Fortune Teller.

Chapter 37 1 Mind Change

Chapter 37 A Change of Mind

Shi De didn't answer Li Sanjiang's question, not to mention that he couldn't see the direction of the overall situation. Even if he could, he wouldn't say it. Once he said it, he didn't say it, and he lost the initiative - he changed the topic directly. : "I want to ask Director Li about something. Yue Qingying and I want to cooperate to open an antique shop. As for the location, I can't make up my mind now, whether it should be in Congtai District or Fuyang District?"

How could Li Sanjiang not hear the strong hints in Shi De's words, his heart jumped, Shi De and Yue Qingying were so close to the point of cooperating to open a store, a good thing, a great thing, he was a little more certain in his heart, and he was even more for Shi De. Much more awe.It's not easy to be an expert in the end. It didn't take long to settle the number one cold beauty in the single city, Yue Qingying, and also received the affirmation of Yue Guoliang. The future prospects are unlimited. After thinking about this, he quickly said: "Cong There is no good location in Tai District. The most prosperous streets in Shancheng are all in Fuyang District, and they will definitely fall in Fuyang District. The location selection is left to me, and you and Section Chief Yue don’t have to worry about it. ."

Shi De said a few words and said that he didn't need to trouble Director Li. If so, wait, how could Li Sanjiang miss such a great opportunity. Normally, he would not be able to get in if he wanted to catch Yue Guoliang's line. Now the opportunity is very good, and Shi De took the initiative to kick the ball to his feet again. If he didn't catch it, he would have been in the officialdom for decades.

Although the latest rumors from the municipal party committee made him very depressed, the news of Shi De and Yue Qingying opening a store still made him a little excited. He thought that maybe he could use the location selection to get into Yue Guoliang's line of sight, and he felt a little more in his heart. Looking forward to it, I am a little more convinced of what Lord He said that his next step fell on Shi De.

Putting down Li Sanjiang's phone, Shi De thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to take the initiative to communicate with Yue Qingying, so he called Yue Qingying for the first time.

"Hey, Shi De, is something wrong?"

Yue Qingying's voice is still indifferent and distant, just like the bright moon in the sky. It sounds like he and she are not partners, but passers-by.Yes, it is Passerby B, who is ranked lower than Passerby A.

"As for the location of the antique shop, I thought about it and thought it would be better to locate it in Fuyang District. Jinnian jade is located in Congtai District, fleeting jade is located in Shanshan District, and willing to antiques in Fuyang District, which is just right. It is a three-legged situation. Moreover, the two districts of Congtai and Shanshan are one on the left and one on the right, sandwiching Fuyang District in the middle, and willing to buy antiques in the middle, you can get both sides, which means that the wealth will be prosperous..." Cooperating with Yueqingying, although Shi De Humble and concede in terms of shares, but in terms of initiative, it is still necessary to fight for it.

"Well..." Yue Qingying pondered for a while, "I agree with your idea in principle, but there are no vacancies in the good area of ​​Fuyang District."

"Li Sanjiang said he could help think of a way."

"Who is Li Sanjiang?" Yue Qingying asked in surprise.

Yue Qingying didn't know Li Sanjiang yet... It's no wonder that a district is first the district's senior officials, then the district chief, then the deputy secretary and the deputy district chief, and then the district committee office director and the district government office director, and then are the deputy directors.There are more than a dozen deputy directors of the district party committee and the district government office. Li Sanjiang used to be the deputy director of the district government office.
"Director of Fuyang District Government Office." Shi De thought to himself, Li Sanjiang has officially entered Yue Guoliang's sight since then.

"Oh, well, if you trust him, I'll be fine." Yue Qingying was still not impressed, but she trusted Shi De and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Shi De was helpless, Yue Qingying was really not careful enough, she didn't even hear what he said just now, she really had her, so she had to point it out: "By the way, what do you think of the name I gave to the antique shop? "

"What's your name?" Yue Qingying didn't react for a while, but she was stunned for a while before she woke up and said, "Hey, you're talking with a gun and a stick, so you can't get it when you say it? Are you willing to buy antiques? It's good. , is willing to be willing, there is a willingness to have it, okay, I like it."

Shi De speaks with restraint, not with a gun and a stick, and with a gun and a stick means speaking with barbs.

Shi De laughed: "Okay, that's it, I'll contact you when I have something to do."

"Okay." Yue Qingying also said cheerfully, "That's it, see you tomorrow."

Although Yue Qingying didn't chuckle from the beginning to the end, it was obvious that her voice was much more cheerful, and a person's mental state was quite different when she had a new pursuit and goal.

Putting down the phone, Yue Qingying said to Yue Guoliang who was reading the newspaper next to him: "Dad, Shi De said that the antique store is called Shede Antique Store, and the location is initially determined in Fuyang District. The specific location will be determined by Li Sanjiang." .”

Yue Guoliang looked over from the top of his reading glasses, and said thoughtfully: "Want to buy antiques? Yes, the name is a bit interesting. The business in Fuyang District is relatively developed, so I chose Fuyang District with a business vision. This Shi De does things quickly and in place, the young man can do it." As for Li Sanjiang, he didn't mention it, but there was a big question mark in his heart, how could Shi De have a good relationship with Li Sanjiang?

