Fortune Teller.

Chapter 452

Chapter 452
Ma Feiyan will definitely not end well, and Shi De is convinced of this, but sometimes when the time is not up, the villain will continue to do evil for a while, now Shi De doesn't care about Ma Feiyan's life, he just wants to find out the cause of Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi's death , and the death of Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi, what adverse impact will it have on the situation.

"I suspect that Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi committed suicide!" After Fang Mu checked carefully, he suddenly said something surprising.

"Homicide? Is there any evidence to prove that it was homicide?" Gao Yuan Fang Mu was already dissatisfied when he broke in. Seeing that Fang Mu was an acquaintance of Shi De, he couldn't say anything more, but he heard Fang Mu talking nonsense, and couldn't help but sneer, " According to my preliminary judgment based on my many years of experience in handling cases, the two committed suicide."

"Suicide? What's the reason? Two men committed suicide together, did they die for love or for their country?" Fang Mu gave Gao Yuan a cold look.

"It was indeed a homicide." Shi De finally discovered the clue, he squatted behind the car, pointed to the exhaust pipe and said, "Look, there is a scratch here, it is obvious that something was stuffed in it, and someone took it out later gone……"

Gao Yuan bent down and saw that it was indeed so, and his heart skipped a beat: "What does this mean?"

"Explained..." Shi De got up and came to the front of the car window, looked around the four car windows one by one, and finally stopped on the left rear car window, "Look, there is also a trace here."

There is a trace of pressing on the upper part of the sealing strip of the car window, and it is obvious that something has been squeezed.

"What exactly does it mean?" Gao Yuan became even more puzzled.

"It shows that someone intentionally created the scene where Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi committed suicide. In fact, he used a pipe to guide the exhaust gas from the exhaust pipe into the car, and killed Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi with the exhaust gas of the car." Shi De now basically After reaching a conclusion, he glanced around, "No accident, within a radius of tens of meters around the car, you will find the pipe that killed Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi."

Gao Yuan dubiously called a few policemen and ordered them to expand the search area by more than ten meters.After a while, someone really found a rubber hose.

"Sure enough, it was a homicide." After comparing, the traces on the rubber pipe corresponded to the traces in the exhaust pipe. Only now did Gao Yuan believe in Shi Degao's vision, and he couldn't help but take a look at Shi Degao, "Brother Shi, you are too powerful , I have more eyesight than my old criminal policeman who has been around for many years."

Eyesight is a necessary basic skill for a physiognomist or fortune teller. If you don't have eyesight, you won't be where you are today.

"Who killed Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi, Captain Gao, depends on your ability." Shi De smiled lightly, then turned to ask Fang Mu, "Fang Mu, do you have a clue?"

Fang Mu didn't speak, but looked around the crowd. Suddenly, her eyes fell on a person, and she gently pulled Shi De's arm: "There is an acquaintance in the crowd looking around, take a closer look at his face."

"Acquaintance?" Shi De took a closer look and recognized that the acquaintance Fang Mu mentioned was BMW Zhang.Baomazhang stood among the crowd, pretending to be a troublemaker, and kept looking around, as if he wanted to discover some secret.

Why did BMW Zhang come to watch the fun?No, Shi De's gaze focused on Baba Zhang's pattern, and he saw that in the halo around Bao Bao Zhang's body, besides a layer of gray, there was also a faint layer of black aura.

Is BMW Zhang going to be in trouble?Shi De was taken aback, and after a closer look, Bauma Zhang's fortune had dropped to an extremely low level, like a precipitous drop.This illustrates a problem, what kind of outrageous things did Baobai Zhang do.

Ordinarily speaking, based on the current situation of BMW Zhang, although his son is disabled and the credit group is stuck, everything is not going well, but he has not yet reached the end of his life. If he operates properly, he may have a chance to make a comeback.But all of a sudden, the fate was a huge defeat, so there is no doubt that BMW Zhang did bad things ignorant of current affairs.

And it's a big bad thing.

When a person's fortune is low, doing good deeds and accumulating merit is the best policy. It is most taboo to repent and add to the mistakes, which will make the fortune that has already fallen to the bottom worse.

Could it be that the murderer was BMW Zhang?Shi De's heart skipped a beat, and a plan jumped into his mind, and he immediately shouted: "The murderer is in the crowd, don't run, it's you who is talking about it."

BMW Zhang was hiding in the crowd to watch the fun. He didn't see Shi De and Fang Mu at first. When Fang Mu noticed him, he also found Fang Mu. When he was hesitating whether to leave, Shi De suddenly became angry. When he yelled, he was frightened for a moment, thinking that he had really shown his feet, and immediately ran away without thinking too much.

As he walked, the police moved.Without waiting for Gao Yuan's order, at least four or five criminal policemen swooped in.Although Baobai Zhang was called Baobai Zhang, he ran far less fast than Baobai. He was thrown to the ground by a criminal policeman after only a few steps.

