Fortune Teller.

Chapter 339

Chapter 339

"Hong Dongxu." Wu Sanpi heard that Xia Hua was very interested in Wan Huhou's question, and immediately became excited, "How is it, sister Xia Hua, have I discovered a big secret?"

"It's really a big secret, Sanpi, good job, good job, nice job."

"Thank you, Miss Xia Hua, for your compliment. What should I do next?" Wu Sanpi was overjoyed and eager to try.

"Protect Wanhuhou, and keep a close eye on Hong Dongxu. It would be even better if you have the means to let Hong Dongxu reveal who the mastermind behind his scenes is. I will credit you with great merit." Xia Hua was very happy, and gave Wu Sanpi a sweet treat. , "When things are done, Sister Hua will treat you to dinner."

"I don't dare to ask Sister Hua to invite me to dinner. It would be nice for Sister Hua to show her face. Well, it's settled. I'll settle Hong Dongxu and let him tell the truth. For me, it's a trivial matter."

Putting down Wu Sanpi's phone, Xia Hua patted Shi on the shoulder and smiled: "How about it, Master Shi, do you want to make a breakthrough from Hong Dongxu? If the Credit Group is going to collapse, Hong Dongxu may be a bulldozer."

Shi De admired Xia Hua's wrist, and said with a smile, "Don't ask me about such a trivial matter, you can handle it yourself."

For Shi De's decentralization, Xia Hua is very useful, she chuckled: "Those who achieve great things must have a broad mind, Master Shi, you have a bright future."

Shi De smiled and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, you have to meet Wu Sanpi quickly."

"Why do you want to see him?" Xia Hua thought that with just one call, the matter would be settled.

"It's okay not to see him, but if he messes things up, it's too late for you to regret it. Wu Sanpi is more impulsive than rational, and he needs to be under your guidance to complete his mission, otherwise he will spend a lot of time If Hong Dongxu killed him, wouldn't it be a big deal?"

"That's right." Xia Hua pondered for a while, then turned around and left, "I'll go see Wu Sanpi now, and personally guide him on how to deal with Hong Dongxu. Let's go, Shi De, and I won't have dinner with you tonight."

Xia Hua left as soon as she said, leaving Shi De and Yue Qingying behind, and went downstairs like the wind.

As soon as Xia Hua left, only Shi De and Yue Qingying were left in the room.

Speaking of which, Shi De and Yue Qingying haven't been alone together for a while. Although they don't feel unfamiliar with each other, they are still a bit estranged when they are suddenly alone.Life is like two curves, sometimes running parallel, sometimes intersecting, and sometimes going away suddenly.

"Recently, how is your life?" Yue Qingying was more concerned about Shi De's life problems.

"It's okay, or rather, it's not bad." Shi De smiled, and subconsciously glanced at Yue Qingying, seeing that Yue Qingying was much more beautiful than before, and there was a lot of joy between her brows , I couldn't help feeling relieved, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, thank you." Yue Qingying brushed her hair and smiled lightly, "If you hadn't appeared, I don't think my dad would be able to pass this time no matter what, no, not this time, but in The last time I competed with Fu Rui, I couldn't pass the test, you are the lucky star of me and our family."

"It's too far-fetched to say that." Shi De shook his head, although in a person's destiny, there will be noble people to help him, but in real life, it is true that many successful people can say a word when they meet at a critical moment. And the nobleman who changed the trajectory of his life turned his life around and opened a new chapter.But now Shi De's realm has improved, and his understanding of fate is much deeper than before. There are indeed so-called noble people, but from a certain point of view, a person's fate is not obtained by seeking, but by cultivation. of.

Hitting a noble person can be repaired but not sought.What is a gentleman?To put it bluntly, it is good luck and good opportunity. Where does a person's good luck and good opportunity come from?It's not a gift from others, let alone a gift from heaven, but it comes naturally when one's own blessings are enough.

Therefore, be a human being before doing things, and cultivate blessings before being a human being.

After Shi De finished speaking, Yue Qingying fell silent. Once she was silent, Shi De had nothing to say, and the atmosphere became a bit dignified for a while.Time is the greatest force of impermanence. In time, many familiar people become strange, and many past events become blurred.Unknowingly, Shi De and Yue Qingying became farther apart than when they were in Shancheng.

"How about this, I just bought a new car, how about taking you around the Second Ring Road?" Shi De broke the silence, seeing that it was still early and the sun was shining, he decided to go for a drive with Yue Qingying.

"Okay." Yue Qingying became lively again, "But I have one condition..."

"What conditions?"

"Let me start a paragraph first."

"Okay, no problem." Shi De smiled.

