Fortune Teller.

Chapter 353 You Don't Move Me, I Don't Move You

Chapter 353 You Don't Move Me, I Don't Move You

Hua Liunian waved his hand, with an indifferent expression on his face: "Brother Shi, this is your fault. There are so many fair and honest things in business, business, and shopping malls. Jia's Group proposed to take over Zhuo's during a sensitive period." The group is also to meet the requirements of the city, you just have to be considerate of this, after all, some leaders in the city have spoken, and the Jia's group can't justify it if they don't put on airs, don't you think?"

As soon as Hua Liunian's words came out, Jia Chenmo looked helpless, and Mu Jinnian shook his head again and again. Obviously, both of them were speechless when Hua Liunian spoke the truth directly, although it is understandable that Hua Liunian raised the city leaders for The starting point of shirking responsibility, but it is too out of standard to say so clearly.

Shi De put away his serious face, and changed into a calm smile: "Okay, let's talk about something lighter, Brother Jinnian, since you are cooperating with Jia's Group to invest in green eco-tourism, Is it yellow?"

Mu Jinnian smiled awkwardly: "I'm sorry brother Shi, the plan can't keep up with the changes."

"It's okay, it's understandable, just like when I first met Sister Hua, I never thought that Sister Hua would marry Jia Chenmo in the end. By the way, Sister Hua, when is your wedding event scheduled?"

"New Year's Day." Hua Liunian beamed with joy, "At that time you still said that I am a red star, that the happy event is coming soon, but I didn't expect that the happy event is really coming soon, brother Shi, did you also not learn well at that time, did you misread it? Help me see now, will I have a double harvest in love and career in the future?"

Shi De pretended to take a look at Hua Liunian: "Yes, definitely. Sister Hua's coming to Shimen is an opportunity. Not surprisingly, within three years, Sister Hua's life will open a new chapter."

"Really?" Hua Liunian was overjoyed, "How high do you think my height in life will be?"

Shi De chuckled: "It's hard to say, the fate of a person is not static, but is changing all the time. How big your heart is, how high your final height will be."

"Brother Shi, I need your help to open up the market in Shimen in the future. Come, let me toast you." Seeing that the atmosphere was lively, Mu Jinnian jumped out in time and clinked glasses with Shi De.

Shi De was not polite, clinked glasses with Mu Jinnian, and said, "Brother Jinnian, let me ask you something, you have to tell the truth."

"Definitely." Mu Jinnian nodded repeatedly.

"Is it Bi Wentian's arrangement behind your coming to Shimen to cooperate with Jia's Group?" Shi De asked bluntly.

"This..." Mu Jinnian was speechless for a moment.

"That's right, Jinnian and I just came back from the capital. Master Bi said that if Jinnian and I agree to surround you in Shimen, Master Bi will entrust us with his resources in Shimen. After careful consideration, we will He and Jinnian decided to agree to Master Bi's conditions." Hua Liunian once again spoke the truth, "I'm not afraid to tell you, Brother Shi, Jinnian and I have no bad thoughts towards you, but Master Bi does. You are always on guard and always want to surround you. I don't know why Master Bi has a prejudice against you, and I don't want to know. I just want to tell you, Brother Shi, Jinnian and I are against you. No matter whether you stabbed him or not, he was ordered by Master Bi, and he didn't treat people right, so you should not have any objections to Jinnian and me."

Mu Jinnian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he said that he was going to stab people in the back, and he didn't want people to have opinions on him.

On the contrary, Jia Chenmo had a smug smile on his face, looking at Shi De with great interest, and wanted to see how Shi De would respond.

Shi De was interesting, he took a sip of tea in a leisurely manner, then picked up another melon seed, slowly put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times calmly, and then said slowly: "I'm sorry for Miss Hua. He and Jinnian brothers have always had no objections, and besides, you have always taken good care of me when I was in Shancheng. No matter how you treat me, I know that Bi Wentian is behind the scenes."

Hua Liunian smiled: "Brother Shi still has self-cultivation. This makes people feel very comfortable. Come, let me toast you."

Mu Jinnian was not as happy as Hua Liunian, he could vaguely hear Shi De's dissatisfaction with him and Hua Liunian, but now that the conversation had reached this point, he had no choice but to understand Shi De's Annoyed, if it was him, he probably wouldn't be able to be as calm as Shi De.

"Let me respect Sister Hua." Shi De and Hua Liunian clinked glasses again, "When people are around, I think there will always be opportunities, but in fact life is subtraction, seeing each other and getting less."

"Yeah, although life is about seeing one side and not seeing the other side, you still have to face it optimistically, right?" Hua Liunian giggled, ignoring Shi De's hint, "Brother Shi, tell me about any strange people and strange things recently, Open my eyes."

"Do you know the origin of the Foxiang Pavilion in the capital?" Seeing that Hua Liunian talked a lot, Shi De intended to chat with him for a while, and he happened to have something to say, so he opened the topic.

"I don't know." Hua Liunian shook his head again and again.

