Fortune Teller.

Chapter 368

Chapter 368
Thinking about it this way, Shang Kai decided that Shi De's flash just now was just a coincidence. He turned sideways, retracted his fist, took two steps back, jumped up, and kicked Shi De with a flying leg. head.

This kick is not only fierce, but also condescending, with the power of Mount Tai. What he wants is to overwhelm the other party with momentum. If he is timid psychologically, his actions will be affected. What Shang Kai wants is to sweep the opponent with a kick Zhong Shi De's head, causing Shi De to faint on the spot, and he never had a chance to play tricks in front of him again.

He thought that with one kick, Shi De would definitely be hit by him, and then he would fall headfirst.Unexpectedly, just as his thigh was about to come into intimate contact with Shi De's head, Shi De moved again out of nowhere.

Shi De only moved slightly, tilting his head slightly, as if turning his head to look at the person next to him, and with only a slight turn, he avoided Shang Kai's fatal blow again!

This time, the surrounding onlookers all saw the clues. If it can be said that Shi De dodged the first time it was a coincidence, then the second time dodging could not be a coincidence. Many people guessed that Shi De might be A real hidden master, everyone watched Shang Kai violently beat Xiao Zuo and Quan You arrogance for a long time, and they were dissatisfied with Shang Kaixin for a long time. Seeing that Shi De escaped Shang Kai's attack twice in a row, they couldn't help applauding loudly.

"it is good!"

"Great! Master, great master."

"It's okay, knock him down, it's too fucking crazy!"

"Hit him! Hit him! Fuck him!"

Everyone's booing made Shang Kai feel even more shameless. Although he also vaguely felt that something was wrong, he was afraid that he would meet a legendary expert today, but firstly, he relied on his status, secondly, he was too good-faced, and thirdly, he was surrounded by everyone. Enraged by the applause, he lost his mind, roared, and threw out both fists, hitting Shi De's chest again.

Shi De smiled lightly, the reason why he let Shang Kai twice was based on the principle of giving three points of courtesy - I will not offend if I am not attacked; if I am attacked, I will be courteous; I return the needle; people still attack me, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots!
After giving in twice, Shang Kai didn't have the consciousness to stop, so Shi De would no longer give in unprincipledly. Sometimes for the villain, too much concession will only encourage the arrogance of the villain, and make the villain relentless in committing the crime again and again.Sometimes it is a good thing to use violence to control violence if it can prevent the escalation of violence.

With the starting point of doing good deeds with good intentions, Shi made a move. He did the same as the last two times. But he swayed and finally moved.

If Shi does not move, he moves like thunder, he pushes and hugs with both hands, draws a semicircle in the air, just encircling Shang Kai's arms, then he turns and pushes again, just like Taijiquan. The most quintessential Tai Chi pushing hands.

Shang Kai only felt a strong force coming, the force was not a deep masculine force, but an overwhelming force with countless stamina, he couldn't stand still anymore, he felt like a fallen leaf in the strong wind, almost flying into the air, Was blown away on cloud nine.

"Ah!" Shang Kai leaned back, his hands forward, scratching wildly, "Help, help!"

Everyone wondered why Shang Kaiming was fine, so why did he insist on calling for help? Just when everyone was puzzled, they saw Shang Kai spun around on the spot, like a spinning top, and then fell headlong and fell heavily. Dog eats shit.

"..." What's the matter? This is, I didn't see how Shi De made a move, why did Shang Kai fall down by himself?Everyone didn't know what to do, and they were all stunned.

Although Xiao Zuo didn't understand what was going on, he roughly guessed a fact - Shi De was not an expert who could only talk about mysteries, but an expert with both civil and military skills.

All have mouths wide open, grandma panda, Brother Shi is amazing, no matter how you look at it, he looks like a Tai Chi master. Unexpectedly, never expected, Brother Shi is actually a great all-rounder.

Xia Hua didn't know how shocking others were, what Xia Hua only knew was that the eloquence of fighting essays, presenting facts and reasoning, most people can't say it well, and when it comes to physical violence, the force of rolling sleeves and arms, generally can't beat Shi De, so she He was very relieved to watch the excitement with his shoulders folded, thinking in his heart that there are always some people who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and in the end they don't even know how they died. It's really pitiful.

Shang Kai fell to the ground, but the fall was not light. Not only did he have a big bump on his forehead, but he also lost a big tooth.This time he was even more furious, he didn't think about why he fell just now, he lost his mind, without saying a word, he picked up a chair in the corridor and threw it on Shi De's head.

"Ah! Be careful!" Sheng Xia was frightened, and blurted out in panic, "Shang Kai is crazy, don't confront him head-on."

It's a pity that Shi De heard what Sheng Xia said, but he didn't listen to it, because Shi De knew that only when he confronted Shang Kai head-on, would Shang Kai know how powerful he is.And if Shang Kai didn't know how powerful he was, he would keep pestering him endlessly.

