Fortune Teller.

Chapter 383 Control Everything

Chapter 383 Control Everything

"Check and balance Shide? How is it possible?" Ji Du didn't understand what Bi Wentian meant, "Master Bi, didn't He Zitian just want to help Shide get to the top? Did he want to train Shide to be the first fortune teller in the country? Why did he Can we use checks and balances again?"

"I've said it more than once. He Zitian's cultivation of Shi De was mixed with too much selfishness. Not only did Shi De not believe my words, don't you believe it too? I even speculated that He Zitian supported Biyou's cultivation. Shi De is laying out a big game."

"What big deal?" Ji Du was shocked.

"If I knew that He Zitian was laying out such a huge scheme, He Zitian would not be He Zitian." Bi Wentian looked up to the sky and sighed, "I'm still not very good at Zitian, I can't see through his 20-year-long layout. What kind of chess game. But one thing I can see is that he doesn't really want Shi De to be good. So Ji Du, you have to remember one thing, you have to win Shi De at all costs and let Shi De be used by us. Shi De betrayed He Zitian, and He Zitian's conspiracy may go bankrupt. Shi De is the only chess eye in He Zitian's chess game for more than 20 years."

"By the way, Master Bi, there is also a girl among Du Qingxuan's disciples. Do you think He Zitian will go to Du Qingxuan and propose marriage to Du Qingxuan?" Ji Du is usually not good at thinking about the overall situation. Lived a bright spot.

"It's really possible." Bi Wentian was first surprised by Ji Du's sudden idea, and then overjoyed, "If He Zitian really proposed to Du Qingxuan to marry again, it would further confirm my guess. He Zitian did this , not really for the sake of Shi De's marriage, but to further check and balance Shi De."

"How to say?" Ji Du didn't follow Bi Wentian's train of thought.

"For everyone, marriage is a major event that can determine the fate of a lifetime. If Shide marries a good wife and mother, his fortune will rise throughout his life. But if he marries a prodigal woman, his fortune will It will be implicated and even decline. Women are like water, water can prosper or cause disaster, women are the best feng shui for a family." Bi Wentian turned around and picked up the phone, calling Du Qingxuan.

"Qingxuan, I mean Wentian, did He Zitian approach you and say he wants to marry you?" Bi Wentian asked straight to the point, with his current relationship with Du Qingxuan, there was no need to pay attention to speaking skills.

"No, Wentian, what happened, why did you think of asking this question?" Du Qingxuan was playing chess with Yu Shuai when he suddenly received an inexplicable phone call from Bi Wentian. marry you?"

"Yes, he just came to my place and said that he wanted to facilitate the marriage between Shi De and Yuan Yuan. I think He Zitian's sudden proposal must have a deep meaning behind it."

"Let Shi De marry Yuan Yuan?" Du Qingxuan pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled knowingly, "If nothing else happens, he will also propose to me to let Shi De marry Fang Mu... say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, He Zitian is here , God, I won’t talk to you now.”

Sure enough, he guessed it right, Bi Wentian smiled slightly, hung up the phone, and then said to Ji Du: "Ji Du, contact Yuan Yuan, and ask Yuan Yuan not to return to the capital for the time being, and let her stay in Shimenduo and Shi De Contact, it would be even better if Shi De could fall in love with her."

"But Mr. Bi, I can't do anything about feelings..." Ji Du didn't want Yuan Yuan and Shi De to come together, he couldn't accept the reality that Yuan Yuan fell into Shi De's arms.

"No, but, in order to break He Zitian's situation, we can only resort to tricks. Besides, Yuan Yuan followed Shi De, maybe it's her blessing." Bi Wentian sighed, "As for you, Ji Du, you will also have you in the future Your marriage is not in Yuan Yuan's body, so stop thinking about it."

Ji Du was stunned, and nodded helplessly, but a trace of unwillingness flashed in his heart, why did Shi De catch up with such a good thing?Why can't he marry Yuan Yuan?He refused to accept, he must try every means to please Yuan Yuan, and then let Yuan Yuan become his woman.

While Ji Du was talking with Yuan Yuan, He Zitian also stepped into Du Qingxuan's yard.

"Qingxuan, there is something I want to discuss with you. If Fang Mu and Shi De are allowed to marry, do you think it will bring our relationship closer?" When talking to Du Qingxuan, He Zitian didn't go around in circles, and made it clear when he came up .

Du Qingxuan was not too shocked because he was mentally prepared, but he was still surprised by He Zitian's whim: "Zitian, it's better for us not to interfere with young people's emotional problems. The main reason is that Fang Mu may not like Shi De. Shi De may not be able to see Shang Mu, we force them to be together, maybe it will hurt them."

