Fortune Teller.

Chapter 461

Chapter 461

"Daughter, Dad misses you so much, I'm afraid you're gone..." Huang Zixuan burst into tears, and he no longer had the prestige of a high-ranking official, just like an ordinary old man, wantonly flowing his emotions.

Shi De also shed tears of sympathy and relief, but he knew that he was no longer fit to be a light bulb at this time, so he quietly left the room and went outside.Others have not seen each other for a long time, and even Biyou's parents have contacted Biyou, only he is still alone now, and there is no whereabouts of his biological parents.

Looking up at the starry sky, under the pollution of city lights, the stars in the night sky are almost invisible.Shi De took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. It seemed that in a blink of an eye, many things had been revealed one after another, indicating that his affairs were coming soon.

It was a good thing that Huang Zixuan's father and daughter got to know each other, and he lived up to Huang Zixuan's trust, fulfilling Huang Zixuan's dream of finding his own daughter.I don't know how much happiness will be brought to Huang Zixuan when father and daughter recognize each other?

Of course, Shi De didn't know that Xi Tiantian's adoptive father was a very powerful person. Later, under Xi Tiantian's introduction, he met Huang Zixuan. After the meeting, he had a good impression of Huang Zixuan.Because of Huang Zixuan's fairness and ability, coupled with Xi Tiantian's reasons, he secretly helped Huang Zixuan, and finally made Huang Zixuan reach the high position of deputy national level.

Because of this incident, Huang Zixuan has been grateful to Shi De all his life!

Suddenly, just as Shi was thinking wildly, the phone rang.When I looked at the call, it turned out to be all there.Quanyou called at such a late hour, there must be something important.Thinking of Ma Feiyan's attempt to run away, he quickly answered the phone.

"Brother Shi, one bad news and one good news, which one do you want to hear first?" Quan You came up and posed a difficult problem for Shi De, "Beforehand, good news is not very good, and bad news is definitely bad. You have to be mentally prepared. Prepare."

Quan You has always had a joking personality, and it was rare for Shi De to be taken aback when something was so serious: "Let's hear the good news first, and live the good days first."

"It's not your character to live the good life first, you always like to solve the difficulties first, well, since you said it, let's tell the good news first." Quanyou laughed, "The good news is that I found Ma Feiyan, Ma Feiyan also admitted that she was going to run away, but it wasn't for taking money, but for other reasons."

"what reason?"

"This reason is bad news..." Quanyou suddenly sighed, "Brother, you have to be mentally prepared, this news may cause you discomfort..."

"Say it quickly, don't hesitate, it's not decent." Shi De scolded with a smile.

"Okay." Quan You seemed to have made up his mind, "At first Ma Feiyan pretended that Zhuo Fan and Zhuo Da had already got in touch, and Zhuo Da didn't doubt her real identity, so she tricked Zhuo Da's words little by little. Asked about the whereabouts of nearly 20 billion funds transferred by the Zhuo Group’s illegal fundraising. What surprised her was that the illegal fundraising funds were indeed transferred abroad, but after being transferred abroad, they were transferred back to China..."

"What? Why did you transfer it back?" Shi De was taken aback. Once the funds are transferred abroad, judging by the current international situation, they are basically safe and will not be seized by the state again. Zhuo Da is not stupid, how could he transfer them again? came back?What is wrong?

"That's right, Ma Feiyan realized that she was one step late, no, it was several steps late, as early as a few months ago, the funds were no longer in Zhuo Da's hands, that is to say, Zhuo Da is now abroad, close to the end of his life It's gone." Quan said puzzledly, "Zoda has been shrewd all his life, but in the end he was tricked, why bother?"

"Schemed by who?" Shi De couldn't help getting angry when he saw that Quanyou went around and didn't get to the point, "Quanyou, what's the matter with you?"

"Don't worry, don't worry, listen to me slowly, brother." Quan You had no choice but to comfort Shi De, "After Ma Feiyan learned that the funds had been transferred to China, driven by greed, she still wanted to snatch food from others. Stealing funds. Unexpectedly, she just made a move, and the other party sensed her intentions and gave her a serious warning. She was so scared that she didn't dare to have any thoughts anymore. She just wanted to go abroad and run as far as possible. Ma Feiyan struggled all her life, and finally met someone she shouldn't dare to touch, and knew that the reason why she went smoothly in the past was because she didn't meet a hard role."

"First, her car was smashed, and then the car had just been repaired, and the brakes failed again halfway. It hit a utility pole and almost killed her. Later, when she was going upstairs, the elevator suddenly failed. From the 10th floor Falling to the second floor, she almost fell to her death again. She finally knew that she was afraid and offended someone she couldn't afford, so she was going to pack up her things and leave quickly. Just when she had made all the preparations, I appeared in front of her in time and comforted her young and injured heart."

