Fortune Teller.

Chapter 424 It's Too Early

Chapter 424 It's Too Early
"Yes, yes, I was wrong, dear mother, I was wrong." Xia Hua hastily admitted her mistake, and smiled again, "Shi De's answer just now seems simple, but it is actually very difficult, and it is not ordinary difficult. So Let’s talk mom, even a Ph.D. may not be able to fully answer Li Changfeng’s questions. Shi De answered all the questions correctly just now. He has both talent and talent, so he decided to cooperate with Shi De."

"So, if I can answer a few questions, I have both ability and political integrity?" Zheng Wenting was happy for a while, and assumed a pose to meet the challenge, "Come on, Xiaohua, you ask questions and I answer."

Xia Hua was overjoyed, and laughed for a long time before saying, "Okay, I'll just ask a very simple question, which are the three obediences and the four virtues?"

Zheng Wenting laughed: "It's not easy. The three obediences and four virtues are based on the principle of differences between inside and outside, and the principle that men are superior to women. Confucian ethics regulate women's morality, behavior, and self-cultivation throughout their lives. Obey the husband when married, obey the son when the husband dies, the four virtues refer to the virtues of women..."

Four Virtues only mentioned one, and Zheng Wenting got stuck, hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't remember, so she had to say in frustration: "Why did I forget? Impossible. What a simple question. When I was young, I had memorized the Three Obediences and Four Virtues." Well, let me think, let me think again."

After thinking for a long time, Zheng Wenting still didn't think of it, so she had to admit defeat: "Forget it, don't think about it, it's a headache."

"The four virtues of women refer to women's morality, women's words, women's appearance, and women's work, that is to say, women's morality, speech, manners, and women's work." Xia Hua deliberately showed off in front of Zheng Wenting, "The four virtues of Confucianism are filial piety. , fraternity, loyalty, and faith, the four virtues of Buddhism are eternity, joy, ego, and purity..."

Zheng Wenting gave Xia Hua a thumbs up: "Niu, my daughter is really amazing."

Xia You laughed loudly: "Okay, you mother and daughter don't flatter each other, tell me, what's for dinner tonight, I'm hungry."

"Eat, you know how to eat, eat and be hungry every day, you are a pig." Zheng Wenting was in high spirits when Xia You suddenly interrupted her, annoyed for a moment, and immediately responded to Xia You.

Xia You looked stunned: "What do you mean? Do you only eat once a few days? You are too unreasonable, you don't even let people eat? Shi De, let's go out to eat."

"Do you dare to go out to eat? If you go out to eat, I will never cook for you again." Zheng Wenting wanted to save face in front of Xia You.

Seeing this, Shi De hurriedly came forward to smooth things over: "That's good, I'll invite my uncle and aunt out for dinner. In the past few days during the Chinese New Year, I'm tired of eating dumplings every day. It's not bad for a change."

"Okay, okay, I agree." Xia Hua leaned over to whisper a few words into Zheng Wenting's ear, and Zheng Wenting immediately smiled and nodded in agreement with Shi De's proposal.

On the way to the restaurant, Shi De and Xia You walked together, Xia Hua and Zheng Wenting walked together, the four of them were in pairs, separated by a few meters.Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Xia You asked Shi De in a low voice, "Do you know what Xia Hua said to her mother?"

Shide shook his head.

Xia You smiled slyly: "It must be that the four of us go out to eat together, it is very warm and like a family, so her mother is happy."

"Uncle Xia, you know Aunt Zheng so well, why didn't you calm down when she was being fierce just now?" Shi De asked puzzled.

"Xiao Shi, you don't understand this. Although you know more about Chinese culture than uncle, you have to learn from me when it comes to how to deal with women." Xia You smiled complacently and whispered, " Women can't get used to it, once they get used to it, they will go to heaven. However, women sometimes need to be pampered and give way, so that they will learn the three obediences and four virtues."

Shi De nodded towards Xia You, thinking that although Xia You is usually serious and serious, there are times when he is leisurely and leisurely, and it is really only when he is close that he can really see a person clearly.

A group of four came to a small restaurant not far from Xia's house. The name of the restaurant was Guanyuexuan. People who didn't know it just looked at the name and thought it was a teahouse. In fact, Guanyuexuan is a real estate restaurant with northern cuisine. .

The four of them wanted a private room, but they didn't have any, so they had to sit in a window seat in the lobby.Xia You relinquished the power of ordering food and handed it over to Zheng Wenting.Zheng Wenting glared at Xia You with lingering anger, but she still ordered a few dishes with great interest.

"It's so nice. The whole family sits together and eats together. It's warm and reunited. Xiao Shi, you must come to accompany your aunt often in the future. Don't see each other. If you see her again, your aunt will get angry." Zheng Wenting is looking at Shi De more and more now. The happier she was, she never had a boy since she was a child and wanted a boy wholeheartedly. Now she not only treats Shi De as her son-in-law, but almost treats Shi De as her own son.