"If you don't try it, how do you know that Fang Mu doesn't have feelings for Shi De and Shi De won't like Shang Mu. I just have such an idea and I want to hear your opinion." He Zitian still maintained his indifferent demeanor, he looked at the Glancing at Yu Shuai, he thought that compared with Shi De, no matter whether it was Ji Du who was next to Bi Wentian or Yu Shuai who was next to Du Qingxuan, one was lacking in aptitude and the other was too tactful, compared to Shi De's calmness and well-being. There is a world of difference in having a good vision, so to speak, or is his vision superior?
But thinking about it again, compared with Fang Mu and Yuan Yuan, Biyou is slightly inferior, not referring to the inferior looks, but the difference in qualifications.In He Zitian's view, Biyou only has the talent for business but no potential in the Gate of Fate. Compared with Fang Mu's attainments in the Gate of Fate and Yuan Yuan's innate greatness, it is still far behind.

Of course, in Shi De's view, Biyou's gentleness and simplicity are incomparable treasures that Yuan Yuan and Fang Mu can't compare.A person may not be smart or rich, but he must be gentle and simple. A gentle person will be helped by noble people, and a simple person will be helped by God.

"Marriage is a good thing. Fang Mu is cold-tempered and his eyes are too high. Only Shi De can be worthy of her and get into her eyes." Du Qingxuan secretly smiled in his heart. He Zitian, who had lived in seclusion in Shancheng for more than ten years, kept He Zitian, who has been low-key and calm for decades and never took the initiative to take action, suddenly changed into a different person and started to take the initiative, and the first time he took the initiative was for Shi De's marriage, which was too unexpected and too unexpected. However, the more sudden and the more unexpected, the more it shows one thing. He Zitian has laid out a general situation for more than 20 years. Up to now, an unexpected deviation has finally appeared. If there is no sign of losing control, how could He Zitian come here in such a hurry? Looking for him just to match Shi De and Fang Mu's marriage?
With He Zitian's unfathomable personality, he would definitely not work hard for a trivial matter of marriage.

"So, you also agree with this matter?" He Zitian was slightly happy.

"I have no objection in principle." Du Qingxuan smiled slightly, "As long as Shi De and Fang Mu are willing. How about this, Zitian, you are responsible for testing Shi De's wishes, and I will test Fang Mu's tone, how about it?"

"Okay, it's a deal." He Zitian laughed, "If Shi De and Fang Mu have a good relationship, we will be in-laws from now on."

"Hi, my in-laws." Du Qingxuan also laughed, "If they have children, they call you grandpa and me grandpa. Thinking about it, it would be a very happy thing."

"Yes, haha." He Zitian also laughed in agreement.

Amidst the laughter of the two, Yu Shuai also laughed dryly at the side.

As soon as He Zitian left, Yu Shuai couldn't wait to say what was in his heart: "Master Du, why do I feel that He Zitian's face is so dignified, hiding evil intentions, that he has a bad stomach? He must have no good intentions in matching Shi De and Fang Mu." .”

"Do you think he did this for the sake of Shi De, or to harm Shi De?" Du Qingxuan intends to test Yu Shuai's IQ.

"Fang Mu married Shi De, and Shi De was at a loss. With Fang Mu's rigidity, she is really not a good match for Shi De. Although I don't like Shi De very much, I have to admit that there is no shortage of women around Shi De. He won't look at Shangmu." Shuai Yu is honest and doesn't favor Fang Mu, "I've seen that Fang Mu has a crush on Shi De. But I dare say that Shi De will definitely not look at Fang Mu. So He Zitian's wishful thinking will definitely come to nothing."

"Why do you think that Zitian really wants to match Shi De and Fang Mu?" Du Qingxuan shook his head with a mysterious smile on his face, "He Zitian just shot a feint. His real purpose is probably to create trouble for Shi De."

"Could it be that He Zitian cultivated Shi De not for the purpose of making Shi De a fortune teller, but for something else?" Yu Shuai thought for a while, "Shi De is too pitiful. His biological parents abandoned him. , I finally met a master of fortune, but was tricked again, what a miserable child."

"If you don't go through hardships, you can't become a talent. Since ancient times, heroes have suffered a lot. He Zitian has always been a young man. Although what He Zitian did to Shi De was cruel to Shi De, it may not be a bad thing. Maybe Shi De can borrow He Zitian In the end, he achieved great success." Du Qingxuan pondered for a moment and then said, "I guess Shi De's life trajectory has undergone unexpected changes, and he has escaped He Zitian's control, so He Zitian is so anxious to choose for Shi De. Deciding on a fiancée, I want Shi De's life trajectory to return to what he thinks is the right path."

"Which aspect of Shi De's life trajectory has changed?" Yu Shuai asked, and then he figured it out again, and smiled, "It must be Shi De's relationship problem, or Shi De fell in love with a He Zitian who would not allow him to fall in love." Either Shi De is engaged to a girl He Zitian doesn't like, in short, no matter what the reason is, He Zitian wants to control Shi De's marriage in addition to controlling Shi De's life."

(End of this chapter)

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