Fortune Teller.

Chapter 50 Layout

Chapter 50 Layout
"Brother Shi, how are you doing recently? I haven't been in touch with you. I miss you so much. How about you? Do you have time to sit together at night? I have a cooperation project I want to talk to you about." Mu Jinnian sounded sincere. .

Could it be that the turning point of the second stage is coming, why do all the people who have been looking for him recently want to discuss cooperation with him?Shi De laughed: "Thank you for your concern, Brother Jinnian. We can talk about cooperation projects, but we really don't have time tonight, why don't we change it?"

"Another day will be another day." Mu Jinnian's voice dropped again, "Shuangfeng is still dead, manpower cannot overcome the sky. No matter what, I still want to thank you."

"My condolences and change." Shi De comforted Mu Jinnian with a few words, "Live well and cherish the moment. Brother Jinnian must be successful now, and he has a deeper understanding of the fate of life, so he should be more open to it."

Shi Dedian naturally hinted at physiognomy, and Mu Jinnian said: "In front of you, I will not show off physiognomy, I won't mention it, I won't mention it. There is one thing I will reveal in advance, I don't plan to make jade again. The business is over, and Jinnian Jade Warehouse wants to sell it out, if Brother Shi is interested, I will give you priority to take over."

This news is quite unexpected. Mu Jinnian's letting go of the jade business must have a more promising project. It can be seen that his life has also ushered in a major turning point.

After thinking about it, Shi De did not answer Mu Jinnian directly, but said, "I'll think about it."

Drive on Biyou's Jetta - Jetta is basically Shide, Biyou bought a new car and wanted to give Shide, Shide didn't want - Shide didn't go to the world first, but took a turn and came to Shede Antique line.

As soon as the car was parked and before entering the door, he heard Huang Ziheng yelling at the staff.Shi De smiled, not to mention, Huang Ziheng is really a qualified manager. Having him manage the store will save him and Yue Qingying a lot of trouble.

"Brother De." Huang Ziheng was criticizing a store clerk who didn't handle calligraphy and painting according to the regulations. When he looked up, he saw Shi De came in, and rushed over to greet him, "It's rare that you have time to inspect the work. Do you have any instructions?"

"President Shi!" The clerks all bowed and said hello when they saw Shi De.Shi De waved his hand in response to the crowd.

"Let's go, come out with me." Shi Delai gave Huang Ziheng a punch, "Don't be so rude."

Huang Ziheng smiled, turned around and confessed a few words, and got into the car with Shi.Seeing Shi De speeding all the way to the south and seeing that he was out of the city, he asked inexplicably, "Why did you arrive in the wilderness, Brother De, didn't you want to sell me?"

"Sell you? How much can you be worth?" Shi De laughed. "When you see the chairman later, remember not to talk nonsense. I said, listen. When it's time for you to say it, you can just express your stance."

"What's so mysterious? Let's get to the bottom of it first, or I don't know what to do. What if I mess up? I'm afraid to see the chairman, and when I see her, I'm heartbroken." In all fairness, Huang Ziheng really didn't want to talk to Yue. When Qingying met, although Yue Qingying was beautiful, her coldness made him chill, and he wished to be as far away from her as possible.

"She's not fierce, why are you afraid of her?" Shi De reached out and hit Huang Ziheng on the head.

"She is so beautiful that it makes people breathless. By the way, brother, does the chairman have something to do with you..." Huang Ziheng shrank his neck and smiled.

"Don't talk nonsense." Shi De punched Huang Ziheng again and asked, "Xiao Muchen, Zhao Feifan, do you have any contact?"

Shi De, Huang Ziheng, Xiao Muchen, and Zhao Feifan were once called the Four Great Difficulties of Kong County, which meant that these four people were particularly troublesome.But since he entered junior high school, Shi De has been more honest and never did any trouble.

Later, Shi De was admitted to Fudan University, and the whole family moved to the city.Huang Ziheng was admitted to university and stayed in Shancheng.Both Xiao Muchen and Zhao Feifan were admitted to junior colleges, and Shi was not quite sure where they went after graduation.

"Yes, they are all connected, they are all in Shancheng." Huang Ziheng asked with brows, "What's the matter, brother, want to meet them? It's not easy to see them, they are too busy and tired. They are all working as technicians on construction sites, and they are tired like a dog every day, and they can't earn a few dollars."

It turned out that he had done construction, and Shi De nodded: "Go back and contact them, make an appointment to come out and sit down, brothers and a few catch up."

"Come on, no problem."

When the car arrived in the world, Huang Ziheng shouted as he got out of the car, "Dare to hide such a paradise in the wilderness, no wonder you are running here, this place is quiet and beautiful, if you hide another lover, it will be absolutely beautiful. already."

As soon as the words fell, Yue Qingying's figure appeared in front of Shi De.

"Ah?" Huang Ziheng was taken aback at first, then he was startled, and covered his mouth. He was really friendly, and he was also Chairman Yue. It was a big trouble, and she must have heard it.

Except for Shi De, the group of people in the willing antique shop are all afraid of Yue Qingying, and Huang Ziheng is also very afraid.

