Fortune Teller.

Chapter 386 Key Points and Opportunities

Chapter 386 Key Points and Opportunities
"I suggest you let go of everything, save trouble and worry, free up your own hands, and go all out to run the Bitian Group well. Being able to fight a beautiful turnaround in the Bitian Group proves everything." Shi De told the truth. , "Sell it for a good price and save it for yourself, just in case Bitian Group's turnaround fails, you also have a way out."

"Well, I'll listen to you." Biyou smiled gently, "What price is suitable for selling one?"

"As for the price, let Quanyou talk to you." Shi De didn't want to bargain with Biyou, he and Biyou were too close, the bid was too high, it was unfair, and the bid was too low, it was hurtful, in business talk business , it is better for Quanyou to discuss with Biyou further.

"Well, the bottom line in my heart is about 5000 million." Biyou smiled sweetly, "How about it, isn't the asking price high?"

"It's okay." Shi De also smiled, "Anything else? Are you full?"

"We're full, let's go." Biyou knew that Shi De didn't want to talk about the price, so she wisely stopped talking. At this time, it was early night outside, although the breeze was blowing and it was very cool, but the most severe cold The season has passed, and the footsteps of spring are not far away.

Walking with Shi De on the streets of Shimen at night, Biyou's heart was filled with warmth. In her most difficult period, Shi De was always by her side, never leaving her, closer than her closest relatives, how could she not To move her heart?If it wasn't for Shi De, she didn't know if she would be able to survive until now.

Although Master He is also her life mentor, in fact, on the path of her growth, Master He only gave her guidance and help at the beginning, and later it was all by her alone to establish a bowl of incense and develop it. At today's scale, Mr. He has been in Shancheng, but he has never given any guidance on the development direction of Yiwanxiang.

Of course, Biyou didn't blame Master He for anything, but always felt that Master He was too detached.Since you helped her, why didn't you help her to the end?It seems too detached and a little unreasonable.It's still good to Shi, not only helping her in the overall situation, but also being with her all the time in specific matters, so that she no longer feels lonely.

Biyou and Shi De were walking aimlessly on the street, and the two of them didn't speak for a while, they were both reminiscing about the past in silence.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, when I looked up, I actually came to Shengshi Tianjiao, which was about to be completed.

The exterior wall of Shengshi Tianjiao Building has been repainted, and the champagne-colored exterior wall paint shines brightly under the sunlight, presenting a blurred and warm tone.

Shi De basically didn't care much about the progress of Shengshi Tianjiao. Seeing that most of the projects had been completed, and without any accidents, they could be delivered after the Spring Festival.If Yueqingying or Biyou had been in charge of Shengshi Tianjiao's project, perhaps the progress would not have been so fast.

"Why don't you go up and have a look?" As the contractor of the Shengshi Tianjiao project, Biyou is much more familiar with Shengshi Tianjiao than Shi, she pointed to the Shengshi Tianjiao Building, "Your office is on the 10th floor, and it is beautifully decorated , do you want to have a sneak peek?"

Anyway, there is nothing left and right, so it’s okay to go and have a look, Shi De smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Going upstairs with Biyou, although the elevator has been installed in place, it has not been opened yet, so I can only walk upstairs, Shi De teased: "It's time to exercise."

The building is in a mess, and the final finishing work is in progress. Because the year is approaching, there are not many workers left.Along the way upstairs, I occasionally met one or two workers, most of whom were older people or women, and strong young people. Basically, they all went home for the New Year.

On the 10th floor, I came to Shi De's office 1008. I opened the door and walked in. Although the room was still a mess, it had begun to show its scale, and the weather could be clearly seen.The decoration style is simple and elegant, bright and bright, which is indeed in line with Shide's aesthetics.

The size of the room is not large, more than 20 square meters, which is also in line with the principle of using enough facilities.

"Not bad, very good." Shi De was very satisfied with his future office, "Thank you for your hard work."

"See it?" Biyou pointed to the chandelier on the ceiling, "I chose the chandelier for you. I think you must like the retro style."

"It's really good, very artistic." Shi De nodded, "Who made the idea of ​​the decoration style?"

"Guess." Biyou blinked, "Of course it's hard work, your office is only about 20 square meters, but you need three people to come up with suggestions, and in the end each person decides on one aspect, and the current situation came about. "

"I guess... the decoration style is Xia Huana's idea, the lamp is your idea, and the office furniture is Qingying's idea, right?" Shi De expressed his thoughts in one breath.

"It's boring, you can guess everything right at once." Biyou raised her leg and kicked a stone on the ground, "How can you guess so accurately?"

