Fortune Teller.

Chapter 362 Billionaire Shide

Chapter 362 Billionaire Shide
40.00%, which is only one step away from a 50.00% controlling stake. You must know that Baisha Group, as one of the best and most powerful real estate developers in the province, has acquired Baisha Group, which just complements Tianyou Group's real estate The lack of development has made Tianyou Group become the top five large-scale group companies in the province!

This matter not only increased his prestige in the board of directors, but also made him the second most successful chairman of Tianyou Group since its establishment. Of course, Tianyou Group has only had two chairman since its development.His son inherited his father's business. If he just kept his success and didn't expand his territory, he would be criticized as an incompetent person.

Surprised, Xiao Zuo called Shi De at the first time, wanting to express his gratitude and admiration to Shi De: "Master Shi, you are really my lucky star, you are my guiding light. Last time I promised Xia Hua that I would give you [-]% of the shares of Baisha Group, but now I have changed my mind. In addition to the [-]% of the shares of Baisha Group, I will also give you [-]% The shares of Tianyou Group..."

It turned out that Xia Hua negotiated the terms with Xiao Zuo behind the scenes. The [-]% share of Baisha Group is indeed a big gift, and it is also a generous gift, so heavy that Shi De couldn't imagine that Xiao Zuo would So generous and so generous.At the same time, he had to say that Xia Hua was indeed a master negotiator.

Of course, Shi De also knew in his heart that the reason why Xia Hua was able to command a high price had something to do with his own strength.Then again, the greatness of Xiao Zuo's handwriting also shows his greatness. The [-]% stake in Tianyou Group is also a huge wealth that makes people breathless.After the two fortunes, he is a billionaire out-and-out, with a net worth of one billion!

"This..." Shi De was silent for a moment, then said modestly, "Dong Xiao is too polite, and the etiquette is too heavy."

"It's not a courtesy, but a heart. If Master Shi refuses, it's because it's too little, and he wants me to add more shares." Xiao Zuo was excited, and directly blocked Shi De's mouth with one sentence, "The follow-up one billion funds , all have been credited and can be transferred at any time."

"Okay, the follow-up funds may not be needed for the time being, but, be prepared, maybe things will turn around sooner than expected." Shi De can also guess that in the transfer of funds, Xiao Zuo stayed behind, which is also understandable, after all It is not a small number, and there is very little unreserved trust between people. "At this stage, the first priority is to integrate the Baisha Group."

"Understood." Xiao Zuo's respect for Shi De is like a torrent of water, "When will Master Shi have time to come to Tianyou Group and go through the relevant procedures."

Seeing Xiao Zuo's sincerity and urgency, Shi smiled: "No hurry, what's the hurry."

"It's better to complete the procedures as soon as possible, so I can feel at ease. Although I have been in business for many years, I still haven't developed the habit of owing money and favors to others. I just have a few questions to ask Master Shi..."

Now that this is the point of the conversation, Shi De thought for a while: "That's good, I will go there with Quanyou tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you tomorrow afternoon."

Originally scheduled to meet Huang Zixuan tomorrow afternoon, but Huang Zixuan had something to do and postponed the meeting time, so Shi De could spare time to have a good talk with Xiao Zuo.

Putting down the phone, seeing that it was getting late, Shi De remembered that he hadn't talked to Biyou for a while, picked up the phone and was about to call Biyou, but before he dialed, he suddenly heard a noisy voice from the opposite door.

Yesterday he helped Mu Fang catch woodworms, Shi De turned around and forgot about it, when the sound rang out, he remembered again, and wanted to see if there was something wrong with Mu Fang again, looking out from the cat's eye When he looked around, he didn't see Mu Fang, but saw a very handsome young man knocking on Mu Fang's door.

Mu Fang opened the door to invite the young man in, and glanced at Shi De intentionally or unintentionally, as if he wanted to know whether Shi De was paying attention to her every move.

Although Shi De knew that he could see her through the cat's eyes, she didn't know if he was seeing her, but he still trembled inexplicably, and was hit by Mu Fang's resentful and expectant eyes, as if something in his heart had been caught. touched.

Strange thing, he would not be hurt easily by a girl's eyes, how come he was hit by Mu Fang's eyes ten meters away from the cat's eyes, could it be said that Mu Fang was his peach blossom disaster?

Originally, Shi thought that his peach blossom catastrophe had passed long ago. Bi Wentian fell into the peach blossom evil back then, and it has been a long time now. Although there are many beauties around him, from Biyou to Yueqingying to Xiahua, But no one became his lover, and no one became his resistance, so he thought that the peach blossom catastrophe brought by Tao Huasha had already passed.

But for some reason, Mu Fang's inadvertent glance reminded him of Peach Blossom Tribulation.

Shi De thought again, who was the young man welcomed into the room by Mu Fang?Could it be Mu Fang's boyfriend?

If Shi De knew that the young man was not Mu Fang's boyfriend at all, but Yu Shuai, Du Qingxuan's closed disciple, he would be so shocked that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

What Shi De didn't even know was that Yu Shuai came to find Mu Fang precisely for Shi De's recent succession of big victories.