A few minutes later, Shi De and Yue Qingying arrived at the underground parking lot and started the car. Yue Qingying drove the tall Land Rover without being clumsy, and drove out of the underground parking lot very lightly. into the main road.

What neither Shi De nor Yue Qingying noticed was that at the same time as they were leaving, a dark blue BMW M3 also drove out of the underground parking lot and followed the Land Rover quietly.

The person in the car was Fang Mu.

Fang Mu has been paying attention to the movement in Shi De's room. Since it is the opposite door, she can directly see the people entering and leaving Shi De's house through the cat's eyes. As soon as Shi De and Yue Qingying go out, she suddenly has a whim and wants to follow Shi De , See where Shide goes.

What Fang Mu didn't know was that her decision cost her a huge price!

Yue Qingying has been driving longer than Shi De, but she is a girl after all, maybe a woman is not as sensitive to machinery as a man by nature, although she is proficient and calm in driving, she is not highly skilled.Of course, the usual lane change and overtaking is nothing to her.

"Tell me about your first love, okay?" The car drove north along Ping'an Avenue, heading straight for the North Second Ring Road. problem.

"First love?" Shi De was taken aback for a moment, unable to figure out how Yue Qingying would ask this question, he couldn't help being amused, "Let's talk about your first love first."

"You say first, I'm a woman, and women have the privilege of cheating." Yue Qingying pursed her lips.

"..." Shi De was silent for a moment, then smiled, "My first love is a long story, from elementary school to junior high school to high school, I have first love."

"Don't make trouble, let's get down to business, there is only one first love, no matter you are precocious enough to be interested in girls in elementary school, or you are late mature enough to fall in love with girls in college, there is always only one first love." Yue Qingying said angrily.

"Okay..." Shi De chuckled, "I admit that I am a late bloomer, and my first love was in college. Her name is Huang Susu, she is my classmate, and she is from Xiajiang..."

Yue Qingying knew a little about Shi De's first love story, but not much, because Shi De didn't want to tell outsiders.He is a person who can hide things in his heart. Some things, he didn't hide them on purpose, but felt that there was no need to show his past in front of others.He neither wants to win the sympathy of others, nor does he want to be a talking point for others.

But this time in front of Yue Qingying, he didn't hide any more, and told the story of how he and Huang Susu met, fell in love, and broke up.It's also the past. From his point of view, he and Huang Susu have been separated from each other since then, and there is no possibility of reunion.Therefore, it's okay to share the first love with Yue Qingying.

"If it wasn't for her mother's objection, would you and her be married and have children now?" Yue Qingying's eyes flickered with questions, and there was a trace of regret and curiosity in the questions.

"Perhaps, first love is the most unforgettable and unforgettable." Shi De was slightly sentimental, the man did not flick his tears easily, because he had not yet reached the point of sadness, and now he would no longer shed tears for the lost love, but faintly There will still be sentimentality, "But there are no assumptions in life, there is no destiny, and there is no need to look back. Who knows if I marry her, will I be happy after marriage? Marriage is not a matter of two people. In China, It is a matter between two families, no matter how good the two are, if the two families are not good, it will cause family wars."

"I've been thinking..." Yue Qingying thought about it seriously, "You have been vacillating about relationship issues, is it because your first love hurt too much?"

It turned out that... Yue Qingying was testing him, Shi De smiled helplessly, and then realized that Yue Qingying asked him about his first love because he wanted to know why he didn't finally choose someone as his real girlfriend. How should he answer Yue Qingying? ?

Of course, Shi De also knows that Yue Qingying's youth can't wait for a few years, youth is very short, so short that you haven't had time to see the whole picture of youth, youth has only a tail left.

"It's not all because of my first love. You know my personality. I'm not a person who can't forget the past. A person can only let go of the past before he can truly face tomorrow." Shi De considered his words, "I am indeed a little vacillating when it comes to emotional issues. The main reason is... I don't want to hurt anyone."

"But if you do this, you might hurt three people at the same time." Yue Qingying mustered up her courage today, and decided to speak out her true thoughts in front of Shi De, "The facts are already obvious. There is Biyou, who likes you, Biyou and I are more reserved, Xia Hua is just bluntly showing that he wants to be with you..."

Seeing Yue Qingying open up this matter in person for the first time, Shi was slightly taken aback, then shook her head helplessly: "Xia Hua may have more affection and liking for me, and it is hard for her to be so careless. Imagine that she will love someone deeply. As for Biyou, there may be more factors of sympathy with me, and the relationship between her and me is the affection between relatives."

"Such a far-fetched explanation, do you believe it yourself?" Yue Qingying glanced at Shi De lightly, with a hint of complaint in her eyes, and then exerted a little force on her feet, the speed of the car increased rapidly, and she drove onto the North Second Ring Road...

(End of this chapter)

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