Fortune Teller.

Chapter 336 Lost and found again cares about 1 heart

Chapter 336

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Huang Ziheng nodded again and again, "Brother De, did you all understand Mr. Xia, Sister Qingying, and Sister Biyou? Brother De has been to Mr. Xia's house, and also Sister Qingying's house, by the way, I have also been to Sister Biyou's Peach Blossom House, so you must have a score in his impression, as for whether the score is high or low, I don't know, anyway One thing is for sure, Brother De must have rated you guys, haha."

Huang Ziheng deliberately brought the topic to Xia Hua, Yue Qingying and Bi You, in fact, to create a sense of crisis for Xia Hua, but Xia Hua was not fooled, and smiled: "If you want to give a score, he can help others Scoring, others can also rate him, right? Alright, let’s get down to business, next I invite Qingying to announce the great news.”

Yue Qingying stood up and smiled faintly: "I declare in advance that behind this great good news, Shi deserves the most credit - my dad has worked at the deputy department level for more than ten years, and finally made it through. Nominated for mayor of Bull City."

The mayor is at the level of the main hall, and he is still the main hall with real power. Yue Guoliang finally took a crucial step. Shi De is really happy for Yue Guoliang!Although he had a premonition that Yue Qingying rarely wore a big red cotton padded jacket, as if to celebrate a great event, but when he heard Yue Qingying's official announcement, he was still very happy.

It's not easy, it's really not easy. As a good official, a good official who works hard for the country and the people, if Yue Guoliang misses this opportunity to be promoted to the main hall level, he may never be able to enter the main hall level again for the rest of his life. up.Yue Guoliang's failure to get promoted is not only a denial of his personal work, but also a denial of countless officials who are as serious and down-to-earth as Yue Guoliang, which will affect many people's thoughts of striving for progress.

"Congratulations, Uncle Yue!" Shi De said sincerely.

"Father specifically told me to thank you." Yue Qingying solemnly bowed to Shi De in front of everyone, "Thank you Shi De, thank you for allowing Dad to be recognized!"

Shi De sat still and accepted Yue Qingying's bow, but he still smiled and waved his hands, and said lightly: "Don't thank me, thank you, Uncle Yue still has to thank himself. If he hadn't insisted Bottom line, he will not have the current achievements. A person, only if he walks upright and stands upright, can others properly support him when the opportunity is right."

"That's what I said, but Dad also knows that if you hadn't rectified his name in front of Secretary Qi, he would never have crossed this threshold in his life." Yue Qingying said with infinite emotion, "Actually, Dad wants to open it too. , It doesn’t matter whether he is the mayor or not, but the important thing is that he doesn’t want others to misunderstand him, let alone his superiors.”

Shi De fully understands Yue Guoliang's joy of regaining his loss, and can also feel Yue Qingying's feeling of relief. Now, what Yue Guoliang and Yue Qingying are pursuing is no longer how high the official position is, but the peace of mind. , but recognized.With Yue Qingying's current ability, Yue Guoliang doesn't need to embezzle a penny, and can enjoy his old age peacefully after retiring.

"It's almost time to cook, isn't it?" Huang Ziheng looked at the watch in his hand, "If you don't start cooking, it will be noon, and I brought up a bag of flour. Is it possible that I have to go out to eat?"

"If you don't go out to eat, just eat at home. I'll cook right now." Even though Biyou is already the chairman of Bitian Group, when it comes to cooking, she still has the drive to roll up her sleeves and go to the kitchen. Shi De's appearance when she first met her.

As soon as Biyou moved, Yue Qingying and Xia Hua were too embarrassed to sit down, and they also went to the kitchen to help with cooking.As soon as the three left, there were only four Shi De left in the living room.

"How are the big one and the second little one doing?" Shi De met the two a few days ago. The big one has been injured and discharged from the hospital, recovering very well. The second little one—or Violence, since he named himself Shi Violence After that, he was not allowed to be called Er Xiao anymore—his temperament changed drastically, from cowardly and timid before to brave and bold.

Not only that, but the violence became much calmer, as if he had grown up overnight.Shi De also knew that the injury of the big man had too much impact on the violence, which planted the seeds of hatred and violence to control violence in his young heart. Therefore, Shi violence repeatedly begged him to teach him Tai Chi, and he considered it again and again. , or did not teach him.

But what Shi De didn't know was that Shi Yue went to learn other boxing techniques behind his back.

"Fortunately, now the big one and the violent one have changed. The big one used to be stubborn, but now he has become more obedient. Let him go to school. He was very obedient before the violence, but now he is very disobedient. Although he can barely go to school, But I always like boxing, and I practice boxing and kicking every day, and I am much stronger than before. Now the big man is probably not his opponent." Huang Ziheng is not very worried about the big man and the development after the violence, the two are still young, After the two of them have been in school for more than ten years and then enter the society, it may change a lot.

