Fortune Teller.

Chapter 430 The Turning Point

Chapter 430 The Turning Point

"Uncle Shi can really talk, well, I'll call you Uncle Shi." Xi Tiantian was as light as a happy bird, and she took Shi De's arm generously, "I don't know if Uncle Shi is It’s not that I like the environment of each side, although the name of each side is not very good, but I think it is very artistic, life is sometimes parting of each side, life does not meet, it moves like participating in a business…”

Shi De's heart moved quietly, and he took a few glances at Xi Tiantian's face secretly. In all fairness, Xi Tiantian's face was good, very rich and powerful, and basically he couldn't find any flaws. The only shortcoming was that her eyebrows were somewhat Sparse, even though his eyebrows were trimmed, he could tell at a glance that Xi Tiantian's eyebrows were not very thick, and the back of the eyebrows were very thin.

The main siblings are separated.

The name of the private room booked by Xi Tiantian is also very interesting - meeting by chance, meeting each other by chance, is also a very meaningful encounter in life.

"Good friends are far away from each other, and each is in the sky. When we meet by chance, we are all guests from other places. Not bad, not bad." Shi De nodded in praise. From the arrangement of the hotel, it can be seen that Xi TianTian is a sweetheart. girl.

"Uncle Shi is so powerful, no wonder Uncle Li praised you so much, saying that you are a talented man of talent, knowledge, and talent. I still don't quite believe it. Sure enough, it's better to be famous than to meet each other. Now I believe it." Xi Tiantian chuckled, took off his coat, and asked Shi De took the seat, "Uncle Shi, I won't be polite, just explain my purpose of coming straight to the point. I came to Shimen to find business opportunities..."

Shi De didn't refuse, and sat directly in the upper seat. In fact, there were only two people. It didn't matter whether the upper seat or the second seat. He nodded and said: "Shimen is far less business opportunity than the capital. If you come to Shimen to look for business opportunities, maybe you will be disappointed."

"No, from the first moment I saw Uncle Shi, I knew I was in the right place, Shimen will not let me down." Xi Tiantian smiled and poured tea for Shi De, "Uncle Shi, to tell you the truth , although I grew up in Beijing and lived abroad for a while, but I don’t know why, I always want to come to Shimen for a walk, as if there is some mysterious side of Shimen that has always attracted me. There is a saying , to have feelings for a city, first of all, to have feelings for someone in this city, I don’t know anyone in Shimen, why do I always have an innate yearning for Shimen? Now I finally know... "

Xi Tiantian has a passionate personality, which is slightly similar to Xia Hua's personality, but unlike Xia Hua's warm personality like summer, Xi Tiantian's enthusiasm is like the brightness of spring or the loftyness of autumn, which makes people feel enthusiastic In addition, I feel more relaxed and happy.

"Know what?" Shi De smiled faintly.

"My innate yearning for Shimen is because Shimen has Uncle Shi." Xi Tian expressed his thoughts openly, "Uncle Shi, do you think I'm too abrupt? Actually not, It’s rare for me to have an instant bond with someone I meet for the first time, and you are the first.”

Shi De didn't think Xi Tiantian was abrupt, on the contrary, he thought she was straightforward and cute, he chuckled: "No, sometimes straightforwardness is more cute than going around. Tell me, Tiantian, you will come to Shimen for a few days Have you found a suitable business opportunity?"

"Yes, there are too many business opportunities. I picked one and finally chose one..." Xi Tiantian pointed to the west with his hand, "In the mountainous area to the west of Shimen, there are too many unknown scenery waiting to be discovered. Investing in Shimen's tourism industry will definitely have great prospects. Think about it, if you connect the capital with Zhengzhou, and then connect Taiyuan with Jinan, Shimen is almost exactly in the middle of the connection. What a unique geographical advantage! If Shimen's tourism industry develops, it doesn't need to attract tourists from other provinces, but only needs to attract tourists from the capital and Jincheng, and it will be enough for Shimen to digest."

Not bad, Xi Tiantian has a good eye, actually saw the potential of Shimen tourism, and Shi secretly praised it, but he also knew that although Shimen tourism resources are rich, they are not good at developing and utilizing them, so that many beautiful scenery are still unavailable. Sleeping in the deep mountains and old forests.However, even if someone has foresight, it will take at least three to five years before the development of the tourism industry starts to take shape.

Does Xi Tiantian have such patience?Even if she is patient enough, does she have sufficient funds?
"Tourism industry is an industry with large investment and slow results..." Shi De took a sip of tea slowly, "but it is a sustainable green ecological industry."