He was not willing to be caught without a fight, and wanted to resist, so he moved a few times, the cold muzzle of the gun was pressed against his head, and a colder voice sounded: "Don't move!"

BMW Zhang didn't dare to move anymore, just kidding, my life is important.

After Bao Baozhang was caught, Bao Baozhang still insisted on refusing to admit it.Later, after fingerprint identification, the fingerprint on the rubber tube was his fingerprint, and his psychological defense finally collapsed, and he explained exactly how he killed Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi.

It turned out that after receiving Niu Tianzi's provocation, Yu Shuai was so angry that he ran all the way from the capital to Shimen, and then came to the Anping Bridge agreed with Niu Tianzi without stopping.He thought that he would fight Niu Tianzi as soon as he met, but after seeing Niu Tianzi, he found that Niu Tianzi was much gentler and calmer than he imagined.

"Come on, Yu Shuai, let's have a chat first." Niu Tianzi didn't drive, but came in BMW Zhang's BMW. BMW Zhang as a witness.

Yu Shuai did not get into BMW Zhang's car, but asked Niu Tianzi to get into his car.

"What's the matter, Niu Tianzi, you invited me here to fight a duel, not to negotiate." Yu Shuai looked down on Niu Tianzi in a condescending manner while sitting in the driver's seat with a condescending disdain.

"Before the duel, let's have a chat." Niu Tianzi had a good temper, he chuckled, "One is to clarify the rules of the game, and the other is to set a bet. I am willing to accept the bet and don't regret it when the time comes."

"Isn't the bet already set? Whoever loses will give up Ma Feiyan voluntarily?" Yu Shuai was confused by Niu Tianzi.

"Yes, yes, the bet is Feiyan, but how to bet hasn't been decided yet?" Niu Tianzi smiled easily, "I thought of a good way, I wonder if you would like to try it? Let's fight, It's too rough, and it's easy to attract the police. Let's scold each other, and it's an insult to politeness."

"any solution?"

"Use a pipe to discharge the exhaust gas of the car into the car, and see who persists the longest, and whoever is the final winner, how about it?" Niu Tianzi is very grateful that BMW Zhang taught him such a good method, which can be achieved very quickly. Compete gracefully.

If it was normal, Yu Shuai might have thought about it a little more, but now he was angry, and he agreed without thinking: "Okay, no problem."

"I asked Uncle Zhang to help, do you have any objections?" Niu Tianzi saw that Yu Shuai agreed happily, and secretly admired Yu Shuai for being straightforward, but he thought that Yu Shuai was just a dog-skin plaster who stalked Ma Feiyan.

"Uncle Zhang? Baomazhang? No objection." Yu Shuai also knew Babazhang, and he believed that Babazhang would help out of public interest and would not be partial to Niu Tianzi.After all, compared with Niu Tianzi, who is already gone, he has more future and prospects, and BMW Zhang will not offend him for Niu Tianzi.

Afterwards, BMW Zhang showed up, and he briefly explained a few precautions, and then used a rubber hose to connect the compartment and the exhaust pipe. After starting the car, he sat in his car and stood by.

It was already night, there were few pedestrians around, and the Anping Bridge was an inaccessible place. In addition, there were several large pillars blocking the view, and many cars passed by without noticing the parking lot under the bridge. A car with the ignition on was parked.

Even Yang Hao, the parking lot manager, didn't notice anything unusual. He missed the woman at home and went home early from get off work.

BMW Zhang stayed in the car for an hour before returning to the scene. When he found that Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi were no longer breathing, he turned off the engine again, got the rubber hose, and drove away from the scene calmly.

As for why Baomazhang killed Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi, after repeated interrogation, Gao Yuan could not be convinced by Baobaizhang's reason—"Kill Niu Tianzi and Yu Shuai, and their good luck will be transferred to me..."

Gao Yuan couldn't accept such a foolish theory anyway, but no matter how much he asked, BMW Zhang always gave the same answer.Anyway, the evidence is solid, the person was indeed killed by BMW Zhang, and it doesn't matter what the motive was.

"What? Baomazhang killed Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi? The case has been closed?" By the time the news of Baomazhang's accident was learned, the case had been settled, and Baomazhang had been prosecuted by the procuratorate. That is to say, any behind-the-scenes efforts It was too late, Shang Kai was so angry that he dropped the phone, "Why are you a big fool, okay, why did you kill someone?"

"Who knows?" Mu Jinnian shook his head helplessly, "Maybe BMW Zhang just couldn't think about it for a while, or maybe his brain was short-circuited, who cares about him? Let him go, anyway, he is of little use to us Unfortunately, Niu Tianzi died, and the plan to use Ma Feiyan to deal with Quanyou to contain Shi De fell through."

"It's really bad luck." Shang Kai slammed his fist on the table, causing a teacup to fall and shatter. Shuai and Niu Tianzi died again, not only did they die, but they were also dragged into BMW Zhang. How did this happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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