Fortune Teller.

Chapter 350 Making an Incident

Chapter 350 Making an Incident

Picking up the phone, Zeng Dengke called Pang Shensuan, Wen Wuyi, Shi Zhongyu, and You Zixu, and talked about the spirit of Shi De's instructions. They all expressed that they must go all out to complete Master Shi's instructions. by any means.

"However, where should we start first?" Shi Zhongyu had some doubts.

"Master Shi said last time that when he came to Bitian Group, he took a taxi. The eldest sister of the taxi was one of the victims of illegal fund-raising. Take it from yourself, as a breakthrough point.” After all, Zeng Dengke has been in the rivers and lakes for a long time, and he has seen a lot, and he thought of an entry point in a blink of an eye, “The taxi lady runs a taxi, meets a lot of people, and has a lot of things. The victim she contacted There must be many."

"Good idea." Pang Shen was overjoyed, "Old Zeng, you really have a way, you can think of this idea, and you are convinced."

"Don't submit to me, if you want to submit, please submit to Master Shi." Speaking of Shi De, Zeng Dengke looked yearning and admiring, "Master Shi is the real expert who can count everything. Who would have thought that he would take a taxi , can meet victims of illegal fund-raising, which shows that Master Shi's words and deeds coincide with the way of heaven, and even God is helping him."

"Then tell me, after we followed Master Shi, will we also act for the heavens in the future?" You Zixu grinned.

"Of course, we don't know how high Master Shi's realm is. We just need to know how to follow in Master Shi's footsteps. If you follow Master Shi, you will not go wrong." Wen Wuyi also echoed. , and then asked, "After contacting the victims of illegal fundraising, what's the next step?"

"Stupid." Seeing that Wen Wuyi hadn't understood what he meant, Zeng Dengke smiled, "Didn't I just say that we should unite the victims and urge the city government to put pressure on related companies to seek justice... as a small Ordinary people, how can we let the city government know about our grievances?"

"Petition." Wen Wuyi finally understood, "But isn't the city most worried about mass incidents? The Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising issue has been suppressed for long enough, and it has not caused mass incidents. It is also a strange thing."

"Why did the Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising issue not lead to mass incidents? Do you know?" Zeng Dengke smiled on the ground, "It is because the city has not announced that Zhuo's father and son have run away, and many people think that money can still be asked for." Come back. If the news of Zhuo Low and his son running away spreads, do you think the victim will get angry?"

"The question is, if the mass incident becomes big, what good will it do for Bitian?" Wen Wuyi hadn't figured out the link yet.

"If the matter becomes serious, the city will not drag it on forever. Either the Zhuo Group will be officially declared bankrupt, and illegal fundraising will not be protected by law. In this case, the matter will become even bigger. Or the city will agree to let a company take over Zhuo All the debts of the group, to appease the hearts of the people." Zeng Dengke continued to explain, if he didn't explain clearly, when the civil and martial artists were doing things, they would have no direction.

"I understand that the city is forcing the city to come up with a solution as soon as possible, instead of delaying it indefinitely. However, under the pressure of mass incidents, the city may hand over the Zhuo Group to the Jia Group." Wen Wuyi Shaking his head, "That's the same, didn't we make wedding clothes for others?"

"No..." Zeng Dengke smiled confidently, "If things get serious, only companies with nowhere to go will dare to take over the mess of the Zhuo Group, and no one else will dare to take over the mess of the Zhuo Group. After all, the hole is too big Now, the Jia Group is in a good business situation, so it will not risk being dragged to death by the debts of the Zhuo Group, and it does not want to be surrounded by victims every day... Bitian Group is different, taking over the mess of the Zhuo Group, maybe There is still a way to survive, no one has the courage to fight to the death and fight against the wall like the Bitian Group."

If Shi De heard Zeng Dengke's high-level remarks, he would nod secretly, praising Zeng Dengke for understanding his hints very thoroughly.

Seeing that it was afternoon, Shi De turned on the computer, surfed the Internet for a while, and was about to go downstairs to eat when Mu Jinnian called.

"Brother Shi, shall we have dinner together tonight?" Mu Jinnian warmly invited.

"..." After thinking for a while, Shi De did not refuse, "Who is there?"

"Hua Liunian, I, and I have a friend, no outsiders." Mu Jinnian heard that Shi De agreed, and said, "I will wait for you at Dongpo Restaurant in half an hour."

"Okay." Shi De thought that it would save trouble, he didn't even need to drive, Dongpo Restaurant was just across the road, and it didn't even take 5 minutes to walk there.

When going downstairs, Shi De subconsciously took another look at the opposite door. He was sure that the neighbor across the door hadn't been at home in the past few days, and the door had been closed tightly and had never been opened once.

Her injury should be healed, right?Shi De recalled the scene when he rescued her last time, and he faintly doubted the origin of this girl, and he was probably very human.