"Brother, who do you think Zhuoda transferred the funds to? I didn't believe what Ma Feiyan said at first, but later she produced a lot of relevant evidence, including the flow of funds and the person who handled them, and so on. Not to mention, she really has Some skills actually let her follow the clues and found a series of clues, all of which point to a person..." Quanyou paused for a moment, and said word by word, "It is a person that I can't imagine no matter what. People—He Zitian!"

In fact, as early as when Quan You hesitated to tell the truth, Shi De probably guessed that the person behind the scenes would be a person he could not accept. Besides He Ye, who else had such extraordinary ability and made him unable to accept it? Accept it?

Although he had been mentally prepared, when he heard Quanyou name He Zitian, he still heard a broken sound in his heart, as if the most precious thing in his life was broken, and once broken, he would be broken again. Shattered beyond recovery.

How could this be?
Why is it Master He again?
Is Master He really not the perfect man in his mind?Could it be that Lord He is really a treacherous and loyal deceitful person?

Shi De was speechless for a long time, and didn't know what to say. He just felt that everything was so far away and mysterious, so far away that he couldn't touch it.

"Brother, don't think about it too much. Maybe the information Ma Feiyan found is not true, maybe He Ye is just for the sake of planning. No one knows what the truth is until the last moment, so I don't think you need to pay too much attention to it." Knowing that Shi Shi is uncomfortable, he comforts Shi De.

"Where is Ma Feiyan now?" Shi De suddenly realized a very serious problem. If there is, it is not unreasonable. Under the impact of a series of events, the image of Master He as supreme in his mind is already on the verge of collapse. She was no longer as tall and holy as before, so she thought about Ma Feiyan's safety and danger, "Since you can find Ma Feiyan, so can others. It's fine if Ma Feiyan doesn't get in touch with others. It will be thought that she will reveal everything she knows, no, everything, Ma Feiyan is in danger."

Quanyou smiled disapprovingly and said, "Ma Feiyan is a cat, and cats have nine lives, so she can't die. Besides, she has been tossing for so many years, how many times she saw her about to fall, but she still miraculously survived, so I Never worry about her, she can always turn bad luck into good luck."

"It's different this time." Shi De thought of the deaths of Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi, and his heart skipped a beat, "No, it's all there, you tell Ma Feiyan right away and let her go abroad now. No, it's too late, let her leave now Where to live, go to the most common and humble hotel first, preferably a guest house for several people..."

"Okay." Quanyou listened to Shi De's tone, knowing the seriousness of the situation, immediately hung up Shi De's phone and dialed Ma Feiyan's cell phone.

Shut down.

He had just come out of Ma Feiyan's house, and with Ma Feiyan's 24-hour personality, he rarely turned off the computer.Quanyou was also in a hurry, and hurried back the same way.

Half an hour later, he rushed to Ma Feiyan's residence and knocked on the door, but no one answered.Knock again, which alarmed the neighbor next door. The neighbor poked his head out: "It's late at night, don't knock. She has been out for half an hour. She packed a lot of bags when she left, and she probably won't come back."

All went downstairs, looking around in a daze, not knowing where to start.In the huge capital city, Ma Feiyan has too many places to go, trying to find her is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

After a long time, Quan You remembered to call Shi De back. Just as he took out his cell phone, it rang and it was a text message.

"It's all there. I was in a car accident and I'm in the 301 hospital..."

It's Ma Feiyan's mobile phone number.

car accident?Quanyou's heart skipped a beat, and he drove straight to the hospital without caring about anything else.When I was about to enter the hospital, my phone rang.Seeing that it was Shi De calling, he quickly answered the call.

"What's the matter?" Shi De waited for a long time but didn't get a call back, so he knew that something was wrong, so he hurriedly called to find out.

After Quanyou explained the situation, he was already parked in the parking lot of the hospital and was about to get out of the car when Shi De suddenly yelled: "You've been fooled, hurry up and don't stay in the hospital!"

Quan Yi never doubted Shi De's words, he immediately started the car, turned around and left.Just as the car backed out of the parking space, a loud bang was heard suddenly, and a billboard weighing one ton upstairs suddenly fell down, landing on the spot where Quanyou had just parked.

He just punched a big hole in the ground.

Quan You suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. If he was still in the same place, he would be crushed to death on the spot, regardless of the people in the car.It's dangerous, life is hanging by a thread.

So far, Quan Youcai realized the horror of a transporter, who really kills people invisible.If he was crushed to death, maybe it was just a conclusion that he died by accident in the end, wouldn't his death be in vain?
Quanyou is very clear that the fall of the billboard is not an accident, because there is no accident that is so coincidental.That being said, the other party would not let him go, and Ma Feiyan would have no chance of surviving.Thinking about it this way, he didn't know whether it was anger or helplessness in his heart. He immediately stepped on the accelerator, the car roared suddenly, and then went straight to the highway.

(End of this chapter)

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