Shi De took a deep breath, his luck reached his chest, from his chest to his waist, then from his waist to his legs, then turned around, his right leg flew out suddenly, and one leg flew out, facing the chair thrown by Shang Kai Collide.

With a sound of "哗啦", the chair was kicked and shattered by Shi Shi, and then Shi did not lose momentum, he leaned forward, and suddenly punched out his right fist, and at the moment when it was about to hit Shang Kai, the fist turned into a palm, and a palm print On Shang Kai's chest.

"Open!" Shi De uttered a word dully. As soon as Shi De's voice fell, Shang Kai's tall body was beaten to pieces like a boat in a violent storm. When he got up, he also suddenly leaned back, slipped three meters away, and then fell on his back.

The fall was not light, and there was a "bang", which made outsiders feel that it must be very painful just by hearing the sound.


Just when Shi De had just knocked down Shang Kai with his heavy hand, suddenly, a dull voice came from the private room at dusk, and then when the door of the private room opened, outsiders couldn't feel anything, but Shi De felt nothing. Suddenly, he felt an inexplicable and powerful pressure blowing towards his face, like a [-]-level gale blowing, which made him almost unable to stand still, and took a few steps back.

Fortunately, he, who was so imposing, sank his mind slightly, and finally stood firm, without taking half a step back.


Shi De knew who it was just by hearing his voice but not seeing him. How could it be Tiannan?It was really a narrow road to Yuanjia. He took a closer look, and sure enough, when the door opened, a man Shi Shiran appeared in front of the door. He was dressed casually, and with a pair of ordinary sneakers, it was the first time Shi De tasted it in his life. Defeated Tiannan.

"Shi De, long time no see, your kung fu has improved a lot, congratulations."

Shi De thought that Tian Nan was a colleague of Shang Kai, but when Tian Nan opened his mouth, it was an unexpected gossip, so he smiled lightly: "Uncle Tian has won the prize. Does Uncle Tian have any advice?"

Tian Nan is Niu Tianzi's bodyguard, now that Niu Tianzi has fallen, Niu's family has declined, trees have fallen and monkeys have scattered, Tian Nan will probably find another backer.

Shi De was shocked by Tian Nan's momentum, but Tian Nan was even more surprised than Shi De.Because it's not long since the last competition, Shi De's Qi-nourishing skills have gone a step further.

It should be said to be a big step.

Tian Nan's meal at Daoxiang Pavilion this time was originally to accompany someone to discuss a very important matter, which was related to his long-term future.He didn't want to eat half of the meal, but there was a loud noise outside, which made him very unhappy.But in line with the idea that more things are worse than less things, not to mention that he has been a little embarrassed recently because of the downfall of the Niu family, so he suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and did not come forward.

But then the noise outside became louder and louder, and he also recognized that one of them was Shang Kai. Although he didn't know Shang Kai, he knew who Shang Kai was. Maybe he could use Shang Kai to help him in the future After thinking about it, he decided not to watch the fire from the other side, and wanted to come out and help Shangkai, so that Shangkai would remember him.

Unexpectedly, when he was about to get up, he felt something was wrong again. It seemed that the person who was fighting with Shang Kai was a rare master, and in his gestures, the master faintly had the demeanor of a master, so he had an extra heart and didn't push the door directly Instead, he took another look outside the window. It was okay not to look, but after a look, he was shocked—it was Shi De.

After being surprised, Tian Nan thought again, Shi De was his defeated general, and he came forward to subdue Shi De, which happened to break the siege of Shang Kai, and Shang Kai had an intuitive understanding of his ability, after thinking this At the first moment, he didn't hesitate anymore, seeing that Shang Kai was blown into the air by Shi De, he pushed the door and walked out.

There is a saying--Three days after a man's farewell, you should look at him with admiration-to be honest, Tian Nan knows this sentence, but he doesn't believe it. No matter how fast a person progresses, it is impossible to completely change his body in just a few days or a few months .Of course, Shi De didn't make reborn progress, but under the force of his aura, not only did he not take a step back, but he also kept his face unchanged and calm, so Tian Nan couldn't help being surprised. Shi De's xinxing was improved. Not a lot!
Yes, it is Xinxing, not Kung Fu.Tian Nan also saw that Shi De's improvement in kung fu was limited, and the improvement of kung fu did not happen overnight, it took time, but Shi De's improvement in xinxing and nourishing qi really shocked him.Although it is said that the improvement of mind and Qi is relatively faster than Kungfu, it is actually more difficult. A person can practice to be as light as a swallow, but it is difficult to overcome his own habits.

Shi De is too powerful, and it has only been a long time, and his xinxing has improved a lot, so Shi De is under his coercion, unmoving like a mountain.

Shi was as immovable as a mountain, and Tiannan's confidence in winning was shaken a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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