"Who doesn't know about the Foxiang Pavilion?" Although Jia Chenmo is ignorant, he has one of the greatest advantages that he is more interested in places of interest, so he intends to show off his knowledge in front of Shi De, "The architecture of the Foxiang Pavilion On the 20-meter-high square platform in front of Wanshou Mountain is the main building of the Summer Palace. It faces Kunming Lake in the south and backs to the Sea of ​​Wisdom. Around the Foxiang Pavilion, various buildings centered on the Foxiang Pavilion are arranged neatly and symmetrically Spreading out to the two wings, it forms the momentum of the stars holding the moon, and the style is quite magnificent. The Foxiang Pavilion is a magnificent tower-like religious building, and it is the center of the entire Summer Palace architectural layout."

Seeing that Jia Chenmo actually knew about the Foxiang Pavilion, Shi De smiled slightly: "When was the Foxiang Pavilion built?"

"Let me think about it." Jia Chen tacitly thought for a while, "It should have been during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Originally, a nine-story Yanshou Pagoda was to be built. When it reached the eighth floor, it was ordered to stop repairing and rebuild it. It became the Buddhist Incense Pavilion."

"You know quite a lot." Shi De nodded and smiled silently at Jia Chen, "Do you know why Qianlong changed the Yanshou Pagoda into the Buddha Incense Pavilion?"

"I don't know about this..." Jia Chen shook his head silently.

"Originally, when Qianlong was building Qingyi Garden, he planned to build a nine-story pagoda at this place. When the eighth floor was built, Qianlong suddenly changed his mind and issued an imperial decree, ordering all the eight floors that had been built to be demolished. , and rebuilt a Bafang Pavilion, which is now the Buddha Incense Pavilion. There are many theories about Qianlong demolishing the pagoda and building the pavilion. It was to connect the three mountains and five gardens into one, and wanted to make the Yanshou Pagoda the main building of the entire royal garden. But when it was built to the eighth floor, it was found that it did not match the original idea, so the pagoda was demolished and the pavilion was built. There is also a saying that, There have always been many pagodas in the west of Beijing, and Qianlong made up his mind to demolish the pagodas and build pavilions in order to avoid overlapping shadows of the pagodas... But the above two statements are just the so-called experts' textual research, not the truth."

"What's the truth?" Hua Liunian and Mu Jinnian asked at the same time, both of them were surrounded by Shi De.

"The truth is..." Shi De deliberately paused before saying, "The Foxiang Pavilion was built on a hillside more than 60 meters high. When Qianlong chose this hillside, some experts said that there was an ancient tomb under the hillside, which buried the Ming Dynasty. One of the concubines, she can’t move, and she can’t move. One is the legacy of the ancestors after entering the customs, saying that every plant and tree in the cemetery of the previous dynasty should be protected, because when the bannermen entered the customs, they obtained the world from Li Zicheng. The second is that the concubine was not a good lord back then, and whoever moved her tomb would be unlucky. Qianlong seemed to believe it or not, so he insisted on digging out the tomb. As a result, when he dug below, he found a The door of the tomb. Qianlong personally went to the scene to see that the door of the tomb was opened, and there were eight big characters engraved inside. When Qianlong saw the eight big characters, he knew the weight of them. The Yanshou Pagoda is no longer built, but changed to the Buddha Incense Pavilion, to use the compassionate power of the Buddha to suppress and resolve grievances..."

"Which eight big characters?" Mu Jinnian asked in confusion.

"Yes, what are the eight big characters?" Hua Liunian also asked.

"Master Shi, tell me quickly." Jia Chenmo couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"You don't move me, I don't move you!" Shi De said with a faint smile, word by word.

The night was blurry, walking in the cold street, but Shi De didn't feel much chill, the coldest time had passed, and the footsteps of spring were already close enough to be heard.

After the party with Mu Jinnian, Hua Liunian, and Jia Chenmo, Shi De did not go home directly, but walked aimlessly along the road for a while, recalling that after he said the eight characters, Mu Jinnian's shock, Hua Liunian's surprise and Jia Chenmo's pale face, he couldn't help laughing.

Carefully prepared a story, just to throw out the final burden, and at the same time tell Mu Jinnian, Hua Liunian and Jia Chenmo clearly and unmistakably-you don't move me, I don't move you, the subtext of the implication is, you If you move me, I will move you.

Now that Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian have decided to stand on Bi Wentian's side and fight him openly and secretly, he has nothing to say, even though he has long expected that between him, Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian, there will be conflicts at any time due to the situation. However, it never occurred to him that the partner of Mu Jinchu who came to Shimen at the beginning of the year was Jia's Group.

If it is said that Shi De's competition with Baisha Group and Credit Group is just a normal commercial competition out of the overall consideration, then he has mixed too many personal emotional factors with Jia's Group. After all, Jia Chen Mo not only insulted Biyou, but Jia's Group, as an accomplice of Zhuo's Group, and Bitian Group's current situation, Jia's Group must have played a disgraceful role behind it.

In Shi De's plan, he will only point the finger at Jia's Group after Baisha Group and Credit Group are settled...

(End of this chapter)

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