Fortune Teller.

Chapter 45: Ruzi Can Teach

Chapter 45: Ruzi Can Teach

Shi De lightly stretched his right arm, like a Dapeng spreading his wings, with an elegant and calm posture, starting from the waist, spreading the force through the shoulder to the right arm, and then from the right arm to the right fist. The fist hit Jiang Long's back firmly.

There was a muffled "bang" sound, which was not loud and dull, like hitting a quilt.But those who really know how to do it know that the muffled sound is more powerful than the crisp sound.

Don't look at Shi De's fist is not big, and there is no action like a hungry tiger slamming into food, just like lightly knocking on the back of Guo Jianglong, it is soft and has no strength. Compared to Jiang Long, Shi was too skinny, and he was not an opponent of the same level at all.Even if Shi De hit Guo Jianglong, it would be a waste of time. For the rough-skinned Guo Jianglong, Shi De's small fist was no different from tickling.

However, an unbelievable scene appeared - after Guo Jianglong was hit, his body that had been standing up straight bent down, with a painful expression on his face, and his body was still trying to keep his balance, and he only persisted for a while. In an instant, as if being kicked away, he suddenly threw himself forward, and no longer stood firm, and fell to the ground in one fell swoop.

Ah... everyone is stunned, isn't it, Shi De's little fist can have such great strength?
There were also two bald men who had followed Jiang Long. When the two saw Jiang Long collapse, they were furious and rushed towards Shi De.

Shi De was in a hurry, took a step back, shook his body to the left, and punched the bald head on the left.The bald head on the left hurriedly flashed to the right. Unexpectedly, the punch was a false move. With a shake, the fist was withdrawn, and the left foot flew just right, hitting the knee of the left leg of the bald head on the right.

There are countless acupuncture points on the human body, and there are also countless weak parts.The essence of Taijiquan lies not only in leveraging force, but also in that it can attack the weakest part of the human body with a very small range of movements and strength, so as to achieve unexpected results and the beauty of pulling a thousand pieces of gold.

His right bald head was running in a hurry. He didn't expect Shi De to kick his knee. When he hit the kick, his left leg just fell to the ground and was about to bounce hard. The arrow still hurts!As the power leg of the left leg was unloaded, the center of gravity of the body was skewed, and the whole person was like a sack out of control, and fell out diagonally.

Because he was too close to Shi, when he fell, his right bald head grabbed something with both hands, but he didn't catch anything, but Shi was unable to dodge, and his right hand was broken by him.

In the end, he still had too little actual combat experience. The three little thugs made him break his right hand. Shi De laughed at himself, but his heart was even more angry. The fists came out in unison, hitting the shoulders of the left bald head.

This time, I used all my strength, and I also used the momentum of flying. I just heard the left bald head groan, and his body was beaten upside down and flew out, flying three meters away, smashing a table and several The chair just stopped, and he couldn't get up immediately.

There was silence in a bowl of incense, and everyone was stunned, shocked by what happened in front of them!
Was the person just now really Shi De?The handsome figure who just punched a person three meters away was really thin and weak Shi De?Everyone can't believe their eyes!

Under the shocked eyes of Shi De, Shi Shiran stepped forward to Guo Jianglong, stepped on Guo Jianglong's right hand, and said word by word, "I don't care who you are instructed by, or who you are. Lu, on the ground of Shancheng, I want to make a bowl of incense, and I want to threaten Bi You, you are blind! Next time, I guarantee you can't walk out of the door of a bowl of incense!"

Guo Jianglong was willing to admit defeat, but he still insisted: "Shi De, wait, I will make you stand alone in a single city... ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, he exerted force on his feet, causing Jiang Long to scream in pain.After he met Guo Jianglong, he never reported his name at all. Guo Jianglong called out his name when he opened his mouth. It can be seen that the reason behind Guo Jianglong's trouble with a bowl of incense is not simply charging protection fees, but someone Dissatisfied with his upward momentum, he wanted to weaken his fortune by sidetracking.

Who this person is, Shi De does not need to think about it.

The scene of Shi De's brave and brave drinking to Guo Jianglong in a cold voice was seen by Bi You who pushed in the door.Every woman longs for a Prince Charming, and every woman will have a Prince Charming, but Prince Charming appears in different ways. Some people drive famous cars, some hold flowers, some people ride bicycles, and so on. The moment when it will leave the deepest traces in a woman's heart is the scene where she believes that Prince Charming appears.

The scene where Shi De stepped on Guo Jianglong's palm and reprimanded Guo Jianglong took root in Biyou's heart in an instant, and it was engraved into eternity.Years later, when she recalled the scene in front of her again, her heart was still full of deep warmth.