Yue Qingying heard Huang Ziheng's loud voice long ago, Shi De brought outsiders without saying hello, and she was very unhappy.Hearing Huang Ziheng's very vulgar description again, are they good friends?It was unpleasant, and she was even more unhappy, frowning, cold face, all dissatisfaction was written on her face.

In Shi De's eyes, although Yue Qingying is cold and indifferent, she is actually easier to deal with than many others. She doesn't hide her emotions, and all her thoughts and thoughts are written on her face, so that people can see through it at a glance.Presumably Yue Qingying also knew her shortcomings, so she hid everything behind her back as the chairman, and if she wanted to cooperate with him, he would show up as the general manager.

"Chairman, Zi Heng came here because there is something related to him that needs to be discussed together." Shi De briefly explained that he believed that no matter how unhappy Yue Qingying was, his face would also be given some points.

Yue Qingying snorted lightly, ignored Huang Ziheng, turned around and walked in. Huang Ziheng smiled awkwardly: "Sister-in-law..."

Shi De was almost not so angry that he kicked Huang Ziheng. He dropped the chain at a critical moment. He was really stupid. What's wrong with his name? A few minutes sooner.

Huang Ziheng cried and grimaced, Chong Shi De winked, Shi De gave him a punch, glared at him, he nodded and bent down again, looking like he had a heart to die.

When I arrived at the Juren Pavilion in the forest, a banquet was already set up in the pavilion, but there were only two pairs of chopsticks.Huang Ziheng was neither sitting nor sitting, so he asked for Shi De's opinion with his eyes. Shi De sat down with a knife, and said to Yue Qingying, "Qingying, prepare a pair of chopsticks for Ziheng."

The crimson on Yue Qingying's face did not fade away, and she called the waiter with a low "um".Huang Ziheng on the side was shocked and stunned. What is momentum? This is called momentum. The general manager turned against the guests and pressed the chairman.

"Sit down, do I have to invite you to sit down?" Yue Qingying spoke.

"Yes, yes, sit, sit." Huang Ziheng touched the chair and sat down on his side, smiling, "Thank you sister-in-law... No, thank you chairman."

Shi De just saw it at a glance, when Huang Ziheng's sister-in-law came out, Yue Qingying was shy and shy. Although she didn't look back, her neck was pink and her head was slightly turned to the side. He was familiar with Yue Qingying, and he knew that Yue Qingying Ying is not only not disgusted by the name of his sister-in-law, but also very useful.

It is already the season of late summer and early autumn. The cool breeze is breezy and the autumn moon is boundless. Shi De knows that Yue Qingying is not sociable and speaks little in front of outsiders. It is a historic dinner, destined to be a dinner in history, here I propose, cheers!"

"Go!" Huang Ziheng responded immediately to Shi De.

The wine is red wine, and Yue Qingying gave her face very much and drank it all.Shi De and Huang Ziheng looked at each other and drank all the wine in one gulp.

"Ziheng, I mentioned Xiao Muchen and Zhao Feifan on the way just now, and I have something to say. The chairman and I are going to set up a real estate company, and we need more trusted and reliable people around us. Xiao Muchen and Zhao Feifan are ours. My hair is small, and my character and ability are all right. As for whether they are willing to come and help me, it is up to you."

Only then did Huang Ziheng know that Shi De asked him to sit with Yue Qingying. It turned out to be a big deal, so he nodded hurriedly: "Brother De, don't worry, Chenzi and Fanzi are people, they are absolutely loyal to you... That, to you Loyalty is to be loyal to the chairman, let them come to help, you and the chairman have a hundred hearts."

"Qingying, do you have any opinions?" Shi De asked for Yue Qingying's opinion. He also knew that Yue Qingying had always been in charge of personnel affairs, and he was solely responsible for it, and he had absolute trust in him.

"No, I don't worry about the person you like. After all the staff are ready, a general meeting will be held, and I will know them all."

"Okay." Shi De picked up the wine, "Second cup, I wish Binsheng Real Estate a bright future."

The three drink together.

Huang Ziheng is very grateful to Shi De, he now understands that he can sit with Yue Qingying and Shi De today, which indicates that his position in the group in the future may be second only to Yue Qingying and Shi De. That is to say, Shi De is the general manager, and he is estimated to be at least the deputy general manager in the future. Shi De is vigorously supporting him.

Although he and Shi De were young, he knew that the current Shi De's upward momentum was unstoppable. From the time Shi De was admitted to Fudan University until now, he could only follow Shi De and look up.Ever since he was a child, he has admired Shi De's intelligence and brains, and he still does.

After only two glasses of wine, Huang Ziheng became drunk, and secretly made up his mind that he would follow in Shi De's footsteps in the future, only Shi De would follow suit.

"There is one more thing to discuss with you." Shi De arranged for Huang Ziheng to accompany him today for the long-term development of the company. Now the company is developing rapidly, but there is a shortage of manpower, and he has decided one more thing along the way. Jinnian's Jinnian jade shop intends to sell, he wants me to take over, I think about it and prepare to take over."

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(End of this chapter)

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