Fortune Teller.

Chapter 333 The Blessing of a Woman

Chapter 333 The Blessing of a Woman

"What if Ma Feiyan really got 10 billion?" Shi De wanted to test his greed.

"What can I do? Her 10 billion belonged to Zhuo Fan. Zhuo Fan's money was used to deceive the poor. Of course it was sealed up and handed over. Let the government be responsible for returning it to the fundraisers. It is not easy for ordinary people to save some money. Whoever cheats the people's life savings with a black conscience is a bastard!" Quanyou was also poor, when he was the poorest in the past, he was penniless, and barely survived the crisis by cheating dozens of yuan from beggars, so He hates the profiteers who cheat the people of their hard-earned money the most.

"Well said." Shi De laughed, it's a great thing for Quan to have such a heart, and it is enough to make up for the many behind-the-scenes methods that are not in the sun, "Then next, just wait and see a good show ?”

"That's for sure, the good show is about to start." Quanyou took out the phone, and dialed in front of Shi De, "Guocheng, good news, Ma Feiyan appeared, just left from Erye Dumpling. You should immediately send someone to follow her. She should be on the way to meet Zhuo Fan at this moment. Guocheng, your chance has come. Once Zhuo Fan is caught, your weight in Master Shi's mind will be great. It's the same, when the time comes, when Master Shi is happy, he will give you a few more pointers. Not only can you have the wind and the rain in the future, but even Mayor Lan's future future, maybe with a touch of Master Shi, it will be clear. Up to three levels in a row."

Quan You is bragging and exaggerating Shi De's ability to his heart's content. What he wants is to let Lan Guocheng continue to follow blindly. Unable to cast.

"Okay, no problem." Originally, finding Zhuo Fan's whereabouts had nothing to do with Lan Guocheng, but after Shi De's psychological hints and a few times of advice, Lan Guocheng now regards it as his job. , it seems that finding Zhuo Fan proves that his ability has been recognized by Master Shi, "I will send someone to follow Ma Feiyan immediately."

Lan Guocheng was already familiar with following Ma Feiyan, and Ma Feiyan was very flamboyant, so it was easy to recognize her coquettishness on the street.

"If you find Zhuo Fan's whereabouts, don't startle the snake, tell me right away, and I will ask Master Shi for instructions and follow Master's arrangement." Quanyou knew that whatever Shi Debi said would work.

"Understood." Lan Guocheng replied firmly.

"Okay, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng." Quanyou put down Lan Guocheng's phone, and heaved a sigh of relief, "Brother Shi, now the problem has returned to the starting point, and it depends on Xiao Zuo."

Whether or not Niu Tian can win 40.00% of the shares, in the final analysis, the decision is still in Xiao Zuo's hands, or it can also be said that the decision is in Shi De's hands, it depends on how much influence Shi De has on Xiao Zuo.

"Xiao Zuo needs time to think about it." Seeing that the matter had come to an end, Shi De wanted to leave. He still had other matters to discuss with Xia Hua in private. "Let's do this for today. When we have news later, we will meet again."

"Okay." It's good to see everything.

"Not good, I still have a question to ask Master Shi." After Huahua spoke, she giggled, "I want to take a few minutes of Master Shi's time, but I don't know if Master Shi is willing to teach you."

Shih has a good impression of Huahua, especially Huahua's broad forehead and plump face, which shows that she has a very good Wangfu appearance: "If you have anything to say, just say it. If there are no outsiders, don't call me a master."

"No, a master is a master, and you must show due respect." Hua Hua insisted on addressing Shi De as Master Shi. Is she a good woman?"

From the perspective of the Five Elements Theory, human beings, like nature, are created by the mutual generation and restraint of the five elements. If the human relations are in line with the will of heaven, the future will be prosperous and prosperous.If they don't agree, not only may they be poor and lowly, but also may be in great trouble.

Wealth is not only a matter of men's own struggle, but also one of the important reasons for women's assistance.Therefore, a woman's appearance—including body and face—determines to a certain extent her honor, disgrace, wealth, fortune, and good fortune.Even moles as small as dots on a woman's face will imperceptibly herald her life's destiny.There is a saying that goes well: When you look at your wife with facial features, you should smile with a plump complexion.There are lines and moles that are severely punished, and the husband and wife have never had both.

Therefore, a woman who is beautiful but not coquettish, with pure character and clear virtue and appearance, is a noble minister.On the contrary, those who are gorgeous but have no appearance, dull eyes, even improper facial features, light walking, and intersecting texture at the corners of the eyes, are mean or even fierce.

"If a woman is dignified and plump, with elegant eyes, majestic and stable temperament, like a child in her arms, with a clear and harmonious voice, slender fingers, clear-cut characters, red lips and white teeth, and a narrow and straight nose, she is the face of a noble lady. .” Shi De commented on Huahua, “Huahua, you look like a lady.”

After listening to Shi De's words, Hua Hua smiled happily: "Really? That's great, so I'm still the lady's life."

