Fortune Teller.

Chapter 366

Chapter 366
The corridor was densely packed with people, and in the middle of the crowd, three men and a woman were confronting each other.Among the three men and one woman, one woman is Li Menghan, one man is All You, and Shi De doesn't know the other two men.

Shi De separated from the crowd and came to the arena. He saw two people standing opposite Quanyou and Li Menghan. One had a cropped cut, a round face, and a deep scar on his forehead, as if he had been cut by a knife.The other man has long hair and a long thin face. A small part is missing on the top of his left ear. It is unknown whether it was bitten by a person or a dog. He has a huge earring on his right ear. At first glance, his earring looks very Like a AA battery.

Scarred face with fierce eyes, puffed cheeks, looks like he is about to hit Li Menghan with his hands, while the broken ear seems to be a bit kind at first glance, but if you look closely, it has a wicked face, and its complexion is very white, just like Li Menghan. The white-faced traitor in Peking Opera.

These two people, if they go to act without makeup, one will play the second devil and the other will play the traitor, they will definitely look alike.

"I'm going to eat in the morning today. What's the matter, Li Menghan, don't think that you can become a character in Shimen after following Xiao Zuo, I am! Shit! You are a bitch, if you are not selling meat, what are you doing?" To be the general manager of Daoxiang Pavilion? Just rely on your ability? What ability do you have, you are almost 30, and you don’t even have a man.” Scarface spit at Li Menghan with a mouth full of stars.

"Brother Shang, what you said is wrong. According to what I heard, Li Menghan really has some skills. She can get to where she is today not only by selling meat, but also by selling words." The broken ear echoed the scarred face, On the surface, he was speaking for Li Menghan, but in fact he was hurting Li Menghan, "Look how thin her lips are. A woman with thin lips is mean and ruthless. What kind of woman is mean and ruthless? Bitch."

The two sang together and tried their best to ridicule and abuse Li Menghan.

Li Menghan was trembling with anger, but bit his lips tightly, refusing to back down a step.Quan You couldn't help it anymore, stepped forward, pointed to the nose of the scarred face and said: "You are a big man, you are so fucking promising to scold a woman so unscrupulously. Come to me if you have the ability, Lao Tzu If I don’t destroy you, I don’t have everything.”

"Come to you? Who are you? Her face?" Scarface sneered, looking him up and down a few times, "With your small body, you still dare to stand up for others, I kicked you away about you……"

Everyone thought that the scarred face was just talking, but before he could finish his sentence, he kicked his right foot out. He didn't know how to do martial arts or Taijiquan. Was kicked in the thigh.

"Oops!" With a cry of pain, Quanyou was kicked back three steps, and when he was about to sit down on the ground, Xiao Zuo arrived in time, stretched out his hand, and supported Quanyou.

"Shang Kai, don't be too arrogant in my territory." Xiao Zuo glared at the scarred face, "Also, please accept your words and apologize to Li Menghan."

"Apologize? Xiao Zuo, did I hear you right? You asked me to apologize to a bitch. What is my identity and what is she? You are insulting me!" Shang Kai sneered dismissively, "Let me apologize, I'm sorry, you don't have the face, and you don't have the qualifications!"

"Damn it, you dare to hit me, I will fight with you." When Quanyou was a little bit drunk, it was completely different from usual, he rushed over again and kicked Shang Kai.

Although Shang Kai is arrogant and arrogant, he is even worse than Zhang Yang, but he is much more capable than Zhang Yang, and he probably has practiced it. He turned to the side and avoided all the blows, and then He punched out with his right fist, blowing out the wind, and hit Quanyou's right rib with one punch.

There was a dull sound of "bang", followed by a muffled grunt, and he fell sideways, and a trace of blood immediately oozed from his mouth.

Military boxing!Shi De recognized at a glance that Shang Kai's punch was direct and powerful, he didn't pay attention to gimmicks and false moves, he only paid attention to practicality, and he paid attention to hitting with one blow, which could cause injury.

Shi De was slightly startled, although he still didn't know who Shang Kai was in front of him, but judging from his skill, Shang Kai should have been a soldier.Looking at Shang Kai's face again, he was surprised again.

Typically, a person is disfigured if they have acquired scars on their face.Disfigurement will lead to disfigurement, which will affect luck. For example, Yue Guoliang has been struggling in promotion because of disfigurement. He has been in the deputy department for more than ten years, and he was not promoted to the main hall until this year.

Regardless of whether Shang Kai is a person in the officialdom, a person in a shopping mall or nothing, as long as he loses his appearance, if he doesn't know how to make up for it, his fortune will be affected.If he is disfigured, if he doesn't get advice from an expert, he will be tired of his disfigurement sooner or later, and he will even fall a big somersault.

