Chapter 35
After Shi De sat down again, as soon as Yue Qingying waved her hand, a service staff came to clean up the breakfast and brought tea.

"How is it, have you thought about it?" Yue Qingying waited for a while, and seeing that Shi De didn't take the initiative to speak, she couldn't help it anymore.

Shi De smirked, Yue Qingying is really not a person who knows how to do business. He doesn't even know the simplest negotiation skills, and he doesn't understand the truth that it's not a business to be successful?She urged impatiently, tantamount to handing over the initiative to him.

How to do?Shi De's mind was now not on Yue Qingying's business, but returned to Yue Guoliang's face.

Yue Guoliang's face is indeed good, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, and full three strokes, which shows that he has good luck in his life. In his youth, middle age and old age, everything is smooth sailing without too many twists and turns.Especially the lower stop, mellow and thick, the Lord will be happy in his later years.

It should be said that Yue Guoliang's official position should not be limited to the deputy mayor. Although Shi De is not familiar with the sequence of officialdom, he can somewhat understand the provincial, departmental and divisional levels. It is not impossible to go up to a mayor or even a deputy provincial cadre.Moreover, the phase of Yue Guoliang's next stop is better than that of the middle stop.

The three stops are equal, and the wealth and honor are displayed. In terms of the three stops alone, Yue Guoliang has been much better than before since he was 50 years old, but why has he been in the position of vice mayor and has not made further progress for several years?
Shi De saw the clue when he shook hands with Yue Guoliang just now. The problem lies in Yue Guoliang's nose!

Yue Guoliang's nose is also very good, straight and high, the nose is like a gall, and it is not hungry and cold. It is a sign of good luck and wealth. It can even be said that Yue Guoliang's face is almost perfect, but... It appeared on the nose!
There is a scar on the lower side of Yue Guoliang's nose. Although it is small and inconspicuous, it can still be seen that a thin line extends from the side of the nose to the left side of the face, about three centimeters in length.

This is the misfortune of disfigurement!

Destruction is when the innate appearance is destroyed by acquired external forces.A person's appearance is like Feng Shui. No matter how good the innate appearance is, if the day after tomorrow is damaged, it will also imperceptibly promote the fate of life.Nowadays, many big stars are proud of plastic surgery, but they don't know that the plastic surgery is slightly wrong, which destroys the innate layout on the face, and inevitably brings unpredictable changes to the future fate, and most of them are not good luck.

Yue Guoliang's almost perfect face was broken, which made his life's destiny deflected to a certain extent, which was also the root cause of his lingering in the position of deputy mayor.

Destruction of the face is the same as the destruction of the palmistry and palmistry the day after tomorrow, which will bring negative impetus to life, or bad luck, or interrupted good luck, Yue Guoliang's good luck in his life is entangled by a scar on his nose!
Taking back his thoughts, Shi De considered his words and said carefully: "Let's not talk about the jade industry first, I want to ask a question, Qingying, there is a scar on Mayor Yue's nose, it doesn't seem to be born?"

Yue Qingying didn't realize for a moment that Shi De's thoughts had jumped to Yue Guoliang's face, and she was taken aback for a moment before she said: "Yes, that's right, he was shoveled by grandma with a shovel when he was a child."

"Huh?" Shi De was taken aback.

"Once grandma was shoveling the ground, and dad was playing naughty beside him. When he showed up, grandma just threw a shovel of dirt, and the shovel shoveled on dad's face. Fortunately, the injury was not deep, and there were no sequelae. "Suddenly she thought of something and stood up, "Shi De, are you trying to say something?"

Shi De was trying to say something, and he said it in a vague way: "Mayor Yue's back is really stalwart, and he has a great momentum."

Yue Qingying was puzzled and asked: "What are you talking about, I don't understand, can you take a look at Dad to see if he has official luck in the future?"

"I'll tell you a story." Shi De smiled. He couldn't say too much. First, if he was too transparent, there would be no mystery, which would greatly reduce his value. Second, he couldn't reveal too many secrets. He doesn't like to eat too much peanuts. "In those days, Han Xin supported his troops with self-respect. Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were in a war. They were in a hurry and sent someone to ask him for help. Han Xin hesitated and didn't know whether to send troops or not. His advisors told Han Xin that he represented Han Xin Face-to-face, Han Xin's back is the face of an emperor. In the end, Han Xin sent troops to help Liu Bang and conquered the world for Liu Bang. More than ten years later, Han Xin was killed by Empress Lu."

"Why did you talk about history?" Yue Qingying couldn't understand the mystery, "I know this period of history. At that time, Han Xin could divide the world with Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, and retreat could help either Liu Bang or Xiang Yu win the world... But I still want to ask you, have you considered it?"

Shi De laughed, and when Yue Qingying was also cute, he nodded and said, "Think about it."

"What's going on?" Yue Qingying looked nervous.

"I... I agree." Shi De was no longer reserved and agreed.