"They will be handed over to you for the time being, and they are willing to let them follow me." Shi De patted Huang Ziheng on the shoulder, "But it's also just right, let's experience the hard work of being a father in advance, and when you have children in the future, you don't have to worry about it." It’s an adaptation period, just get started.”

"Haha..." Huang Ziheng laughed a few times, "Speaking of children, Brother De, have you made up your mind and which one to marry? Xia Hua and Biyou are fine, they can't afford to wait another two or three years, but Sister Qingying can't afford to wait."

When it comes to relationship issues, Shi De's head gets dizzy. As far as he is concerned, he asks, "Where are you and Huang Suqin?"

"We've already decided to get married on May Day next year, and now my brother cares about you!" Huang Ziheng chuckled, "Escaping is not the solution to the problem."

"Tell me, who should I marry?" The living room is some distance away from the kitchen, and Shi De believed that Xia Hua and the three of them couldn't hear the conversation between him and Huang Ziheng.

"Of course I support Xia Hua." Huang Ziheng lowered his voice, "Although Xia Hua is a lady of everyone, she doesn't have the arrogance of a young lady. Don't look at her sometimes who seems to be petty and likes to bicker with others. She is just active, not really angry, she is a magnanimous girl, a good girl, you are lucky to marry her."

"Okay..." Shi De didn't answer Huang Ziheng's words, and turned to look at Zhao Feifan, "Fanhua, who do you think I should marry?"

"I support Sister Biyou." Zhao Feifan was originally in charge of the Huimin community project in Shancheng. Now the main body of the Huimin community project in Shancheng is nearing completion. Due to the approaching Spring Festival and the freezing weather, the project is temporarily suspended. He came to Shimen and followed Huang Ziheng temporarily.

"Tell me your reason." Shi De glanced into the kitchen. In the open kitchen, Xia Hua, Biyou and Yue Qingying could be clearly seen busy.

Looking from the backs of the three of them, Xia Hua's shoulders are straight, her legs are straight, and her standing posture is very aura. At first glance, she is a versatile girl who can turn around and go into battle, from the kitchen to the hall.

In contrast, Biyou's back is much gentler, perhaps because Bi Xiahua has experienced too many ups and downs in life, although her standing posture is tall and straight, she is more calm and calm.It's just that compared to Xia Hua's straight shoulders, her shoulders are a little weaker, which makes her even more pitiful.

Among the backs of the three, the most striking one was that of Yue Qingying.Yue Qingying's figure is perfect. Looking from the back, she is tall and straight, with exquisite curves, and everything is exquisite and perfect. Usually, it only takes one glance to make every man realize that there is such a beautiful back. A woman must be a stunning beauty.

There is only one thing, Yue Qingying's back is beautiful, but it lacks the color of fireworks in the world. Even if you only look at her back and don't look at her cold face, she is like an ordinary fairy, quite out of the world. meaning.If it is a sentimental man, I will be inspired by her back to ride the wind, but if it is a secular man, I will be discouraged because her back is too refined.

Not all men have a noble heart, most men prefer to marry a wife who is very interesting in life and can lead a worldly life, rather than marrying a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

If Shi Debi and the three of them come to a conclusion, Biyou is the best candidate for a husband and a child. After marrying and returning home, they will be properly happy.Xia Hua is an all-rounder, who can help men in their careers, and is also an expert at home. After marrying and returning home, they will be full of happiness.And Yue Qingying will satisfy a man's highest dream of a fairy and a goddess, but no one knows that when the goddess falls into the mortal world and becomes a family woman with a face full of fireworks, there will be unexpected happiness, or there will be happiness. Unimaginable pain?
"The reason is very simple..." Zhao Feifei smiled honestly, "When Sister Biyou met De Ge, De Ge had nothing, but she still never left him. There are two kinds of happiest people in the world, one is When a man is suffering the most and is the most tired, the woman who is by his side is the one who loves each other. The other is when the woman needs comfort and support the most, the man who is by the woman's life and death. When you have nothing, sister Biyou will accompany you You got through it. When Sister Biyou needed help the most, you stepped forward and stayed with her. You are born to be a couple in need."

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Huang Ziheng nodded again and again, as if he was moved by Zhao Feifei's words, and then he smiled, "I understand your admiration for Sister Biyou, and I will defend your right to speak to the death, but I disagree with you. the opinion of."

"Go aside, young poor." Zhao Feifan pushed Huang Ziheng, laughed, and then turned to ask Xiao Muchen, "Muchen, who do you support as your sister-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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