"Funds and time are not a problem for me. The problem is that I need a reliable and capable partner. Uncle Shi, can I trust you?" Xi Tiantian blinked a pair of big eyes, looking expectantly To Shi De.

"Are you willing to believe in someone who has only met once?" Shi De asked Xi Tiantian, Xi Tiantian was innocent on the surface, but he could see that she was not a newborn calf without defense.

"I am willing." Xi Tiantian nodded emphatically.

"If you believe in me, I won't let you down." Shi De responded with a confident smile.

"That's great." Xi Tiantian jumped up happily, "Uncle Shi, how about I talk to you about my travel plans later? Let's not talk about it now, let's talk about some light topics."

The so-called easy topics are chats that enhance understanding. To understand a person, one must see through a person's character from seemingly aimless chats.However, Shi De is wise enough to tell him that Xi Tiantian is trustworthy, and most of what she said just now is the truth.

The two asked for a few meals and began to eat.Xi is a vegetarian every day, and wanted to order some meat dishes for Shi De, but Shi De refused.Shi De has always been kind, since Xi can eat vegetarian every day, so can he.

"I graduated from Columbia University in the United States and majored in economics. After returning to China, I have been helping out in my uncle's company. Later, I used my financial knowledge to make some money. Coupled with financing, the funds I can use now are probably more than one billion , the initial investment should be enough, right?"

"My father is in politics. He doesn't encourage me to do business, but I like to do business. I think the future world will be a world where economic forces will determine the direction of politics. Just like the United States, any election is a contest of economic strength. Do you want to become a governor or a president? Dreaming. I also believe that in China, within a few decades, there will definitely be several important business empires with huge influence that can influence the upper class. I also think that the Internet is In an industry that can create wealth myths and produce multi-millionaires, the most powerful company in the future must be an IT company.”

"I am a person who accepts new things quickly. Of course, I don't reject tradition. Tradition and new things must be organically combined to be a perfect unity. For example, I call you Uncle, on the one hand, I am talking about seniority from Uncle Li. , On the other hand, it is very popular in South Korea to call male uncles who are a few years older than me, in order to reflect my youthful mentality.”

"Uncle Shi, you must have a girlfriend, right? She must be very beautiful? You must love her very much, right? How did you meet? Is romance romantic? To tell you the truth, I had a boyfriend before, and then We broke up because of a disagreement in personality, and we haven’t met a suitable one so far. If Uncle Shi has a suitable one, you can introduce it to me.”

"Forget it, don't worry about it, now I'm focused on my career, I don't think about relationship issues for the time being, I come here if I have a destiny, and I don't care if I don't. , Uncle Shi, you won't bother me, will you?"

Xi Tiantian talked on and on for a full hour, during which Shi De listened patiently without interjecting a word.In the end, Xi Tiantian himself felt embarrassed.

"No, it's good. It's also very interesting to listen to you." Shi De was about to say a few more words when the phone rang suddenly.Seeing that the call was from his home number, he couldn't help being stunned. Who called him from his home phone?
After thinking about it again, I understood, and hurriedly answered the phone: "Qi Mei, what's the matter?"

"Shi De, let me out quickly. I have activities. What's the matter with you locking me at home, if you don't let me out, I'll call the police." Qi Mei's voice was loud, revealing her eager anger.

"What activity? Are you going to go camping again?" Shi De was entrusted by Quan Quan to take care of Qi Mei. The so-called care is to take care of her. He can't let Qi Mei go camping, otherwise he can't explain to Quan Quan, "I'm here Out of town, I can't go back for the time being, how about this, I will open the door for you when I go back tomorrow morning, okay?"

"No!" Qi Mei was in a hurry, "I'll give you half an hour to come back, otherwise I'll either call the police or jump off the building, it's up to you."

Well, there really is her, Shi De thought for a while: "I can go back, but you have to promise me one condition, you go camping, and I will go with you. If you don't agree, you can call the police as you like. You didn't call the police Yes, I will notify Secretary Qi and ask Secretary Qi to come forward, and the police will definitely not care about you. As for jumping off the building, you are young, so you probably don’t want to die. If you die, you will have no chance to go camping.”

"Shi De, you!" Qi Mei was furious, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and say, "Okay, I promise you. But if you can't bear the hardships and sins, and you want to be a deserter halfway, don't Blame me for making fun of you."

"That's it." Shi De hung up the phone and said to Xi Tiantian, "I'm sorry, Tiantian, I have a temporary emergency, and we can discuss it further later."

"Okay, Uncle Shi, you should do your work first."

(End of this chapter)

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