Fortune Teller.

Chapter 412 Self-control

Chapter 412 Self-control

"He told me that I am the most suitable woman for you. He also said that he would persuade you to come back to me and let you only wait for me." After Yue Qingying left Rongjing Terrace, she thought a lot, Finally, I figured out one thing. Mu Jinnian's sudden call was apparently for her own good, but in fact, there must be some selfishness hidden in the secret. Otherwise, given the relationship between Mu Jinnian and her, how could he have the leisure and kindness to help her?

Mu Jinnian must have no good intentions.

In fact, Yue Qingying realized that Mu Jinnian did not have good intentions so quickly, and she had to thank Mu Fang for her reminder.Although Mu Fang's words were direct and cruel, it made her understand a truth. The predestined part of a person's fate cannot be changed. For example, she met Mu Jinnian before she met Shi De, and she was obsessed with Mu Jinnian. After waiting for a few years, for example, she is a few years older than Shi De, her youth can't afford to wait, and for example, she is neither as gentle as Biyou, nor as generous as Xia Hualuo, so she can help Shi a lot in career.

What's more, Shi De doesn't owe her anything. Ever since Shi De met her, Shi De has been helping her and her family. If it wasn't for Shi De, her career wouldn't be on the scale it is now. If it wasn't for her Shi De, Dad, don't say that he can be promoted to mayor, maybe he won't even be able to secure the position of deputy mayor... She has no reason to blame Shi De, if Shi De loves her, it is her blessing, if Shi De doesn't love her She is her life.

It was Mu Fang's words that made her think a lot. There are too many helplessness in life, it doesn't matter, as long as you let go of the fate that cannot be changed, open your arms to embrace the luck that can be changed, and you can live a wonderful life.Before she got it, she was alive and well.In the years without Shide, she can also live happily.

What's more, Sheng Xia has the same idea as her, Sheng Xia can be single, why can't she be single?It’s also good to be single. You have nothing to worry about, you’re not burdened by worldly life, you can travel if you want, and you can take a vacation if you want. You don’t need to care about anyone’s feelings, and you don’t need to look at anyone’s face.

Life is that the more you have, the more painful it is, because the more you have, the more you are afraid of losing.When a person feels that everything can be lost and it doesn't matter, that is the real freedom.

If Mu Jinnian knew that a clever plan he had carefully planned was accidentally deciphered by Mu Fang just after it was implemented, he would definitely hate Mu Fang to the bone.However, apart from hating him, he also deeply realized the correctness of a famous saying - people are not as good as heaven.

It turned out that Mu Jinnian was making trouble behind his back. After hearing Yue Qingying's words, Shi De understood that Mu Jinnian wanted to use Yue Qingying to disturb his mood, so as to further weaken his luck. It seems that Mu Jinnian Nian is going to stand on the opposite side of him without hesitation.

Is Mu Jinnian really going all the way to darkness?Was it Bi Wentian's order for him to do this, or was Mu Jinnian determined to trample him under his feet in order to reach the peak of his life?
"Mu Jinnian wants us to turn against each other."

"I know." Yue Qingying nodded, seeing that Shi De was as calm as water, knowing that Shi De was not really angry with her, she was relieved, "I've already thought about it, Shi De, I want to be like Midsummer , be a celibate."

"I'm sorry, Qingying, I know your feelings for me, but I can't make a promise to you, because I..."

"No need to explain, Shi De, there is nothing wrong with loving someone, and there is nothing wrong with not loving someone. I understand and respect your choice." Yue Qingying interrupted Shi De before she could finish speaking. She didn't know Unfortunately, Shi De actually wanted to say that he was already engaged to Xia Hua, but Master He appointed Biyou for him, and his marriage might become the fulcrum of the next contest.

It's really hard to say whether the person who married him was lucky or unlucky.

Seeing that Yue Qingying was really happy to solve it, Shi De secretly let out a long sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, Yue Qingying figured it out by himself, which is also a good thing. To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell. Only you can solve the knot. Perhaps thanks to Mu Fang's enlightenment, he secretly thanked Mu Fang.

"Let's not talk about that, let's talk about how to plan for great achievements in the future." Yue Qingying smiled sweetly, "I will devote my whole life to charity in the future, and I hope that all those who need help will have the opportunity to meet me. I just do what I can to help them get through the difficulties in life."

Yue Qingying has such a determination that her future life path will be smooth and bright, Shi De secretly agrees, and briefly tells her his future thoughts.

An hour later, Shi De sent Yue Qingying back to Binsheng.On the way home, he was in a good mood and hummed "Looking Back Again" to the music in the car.

When he was approaching the Rongjing Terrace, he suddenly found a somewhat familiar figure in front of him. He didn't remember who it was, but when he was about to take another look, the person turned a corner and was out of sight.

