Fortune Teller.

Chapter 447

Chapter 447

The difference from the first head-to-head confrontation is that last time Tian Nan exerted his strength and Shi De accepted the move, but this time it was Shi De who exerted his strength and Tian Nan accepted the move. The first time, Shi De still had more strength, but this time , Shi De is at the end of his strength.

When his palms touched, Shi felt as if his palms were pushing against an iron wall. A strong force bounced back, making him unable to stand still. His chest felt tight, his throat felt sweet, and when he opened his mouth, a gust of blood gushed out. One meter away!
Afterwards, Shi De was like a small boat thrown to the top of the waves, flying more than two meters high, flying more than three meters away, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Brother Shi!" Quan You yelled, his eyes were red with pain, and he looked crazy, and rushed forward without saying a word.

"Master Shi!" Xiao Zuo no longer cared about his identity, took off his suit, and rushed forward to save Shi De.

Quan You and Xiao Zuo took a step, but Da Jian and Er Qiang moved.Er Qiang stopped in front of Xiao Zuo, and he stretched out his arms: "Dong Xiao, I'm sorry, I offended you." As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and hooked his leg, and threw Xiao Zuo to the ground.

Compared with the politeness of the second strongest, Da Jian was very arrogant, he punched Quanyou in the chest, and hit Quanyou's chest firmly, causing Quanyou to grunt and almost squatted on the ground without pain .

Even so, Quan You refused to admit defeat, gritted his teeth, and kicked Da Jian's leg, but it felt like kicking a tree, Da Jian didn't move at all, but he grinned in pain.

However, Quanyou has never been a character who admits defeat easily. If he had been, he would not have gone from a thug who suffered a complete defeat to where he is today, not to mention that he is willing to pay any price for Shide.

He was in a hurry, he knew that no matter what, he would not be Da Jian's opponent. After all, the opponent was a professional thug, and he was not even an amateur. But in the face of non-humans with well-developed limbs and simple minds, he can only fight desperately.

Taking a step back, Quan You found a piece of wood on the side of the road that was as thick as an arm, he immediately picked it up, swung his arm round, and hit Da Jian head-on.

Da Jian smiled contemptuously, and without hiding, he raised his arms to meet all the logs. With a sound of "bang", the wood hit Da Jian's arm, and sawdust splashed everywhere, making his wrists numb from the shock. When he loosened his hand, the wood flew out of his hand.

But Dajian was completely fine, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he twisted Quanyou's arm, and as soon as he exerted force, he lifted Quanyou up, like an eagle lifting a chick.

All of them were sweating in pain.

"Are you convinced?" Da Jian asked Quanyou with a wild smile, "If you agree, call Grandpa, and I'll let you go."

"Your uncle, I won't accept it." Quan You gritted his teeth, "Even if you die, I won't accept you as a bastard."

"Stubborn, isn't it?" Da Jian grinned grinningly and stepped up his strength, "Then let you taste the feeling that life is worse than death."

"I am very comfortable, I am not uncomfortable." Quanyou gritted his teeth in pain, but still refused to bow his head, "If you have the ability to kill me, if I die, you will still kill me. If you can't kill me , you wait, from now on, I'll be entangled with you, if I don't make you die, I won't have everything."

"You still dare to be stubborn? You have the guts." Da Jian was also frightened by Quanyou's strength. He stretched his hands and took off Quanyou's right arm. Although he was arrogant, he was not so arrogant to the point of murder.

All of them had their right arms removed and lost their ability to resist, but they still refused to let Dajian go. They picked up the wood with their left hands and went to hit Dajian again.The poor are afraid of being raped, the foolish are afraid of being stunned, and the stupefied are afraid of dying. Da Jian finally got scared, and while hiding from everything, he said: "Madman, fool... stay away from me, don't come here, don't come here again." I'll be rude to you if you come here...don't come here!"

Shi De was lying on the ground, seeing that Quanyou and Xiao Zuo were desperate for him, although he was in great pain and blood gushed out of his mouth, he still smiled gratifiedly, and when he smiled, a figure flashed in front of him, Tiannan had already bullied It's getting closer.

"I'm sorry, Shi De, I'm not bullying you, it's just that you are too annoying to others." As soon as Tian Nan finished speaking, he kicked Shi De's head. If you don't die, you will be seriously injured. Even if you don't die by chance, your luck will decline, at least for a year or so.

Shi De knew without guessing that behind Tiannan, there was probably a shadow of Shangkai.And he also believed that Tian Nan would not want his life, Tian Nan was asking for money, and he had no mortal hatred with him, so there was no need to commit a murder case.

It was impossible to escape, the main reason was that Shi exhausted all his strength, and it was difficult to turn over, not to mention rolling on the spot to avoid Tiannan's fatal blow, he sighed secretly, life has its ups and downs, it's normal, I don't know what kind of high flying he will get in exchange for his downfall this time?
"Brother Shi!" Quanyou was far away, another arm was removed, beyond his reach, he let out a long cry of sorrow, fell headfirst to the ground, unexpectedly got angry and passed out.