"Fang Mu, according to reliable sources, Niu Tian still didn't listen to the advice and sold 40.00% of the shares under his name for only one billion yuan!" As soon as Yu Shuai entered the door, he looked unhappy, "I know who it was sold to!" Is it? It’s actually Tianyou Group. Damn, I didn’t expect it to be Xiao Zuo who made the move in the end... When did Xiao Zuo have something to do with Shi De?”

"Xiao Zuo and Shi De had nothing to do with each other, but because they have both, they have a relationship." Fang Mu said calmly, she did not feel the frustration of Yu Shuai's panic at all, "It doesn't matter who pays the funds, the important thing is, Shi won a game, and it was a big win."

"Can we win another round?" Yu Shuai couldn't bear the embarrassment of failure, not only failed in the layout, Ma Feiyan was also beaten by Shi De and Quanyou, and he didn't know he was flying again Wherever it is, it annoys him very much.

"Didn't Master Du say it, don't worry about the gains and losses of the moment and the place, the one who laughs last is the ultimate winner." Fang Mu responded lightly, and while talking, he casually polished his nails.

"Fang Mu, you..." Yu Shuai was irritated by Fang Mu's attitude, "What's the matter with you? Ah? Didn't you keep saying that Shi couldn't win the Baisha Group? Now Niu Tian's 40.00% shares are taken by Shi. It was bought at a price of one billion. The head of the Baisha Group has changed the banner of the king. Why didn't you react at all? Under the instigation of Shi De, Zhuo Fan's one billion was defrauded from Ma Feiyan. A hundred million, not a small amount of 100 or 1000. Zhuo Fan may have at most 20 billion in his hand, and half of it was taken away at once. Now Zhuo Fan is afraid of being caught, he ran away, and dare not ask for the money back Now, Ma Feiyan didn’t know where he went, he was beaten, you know? One billion, just like that was swallowed by Shi De and Quanyou for no apparent reason. Oh my god, if this continues, Shi De will soon be able to call the wind and rain in Shimen How can you remain indifferent?"

"Is there any more?" No matter how impatient Yu Shuai was, Fang Mu was still indifferent, and he didn't even raise his eyelids, "What achievements Shi De has, tell them all about it?"

"In addition to the Baisha Group, the Credit Group is almost unable to hold on. BMW Zhang was arrested because Hong Dongxu confessed the fact that he paid for murder. In addition, things in the cotton era have intensified. If this continues, BMW Zhang may fall headlong, and his credit group will eventually be annexed. I seriously doubt that Shi De has prepared a large network and enough funds to close the network and acquire credit group at any time. In addition, the last mass incident gave The city has brought great pressure, and the province requires the city to solve the legacy problems of the Zhuo Group as soon as possible. The city's deputy mayors who originally firmly supported the Zhuo Group to be taken over by the Jia Group have now relaxed their attitudes. , and turned to support the Bitian Group to take over, I heard that there are also voices of opposition within the Jia Group, who are unwilling to bear the serious consequences of taking over the Zhuo Group..."

"Is there any more?" Fang Mu still held his attitude high as nothing to do with himself.

"Yes, there are too many." Yu Shuai continued to attack Shi De indignantly, "Shi De is too abominable. He says one thing and does another. On the surface, he is upright, but he does all kinds of evil in secret, and he does everything. He is really a rare person in the sky. There are some hypocrites. But fortunately, Bi Wentian has let Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian use the power of the Jia Group to surround Shi Shi. It is estimated that Bi Wentian will not be able to hold back anymore, for fear that Shi De's rise will be too fast. It's about to affect his big plan... What to do with Fang Mu, you have something useful to say?"

"What should we do?" Fang Mu smiled nonchalantly, "Of course it's time to wait and see. Now it's time for us to withdraw from the front line, let Mu Jinnian, Hua Liunian and Shi De fight head-on. Let's move a bench and sit aside , sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

"Ah?" Yu Shuai thought he heard it wrong, "No, you mean, let's let Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian deal with Shi De? What kind of international joke are you talking about? Fleeting ability, still want to defeat Shi De? In less than one round, Shi De beat him everywhere. They came on the field purely for training."

"Don't underestimate Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian. It's not without reason that Bi Wentian values ​​them. Sometimes, clever and careful calculations may not be effective. Maybe simple and rough tactics can win instead." Fang Mu brushed his hair, " I have already asked Master Du for instructions. Master Du said that Shi De's current victory is the reward of Shi De's accumulated blessings. Don't worry that Shi De will continue to attack the city and plunder the ground. No one is a general who wins all the time. Let Shi De Xiao Win once or twice, let him taste the sweetness first, and when he gets overwhelmed with success in the first battle, it will be the beginning of his disastrous defeat. Shide's current small victories, to put it nicely, he won, to put it bluntly Son, I don’t know who he is making wedding clothes for.”

(End of this chapter)

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