"What about me? What about me? Shi De, I've known you for so long, and you've never commented on my face." Xia Hua felt itchy after hearing this, and wanted to ask Shi De to talk about her.

"Generally speaking, the expression is upright, the steps are light, the smile does not miss the teeth, the shoulders are round and the back is round, and the standing is as stable as a turtle. It is usually the appearance of a chaste woman. If the facial features are plump and well-proportioned, the ears are full, the lips are thick and the forehead is wide Right now, the muscles in the tear hall are the silkworm sacs that are plentiful and not exhausted, which is the blessing of a woman." Shi De has known Xia Hua for a long time, and today is the first time he has seriously commented on Xia Hua. "Furthermore, if a woman is born with a crested head and long pupils, dignified features, a fragrant body, and a majestic presence, she will be prosperous and help her husband make a lot of money and be promoted step by step."

"Wow, so I'm Wangfu Xiang? Great, if anyone marries me, it will be his greatest blessing." Xia Hua laughed happily.

Just halfway through laughing, Shi De's cell phone rang suddenly.

When Shi De saw the call number, he smiled happily: "Xiao Zuo is more urgent than I imagined, he is tempted."

"It's a good thing to be tempted, and now only you can come forward to persuade Xiao Zuo, and Huahua and I will come forward, and he won't believe it." Quan You shook his head profoundly, "The status of the master is still honorable, and Xiao Zuo and I are the same. We can only talk about tens of millions of business, no matter how high it is, he won’t talk to me.”

All the words are true, although he can be regarded as open in Shimen, but he is taking the slanted route of swords. In the eyes of others, although he has small cleverness and small means, it is difficult to become a great weapon in the end.

But Shi De is different, Shi De will not easily talk about money with others, only talk about life and fate.Compared with life and destiny, the weight of money is much lighter.After all, small cleverness is no match for great wisdom. Quanyou wins with small cleverness, but Shide lays the foundation with great wisdom.

Once the foundation is stabilized, the horizon will be opened, and the business will be big.

Shi De smiled, didn't answer all the words, and answered the phone casually.

"Master Shi, I've thought it over and communicated with my dad. He supports my approach. I have decided to try to raise 20 billion in one and a half months from now." Xiao Zuo is getting more and more excited now. He became more and more convinced that his acquaintance with Master Shi Deshi was the beginning of his good luck, and it was also an opportunity for Tianyou Group to grow stronger in the future, "Thank you Master Shi for your suggestion, I will seize the opportunity to make Tianyou Group a first-class company in Shimen. Group company. Of course, I will not treat Master Shi badly..."

"Hehe..." Shi De laughed, and interrupted Xiao Zuo's words, "The key to the problem now is the arrival of the first 10 billion funds, and the time is a bit urgent."

"It will definitely be done." Xiao Zuo solemnly promised Shi De, "Even if it is a mortgage plus loan, within half a month, no, within 10 days, we can get enough 10 billion."

Putting down Xiao Zuo's phone, Shi De smiled lightly: "From now on, there is only one word - wait!"

"Keep in touch at any time, brother Shi, this time our cooperation hopes to open up a new situation." Quanyou shook hands and said goodbye to Shi De, "By the way, is there any clue about green eco-tourism?"

"Not yet. I'm waiting for Sian Chay to arrange the time. In the end, Li Changfeng has been busy and couldn't arrange a time to meet." Shi De didn't hide it from everyone. He also knew that if green eco-tourism made progress, everything would be possible. Will also be one of the investors.

"Okay, if I can get the Baisha Group this time, I will invest all my funds in green eco-tourism, and I will do my part for the green mountains and green waters of Shimen." Quan You laughed, " I don't know if investing the less upright money into an upright career will also increase my blessings?"

"Of course." Quanyou has such an idea, which makes Shi very gratified. Although it is said that Quanyou's money does not come from a very righteous source, if Quanyou has a righteous heart, making money is not just for his own enjoyment, but for Benefiting more people will also virtually offset the consumption of some blessings.

"Then I'm relieved." Quan nodded.

Shi De and Xia Hua bid farewell to Quanyou, and went straight back to Rongjing Terrace's residence.Halfway on the way, Xia Hua was about to talk to Shi De about her views on Quanyou, when Shi De's cell phone rang again.

It's Yue Qingying calling.

"Shi De, I'm going back to Shimen. Where are you? I want to see you." Yue Qingying's voice revealed a little excitement, "I want to see you right away."

With Yue Qingying's cold personality, there must be something good about wanting to see him so desperately, Shi felt tense, guessed something, and said, "You go directly to Rongjing Terrace to find me."

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Yue Qingying hasn't been to Shi De's new house in Rongjing Terrace, but she knows the exact address, "By the way, I'll call Biyou, do you have any objections?"

Of course I have no objection, Biyou has never been to his new house, and it happened that everyone gathered together, and it was considered to be a half-day leisure, Shi Dehe smiled: "Well, let's call Huang Ziheng, Zhao Feifan and Xiao Muchen and the others , I haven't sat together for a long time, and we are lively together."

(End of this chapter)

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