Fortune Teller.

Chapter 444 Greater than Feng Shui is Human Kindness

Chapter 444 Greater than Feng Shui is Human Kindness

"It doesn't mean that Feng Shui is not good if it is located on an inclined road. The road is inclined, and the house is just north and south, and it can be good Feng Shui." Shi De observed for a while, nodded and said, "From the perspective of Fang Zheng, This piece of land is not as good as the one on the west side of the bridge, but the location of this piece of land is better. Firstly, it is located in the north, and it is in the upper wind, so it has the upper hand. Secondly, it is located between two major roads and a small road. The main road is the main road, and when the road is open, the wind will flow, and the wind will flow. Finally, the terrain is lower than the west of the bridge, which can store water. Fengshui Fengshui, there is wind and water to make Fengshui."

"Hearing what Master Shi said, I feel relieved." Xiao Zuo immediately made a decision, "I voted, Director Yue. Later, you give me the contract and I will sign it."

"Fengshui is important, but Fengshui is still not as important as people's hearts. Am I right, Shi De?" Xia Hua said shaking her head, "I've always heard you say that to change your fate, you must first change your heart, which shows that your heart is the power that determines everything. Since A person's character is so strong that even his life can be changed, and the external Feng Shui can't affect anything, can it?"

Shi De nodded and smiled: "Yes, you are right. Feng Shui is the external environment. Sometimes we can't change it, but we can change ourselves. If we change ourselves, we can change the whole world if possible. There is such a story... ..."

"There's another story to listen to." Xia Hua smiled happily, and put Shi's bad face behind her, "Tell me quickly, tell me quickly."

"A feng shui master trekked through mountains and rivers, walked a long, long way, and was very thirsty. Finally, when he was so thirsty, he saw a manor, and he hurriedly knocked on the door to ask for water. A servant came out from inside and told him First wait outside the door, and then go back to get water. The master waited for a long time, and he was so thirsty that he waited impatiently, and couldn't help complaining. Why didn't he come out earlier and give him a sip of water? The family did it on purpose torture him?"

"After waiting for a while, the water was finally brought. It was a large bowl full of water. The Feng Shui master couldn't wait to drink it down, but he found that not only was there a lot of rice bran sprinkled on the water, but the water was also very hot. Entrance! The Feng Shui master couldn't help feeling sad, thinking that the owner of this house is really vicious, knowing that he is just a thirsty passer-by, but still deliberately torturing him like this, how could there be such a vicious person? I wanted to just leave. But because I was so thirsty, I could only swallow my breath, gritted my teeth, blew off the rice bran, and then blew cold boiled water, and drank it little by little."

"After drinking the water, the feng shui master was furious, so he did it secretly, and put the feng shui of this vicious family into a deadly situation, making the family feel like they were living in a cemetery, and they would never come out. Day! A few years later, this Fengshui master passed by this manor again because of something. What surprised him was that instead of being dead, the place was more prosperous and auspicious than before. What's going on? Could it be? Is his feng shui method malfunctioning? Impossible, he is a famous feng shui master, and he has never missed it."

Everyone listened with gusto, and no one interrupted Shi De's narration, they all stood aside and listened.

"The master couldn't figure it out. After thinking about it for a while, he insisted on finding out. He asked to see the master, and honestly told the other party that he secretly changed the master's feng shui because of drinking water and anger. The master is a A kind-hearted old lady, she was not angry at all after hearing the words of the Fengshui master, but told the Fengshui master with a smile, there are no people in this area for several kilometers, you must have walked a lot before coming here, and your body is already damaged. It is very short of water. If you drink water immediately, it will damage your body. Let you wait for a while to calm your impetuous breath and take a rest. I will give you boiled water because cold water will hurt your body. Add rice bran, I hope you drink it slowly to avoid scalding... The master was very ashamed and ashamed when he heard it, and realized that he misunderstood the other party's good intentions, and he repaid his kindness. From then on, he gave up looking at any Feng Shui and focused on his own Practice. Because, he finally understands that what is greater than Feng Shui is a person's kindness."

Shi De said with infinite emotion: "It is better to have a pure heart than all kinds of calculations! The environment is created by the heart. As long as you are selfless in your heart, the world will be vast, and Fengshui will definitely be good Fengshui."

"That's very well said." Sheng Xia nodded repeatedly and clapped vigorously, "I admire Master Shi more and more. Not only is he knowledgeable, but he also understands the truth of the world very thoroughly. If I had known you a few years earlier, my The size of the company will be more than doubled than it is now. Now I know why Shengshi Group is always unable to grow, it is because I have too many selfish thoughts in my heart, and it is because I am not kind enough."

