Fortune Teller.

Chapter 441 There must be a battle

Chapter 441 There must be a battle

So Bi Wentian didn't plan to attack Shi anymore, the more successful Shi De was in Shimen, the better.The more successful Shi De is, the greater the influence and the greater the blessing, the harder it will be for He Zitian to take everything from Shi De.

As for Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian still fighting openly and secretly with Shi De in Shimen according to his instructions, let them go. Anyway, whether Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian are dead or alive, he doesn't care.If you win, you will train Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian.If you lose, it will be regarded as an achievement.Regardless of whether he wins or loses, it will not affect his big plan or move his fundamentals.

"Wentian, come and sit." Du Qingxuan cordially greeted Bi Wentian to sit down, and then made Fang Mu serve tea. In the warm spring, he raised his glass to Bi Wentian, "Come, have a taste of my tea." Tieguanyin."

Bi Wentian knew that Du Qingxuan must have something to do when he came here, but Du Qingxuan was not in a hurry to talk about something, and he was not in a hurry, so he took a sip of tea slowly and said with a smile: "Good tea, good tea, long aftertaste, fragrant tasty."

"The longer the wine, the more fragrant the tea, and the younger the tea, the better." Du Qingxuan saw that Bi Wentian was in a hurry when he first arrived, so he stopped gossiping, "Wentian, there is such a thing, I want to hear your opinion mean……"

Afterwards, he told all about Fang Mu's love for Shi De and Yu Shuai's attack on Niu Tianzi behind Ma Feiyan's back.

After hearing this, Yuan Yuan and Ji Du looked at each other with astonishment.

Bi Wentian's face remained unchanged, and he thought to himself for a while: "Qingxuan, what do you mean, you suspect that there is a shadow of Zitian behind these things?"

"Yeah, I always suspect that He Zitian did something behind the scenes to promote these things secretly, and what he wants is to destroy Fang Mu and Yu Shuai." Du Qingxuan looked worried.

"If He Zitian wants to destroy Fang Mu and Yu Shuai, he will not let Yuan Yuan and Ji Du go..." Bi Wentian pondered for a moment, then looked up at the sky, "I watch the sky at night, and the truth will come out this spring. "

Astronomical phenomenon is the general term for various natural phenomena that occur in the sky by ancient Han astrologers.Modern usually refers to phenomena that occur outside the Earth's atmosphere.Such as sun and moon, planetary movement, sun and moon changes, comets, meteors, meteor showers, meteorites, solar eclipses, lunar eclipses, lasers, novas, supernovas, lunar occultations, sunspots, etc.

The celestial phenomenon corresponds to the prosperity and failure of the world. It is not a feudal superstition that some people say, but has a certain scientific basis.Lao Tzu once said that people follow the law of the earth, the law of the earth, the law of the sky, the law of nature, and the affairs of the world have a certain echo and connection with the way of heaven.The so-called natural disasters, man-made disasters, anger and grievances are examples of the interaction between heaven and man summed up by the ancients.

After accumulating the experience of watching the sky at night for a long time, the ancients discovered that the direction of constellation movement is regular and can be consistent with the climate change on the earth.There was such a record in the ancient Chinese book "He Guanzi" 4000 years ago: "The bucket handle points to the east, and the world is spring; the bucket handle points to the south, and the world is summer; the bucket handle points to the west, and the world is autumn; the bucket handle points to the north." , the whole world is winter." This is to judge the season by observing the position of the Big Dipper at dusk.And this kind of observing the regular changes of celestial phenomena to determine the four seasons is called "observing the time".In the era when there was no calendar, it was used by the ancients for a long time.

The ancients gradually discovered the correspondence between the changes of celestial phenomena and the rise and fall of the human world while observing the phenomena and telling the time. "Yi? The movement of the stars, etc., were often used by the ancients to predict good and bad luck.Astronomical phenomena can correspond to major events in the world, and small ones can correspond to specific individuals.

"Now I believe more and more that He Zitian is a hidden expert..." Du Qingxuan nodded and said, "Wentian, you know He Zitian best, I was also deceived by him before."

"Hehe, I had a fight with his senior brother. It was only after being deceived by him for 20 years that I realized what he really is. Qingxuan, it's okay if you don't recognize his true face." Bi Wentian shook his head and said, "Daddy Traitors seem loyal, big frauds seem trustworthy, outwardly they look simple and wild, and in China they are cleverly deceitful... If it was ancient times, He Zitian would have become a powerful minister of the generation. However, even if he tried his best, he did not succeed in changing his fate."

"That's not right, He Zitian should be the invisible master with power all over the world now, why hasn't he changed his life yet?" Du Qingxuan was puzzled by Bi Wentian's words.

"What He Zitian wants is not to be the invisible head, what he wants is real power to rule the world. It's just that he has never had the opportunity to enter the officialdom, Qingxuan, you must not know that He Zitian's ambition was to be a high-ranking official. Ha ha."

"He Zitian actually wants to be an official?" Du Qingxuan was surprised for a moment, "Don't he know the truth that once he enters the officialdom and goes deep into the sea, he will capsize if he is not careful? However, the more dangerous the place is, the easier it is to accumulate merit, as long as the intention is correct That's good, it's easy to practice in the public school."