Biyou hurried back after receiving the call from Su Zhenzhen. She hurried to Guo Jianglong and said with contempt, "Guo Jianglong, you won't be so poor as to have a bowl of incense sticks. I dare to knock, are you hungry or crazy? If you are short of money, say something, a bowl of incense will send a lot of money to beggars every year. As long as you speak well, you will have a good reception. Didn't you eat something indigestible? Director Liu will be here in a while, do you want to go by yourself, or let Director Liu send you off?"

Director Liu is the director of the police station in his jurisdiction, Liu Baisha, who has always taken good care of a bowl of incense.A bowl of incense has been open for many years, and the relationship that should have been cleared up a lot, and Bi You is not free, she has something special.

"Sister Biyou, misunderstanding, misunderstanding." Guo Jianglong got up from the ground, gave Shi De a vicious look, turned his head and smiled again, "Brother Shi and I were wrestling our arms and accidentally overturned a few pieces. A table, sorry, let's not set an example."

"Don't hurry up, do you still want me to give you some medicine?" Bi You was very imposing.

"No, no." Guo Jianglong wasn't afraid of Bi You, but he didn't want Liu Baisha to get into the house.Although Liu Baisha had friendship with him, but he committed a crime and was brought in, and he had to be filial and filial to get out.

No one wants to spend a lot of money. Today is a bad luck. I didn't expect Shi De to have two strokes. How come no one reminded him beforehand?No, you have to find the owner to settle the account.

"The green hills will not change, the green water will flow forever, Brother Shi, I will write down this account first..." Guo Jianglong also wanted to get some face back, but he was scolded by Shi De halfway through his words.


Guo Jianglong didn't dare to be hard-hearted, and hurriedly ran away.

After this battle, in the eyes of all the staff of Yiwanxiang, Shi Deyi immediately rose from the previous level of eating and drinking to the height of worship, especially when Su Cherish looked at Shi Deshi again, enthusiastic and unrestrained.

Not long after, Master He also arrived.

In the small courtyard of Peach Blossom Residence, Shi De was calm, and the purple clay pot in his hand flew over.As soon as the tea is put into the cup, the aroma is overflowing, mixed with the fragrance of flowers, making the small courtyard full of a leisurely and calm life atmosphere.

Master He took a sip of tea, nodded slightly, and applauded in his heart. Although he owed a little time to the fire, Shi De was able to calm down in a short period of time after a fierce battle, and even brew a pot. A good tea that is only three minutes away from the heat, this state of mind and energy-raising skills are much higher than that of him back then.

Children can be taught.

"Master He, could it be Bi Wentian?" Bi You couldn't help but finally asked.Bi Wentian had been away from Shancheng for more than a month. He had just returned to Shancheng when such a thing happened. He couldn't help but suspect that it was Bi Wentian who acted in the dark. Besides, Master He also said that Shi De accidentally destroyed Bi Wentian's good deeds. .

There is a lot of turmoil in the municipal party committee, but the dust has not yet settled, but listening to Li Sanjiang's tone, it should be that the overall situation has been settled, and there is no room for manoeuvre, then Bi Wentian, in a rage, will borrow money from a bowl of incense. Get out of breath, and it makes sense.

"It won't be Bi Wentian, it should be one of Mu Jinnian or Hua Liunian." Master He didn't answer, but Shi De took over, "This trivial matter is not worth Bi Wentian's action, let alone even Bi Wen. If God wants to take action against me, it will not do this. From the point of view of the technique, most of it is the handwriting of Hua Liunian. "

Lord He didn't speak, and was noncommittal about Shi De's analysis.

Bi You thought for a while, but was still puzzled: "Why not Mu Jinnian?"

Shi De smiled: "Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian have different personalities. If it was him, it would be a secret arrow, not a clear spear. If Mu Jinnian is a hypocrite, then Hua Liunian is a real villain."

"But, she's a woman, how could she come up with such a violent method?" Bi You looked confused when she asked the question, and she was really cute.

"Women can't be violent?" Shi De wanted to play Biyou again, but fortunately he endured it and didn't make a move, and said, "Hua Liunian's character is simple and direct, so she would do this. If I didn't If she guessed wrong, she did such a stupid thing under Bi Wentian's suggestion and Mu Jinnian's instigation... Wait for me to call and ask her."

"Don't be stupid, ask her, will she admit it?" Bi You rolled her eyes at Shi De, "Sometimes you're smart, and sometimes you're cute and silly."

"When a fake is real, it is also fake, and when it is fake, it is also real. Sometimes smart is confused, sometimes confused and smart." After Shi De said something like a tongue twister, he smiled and took out the phone and dialed Number.

Phone, just dial.

"Brother Shi, why did you remember to call me? It's a rare visitor." Hua Liunian's exaggerated and surprising voice penetrated the microphone and became especially loud, making He Ye and Bi You on the side hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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