"You said that Shi De not only became a neighbor? He also saved you once?" Du Qingxuan looked surprised, "This matter is probably He Zitian's plan."

Just when Shi De thought of Fang Mu, Fang Mu was also talking about Shi De with Du Qingxuan and Yu Shuai.

Du Qingxuan frowned slightly. After listening to Fang Mu's narration, he felt a little worried. If Shi De accidentally became a neighbor with Fang Mu, it was not enough to make him vigilant, then Shi De saved Fang Mu's life. He has to think deeply, there is necessity in chance, but what he is not sure is, in necessity, is there an external force that is artificially promoted?

He seriously suspects that behind Shi De and Fang Mu becoming neighbors is He Zitian's secret arrangement!
Why did He Zitian arrange for Shi De and Fang Mu to be neighbors, causing them to fall into emotional entanglements?Du Qingxuan couldn't figure it out for a while, although He Zitian had visited before and proposed to shake hands with him, but he also knew that He Zitian's words could not be trusted, and behind the superficial handshake and peace, he and He Zitian's deep-rooted prejudices were impossible. Once frozen.

Unexpectedly, He Zitian is very sincere, but secretly pushes Shi De and Fang Mu to get closer behind his back. What exactly is He Zitian's intention?

"Master Du, behind Shi De and Fang Mu's approach, is it really He Zitian's scheme?" Yu Shuai didn't feel much about Shi De becoming Fang Mu's neighbor and accidentally saving Fang Mu's life. It was shocking to speculate that He Zitian was behind the incident, "How powerful is He Zitian? Can he secretly create accidental events? Didn't it mean that creating accidental events is the ability of a fortune teller? Even if He Zitian conceals his realm, he is at most lucky It is impossible to be a life teacher."

The last time Yu Shuai returned to Beijing with Ma Feiyan, on the way, Ma Feiyan left him and left alone. He returned to Beijing alone, and happened to meet He Zitian and Du Qingxuan.Not long after that, he returned to Shimen again, met with Li Changfeng, and was about to return to Beijing to report to Du Qingxuan the results of his meeting with Li Changfeng, when Fang Mu had a car accident, and he returned to Beijing with Fang Mu.

Then he realized that he hadn't been with Fang Mu much recently, and so many things had happened to Fang Mu.

"He Zitian won't be a fortune teller, there is no doubt about it. If he is a fortune teller, he doesn't need to be cultivated." Du Qingxuan took a sip of tea thoughtfully, "But I seriously doubt that He Zitian is far from a fortune teller. The realm is only one step away. Therefore, for He Zitian, although it takes some effort to push Shi De to become Fang Mu's neighbor, and then secretly create Fang Mu's car accident, and let Shi De save Fang Mu, it is not considered. Too difficult."

"But... what is He Zitian's reason for doing this?" Fang Mu couldn't figure it out, and what she couldn't figure out was that a person really has such a great ability to secretly create seamless accidents?No matter how you look at it, she and Shi De became neighbors by accident, and she was in a car accident, and Shi De saved her, and it was all because of her, and there was no sign of anyone pushing it.

If a person really has the ability to create accidental events quietly, then it is too scary. Any assassination, any frontal confrontation, any behind-the-scenes shot are all weak, and they can directly create a seamless accidental event to make the other party obey. The world is in your hands.

"I don't know He Zitian's real intentions, let alone me, I'm afraid no one knows what He Zitian is planning." Du Qingxuan stood up, with his hands behind his back, with a heavy expression on his face, his injuries were not fully healed, His face was still a little sallow, "I used to think that among the three of me, Bi Wentian and He Zitian, He Zitian was the weakest, but now I know that among the three, He Zitian is probably the strongest."

"I guess..." Yu Shuai chuckled, "He Zitian fell in love with you and wanted you to be Shi De's daughter-in-law, so he created opportunities to make you get closer. But let me tell you, Fang Mu, you are not Shi De's daughter-in-law." Cai, the women around Shide are all gentler and more charming than you, as a woman, your rigid expression and seriousness are a failure."

"If you fail, you fail. It's no big deal." Fang Mu gave Yu Shuai a cold look, "It's not that I can't live without a man, and I don't plan to marry. It doesn't matter whether He Zitian has a crush on me, what matters Yes, I am the master of my life, he don't want to arrange my life for me."

"Since Shi saved you, you owe him a favor. You have to find a way to repay this favor in the future, otherwise, it will tie your hands and feet." Du Qingxuan never intervened in the quarrel between Fang Mu and Yu Shuai. He thought for a moment, He also said, "Shi De has accumulated too many blessings in Shancheng. After arriving at Shimen, the blessings have helped him improve his fortune. Now he is in Shimen, and every step is very steady, and the steps are big, which is not unexpected. If not, he will open up the situation in Shimen. In Shimen round, we lost the beginning."

(End of this chapter)

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