"It's not easy." Shi De reached out to touch a layer of dust on the table, "Xia Hua likes to control the overall situation, and she will definitely not let others decide on the overall style. You like to focus on the key points, as the lamp that illuminates the pen, You won't let other people decide. Although Qingying has a cool temper, she also has a practical side, so she must choose the office furniture."

"All the answers are correct, plus [-] points." Biyou laughed happily, "I didn't expect that you have such a deep understanding of me, Xia Hua, and Qingying. Have you studied every woman so deeply? Then Tell me, what are the personalities of Yuan Yuan and Fang Mu?"

"I haven't seen Fang Mu, let alone touched it, so I don't comment on it. As for Yuan Yuan?" In fact, she has both scheming and the ability to seduce people's hearts, hidden under her innocent appearance, she has a deep heart that makes people want to trust her."

"You mean, Yuanyuan is very capable of confusing people? Her words and deeds are all fakes? Why do I feel that you are prejudiced against her? Is it because she is from Bi Wentian?" Biyou asked Shi De didn't quite approve of Yuan Yuan's evaluation.

"It's definitely not because of prejudice, I'm telling the truth." At this time, I have come downstairs, standing on the square of Shengshi Tianjiao, standing tall with my hands on my hips, "If you have been in contact with Yuanyuan a few times, you You will find Yuan Yuan's difference... By the way, Yuan Yuan called and said she was in Shimen, but she didn't say why she came to Shimen? With her scheming, she definitely didn't come to Shimen just to get close to me, Instead of plotting."

Of course, Shi De didn't know that Yuan Yuan's real purpose of coming to Shimen was for Liu Luoluo. If he knew, he would immediately notify Zhao Feifan to take Liu Luoluo out of Shimen temporarily.It's just that sometimes people's calculations are not as good as God's calculations, and God's will is so, no matter how clever a fortuneteller is, there is nothing he can do, let alone Shi De is not a fortuneteller.

"Okay, I don't want to think about Yuanyuan anymore, let's think more about your future development. After buying a bowl of incense, if the problem of the Zhuo Group is resolved smoothly, you can then free up your hands and feet and Sian Chay Group We have dealt with Ye Group. By the way, how is your green eco-tourism project going?"

"No progress." Shi De smiled wryly and shook his head. "Li Changfeng hasn't found time to meet me. If he can't have an interview with Li Changfeng, there will be no official progress in the project. I'm thinking that the reason why Li Changfeng has been procrastinating is because he wants to wait for the situation. After you open it, you can decide whether to meet me."

"Is it the situation of the Zhuo Group, or the situation in the city?"

"There are all of them. In fact, the situation of the Zhuo Group and the situation in the city are on the same line...even including the situation in the province." Shi Degang thought about this, and the phone rang again. Seeing that it was the provincial party committee calling, he felt Suddenly jumped, "Grand Officer Huang's call."

Biyou immediately closed her mouth, and Shi De answered the phone quickly: "Grand Officer Huang, hello."

Huang Zixuan came in Mandarin with a strong nasal tone: "Shi De, do you have time tomorrow? Come to the Provincial Party Committee and find me in my office."

"I have time, when is tomorrow?" Shi De was respectful, yet affectionate and urgent, to show his extraordinary personal relationship with Huang Zixuan and his excitement to see Huang Zixuan.

"After 10 o'clock."

"Okay, I'll be there on time."

Putting down Huang Zixuan's phone, Shi De said to Biyou: "The current situation is that the situation in the province is much clearer than the situation in the city. As soon as the situation in the city is opened, the situation in Shimen and Yan Province will be revived. "

Biyou nodded: "Bitian Group has been stuck on the issue of the Zhuo Group for too long. The issue of the ownership of the Zhuo Group may be the key point of the stalemate in the city."

Shi De nodded. Don't look at the mess of the Zhuo Group. Too many people's interests are involved in it. It is a big pit and a huge trap. A little carelessness will kill the Bitian Group. Many people will be trapped in it, unable to get out.But even so, the Bitian Group has to face the difficulties, and must take over the mess of the Zhuo Group.Because of not taking over the Zhuo Group, the Bitian Group cannot be brought back to life, and because in Shi De's view, the Zhuo Group is not only a key point, but also an opportunity, which is related to the mystery of his and Biyou's life experience, as well as He Ye, The final outcome of Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan's three masters.

In other words, the final solution to the Zhuo Group's legacy problems may be when all the mysteries are revealed.

For a moment, he was fascinated, a worker came down from upstairs, walked past Shi De, and the figure that quickly disappeared into the scene was quite lonely.For some reason, Shi De's heart suddenly trembled, and an ominous premonition flashed across.

"Who was that worker just now?" Shi De pointed to the back of the worker in the distance with his hand, and walked forward quickly, trying to catch up, "Biyou, do you know him?"

(End of this chapter)

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