Fortune Teller.

Chapter 439 Who's Who?

Chapter 439 Who's Who?

"It is true that Zhuo Da is abroad, but he and Zhuo Fan are often in contact, and they are still in a single line. Zhuo Fan is dead, and Zhuo Da doesn't know about it abroad. I was in contact with Zhuo Fan a few days ago. I pretended that Zhuo Fan was with him. After chatting for a few words, he didn't notice."

"Isn't it a phone call? Is it a text message?" Shi De was surprised.

"No, it's a QQ connection." Ma Feiyan grinned, "No one knows his QQ password except Zhuofan and me, and now that he's dead, I'm afraid I'm the only one in the world who knows his QQ password. Zhuo Da dare not contact Zhuo Fan by phone or text message, because it is easy to be tracked."

Quanyou's eyes brightened, but he didn't expect Ma Feiyan to bring him another surprise, he slapped his thigh happily: "That's great, Feiyan, you can really surprise people, let's talk, this thing is absolutely feasible, but the problem Yes, you can handle it all by yourself, there is no need to drag me and let me share it, right?"

"What I like the most is your straightforwardness." Ma Feiyan smiled happily, "I can't do such a big thing alone, and I need your cooperation. But I have a word first, and when it is done, I will love you." three."

"For the sake of our love once, you can be six or four." Quanyou deliberately bargained.

"I'm eight and you two." Ma Feiyan smiled calmly, "If you still bargain, I'll give you one. Also, let me emphasize again, if I find out that you want to harm me, I will immediately stop the cooperation. You won’t be able to earn a penny. You have to think about it clearly. If everything goes well, Zhuo Da will have at least nearly 20 billion in his hand. If you calculate it as 18 billion, you will have more than 5 million if you take [-]%, which is enough for you I've spent my life drinking and drinking."

"Okay, okay, okay." Quanyou pretended to be subdued, "Qisan is Qisan, I won't say more. But I also have one condition, I must always know how things are going, step by step progress."

"Okay, I promise you this." Ma Feiyan stretched out her palm, "Come on, I have it all, high-five for oath."

Quanyou and Ma Feiyan clapped their hands: "I'll wait for your call."

"The above is the whole process of my confrontation with Ma Feiyan in the capital." After telling the funny story, Quanyou smiled, "How about it, isn't it very dramatic and interesting?"

Shi De pondered for a moment: "What I don't understand is how can Ma Feiyan get money from Zhuo Da? Is it just because she pretends to be Zhuo Fan?"

"I didn't ask how to do it. She just said that she was in charge of letting Zhuoda transfer the money to the account she designated, and I was responsible for transferring the money to another safe account after the account was received."

"Money laundering? The risk is not small." Hua Hua took a look at Quan, "Such a large amount of money is transferred in, and it will definitely attract the attention of the relevant departments. Once they investigate, they will find out the problem."

"What am I afraid of? I don't really intend to share 5% of the stolen money." Quan You raised his head and said proudly, "I am recovering losses for the country and serving the people. As long as Ma Feiyan succeeds, as long as Zhuo Da's As soon as the money arrives, I will report to the police, and the money will be seized by the state. Ma Feiyan would never have thought that I would not be tempted by a huge sum of more than [-] million yuan..."

It's a great thing for Quanyou to think so, Shi De nodded: "If this matter is accomplished, Quanyou will be a great hero, he has saved the country's losses, and at the same time, he has accumulated great blessings himself."

"This matter... can it be done?" Sheng Xia didn't believe it a little bit, "You and Ma Feiyan cheated each other, and each other won and lost. Last time you almost killed her, she will still believe you? Will this happen? Did she dig a hole on purpose, let you jump in, and then buried you?"

"I don't think so. Although Ma Feiyan was tricked by me once, but I was tricked by her more times, so in her core, she still thinks that she has a better chance of winning if she fights with me." Sheng Xia knows Ma Feiyan better, "Ma Feiyan is very courageous. All these years, he has been doing the business of taking chestnuts out of fire. Will she be afraid? She won't be afraid if the sky is broken. She is not afraid of big troubles, just afraid of nothing. Son. Don't worry, if there is a profit of 1 million, she will take the risk, and if there is a profit of 10 billion, she will dare to seek skin from a tiger."

"No matter what, you should be careful." Sheng Xia persuaded Quanyou to say, "Be careful and travel for thousands of years. This may be the most critical final battle. The outcome is not only a matter of winning or losing, but also the possibility of winning." It’s a matter of life and death.”

"I will be careful. In this battle, Ma Feiyan must pay off all her debts at once." Quan slammed his fist on the table.

Huahua was taken aback: "Why are you so excited? Since your uncivilized behavior just now affected everyone's emotions, today's dinner is your treat."

"Okay, I invite you as I please, but Huahua, are you still my wife? Why are you turning your elbows outward?" Quanyou said angrily, "If you don't agree with me, Huahua, be careful, I will divorce you. "

Huahua covered her mouth and smiled: "Divorce me? I haven't married you yet, how can you divorce me? Since you want to divorce me now, I just don't want to marry you."

