Fortune Teller.

Chapter 470

Chapter 470
"Where did I not win?" He Zitian clapped the table and stood up, "How do you know how grand my layout is? How do you know that I won't win?"

"I just know." Bi Wentian smiled lightly, stretched out his phone and dialed a number, "Report the latest battle report."

"Okay." A snappy voice came from the microphone, "One week ago, we acquired 20.00% of Gu's Group shares. Five days ago, we acquired 30.00% of He's Holdings. Three days ago, we established United Pure Holdings Co., Ltd." The company has 15 holding and joint stock companies, including..."

A long list follows.

Every time he read a list, He Zitian's face became a little dignified. After reading it, his face was as gloomy as water, terrifying and scary.

"Impossible!" He Zitian glanced at Bi Wentian, "How do you know all my hidden forces? Bi Wentian, you are so despicable and shameless!"

"Hahaha!" Bi Wentian laughed, "20 years of work, 20 years of planning, in the end, made wedding clothes for others, He Zitian, what do you think?"

He Zitian was trembling all over, pointing one hand at Bi Wentian's nose, unable to say a word for a long time.

After a while, he turned around and looked directly at Shi De: "Shi De, Bi Wentian, did you get involved?"

Shi shook his head.

"Is there you?" He Zitian asked He Fangyuan again, he was almost outraged, his layout for more than 20 years, everything he had arranged in secret, was swept away by Bi Wentian, why didn't he feel heartbroken?He thought he was the last winner, but unexpectedly, he was the biggest loser.

The problem is, even Shi De doesn't know the wiring of his layout, how could Bi Wentian know?Unless He Fangyuan revealed his plan to Bi Wentian.

He Zitian was betrayed by his own son, and He Zitian was in deep pain.

"No." He Fangyuan shook his head, "Although I disapprove of what you have done, it hasn't gotten to the point of ruining your affairs."

"Then why did Bi Wentian ruin my layout? How could he know my layout? My efforts for more than 20 years!" He Zitian almost lost control.

That's right, the companies that Bi Wentian acquired or indirectly acquired were all the sites that He Zitian had secretly operated for more than 20 years. Originally, He Zitian wanted to use the power of Shi De to complete his grand blueprint after Shi De's success. He vaguely felt that Shi De was likely to lose control, so he changed his strategy, no longer relying on Shi De's power, but relying on his own influence to achieve the goal of dominating the world.

Unexpectedly, when everything was ready and only owed to Dongfeng, a big accident suddenly happened, and Shi De betrayed him!
Although He Zitian said it lightly on the surface, in fact, the resentment in his heart is hard to calm down. Shi De is the most crucial link in all his arrangements. Everything he has done for more than 20 years has been developed around Shi De.In all fairness, Shi De is not only a test product for him to verify his theory of numerology, but also his secret killer weapon in the world.He is very clear that after Shi De's fate is forcibly rewritten by him, he can use Shi De's powerful fortune to make him invincible on the road to acquisition, and also allow him to hide behind the scenes calmly, and use Shi De behind the scenes to realize his dream. grand blueprint.

It should be said that Shi De's experiment has verified some of his arguments on numerology, and fully proved that if a person wants to change his life successfully, he must not only start from a young age, but also start from changing the entire family structure.

Shi De and Bi You lost the care of their biological parents when they were young, and the other was abandoned by their biological parents. Both of them were forced to change their original life trajectories, which was equivalent to breaking the cage, and the world of life became infinitely broad. Offers countless possibilities for success.Coupled with the indomitable genes in Shi De and Bi You's characters, in the end, under his careful operation, Shi De and Bi You succeeded in changing their lives!

And it was a huge success.

But who would have thought that when he saw that his plan of more than 20 years was about to win in an all-round way, there were unexpected incidents. Shi De did not follow his arrangement, and accidentally married Xia Hua in advance, making him want to use Shi De's marriage to restrain Du Qingxun and Bi Wen Tian's plan failed, and what made him even more unexpected was how Bi Wentian could figure out his layout for more than 20 years, and he could secretly annex them one by one.

"Bi Wentian!" He Zitian looked directly into Bi Wentian's eyes, "How did you catch my train of thought?"

"It's very simple." Bi Wentian's triumphant smile appeared on his face, "If you want people to know nothing, you can't do anything unless you use the life of Shi De and Bi You as your test tools, you are going against the sky. The funny thing is that you still think that you follow the way of heaven, and the way of heaven never does anything good. Since Shi De and Bi You are your fulcrum, start with Shi De and Bi You to find any clues about your layout, but It's a matter of course. From the Bitian Group behind Biyou, to the Zhuo Group, the Jia Group, and the death of Shi De's stepmother Wan Xiaohong, etc., there are traces behind everything that can be followed. , especially at the end, you can't wait to make a big fuss about Shi De's marriage in order to delay the return of Shi Wei and Zuo Yan, because your layout is still one last link..."