It's not easy for Shengxia to have such an idea. Shi De smiled and said: "Fengshui is a blessed place where people live. If you are a lucky person, the place you live must be a blessed place. If you live in a place that is not a blessed place, but your heart Goodness, being blessed, you can also live in a blessed land. How can you be a blessed person? Thinking about the kindness and goodness of others is called spotlighting. When the light goes up, it is reflected on the face, which is a smile. A smiling face is Ingot-shaped, with a lotus-like mouth, it is sure to make a fortune. Thinking bad about others, complaining about others, jealous of others, and hating others, this is called gathering yin, and qi yin sinks, and it is manifested on the face, which is a wax gourd face, a bitter melon look, and it must be unlucky .”

Xiao Zuo nodded again and again: "My father often said that filial piety is also the best feng shui. A person who contradicts his parents every day must never be a high-ranking official, because he will also contradict his boss, colleagues and everyone. Life and work will not be smooth, and there will be many setbacks in life, and they will all fail at important moments. The source of Feng Shui lies in filial piety and ancestor worship. The roots are deep, and the branches and leaves will naturally flourish. Prosperous careers, prosperous families, and more noble people.”

"Yes, everyone knows that Fengshui nourishes people, but they don't know that people should also cultivate Fengshui. Once a person lives in, the air around his body will gradually fill the entire place of residence, and he will raise the land with both blessings and blessings, just like himself. The place of residence is you This is the common saying that things are the master. If you want to live in a blessed place, you must first accumulate virtues. If you accumulate merits, you will naturally be able to cultivate good Fengshui. And don’t blame others, because resentment is born , Good Fengshui will also rot. Fengshui will also be unhappy that you speak ill of it and despise it. You must be respectful to everything in the world, because everything has spirituality and should not be underestimated." Shi De agreed with Xiao Zuo's words .

"My mother also told me that if a person never contradicts his parents and teachers since he was a child, he will definitely be a high-ranking official in the future. Because he has been filial to his parents since he was a child, the merits he accumulates every day are not comparable to others. To be an official? So when you see such a person, you must treat him well and not underestimate him, because even if he has not studied or found a job, God will push him to go up later." Sheng Xia continued, since it is about Feng Shui and Regarding the relationship between water, she has something to say, "If you resist and contradict your parents, you are pushing your parents to the opposite side. It is also said in the book: If you are not filial to your parents, the sky will anger ghosts and gods. If you want to compare, parents are two great mountains of fortune. Filial piety to parents can suppress all evil and disobedience. Parents are two great blessings, and filial piety to parents can relieve all thirst and lack.”

Now that the topic was off, Shi De spoke freely. The main reason was that he suddenly felt that everyone was there. If he didn't say what he wanted to say now, maybe he wouldn't have a chance in the future.

With this thought, Shi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he is really going to be tested?
Another thought, no matter what, it is a good thing to be able to tell some truths to everyone.

At this time, the sun was just right, the sun was setting, and the afterglow shone on everyone, making the shadows stretched very long, giving them a vague and dreamy feeling.

Seeing that everyone was fascinated, Shi De continued: "Everyone knows that the ancient emperors and generals would look for the best Fengshui, but they still lost in the end. Why? Because when the fortune is exhausted, Fengshui will automatically Change. You don’t have enough merit to support this good feng shui, and feng shui will be broken. It’s like your wealth can’t support an elephant. Wouldn’t the elephant starve to death? If you change to a puppy, Maybe you can still be alive and kicking. So you have no blessings, and you have to live in a blessed place, which is even worse! You are not the emperor's fortune, you can't control the country, but you want to wear a dragon robe and make all the people submit. Isn't this a dead end? ? If you don’t have merit, you can’t control Feng Shui, and it will be a disaster!”

"So, if you don't live in a feng shui blessed place, you should also be grateful. This is a good thing. This is a way for you to survive. Hurry up and accumulate merit during this time. If you don't move, your feng shui will be ruined." You need to change, because your feng shui has been cultivated by your blessings. If you want to accumulate great blessings, accumulate the blessings that you can enjoy in this world, such as a smooth marriage, a smooth job, a smooth career, and even all the blessings in real life, etc. Wait, remember, as long as you don’t contradict your parents, smile softly at your parents, talk softly to your parents and be happy, this is the most basic and best way to change your life.”

"In addition to being filial to your parents, you also need to be careful not to speak ill of the ancient Chinese sages such as Buddha, Laozi, Confucius and all the eminent monks. If you say anything, you will lose your blessings. Let alone everything goes well, the original blessings will also be destroyed. Defeat. Because you dare to belittle even sages and sages, who else would you respect? If you don’t respect others, no one will respect you. There is a Buddhist saying that if you want to be expensive, you can’t belittle others. Christianity also says, Those who elevate themselves will be lowered. Those who lower themselves will be exalted. To change your life, always start with being filial and supporting your parents. If you can’t do it, you can’t change your life at all, because accumulating blessings There is no loss of fortune."

Shi De's words made everyone fall into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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