"Don't!" Quan was in a hurry, "Isn't it okay for me to listen to you in the future?"

Everyone laughed, and Sheng Xia said bluntly: "Everything, you have been circling among the flowers before, and I have never seen you so afraid of flowers, what's the matter?"

While talking and joking, Shi De and his party went directly to a restaurant in Dongfeng Building in Shengshi Tianjiao's business.

A group of people centered on Shi De, shouting and embracing, people in the circle who knew Xiao Zuo and Sheng Xia, seeing Xiao Zuo and Sheng Xia's majesty and prestige but still surrounded Shi De, couldn't help wondering who Shi De was, Such a young man is actually respected by Xiao Zuo and Sheng Xia. Could it be that Shi De is a mysterious rich second generation or official second generation from the capital?
There is a pair of couplets at the entrance of Dongfeng Building. The first couplet is to climb to the peak of science with the pragmatic and cultural foundation of the motherland in mind. The second couplet is to look at the world and temper ideology and morality to serve the people. The horizontal criticism is to make the people rich and the country strong.

Interesting, Shi De has seen many restaurants or restaurants like to hang a pair of couplets to show elegance, but this is the first time he saw such a couplet, he couldn't help laughing and said: "The owner of the restaurant must be patriotic. The name of the restaurant is Dongfenglou, which means Dongfeng It means to overwhelm the west wind."

As soon as you enter the door, there is a wall facing you. There is a word on the wall: "Concerning is a shortcoming of human nature. It makes us lose too many precious things. When a person cares about money, money will also care about you. When you You can get more money when you don't live for money, money is just a by-product of success."

"This passage is interesting..." Xiao Zuo nodded, "Indeed, people can't care too much. If you care about money, money will care about you. If you care about things, things will care about you. You care about the sky." , God will care about you. Complaints are the beginning of a person's poverty, and it is also the beginning of a person's failure."

A few went upstairs and asked for a private room. After ordering food, when they sat down to talk, Huahua couldn't stay idle, stood in front of the window and looked down, suddenly shouted in surprise: "The person below seems to be Niu Tianzi. "

Quanyou immediately got up and looked down: "It's really Niu Tianzi, Brother Shi, come and see Niu Tianzi."

Niu Tianzi has nothing to look at, and Shi De knew that the implication of letting him see Niu Tianzi was that he wanted him to meet Niu Tianzi and observe Niu Tianzi's recent fortune.Without hesitation, he got up and went to the window, looking down...

Niu Tianzi was walking side by side with a person. He walked briskly, with a smile on his face, exuding vitality all over his body. If you don’t look at your face but only look at your mental state, everyone will think that Niu Tianzi is proud of his spring and is about to usher in another peak in his life.

The person next to Niu Tianzi, Shi De, also recognized him, and it was Shang Kai.

Shang Kai looked good, with his head held high, as if something good was about to happen.

Since it was on the second floor, it was not too far away, and the situation between Niu Tianzi and Shang Kai could be calculated. Shi concentrated on it for a moment, and he came to a conclusion in an instant, and was immediately taken aback.

Shang Kai is fine. Corresponding to his complexion, his fortune has not shown any sign of decline recently. On the contrary, there is still an unstoppable upward trend. Could it be that Shang Jianchao's position in the city has been further stabilized?Or is Shangkai's business thriving and invincible, resolving all difficulties and clearing all obstacles?

Regardless of Shang Kai, what surprised Shi De was not the rise of Shang Kai's fortune, but the sudden release of Niu Tianzi's fortune!
Generally speaking, everyone's fortune will have ups and downs, just like the rising and setting of the sun and the ebb and flow of the tide. It is the law of heaven and earth. No one can avoid the ups and downs of life, even the gods and great men.Because life is between heaven and earth, it is bound to be restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, unless you really do what the myth says—jumping out of the three realms and not being in the five elements, then you can really live the same life and shine with the sun and the moon up.

And after a person's fortune is high, there will definitely be a low period, when the sun is full, the moon will lose.In the same way, the sun that sets in the west will rise tomorrow, and it will also be at noon.The waning moon will be full again.In other words, after a person's fortune is low, it will slowly rise without accident.

Niu Tianzi was cheated miserably by Quanyou last time, and lost the Baisha Group directly, which is equivalent to the lowest point of luck.Calculating according to the general law, Niu Tianzi's fortune should slowly recover, even if it does not return to the peak bullfighting fortune, at least it will be much better than when he lost the Baisha Group.

But what makes Shi De puzzled is that Niu Tianzi's fortune not only continues to decline, but also worse than when he lost the Baisha Group, even so low that he has no chance to rebound. How can it not surprise Shi De? ?
If fortune is compared to a person's health, when the fortune is high, the body is healthy and the food is delicious;

(End of this chapter)

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