"This link is the 20 billion funds transferred abroad by Zhuo's Group and the truth of Wan Xiaohong's death, Zhuoda's funds, although you succeeded in the end, but it took a life - Ma Feiyan. Wan Xiaohong Death, you think you have done it flawlessly, but you don’t know that the sky net is extensive and not leaking, no matter how clever you are, and no matter how clever you are, it’s just in vain.” Du Qingxun took Bi Wentian’s words and smiled confidently at He Zitian. , "The funds transferred by Zhuo's Group to China were found out by Yuan Yuan and Fang Mu. The death of Wan Xiaohong was also found out by Gao Yuan. Yuan Yuan and Fang Mu, this is your marriage stunt. The ultimate move used to interfere with Shi De's fortune was unfortunately broken by Shi De. Shi De and Xia Hua got married. Because of Xia Hua's bottomless help, Shi De's fortune quickly rose to an unparalleled level. You are also not sure of suppressing Shi De's fortune. Moreover, as soon as Shi De and Xia Hua got married, they cracked the overall situation you carefully designed. It was a week after Shi De decided to marry Xia Hua, and Wen Tian and I were like divine help. , With the momentum of breaking the bamboo, it broke your situation of more than 20 years."

"Man is not as good as God, Dad, you are too smart to do your calculations, you should admit defeat." He Fangyuan shook his head and sighed. He Zitian's progress today is not only the result of his extremely inflated confidence, but also the result of his uncontrollable greed.

"I can't lose, how can I lose?" He Zitian pushed He Fangyuan away and rushed out, "I still have a chance, I can make a comeback, how could I lose to Du Qingxuan and Bi Wentian, how could I lose For Shi De? I..."

"Master He, you didn't lose to Du Qingxuan and Bi Wentian, nor did you lose to me, you lost to yourself." Shi Dejian, who has always been calm, finally panicked, his eyes dodged and his thoughts were confused. There is a deep sadness in my heart, people are always inflating themselves, and when they inflate to a certain extent, they will explode like a balloon.

Balloons are not lost to external forces, but to inner desires.

He Zitian pushed Shi De hard: "You ungrateful villain, if it wasn't for me, you would be dead now."

"If it weren't for you, Lord He, I might now be living a peaceful and contented life under the protection of my parents." Shi De said lightly. Although he has succeeded now, if he could start all over again, he would rather not choose this one. Experience the ups and downs of the world's joys and sorrows.

After all, the past years will never come again, and the warm childhood and parents' love he wanted will never be reappeared.

"Hmph, it's really worthless. I'd rather be a mediocre little person than be a big man with all the power? You people really have no vision. You just want to live a plain life, and don't want to live a vigorous life." He Zitian laughed, laughing. After that, separate the people and leave.

Unexpectedly, when he reached the door, he was stopped.

It's two policemen.

"Excuse me, are you He Zitian?" The leader was Gao Gao.

"I'm He Zitian." He Zitian was blocked from his way, he was upset, and he reached out and pushed the plateau away.

Gao Gao grabbed He Zitian as soon as he reached out his hand: "You are suspected of murder, please come with us."

"I didn't kill anyone, you have no evidence!" He Zitian wanted to resist, but was taken down by two policemen behind Gao Gao.

"The evidence is very solid, do you think our police will arrest people?" A very young and fair policeman twisted He Zitian's arm. shape.

Shi De couldn't bear it, he wanted to take a step forward and let the police lighten up, but when he saw He Fangyuan shaking his head slightly at him, he took back the steps he was about to take.

"Let go of me, let me go!" He Zitian struggled reluctantly, but he couldn't be caught by the police, and then the police put handcuffs on him.

At the moment when He Zitian was taken away, Shi De clearly saw He Zitian's painful and distorted face, as if time had flown in an instant, and all the past events had drifted away with the wind.

This is life - if you don't get it, you will suffer. If you get it, you will suffer because of the fear of losing.But the pain that cannot be obtained is pure pain, the pain of gaining and losing, but there is a sweet and warm life that can be recalled, or the pain that can be recalled is stinging and lingering.

"Shi De, things have come to an end, Qingxuan and I will not bother you anymore." Bi Wentian got up to leave, before leaving, he patted Shi De on the shoulder, "Although compared to you, I Not a good person through and through, but compared to He Zitian, I'm still much kinder, at least I won't do things that hurt the world."

Standing at the door, watching the police cars escorting He Zitian away, and seeing the cars of Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan driving away one after another, Shi was speechless for a long time, and his heart was as calm as water.

The Tao of Heaven is still speechless, as if it had never existed since time immemorial.But it is the silent way of heaven, but it is the fairest and fairest, staring at the vast land and the prosperous world.

Suddenly, it rained from the sky.Shi De looked up at the sky and made a decision in an instant. In the rest of his life, he would spend his entire life repaying all his debts, hoping to appease all the wounded hearts and the souls who went down the wrong road.

Although I think that many things have been missed and can no longer be salvaged, everything should not be too complete, and a life with complete success is the real life.

(End of this chapter)

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