Quanyou was hit by one blow and fell to the ground, although he didn't fall on his back, but he fell sideways on the ground, looking very embarrassed.Especially the trace of blood oozing from the corner of his mouth made him feel even more miserable.

Although Shi De was furious in his heart, he still restrained the urge to rush forward, but Xiao Zuo couldn't do it anymore. Although his relationship with Quanyou was not close enough to fight side by side, Shang Kai fought against him on his territory. His guest was like hitting him in the face, whether it was bearable or unbearable, he took off his coat without saying a word, rushed forward with one step, and slapped Shang Kai's face hard with a raised hand.

What exactly happened, Shi De can guess without even thinking about it, it must be that Shang Kai relied on his status and wanted to eat in the private room in the morning, of course Li Menghan would not agree, and a conflict arose, and then no one would give in, Intensified, it evolved into the current situation.

It is also understandable that Shang Kai’s arrogant behavior. There are always some people who don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth, and think that everyone must make concessions for them, and the world has to revolve around them, but they don’t think about it. Before they were born, the earth has been running for billions of years. After they died, the earth will still run normally for decades. In this world, all the so-called great people are just a drop in the ocean, as small as a speck of dust. Will be mercilessly submerged in the dust of history by the long river of time.

And if you look into space, the solar system, the Milky Way, and the extragalactic galaxies, you will find that the earth is nothing more than an insignificant speck of dust compared to the entire universe. carry.

Therefore, the bigger the heart, the more aware of their insignificance, the more humble and low-key they are.

Xiao Zuo is tall, almost a head taller than Shang Kai, but judging from the posture and strength of his punches, Shi De knows that Xiao Zuo has no foundation. Maybe he has a fit body and often exercises, but fitness-type exercises It is not the same as practicing martial arts.

Xiao Zuo's vigorous punch looks majestic to the uninitiated, but in Shang Kai's eyes, it's a small skill. He smiled, turned around and dodged Xiao Zuo's punch, and then grabbed it with his right hand. He grabbed Xiao Zuo's arm and pulled it hard, Xiao Zuo couldn't hold back immediately, and threw his body straight forward.

"Haha..." Can Er saw that Xiao Zuo was about to fall to the ground like Quanyou, and laughed happily, "Well played, well played, and another croak. If you dare to challenge the merchant, you deserve it. Nope It’s just a shabby elegant room, and it’s more noble, the merchants think highly of you when they come to Daoxiang Pavilion for dinner, shame on you!”

Seeing that Xiao Zuo was about to fall to the ground, just like Quan You, when he became the object of everyone's ridicule, Shi De took a step forward to help Xiao Zuo up.He didn't take action to help Quanyou before, because he knew in his heart that Quanyou's fortune has been too prosperous recently, and he needs some small tribulations and setbacks to get rid of false fires, which is conducive to the next step of smooth transition.Everything goes against the extreme, and if the fortune is too prosperous, if it is not properly restrained, it will cause an overly strong rebound, and even a big disaster.

So it's not a bad thing to fall and bleed a little bit, but in a sense, it's a good thing.

But Xiao Zuo is different. Xiao Zuo didn't go wrong, and he is on the territory of the Xiao family. If he falls in public, it will affect morale too much, damage image and weaken luck. Therefore, he must help Hold Xiao Zuo, don't let Xiao Zuo fall down.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, the door of the private room at noon was suddenly pushed open, one person stepped out from the inside, and by coincidence, he stood in front of Xiao Zuo, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he supported Xiao Zuo's crumbling body.

Because she was too close, although her movements were not fast, she was still one step ahead of Shi De.Seeing this, Shi De took back his steps and waited and watched.

The person who came was a woman, about 30 years old, with a round face, phoenix eyes and willow eyebrows. She was wearing a green winter skirt with flying skirts. Willow, with all kinds of styles.

"Hey, Director Xiao, why are you so excited? Did you drink too much or something? Don't fall, it hurts." She supported Xiao Zuo, smiled at Xiao Zuo, and then at Quan Quan who was sitting on the ground. You said, "It's all, although you look very embarrassed now, what I want to say is that I have known you for so long, and I have never seen you as a man! Good job!"

Hearing this, Quanyi jumped up from the ground with a "chuckle", without saying a word, he raised his hand and slapped his ear: "Well said! I've been majestic once today, what's the matter? Hit me if you have the ability .”

Can Er was watching the excitement, when he was slapped on the face by Quan You unexpectedly, he was stunned for a moment, jumped up, raised his hand and punched Quan You: "Damn it, You think I’m easy to bully, don’t you? I’ll kill you!”

Can Er is not tall, but rather thin. When he jumps up, although he is quite tall, he looks like a skinny monkey, which is quite funny.

(End of this chapter)

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