Of course, Yue Guoliang knew who Li Sanjiang was. Shi De was able to safely hand over the important site selection work to Li Sanjiang, which proved that he and Li Sanjiang had an unusually close relationship.Shi De called to inform Yue Qingying, obviously wanting to test his reaction on this matter.If he does not agree with Li Sanjiang's intervention in this matter, and does not want Li Sanjiang to take the opportunity to get closer, he will definitely pass the message through Yue Qingying.

Li Sanjiang... Yue Guoliang quickly went through Li Sanjiang's resume and background in his mind, and he probably had an idea in his mind.

"Ying'er, I met Shi De tomorrow. Tell him to let him come to your house when he has time. I want to hear him tell historical stories." Yue Guoliang wanted to get in touch with Shi De so that he could better understand See clearly Shide its people.

"Dad, what do you mean?" Yue Qingying glanced at Yue Guoliang vigilantly, "Don't match me and Shi De like your mother, I'm not suitable for him!"

"You're thinking too much." Yue Guoliang smiled, "The topic of my discussion with him is the topic of men, and we don't talk about small matters of love for children."

"Humph!" Yue Qingying rolled her eyes at Yue Guoliang and turned back to her room.

After Shi De finished the phone call, he sat with Lord He in the courtyard and talked for a while. He only talked about some broad topics, just small talk.There were times when Shi De wanted to ask him when he could start walking towards the gate of Yun Shi, and he swallowed it several times. He has always been in the realm of Yun Shi because of his lifelong knowledge and study of heaven and man. Without a breakthrough, he only wanted to learn the advanced knowledge of sports division after he started for more than a month. Isn't it too pretentious?

Maybe the time is not yet, it is better not to be greedy.

On Monday, Shi Neng had a day shift, and everything was calm.When he got off work, he went to Yue Qingying's office and said a few words. After listening to Yue Guoliang's words recited by Yue Qingying, he knew that Yue Guoliang had acquiesced to Li Sanjiang's involvement in the antique shop. Kind of interested.

"Okay, thank Uncle Yue for me. I'll definitely visit when I have time, just because I'm limited in storytelling."

"..." Yue Qingying didn't say a word, looked at Shi De strangely, suddenly got up and closed the door, and then said in a low voice, "Shi De, you don't mean anything to me, do you?"

Shi De was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"That means you have other ideas besides partnering with me?" Yue Qingying blushed a little.

"It seems that you took the initiative to partner with me, not me..." Shi De understood, and Yue Qingying thought he was interested in her.

"It's fine, I'm relieved." Yue Qingying waved her hands disapprovingly, "My mother hates women now, and when she sees a young man of her age, she will immediately think of my marriage. If you come to my house in the future, thousands of Don't let her misunderstand what's going on between us. Let me state in advance that I have no feelings for you."

"I'm just wondering why people always like to associate us together? Last time Mu Jinnian told me about the past between him and you in a serious way, and told me again and again, don't let me take it to heart. , Said that he has nothing to do with you." Shi De smiled, and casually told about Yue Qingying's love history that Mu Jinnian specifically mentioned to him last time.

"It's nothing." Yue Qingying's face turned cold, "I used to be too young, naive and stupid. From now on, I won't do the same stupid thing again. Also, I won't fall in love with anyone easily. alone!"

Shi De saw that Yue Qingying still had a knot in his heart, so he didn't say any more.The knot in the heart can only be untied by itself, without the help of external forces.Thinking about the method of changing one's life, one has the same crux as the knot in one's heart. Although some external forces can be used to change one's life, one must first have the motivation to change one's own.Just like a person who is weary of the world, he has no nostalgia for the world, and his desire to die can be so strong that he cannot stop it.As the saying goes, good words cannot persuade a damned ghost.But if you change your mind and feel that life is precious, your destiny will change from the moment you think about it.

Back at Yiwanxiang, I had dinner with He Ye and Bi You. During the banquet, we talked about the branch of Wanxiang.Shi De suggested that Biyou should register the trademark of Yiwanxiang as soon as possible. If it develops and grows in the future, it may even be able to operate a national chain.

Bi You agrees with Shi De's proposal: "Yes, you have to think long-term to be one step ahead. I recently went to Beijing to apply for a trademark registration. But I still want to ask, my branch will open in half a month. Can you invite the deputy mayor to cut the ribbon?"

After she finished speaking, she stared at Shi De with a pair of pretty eyes, joking, staring, and jealous.

Yes, Shi De was sure that Bi You was jealous of the too frequent exchanges between him and Yue Qingying.

You can also understand Bi You's thoughts. She has no relatives and no reason in Shancheng. He and He Ye are her closest relatives. He is her elder, and he and her are similar in age and life experience. People, why do they have to meet people who have the same disease and pity each other, and they are together every day, not brothers and sisters are better than brothers and sisters, it is inevitable that they will develop love over time.

(End of this chapter)

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