"Do you think that with He Zitian's behavior, even if he enters the officialdom, he can be righteous?" Bi Wentian sneered, "Fortunately, he is just an invisible head. Although he has a lot of influence, it is limited after all. , can't be in the hall of elegance, otherwise, with his character, the greater the power, the greater the harm."

"That's true." Du Qingxuan was full of emotion, "Wentian, it's time for us to abandon our previous suspicions and shake hands, otherwise, if He Zitian gets bigger and attacks us one by one, we will not be his opponents. ah."

"There is no problem with our alliance, but we can't wait for He Zitian to finish his plan and swallow us up, right? We should counterattack appropriately." Bi Wentian smiled cunningly, "You forgot that I have repeatedly emphasized that He Zitian's entire In the layout, Shi De is the eye of chess."

"You mean, you have to destroy Shide?"

"Why do you have to destroy Shide? If we destroy Shide, we will lose a lot of blessings, and maybe we will be dragged down by Shide." Bi Wentian chuckled, "We should help Shide, let Shide Rapid development and growth. The faster Shi De's blessings increase, the less he will be controlled by He Zitian. When He Zitian wanted to use Shi De as the biggest springboard in his life, he suddenly realized that Shi De had grown beyond his control. In addition, you said, will He Zitian attack Shi De first, or deal with us first? He definitely has no intention of attacking us, just one Shi De is enough to make him dizzy."

"The problem is, Shi De may not turn against He Zitian. He has always obeyed He Zitian's words and regards He Zitian as a benefactor of reconstruction. Not to mention that He Zitian wants all his property, even if he wants his life, he may not complain." Du Qingxuan told Shi Whether he will object to He Zitian is uncertain.

"If He Zitian just wanted Shi De's property, Shi De might really give it with both hands. But the relationship between He Zitian and Shi De is not a simple master-student relationship. There are still unknown grievances between them .” Bi Wentian chuckled, and said confidently, “There must be a battle between Shi De and He Zitian.”

"How do you say that?" Du Qingxuan was surprised for a moment.

"I don't know the details, but I can probably guess that a time bomb was planted between Shi De and He Zitian. This time bomb is Shi De's biological parents!"

"I also vaguely heard that the disappearance of Shi De's biological parents has something to do with He Zitian, but I don't know what happened behind the scenes." Du Qingxuan's brows stretched a little, "Listening to what you said, asking the sky, I have another feeling in my heart." It's over, haha. Tell me, what should we do next?"

"Greatly promote Shi De's success and give Shi De a helping hand." Bi Wentian laughed, "It would be even better if Yuan Yuan or Fang Mu can finally capture Shi De's heart and marry Shi De. "

"It's not difficult to help Shi De, but it's difficult to get Shi De to marry Yuan Yuan or Fang Mu. Shi De has a deep affection for Xia Hua, and he also has feelings for Bi You..." Du Qingxuan thought for a while Thinking, "He Zitian doesn't want Shi De and Xia Hua to become a good thing. If we want to promote Shi De and Biyou's marriage, we should secretly promote the relationship between Shi De and Xia Hua. Once Shi De and Xia Hua get married, it will definitely break the chaos." He Zitian's plan made He Zitian mess up."

"That's a good idea." Bi Wentian smiled slightly, and glanced at Yuan Yuan and Fang Mu, "But I don't know if Yuan Yuan and Fang Mu have any opinions?"

Although Yuan Yuan has a good impression of Shi De, Fang Mu's true love for Shi De is not as good as Fang Mu's. She smiled sweetly: "I have always regarded Shi De as a big brother, and I also like sister Xia Hua very much. If Brother Shi can marry Sister Xia Hua, I will also sincerely wish them happiness."

"Oh..." Bi Wentian smiled, intending to test Yuan Yuan, "Then let me ask you, Yuan Yuan, do you think Shi De and Xia Hua can get together in the end?"

"From the appearance, Shi De and Xia Hua have husband and wife looks. From the perspective of heart, Shi De and Xia Hua, one is calm and the other is free and easy, they can complement each other. Shi De's fate is strange, and Xia Hua has no bottom. , would be a perfect marriage."

"What do you think, Fang Mu?" As soon as Yuan Yuan finished speaking, Du Qingxuan asked Fang Mu.

Fang Mu not only fell in love with Shi De, but also had a skin-to-skin relationship with Shi De. Her feelings towards Shi De were complicated and difficult to express. Although she also knew that the possibility of her marrying Shi De was very slim, but if Let her single-handedly promote Shi De and Xia Hua's marriage, she can't do it: "I am not optimistic about Shi De and Xia Hua's marriage, even if Shi De and Xia Hua are married, but under He Zitian's strong opposition, he and Xia Hua It is still difficult for Xia Hua to get together. He Zitian is too powerful. He has planned for more than 20 years, and only now has a slight flaw. He will make the whole situation fall short because of Shi De's marriage problem? Certainly not, he may have thought about it a long time ago back."

Fang Mu's words were not without reason, Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan were silent for a moment after hearing this.

After a while, Ji Du said angrily: "Why is it so troublesome, just go to Shi De directly, tell him that He Zitian is plotting against him, and let him marry Xia Hua as soon as possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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