"That's great." Yue Qingying jumped up and turned around in a circle, full of youthful vigor and enthusiasm, the momentary joy was completely different from her previous coldness.

Thinking about it, Yue Qingying is actually only 28 years old this year, and she is still in the golden age of a woman.

Maybe she realized her gaffe, or maybe she felt that the action just now was too different from her previous image, and Yue Qingying returned to her cold color: "I'm sorry, I'm too happy, I'm rude, don't take offense. "

Shi De smiled and nodded. To be honest, he was used to the cold Yue Qingying, and he was not used to the youthful Yue Qingying under the joy.

He discussed some details with Yue Qingying, Shi De carefully analyzed the prospects of the jade shop, and put forward a new suggestion: "The limitation of the jade shop is too great, I suggest that it is better to open an antique shop, jade, curios, jewelry. , calligraphy and painting, antiques, everything in one go."

Yue Qingying's eyes lit up: "Your idea is very good, I agree. I will discuss it with my father later. If he agrees, I will redo the budget and rewrite the feasibility report."

Afterwards, Yue Qingying drove Shi De to a bowl of incense. After getting off the car, she solemnly reached out and shook hands with Shi De: "Shi De, happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Shi De closed the car door for Yue Qingying, "Drive slower in the future and pay attention to safety."

Yue Qingying wanted to say something, but she just nodded silently and drove away.Shi De noticed that Yue Qingying's speed was indeed slower, and he smiled quietly.

When Yue Qingying returned home, Yue Guoliang had already returned from the city government—today was originally Sunday, and there was not much to do.

As soon as Yue Qingying came back, Yue Guoliang put down the newspaper in his hand: "Ying'er, how are you doing, did Shi De agree?"

"Yes." Yue Qingying was a lot more sincere at home, no longer the image of being cold and cold and refusing people thousands of miles away.

"Ying'er is back." Yue Qingying's mother, Su Shu'e, came out of the kitchen with a fruit plate, "Come, eat some fruit."

Yue Qingying sat on the sofa, picked up an apple, and took a bite without peeling the skin. Su Shu'e laughed and scolded: "You don't know how to peel and eat it? Really, you can't do anything, you can't cook, Can't peel fruit, can't speak nice words, when will I be able to get married?"

"Mom!" Yue Qingying was unhappy, "Can you not mention such mundane things as getting married? You are only my daughter, and you want me to get married every day, and you don't know what your intentions are?"

Su Shu'e didn't care about Yue Qingying's petty temperament, and continued: "How can you say that about your mother? Ying'er, you are really not too young, and you can't afford to delay important life events. By the way, you said that he did a good job, how old is he? It's just that the job is not very good. Working as a nurse in a hospital is too low, but the diploma graduated from Fudan University is very hard, and you can get it. Guoliang, you check the family of Shide, if the young man is good, before you retire , pull him, and he can be worthy of our daughter."

"Mom, you're talking nonsense again!" Yue Qingying blushed, and dropped the apple before entering the house, "Don't be tempted to marry him, your daughter is not an ugly person that no one wants, she hasn't met the right person yet. ."

"Haha..." Yue Guoliang snorted, "Stop arguing, Ying'er's life-long affairs, let her decide, I don't care about her. Speaking of Shi De, this young man is not bad, he is 24 years old this year, more than Ying'er is 4 years younger, and he looks good. He's just too honest. If it weren't for his education, I could have given him a hand. His family is very unfortunate, his parents are gone, and he's an orphan. Come on Shancheng seems to be doing business in Xiajiang before, but I don't know exactly what to do."

"Is he an orphan?" Su Shu'e's mind became lighter. "If Ying'er wants to marry, she has to marry a normal family. What is an orphan? Besides, he is so young after all. I also dislike our Ying'er being too old. Women are old and can't find someone younger than themselves."

"Mom!" Yue Qingying couldn't listen anymore, "If you say more, I'll leave."

Yue Guoliang waved his hand: "Stop talking about idle talk, talk about business... How did Shi De agree?"

Yue Qingying described what happened after Yue Guoliang left, and while she was talking, she suddenly remembered that Shi De had specifically mentioned the scar on Yue Guoliang's nose, and said, "Dad, Shi De seems to be treating you. The scars on the face were very interesting and asked for details."

"Oh?" Yue Guoliang's interest increased greatly, "What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything, and then he told a story about Han Xin, saying that Han Xin's back is the prince of the emperor. By the way, he also said that your back is sturdy and has the momentum of dragons and tigers..."

"My back, Han Xin's back... This Shi De, it's not that people in the officialdom are better than people in the officialdom, what kind of riddle is playing?" Yue Guoliang said to himself, stood up, and walked away in the living room with his hands behind his back. After a few steps, he sat back on the sofa again, pondering.

After a long time, Yue Guoliang suddenly slapped the sofa: "Good boy, there is such a thing, how can he say it so accurately?"

(End of this chapter)

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