Xia Youchao gave Shi De a wink, what does it mean, I guessed it right?
Shi De secretly smiled and said, "As long as I have time, I will come with Xia Hua to accompany Auntie."

"I have to come even if I don't have time." Zheng Wenting pretended to be angry, "Xiaohua doesn't have time, so you come by yourself when you have time, do you hear me?"

"I heard it." Shi De pretended to be honest, and took another peek at Xia You. Seeing Xia You giggling aside, he knew that no one would help him, so he had to face Zheng Wenting alone, "Whether you have time or not, I will I will definitely visit Aunt Zheng often, even if I am doing my filial piety for Xia Hua and taking care of Aunt Zheng for Uncle Xia."

Shi De caught all of them, including Xia Hua and Xia You, and made Xia Hua and Xia You look at each other, and couldn't help but smile wryly, only to realize that they were out of the way just now, but Shi De was plotting against them.

The four of them sat and ate together happily, and in the eyes of outsiders, they were like a family.

If you stand outside Guan Yuexuan, you can clearly see the scene of Shi De and Xia's family sitting and eating together...

"It seems to be Shide..."

Guan Yuexuan is located at the intersection of two roads. In a car waiting for the traffic lights at the intersection, there are two beauties without makeup. Midsummer and Biyou.

Since Biyou saved Shengxia, the relationship between Shengxia and Biyou has developed by leaps and bounds. Not only have they become best friends, but they also love each other like sisters.During the Spring Festival, Biyou had no family and relatives, and Shengxia had no relatives, so Shengxia invited Biyou to celebrate the New Year with her, Biyou didn't refuse, and came to Shengxia's house as a guest.

There are only her and her mother Shengping in Shengxia's family. Biyou's arrival has added vitality to the Sheng family.

Today is the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and Sheng Xia and Biyou have nothing to do. The two first went shopping, then watched a movie, and after the last two had dinner, they wanted to go to the Nancun land to have a look, but they were waiting At the red light, Shi De and Xia's family of three were found together by accident.

"It's really Shi De." Biyou looked at Sheng Xia's fingers, and recognized at a glance that the person sitting next to Xia You was Shi De, and she suddenly panicked, "How could it be Shi De? If It's okay if Shi De and Xia Hua ate together, he ate with Xia's family, and he was like a family, did Shi De really establish a relationship with Xia Hua?"

"I'm not saying you, Biyou, you can't always wait passively, you have to take the initiative. Men sometimes like active women, active women, so that they have a sense of accomplishment. Compared with Xia Hua, you are just too gentle Yes. It is said that you were the first to know Shi De, and Shi De should be in your pocket, but Yue Qingying and Xia Hua followed suit successively, you, you, don’t you have a sense of crisis?" Shengxia is different from Biyou , she likes to take the initiative to fight for everything, and doesn't like to wait passively.

"I..." Even though Biyou's heart was overwhelmed, even though she really wanted to rush over to ask Shi De what was going on, she suppressed her doubts and said hesitantly, "Forget it, it's whoever belongs to it." Yes, it’s useless to argue. Master He said that Shi De’s marriage will eventually fall on me. I believe his old man’s words, so I choose to wait. Besides, if I go to compete with others for Shi De, in case I get offended He is not happy, and maybe it will have the opposite effect. Master He is very accurate in seeing people. He said that Shi De belongs to me, so he must be right. Maybe in the end Shi De has gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, and finally found out , I am the harbor he needs most.”

"You, you..." Sheng Xia didn't know what to say, she was silent for a moment, and when the green light came on, she started the car and looked at Shi De again, "If the opportunity is missed, it will be gone, are you sure you don't rush to Shi In front of him, ask him why?"

"Forget it." Biyou shook her head, "Don't force everything, just let nature take its course."

Sheng Xia shook his head, looked at Shi De complicatedly, stepped on the accelerator, and the car flew away.

If it's just that Biyou and Shengxia saw Shi De sitting with Xia's family eating together, it's fine. Not long after Biyou and Shengxia left, another man and a woman appeared outside Guan Yuexuan.

The distance between the two of them was much closer to Guan Yuexuan than the two of Biyou just now, but because there was no light in the place where they were standing, Shi De couldn't see them either.But even if Shi De saw the two of them, he wouldn't feel anything, because he didn't know them at all.

The two knew Shi De.

The two are a man and a woman in their fifties.The man's face was calm and kind, and he wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses, giving him the air of an intellectual.The woman's face is rosy, and her mental state is also good. Her eyes are piercing, but her eyebrows are slightly worried.

It was Shi De's biological parents Shi Wei and Zuo Yan.

"Why didn't De'er listen to Mr. He, and is still with Xia Hua?" Zuo Yan said worriedly, "If he insists on marrying Xia Hua in the future, what should he do?"

"Maybe things will turn around, who knows?" Shi Wei didn't have Zuo Yan's worries, he was relaxed and calm, "Whether it's good or bad, let time judge, it's too early to say anything now. "

(End of this chapter)

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