"Master Shi!" Xiao Zuo was furious, and rushed forward desperately. In desperation, he burst out with a potential that he could not even imagine, and threw the second strongest to the ground at once, but after all, they were too far away. It was too late to save Shi De, so he had to close his eyes in pain.


Xia Hua and the others sitting in the car saw that Shi De was covered in blood and was knocked down to the ground, and was about to be kicked by Tian Nan again. They were very anxious, but they were too far away. Even if they flew, they would fly. Don't go to save Shi De, besides, they all know that they have no ability to save Shi De, if they go, it will only add to the chaos.

Yue Qingying burst into tears, almost biting her lip.Xia Hua opened her eyes wide, furious.Biyou clasped her hands tightly, with a worried look on her face.Flowers tears flashing, worried.Among the few people, only Sheng Xia looked calm, watching everything that happened in the field indifferently.

However, if one observes carefully, the calmness of midsummer is like the frightening calmness before a volcanic eruption, containing the soaring anger that is about to surge out.

A few people had called the police just now, but due to the remote location, the police had not arrived yet.Now it seems that Shi De can't wait for the police to arrive.

Seeing that Tian Nan's flying leg was about to hit Shi De's head under the eyes of everyone, suddenly, there was a sharp and chilling whistle in the air, like a sharp weapon piercing the air because of its speed harsh sound.

A peaceful but deadly powerful aura locked onto Tian Nan. Tian Nan was like a light on his back. His intuition seemed as if someone was shooting at him from behind. How could he dare to continue to be violent to Shi De? He even calmly withdrew his right leg It was too late, because he sensed that the hidden weapon that aimed straight at his back was approaching within two meters.

so fast!Tian Nan broke out in a cold sweat in shock, who with such sharp techniques must be a peerless master he has never seen before.

With no time to think about it, let alone his image, Tian Nan jumped up on the spot and dodged hastily. Although he dodged in time, he was still a step too late, and his clothes on the back were cut by a hidden weapon.

And when he jumped up in the air, and when he landed again, his feet slipped and he didn't stand firmly, so he swayed and almost fell to the ground.Although he tried his best to stand still, being forced into such a mess by his opponent under one move made him both shocked and frightened.

Surprisingly, since his debut, he has never encountered such a powerful master. What is afraid is that the opponent will almost injure him with one move, and he does not know how unfathomable the opponent will be.

Taking a closer look, Tian Nan was even more surprised. He thought the opponent's hidden weapon to attack him would be some kind of sharp weapon, but it was just a finger-sized branch.It was this finger-sized branch that actually scratched his clothes, and made him almost make a fool of himself on the spot. What's more, the sharp sound made by the branch when it cut through the air was sharp and exaggerated, indicating that this person's wrist strength reached A very astonishing strength.

Tiannan Station fixed his figure and took a closer look. There was a person standing not far away. The person was only in his early 30s. He was dressed in casual clothes and cloth shoes. He was still holding a pair of antique walnuts in his hand. , at the next stop, there was a faint smile on his peaceful and calm face, not like a master with unique skills, but like a calm and composed literati.

"Who are you?" Tian Nan was stunned for a moment, his heart turned into anger from embarrassment, "No matter who you are, I will give you a word - mind your own business and eat ass!"

"Who am I? It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I have a few words for you." The visitor calmed down and smiled lightly, "Buddhism and Taoism pay attention to observing the precepts, and Christianity also follows the Ten Commandments. What is the precept? It is integrity, a standard of character and behavior. A person must have a foothold in the world. In modern terms, he must first establish his own outlook on life and know what he wants to do. Tiannan , you are too small in life, you think about taking advantage of it everywhere, but you don’t know the truth, the more you get the better, the more you get more and more. If you are willing to give up, the more you give up, the more you will get more.”

Seeing that the visitor came up to explain a big truth, Tian Nan sneered: "It's not your turn to teach me." After finishing speaking, he turned his palm into a fist, bullied himself forward, and punched the visitor in the chest.

The visitor chuckled, walked away, and continued: "People are social animals. Anyone who wants to succeed cannot do without the help and assistance of others. If a person wants to make a career, good social relations and interpersonal relationships Resources are very important. You can have no money, but you can’t be without credit. You can be short of money, but you can’t be wicked. Friends can accept your poverty, but they can’t forgive you for being cunning. Everyone helps you, Only you can do things well. If you always want to take advantage of others, your friends don’t care about you, and stay away from you. You need help, everyone looks at you coldly, and you are in trouble, and everyone stands by. At this time, you feel that the world is cold and cold. What's the use? It's not that the world is cold, it's you that makes everyone's hearts cold. The sad thing is that you don't know it yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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