou rolled up his arms, and there was a shocking scar on his arm, "See, Huang Sanhao is not a thing, he slashed me, if I didn't hide quickly, If the artery is cut, the gods will not be able to save it."

"Pretend, keep pretending." Xia Huabai glanced at Quan, and then remembered something, "Although the Baisha Group is strong, Niu Tian can't get out one billion cash in a short time. Could it be that Niu Tian paid Without money, Huang Sanhao really killed Niu Tianzi?"

"Niu Tian can't come up with one billion in cash, but the value of the shares under his name is not only worth one billion." Quan You laughed.

Xia Hua suddenly realized that she had a long-term plan. She was not short-sighted and only wanted one billion in cash, but wanted the entire Baisha Group. You gave a thumbs up: "Admiration, I always thought you were a little bastard before, but now I know that I really underestimated you, everything, you are the devil incarnation."

"Congratulations, congratulations." Quanyou waved his hands again and again, with a humble face, "I just magnify the greed in other people's hearts. If you don't have greed in your heart, I will be a harmless spring breeze to you. I am a mirror , you are a wicked person, I am a wicked person, you are a kind person, and I am also a kind person. For example, Xia Hua, you can elope with me, okay?"

"Elope to your head." Xia Hua yelled at Quanyou, and then laughed again, "Your explanation is reasonable and reasonable, and it's a bit of a level. If you only deal with bad people and don't lie to good people in the future, I will be with you." You are still good friends, otherwise, hum, the farther away you are from me, the better."

"Look, that's right. I want to elope with you. If you don't elope with me, my bad things won't come true. But if I invite a woman to elope with me, then the bad things happen, and I'm not alone Human reasons. Therefore, all the bad things in the world are not isolated. As I said, I am a clean and flawless mirror. In front of good people, I am a good person. In front of bad people, I am a bad person.”

(End of this chapter)

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