Who on earth is it?Shi De returned home while thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, but he just couldn't remember who the other party was.

If Shi De remembered who the other party was when he saw the other party for the first time, the matter might have a turning point later, because the person Shi De saw was Yuan Yuan.

And it was only Yuan Yuan and Liu Luoluo.The most important thing is that Yuan Yuan and Liu Luoluo are leaving Shimen for the capital.

"Just now the car behind seemed to know us, and stared at us for a while." Liu Luoluo looked back at Shi De's car, but unfortunately, Shi De's car had already driven into the community at this time.

"Maybe." Yuan Yuan replied absent-mindedly, with ups and downs in his heart.

It has been two days since she came to Shimen from the capital. Although the events that happened in the past two days are not earth-shaking, they also changed her life to a certain extent!

According to the clues provided by Yu Shuai, Yuan Yuan found Liu Luoluo without much effort.But after finding Liu Luoluo, she didn't startle her first, but secretly observed Liu Luoluo for a long time, convinced that Liu Luoluo was the person she was looking for, and then showed up when the opportunity was right.

When the opportunity is right, it means when Liu Luoluo is alone. Yuan Yuan quietly appeared in front of Liu Luoluo when Liu Luoluo got off work.

Liu Luoluo is in a good mood recently. Not only is her work going smoothly, but since she fell in love with Zhao Feifan, her face is radiant, as if she has stepped into the spring of her life, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the future is full of flowers.

She was born in a commoner family, and her job is average, her monthly income is only more than 400 yuan.When they were in a relationship with Huang Wenxu before, Huang Wenxu's income was not high, and it was rare for the two of them to go out for a meal, and because Huang Wenxu's family needed to rent a house in Shimen in other places, she sometimes had to subsidize Huang Wenxu. After deducting the daily expenses from the income, basically there is not much money to save.

Although Huang Wenxu doesn't make a lot of money, he is poor and short-sighted. He smokes and drinks excessively. Half of his monthly income is spent on smoking and drinking.The result is that you can't make ends meet every month.If it weren't for Liu Luoluo's support, Huang Wenxu's survival would be a problem.

Liu Luoluo persuaded Huang Wenxu more than once to restrain himself.A man always has a low point in his life, it doesn't matter, as long as he has the spirit of striving for progress, as long as he strictly demands himself and strives hard, he will always have a day of success.But I'm afraid that a man has no ability but has a temper, and he can't control his desire.

A man without self-control will probably not be able to achieve great things.Liu Luoluo once said to Huang Wenxu, with your current income, you can still save some money after quitting smoking and drinking, and after two years, you may have the capital to start a business.But now that he smokes and drinks too much, and spends too much money, can he live a tight life all his life?
Huang Wenxu said eloquently, is a man still a man if he doesn't smoke or drink?Liu Luoluo was so angry that he scolded him. I don't know if he is still called a man if he doesn't smoke or drink. All I know is that if a man doesn't even have the courage and ability to quit smoking and drinking, he won't accomplish any great things.Self-control is the cornerstone of a man's success, a man without self-control is doomed to be a wimp.

As a result, Huang Wenxu not only was not moved by Liu Luoluo's encouraging words, but even more intensified in eating, drinking and having fun.

Liu Luoluo was completely disappointed with Huang Wenxu, and Huang Wenxu was not only small-minded, but also suspicious, so she gritted her teeth and made up her mind to break up with Huang Wenxu, and sent Huang Wenxu a sentence: "There are two things in this world. It cannot be taken away by others: one is the dream hidden in the heart, and the other is the book read into the brain."

Huang Wenxu didn't listen to him, he believed that Liu Luoluo left him because he had climbed a high branch, and he didn't want to fight Zhao Feifan.Zhao Feifei found Huang Wenxu without saying a word, and punched Huang Wenxu in the face, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

Since then, Huang Wenxu has completely walked out of Liu Luoluo's life.

Liu Luoluo's choice was right. More than ten years later, Huang Wenxu was middle-aged and still earning a monthly salary of 2000 yuan. Doing anything of value for the society, even without paying a penny of tax for the country, doing nothing and accomplishing nothing, for anyone, there is no sense of existence.

People who have no sense of existence to others in society are the saddest people.

After falling in love with Zhao Feifei, Zhao Feifei's hardworking spirit and unyielding fighting spirit deeply attracted Liu Luoluo.A man should be like a man, and he should shoulder social responsibilities on his left shoulder and family responsibilities on his right shoulder.

With the help of Zhao Feifan, Liu Luoluo quit her original job and entered the headquarters of Binsheng as a clerk. Her income also increased from the previous 400 yuan to 1000 yuan.The increase in income and the sweetness of love made Liu Luoluo taste the beauty of life, but at the same time, she missed the twin sisters she had never met even more.

(End of this chapter)

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